new field not showing up in Solr - solr

our Solr schema is open so we dont need to define a new particular field.
when I send a Json request to sava a new document to Solr, I added a new field lang_sx and I do :
UpdateResponse response = server.addBeans(list);
response.getStatus() shows me that the request was successful but I don't see this new field in Solr.


How to query Solr for a Collection's details, such as a Collections' config name?

How can I query Solr, using the HTTP API, for information about a collection? I'm not talking about the collection's indexes, which I could query using the COLSTATUS command. I'm just talking about the basic details of a collection, which you can see when you click on a collection in the Solr web admin page, such as config name.
When wondering where information provided in the web interface comes from, the easiest way is to bring up your browser's development tools and go to the Network section. Since the interface is a small Javascript application, it uses the available REST API in the background - the same that you'd query yourself.
Extensive collection information can be retrieved by querying:
(Any _ parameter is just present for cache busting).
This will return a list of all the collections present and their metadata, such as which config set they use and what shards the collection consists of. This is the same API endpoint that the web interface uses.
Please try the below code.
getConfigName(String collectionName){
//provide the list of zookeeper instances
List<String> zkHosts = ""
// get the solr cloud client
CloudSolrClient cloudSolrClient = new CloudSolrClient.Builder (zkHosts, Optional.empty
()).build ();
// get the config for the collection
String configName = solrConnectionProvider.getCloudSolrClient().getZkStateReader().readConfigName(collectionName);
return configName;
Please handle the exception(s) from your end.

Partial document update in SOLR 6.5.1

I have ID(unique key) and URL fields in my indexed document. They have same values. And I am able to update the URL field(changing the DNS) as following:
what i am trying to achieve is i have 1000 documents having field ID starting with It should update URL field with and the rest of the URL-path must remain the same. can i achieve this? i dont want to update URL repeatedly for 1000 times.
Thanks in advance.
if you are asking for a 'bulk update' like SQL's 'UPDATE table WHERE...' that is not possible in Solr. You have to submit each doc (mind you, you can submit many docs in one request, but all doc's info must be in there).
I was able to achieve it using Java program. I used Solr-query to find all ID starting with I got URL corresponding to that ID and replaced with and kept the rest of the path same. Used set command and updated all the URLs(only URL field) using while loop.
String urlString = "http://localhost:8090/solr/collectionName";
SolrClient solrClient = new HttpSolrClient.Builder(urlString).build();
SolrQuery query=new SolrQuery();
QueryRequest req = new QueryRequest(query);
QueryResponse response = req.process(solrClient);
SolrDocumentList docList=response.getResults();
Iterator <SolrDocument> itr=docList.iterator();
String IdValue="";
Map<String, String> cmd1;
Map<String, String> cmd2;
UpdateRequest ureq=new UpdateRequest();
JSONObject resultItems = new JSONObject();
SolrDocument doc=;
SolrInputDocument newdoc = new SolrInputDocument();
cmd1 = new HashMap<String, String>();
String URL=IdValue.replace("", "");
cmd1.put("set", URL);
newdoc.addField("id", IdValue);
newdoc.addField("url", cmd1);
NamedList res = solrClient.request(ureq);
System.out.println(" response "+res);

solrj RealTime get

How can I execute a RealTime get request from the SolrJ client?
I specifically need to retrieve un-commited documents in order to check the _version_ field for optimistic concurrency.
Since the RealTime Get is implemented with an alternate requestHandler, you would just need to use the setRequestHandler() method on SolrQuery passing "/get" as the handler name.
Please see the testRealTimeGet() method in this file from the Solr source for a full example.
Here is the snippet from that file:
SolrQuery q = new SolrQuery();
q.set("id", "DOCID");
q.set("fl", "id,name,aaa:[value v=aaa]");

quoted format json from Solrj

It looks like the QueryResponse from Solrj has no mean to give you a quoted Json string with wt=on or not. All I received is something like this
{responseHeader={status=0,QTime=2,params= {fl=id,productName,imageFront,priceEng,priceEngExp...
1) Am I missing something here ? Or there is no way to get the json response properly from the Solr server by Solrj.
2) Now on my client, if I convert the non-quoted json string from Solrj, does it mean it was done two times, once in server time and one in the Solrj client time ?
You can get JSON response by setting wt=json to the Solr query. Example URL is shown below :
You can't get JSON response using Solrj. You don't need to use Solrj for this purpose.By sending HTTP requests to the URL above, you can get json response.
With newer versions of Solr (starting with 4.7.0) it is possible to return the query response directly in json-format. This can be done with the NoOpResponseParser.
SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery();
QueryRequest req = new QueryRequest(query);
NoOpResponseParser rawJsonResponseParser = new NoOpResponseParser();
NamedList<Object> resp = mySolrClient.request(req);
String jsonResponse = (String) resp.get("response");
System.out.println(jsonResponse );

How can i extract attachments from salesforce?

I need to extract attatchments out of salesforce? I need to transfer some notes and attachments into another environmant. I am able to extract the notes but not sure how to go about extracting the attatchments
This mostly depends on what tools/utilities you use to extract. The SOQL for Attachment sObject will always return one row at a time if Body field is included in the query. This is enforced to conserver resources and prevent overbearing SOQL scripts.
Approach #1, if queryMore is not available: Issue a SOQL without Body field to enumerate all attachments, then issue one SOQL per attachment ID to retrieve Body
Approach #2: Issue a SOQL to retrieve all needed attachments then loop using queryMore to get them one at a time.
Approach #3: If you can "freeze" the SF environment and just want to take snapshot of the system to pre-load a different one to be used going forward you can use "data exports". In setup menu, in data management there is an export data command, make sure you click "Include in export" to include all binary data. After due process it will give you a complete data backup you can crunch offline.
Btw, body is base64 encoded, you'll need to decode it to get the actual binary
Here is the solution I've used to get the attachment binary content from SalesForce. The example in their documentation points the following:
-H "Authorization: Bearer token"
So there are a couple different elements here. The host ( you should be able to get after the login process, this host is session based so it can always change. Second element is the rest of the URL, that you will get from the "body" field of the Attachment object. Third and last element is the Authorization header, which is composed by the string "Bearer ", plus the token that is given to you after you authenticate with the SF backend.
The response is the binary file, it is NOT in base64, just save it to a file and you are good to go.
Here is an example of how I did it in Objective C:
// How to get the correct host, since that is configured after the login.
NSURL * host = [[[[SFRestAPI sharedInstance] coordinator] credentials] instanceUrl];
// The field Body contains the partial URL to get the file content
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#", [host absoluteString], {AttachmentObject}.body]];
// Creating the Authorization header. Important to add the "Bearer " before the token
NSString *authHeader = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Bearer %#",[[[[SFRestAPI sharedInstance] coordinator] credentials] accessToken]];
NSMutableURLRequest * urlRequest = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url cachePolicy:NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringCacheData timeoutInterval:60.0];
[urlRequest addValue:authHeader forHTTPHeaderField:#"Authorization"];
[urlRequest setHTTPMethod:#"GET"];
urlConnection = [NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest:urlRequest delegate:self];
Hope it helps.
You can use SOQl Query options, or if you are looking for some automation tool that will help you with quick export, then you can try AppExchange App Satrang Mass File Download -
Disclaimer: I work at Satrang Technologies, the publisher of this Mass File Download AppExchange App.
In SalesForce attachment will be against an Object for e.g. Account object.
Steps to retrieve attachment (in Java)
Get the ID of the Object to which a file is attached. e.q. Account Object
String pid = Account__r().getId();
Execute a Query on Salesforce Object "Attachment" for the ID in Step 1
*String q = "Select Name, Body, ContentType from Attachment
where ParentId = '" + pid + "'";
QueryResult qr = connection.query(q);
SObject[] sarr = qr.getRecords();*
SObject so = sarr[0];
Typecast Salesforce Generic Object (SObject) to "Attachment" object
*Attachment att = (Attachment)so;*
Retrieve the Byte Array Stream from Body of Attachment, and do the operation needed on byte array.
*byte[] bName = att.getBody();
// Do your operation in byte array stream*
