Admin SDK Email setting API to delegate Email - google-email-settings-api

I am looking for email delegation using google admin sdk.
I am using admin sdk because still its not available in Gmail API.
I checked google doc
But it gives only feed url.
Can anyone please let me know how to call feedURl using Java code.
Or is there any api with can be used to achieve this ?

I downloaded GmailSettingsService of package sample.appsforyourdomain.gmailsettings and modified it according to my need.


Android Studio with Google Calendar API V3

I wanted to try out google calendar API v3. I have Android Studio 1.0. I created a java endpoint module from Android Studio. I was following the official documentation here
If you follow the link I provided, you will see a line like this
Calendar service = new Calendar.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, credentials)
Now what will be the httpTransport, jsonfactory and credentials here? Official documentation did not specify anything.
I also followed a sample in java from here.
This was done using Java Servlet and Eclipse. I am not familiar with that. It wont work on Android Studio.
Can anyone provide me a sample? or any direction to work with Calender API and Android Studio? Or what to do in the official sample mentioned above?
You should pass GoogleAccountCredential as the last argument
GoogleAccountCredential googleAccountCredential =
GoogleAccountCredential.usingAudience(context, "server:client_id:" + WEB_CLIENT_ID);
What is WEB_CLIENT_ID you can find in many tutorials over the internet. It's basically ID which you can generate using Google Developers Console for given project.
Here's how to create Calendar instance with transport and JSON factory.
new Calendar.Builder(AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport(),
AndroidJsonFactory.getDefaultInstance(), googleAccountCredential);

Google Calendar Api Documentation better than the official V3

Please I want to create Event in Google Calendar API but the documentation official is BAD I cant use it .. And someone here who can help me please!! Sorry with my english but I speak spanish!
I agree...
This helps a bit: Google Calendar Events
Depending on the process you are using, there are few examples for using and the service account option. I successfully created events via service account with granting domain-wide access. With this you just need to create an app, then service account for the app and follow the domain wide delegation steps on the google documentation pages. This option is great if you have an app that needs to create events without having to authenticate the user.
For working code and more info you can see what I used at-
Google API Calender v3 Event Insert via Service Account using Asp.Net MVC
What is "bad" about the documentation? (Don't just complain; provide actionable feedback.) In the v3 docs, check out the reference section on creating events. There is even sample code in Java, Python, PHP, and Ruby to help get you started just below the reference. In addition, below the sample code is the APIs Explorer where you can issue requests with appropriate payload to the API and see the HTTP response to ensure you're calling the API correctly and receiving the data you requested. If there's any additional way for us to improve the docs, please let us know!
UPDATE (Sep 2015): I created a blogpost and video that walks through some pseudocode (well, it's Python) for creating events. There are examples in most other languages too.

Setting Google Talk status (with authentication) from Google App Engine

I'm trying to build a site that updates users' Google Talk statuses from Google App Engine using the built in XMPP Python API (or a third-party one, if one works better than another). I've been looking around for some examples or docs explaining how I would go about doing this, but nothing I find seems to offer a fully functional solution.
App Engine's XMPP Python developer docs suggest that updating a status can be done through the send_presence() method (see here):
xmpp.send_presence(to_jid, status="My app's status")
But, how would this be authenticated? Wouldn't I have to send the users password with the request? (Ideally, I'd like to do so using OAuth as suggested here.) Am I misunderstanding something?
Please excuse me if I'm missing something obvious, here. I'm pretty new to both Google App Engine and XMPP. Unlike a lot of examples I've found online, I don't want to create a chat "robot"; I merely want to change an existing user's Google Talk status. Thanks in advance for any pointers!
You can't change someone else' status using the XMPP API.
You can use the XMPP API to represent yourself, or your users (see the description of XMPP addresses in the GAE XMPP API docs).
You cannot send messages or update the status of a gmail user.

How do I log out of Facebook with the Silverlight In-Browser Sample?

I'm using the CS-SL4-InBrowser sample project that was provided with the Facebook C# SDK. This is a Silverlight in browser sample that uses OAuth
The Facebook login process uses FacebookOAuthClient.GetLoginUrl() which works well.
However, there does not seem to be an equivalent method for retrieving the logout url (eg. FacebookOAuthClient.GetLogoutUrl() ).
Can anyone suggest the correct method for logging out or point me to a post that might help?

Grails App Engine Authentication

How do I setup Account Registration, Login, etc in Grails when developing for the Google App Engine? Normally I would use the Acegi plugin but I've read that it doesn't work with Google App Engine.
For reference, I'm using the Grails app-engine and gorm-jpa plugins.
Google App Engine allows you to manage users through their Google Accounts Java API. The page provides example codes which you can easily implement with Groovy.
Hope it helps.
You should take a look at this patch: I haven't used it yet but might be what you are after.
In my opinion, it is essential to create custom authentication instead of using Google Account API to create any viable application run on GAE.
So, I created my own solution to tackle this problem which you may interested to have a look at URL:
(You will hit http 500 error for first request, please wait for 30 seconds and refresh)
The missing part is the self-registration page and remember me feature. Please contact us (hyperlink located below the page of URL above) if you are still interested.
Wish to heard from you soon!
