X3D, Shape Creation, Curve, Manipulation - x3d

I have created a box in X3D but i want to curve the top right and left corners of the box.
Any ideas on how? At the moment i have the code for the box only.
I cannot find much on the net about simple shape manipulation.

You can't do it manually, directly in X3D.
You have to use a software like Blender or 3DS Max to create non-primitive shapes (more complex shapes than cubes, spheres, cylinders and so on.) There you have all kinds of functions that would change your object and then you can export it in several formats, including X3D.


How to render a VisualElement to a Vector Based Image?

I am working on a Chart Control,
I need to implement the Chart Snapshot feature for capturing a vector based image in high quality of Curves and Texts, in any requested size.
Can anyone suggest me any solution or a pointer to resolve this problem.
Any kind of help in deeply appreciated.
If you have to save your image in a vector format you can using tracing. Potrace is an open source bitmap-to-vector tracer library (but considers that bitmap tracing is imperfect). Also considers that wpf is linked closely with XAML, a vector graphics markup languages, so you may want convert raster graphics to XAML (though Charles Petzold you can't embed a bitmap in a XAML file)
If you need to draw a vector image you can use the Shape element that provides a base class for shape elements, such as Ellipse, Polygon, and Rectangle; and add the shape as Panel child. If you are dealing with thousands of shape I suggest to use the DrawingVisual class, a visual object that can be used to render vector graphics on the screen, and its RenderOpen method.
To zoom you have to work with transformations, in particular ScaleTrasnform and apply the transformation to your panel or to your shapes.
Hope this help.
You can take a look at XamlToy but I have not already try it.

Display percentage value as a fill in a custom shape

I'm looking at some new options for displaying a percentage value as a fill in a custom shape. Consider the effect to be similar to a "progress thermometer" in a traditional dashboard UI sense.
Goal - a graphic element showing a percentage value for a custom report.
Format - Either a full graphic (or infographic) itself, or part of a PDF via Photoshop/InDesign or even iBooks (as an excuse to use it).
Usage - I'd like the process to be programmatic, for re-use. It needs to be accurate, and I'd like the solution to be somewhat object oriented to apply to other datasets and graphical containers. This rules out hand-drawn charting.
Source data - currently a pivot table in Excel, but I can work with any other host as required.
Shape - is a custom vector shape that will originate from Illustrator/Inkscape. final format as best fits resolution and rendering of the report. I would also be interested in any other generative shape ideas (such as java/javascript).
Fill - I'd like to be able to represent the fill as both an actual percentage of total area (true up), and as a percentage of the vertical scale. I'd imagine this flexibility would also help reuse of the method as a fill value against selected object variables (height, area, whatever).
I know I'm being slightly vague in the programming languages or hosts side of things, but this gives me an opportunity to break out of the usual analytic toolchain and scope out some innovative or new solutions. I'm specifically interested in open source solutions, but I'm very keen to review other current methods you might suggest.
This might be a little open ended for you, but d3.js is very powerful. There might be some useful templates on the site, or you can build your own from the library.
If you limit yourself to shapes where the percentage can be easily converted into a new shape by varying one of the dimensions, then the display part can be covered by creating a second shape based on the first one, and filling in 100% of the second shape.
This obviously works best with simple shapes like squares, rectangles, circles, etc, where it is simple to convert "50% of the area" or "75% of the height" into manipulation of vector nodes.
However, things gets significantly more difficult if you want to support genuinely arbitrary custom shapes. One way to handle that would be to break up a complex "progress bar" into "progress pieces" (e.g. a thermometer bulb that represents 10% of total progress, then a simple bar for the remaining 90%).
As has been mentioned, D3 seems like it would meet your needs - here are some simple examples of what I think you are asking:
Changing the fill color of a distinct shape: http://jsfiddle.net/jsl6906/YCMb8/
Changing the 'fill amount' of a simple shape: http://jsfiddle.net/jsl6906/YCMb8/1/

Produce bounding box from contour locations

I am new to OpenCV so I apologize if I use incorrect terminology. I am writing a program in C that finds objects in an image (in this case red building blocks) and extracts that part of the image and displays it as a new image. I have thresholded the image to remove everything but red and used cvDilate to blur the results slightly to make the object more distinct. I then used the OpenCV Contour finding and drawing functions to locate and draw the blocks.
How can I access the contour locations stored as CvSeq* and take the upper-most and lower-most contour values from a cluster of contours (there may still be some noise from other red objects) so that I can make a bounding box around it?
Actually, you don't have to do this manually because OpenCV provides this type of functionality for you.
Look at the cvMinAreaRect2 and cvBoundingRect. Here are their examples respectively: minarea.c (has some debugging stuff, but should give you the gist of how to use it) and generalContours_demo1.cpp (in C++, but should be easy to translate).
As a side note, I would definitely suggest using the C++ API of OpenCV as it is a bit easier to understand and has more features. Also, you spend a lot less time/code worrying about memory management since the Mat class handles that for you.
Hope that helps!

2D CAD application in WPF

I'm trying to write an CAD-like application in WPF(.NET 4.0) that needs to be able to display a lot of 2D points/lines. It will be used to display CAD-plans of entire cities with zoom, pan, rotate and point snapping on mouseover.
Right now I purely use WPF. I read the objects from the CAD file draw them into a StreamGeometry, use it as stroke of a new Path and add it to a Canvas, with several transforms.
My problem is that this solution doesn't scale well enough. It works fine with small CAD-files, but when I want to display like half a city(with houses and land boundaries) it is very very delayed.
I also tried to convert my CAD-file to an image, but
- a resolution a 32000x32000 is sometimes not enough
- when zooming out the lines are too thin.
In the end I need to be able to place this on a Canvas(2D/3D) as background.
What are my best options here?
wpf is not good for a large 3d models. im afraid it is too slow. Your best bet is direct 3d or openGL
However, even with the speed of direct3d,openGL you will still need to work out how to cull as many polygons/vertices as possible before the rendering of the scene if you are trying to show an entire city.
there is a large amount of information on this (generally under game development)
there are a few techniques including frustrum culling, near and far plane culling.
also, since you probably have a static scene you may be able to use binary spacial partitioning.
As I understand the subject is 2D CAD system within WPF.
Great! I use it...
OpenGL and DirectX are in infinite loop OnDraw always. The CPU works all the time.
WPF/Silverlight 2D is smart model.
Yes, total amount of elements (for example, primitives inherited from Shape) must be not so much. But how many?
I tested own app (Silverlight). WPF will be a bit faster I hope...
Here my 2D CAD results. Performance is still great. Each beam consists of multiple primitives.
Use a VirtualCanvas like this one from Chris Lovett.

WPF: 3D cube with rounded corners

is it possible create a cube with rounded corners in WPF? I found many examples that easily create cubes with hard edges but none with rounded ones. One possible solution would be a pre-rendered object, but that's not easy and controls to be put on the sides must be transformed separately.
You'll need to use a 3D modelling package to create the object and then export it to XAML.
There are plenty of free packages out there, or expensive ones with free trials, that should have this functionality.
