Gatling not logging to influxdb? - gatling

I've tried following the guide at to log my test results to influxdb and display the data in a grafana that I have previously set up. However I can't see any of the data that gatling is supposed to log anywhere in influxdb.
I've edited by influxdb.conf file so that it contains the following fields:
enabled = true
database = "gatlingdb"
bind-address = ":2003"
protocol = "tcp"
consistency-level = "one"
name-separator = "."
templates = [
"gatling.*.*.*.count measurement.simulation.request.status.field",
"gatling.*.*.*.min measurement.simulation.request.status.field",
"gatling.*.*.*.max measurement.simulation.request.status.field",
"gatling.*.*.*.percentiles50 measurement.simulation.request.status.field",
"gatling.*.*.*.percentiles75 measurement.simulation.request.status.field",
"gatling.*.*.*.percentiles95 measurement.simulation.request.status.field",
"gatling.*.*.*.percentiles99 measurement.simulation.request.status.field"
and my gatling.conf file contains the following fields:
data {
writers = [console, file, graphite] # The list of DataWriters to which Gatling write simulation data (currently supported : console, file, graphite, jdbc)
console {
#light = false # When set to true, displays a light version without detailed request stats
graphite {
#light = false # only send the all* stats
host = "" # The host where the Carbon server is located
port = 2003 # The port to which the Carbon server listens to (2003 is default for plaintext, 2004 is default for pickle)
protocol = "tcp" # The protocol used to send data to Carbon (currently supported : "tcp", "udp")
rootPathPrefix = "gatling" # The common prefix of all metrics sent to Graphite
#bufferSize = 8192 # GraphiteDataWriter's internal data buffer size, in bytes
#writeInterval = 1 # GraphiteDataWriter's write interval, in seconds
Whenever i run my gatling tests I see no error messages or anything that indicates that anything is wrong, but I cannot see anything in the influxd logs that indicates that anything has been logged to influxdb, nor can I see any data in the gatlingdb database. I am using influxdb v0.10 and gatling v2.2.3 on Ubuntu
Can anyone help me figure out what I am doing wrong?

Updated to influxdb v1.1 and the problem seemed to have resolved itself from doing that


How to import Linux logs into ELK stack for log analysis?

I'm building a log analysis environment with the purpose of analyzing linux logs such as: /var/log/auth.log, /var/log/cron, /var/log/syslog, etc. The goal is to be able to upload such a log file and analyze it properly with Kibana/Elasticsearch. To do so, I created a .conf file as seen below, which includes the proper patterns to pars auth.log and the information needed in the input and output section. Unfortunately, when connecting to Kibana I cannot see any data in the "Discover" panel and cannot find the related "index pattern". I tested the grokk pattern and they works well.
input {
file {
type => "linux-auth"
path => [ "/home/ubuntu/logs/auth.log"]
filter {
if [type] == "linux-auth" {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:time} %{WORD:method}\[%{POSINT:auth_pid}\]\: %{DATA:message} for %{DATA:user} from %{IPORHOST:IP_address} port %{POSINT:port}" }
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:time} %{WORD:method}\[%{POSINT:auth_pid}\]\:%{DATA:message} for %{GREEDYDATA:username}" }
elasticsearch {
hosts => "elasticsearch:9200"
Example of auth.log:
2018-12-02T14:01:00Z sshd[0000001]: Accepted keyboard-interactive/pam for root from port 64965 ssh2
2018-12-02T14:02:00Z sshd[0000002]: Failed keyboard-interactive/pam for invalid user ubuntu from port 57512 ssh2
2018-12-02T14:03:00Z sshd[0000003]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user root
Here is the few recommendations which i would like to give:
You can run logstash on debug mode like below to check what is the exact error.
bin/logstash --debug -f file_path.conf
Check with stdout in output section which will print the incoming data. So that you will be sure that logstash reading the file correctly.
The most important as you mention you want to read system log and need to visualize the data, I would recommend to use filebeat with system modules. Filebeat is especially build for such use cases like reading from file.
It is simple setup where in filebeat under the system module you just need to specify which system log file you need read. Mention the Elasticsearch endpoint and run the filebeat.
It will start reading and pushing the data to the elasticsearch.
Also You don't need build the custom dashboard in kibana (As you going to build in case of logstash). Filebeat comes with pre configured dashboards for system logs.
You can check more on above official document.

Zeppelin Python Flink cannot print to console

I'm using Kinesis Data Analytics Studio which provides a Zeppelin environment.
Very simple code:
from pyflink.common.serialization import JsonRowDeserializationSchema
from pyflink.common.typeinfo import Types
from pyflink.datastream import StreamExecutionEnvironment
from pyflink.datastream.connectors import FlinkKafkaConsumer
# create env = determine app runs locally or remotely
env = s_env or StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
# create a kafka consumer
deserialization_schema = JsonRowDeserializationSchema.builder() \
['id', 'name'],
[Types.INT(), Types.STRING()])
kafka_consumer = FlinkKafkaConsumer(
'bootstrap.servers': 'kakfa-brokers:9092',
'': 'group1'
ds = env.add_source(kafka_consumer)
I can get this working locally can sees change logs being produced to console. However I cannot get the same results in Zeppelin.
Also checked STDOUT in Flink web console task managers, nothing is there too.
Am I missing something? Searched for days and could not find anything on it.
I'm not 100% sure but I think you may need a sink to begin pulling data through the datastream, you could potentially use the included Print Sink Function

Phpstan doctrine database connection error

I'm using doctrine in a project (not symfony). In this project I also use phpstan, i installed both phpstan/phpstan-doctrine and phpstan/extension-installer.
My phpstan.neon is like this:
level: 8
- src/
objectManagerLoader: tests/object-manager.php
Inside tests/object-manager.php it return the result of a call to a function that return the entity manager.
Here is the code that create the entity manager
$database_url = $_ENV['DATABASE_URL'];
$isDevMode = $this->isDevMode();
$proxyDir = null;
$cache = null;
$useSimpleAnnotationReader = false;
$config = Setup::createAnnotationMetadataConfiguration(
[$this->getProjectDirectory() . '/src'],
// database configuration parameters
$conn = [
'url' => $database_url,
// obtaining the entity manager
$entityManager = EntityManager::create($conn, $config);
When i run vendor/bin/phpstan analyze i get this error:
Internal error: An exception occurred in the driver: SQLSTATE[08006] [7] could not translate host name "postgres_db" to address: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
This appear because i'm using docker and my database url is postgres://user:password#postgres_db/database postgres_db is the name of my database container so the hostname is known inside the docker container.
When i run phpstan inside the container i do not have the error.
So is there a way to run phpstan outside docker ? Because i'm pretty sure that when i'll push my code the github workflow will fail because of this
Do phpstan need to try to reach the database ?
I opened an issue on the github of phpstan-doctrine and i had an answer by #jlherren that explained :
The problem is that Doctrine needs to know what version of the DB server it is working with in order to instantiate the correct AbstractPlatform implementation, of which there are several available for the same DB vendor (e.g. PostgreSQL94Platform or PostgreSQL100Platform for postgres, and similarly for other DB drivers). To auto-detect this information, it will simply connect to the DB and query the version.
I just changed my database url from:

Mongoose opening multiple unwanted TCP sockets on reconnect

Wanting to test a mongoDB server up/down procedure connected to Node/Mongoose, we found out that Mongoose can sometimes open hundreds of TCP sockets (which is not necessary and potentially blocking for the user who is limited to a certain amount of sockets). This occurs in the following case and environment :
Node supervised with PM2 and MongoDB surevised with daemontools
At normal and clean startup :
$ netstat -alpet | grep mongo
tcp 0 0 *:27017 *:* LISTEN mongo 65910844 22930/mongod
tcp 0 0 localhost.localdomain:27017 localhost.localdomain:54595 ESTABLISHED mongo 6591110422930/mongod
The last "ESTABLISHED" line repeated 5 times since the option (poolSize: 5) is specified in Mongoose ("mongo" is the user running mongod under daemontools)
When we have the Node procedure :
mongoose.connection.on('disconnected', function () {
var options = {server: { auto_reconnect:true, poolSize: 5 ,socketOptions: { connectTimeoutMS: 5000 } }
console.log('Mongoose default connection disconnected ' + mongoose.connection.readyState);
mongoose.connect( dbURI, options );
and we bring down the MongoDB by daemontools (mongodbdaemon is a simple $mongod command) :
svc -d /service/mongodbdaemon
there is of course no mongod running in the system (tested by the netstat command ) and the web server pages called which are using mongoose announce what is normal :
{"name":"MongoError","message":"topology was destroyed"}
The problem occurrs at this stage. Since the time we bring down MongoDB, Mongoose accumulates all the connect() calls in the 'disconnected' event handler. This means that the longer we wait before bringing up MongoDB, the more TCP connections will be opened.
So bringing up MongoDB by
svc -u /service/mongodbdaemon
gives the following :
$ netstat -alpet | grep mongo | wc -l
850 'ESTABLISHED' TCP connections to mongod !
If we bring down again mongod, the hundreds of connections remain in the TIME_WAIT state until Linux cleans the socket pool.
Can we check if a MongoDB instance is available before connecting to it ?
Can we configure Mongoose not to accumulate reconnecting() tries every millisecond or so ?
Is there a buffer for pending connection operations (as there is for mongoose.insert[...]) that we can access or clean manually ?
Problem reproductible on a CentOS 6.7 / mongoDB 3.0.6 / mongoose 4.1.8 / node 4.0.0
Edit :
From the official mongoose site where I posted this question after posting it here, I received an answer : "using auto_reconnect : true, on the initial connect() operation (which is set by default) there is no reason to reconnect() in a disconnect event callback".
This is true and it works jute fine, but the question is now why does this happen and how to avoid it (it is serious enough on the Linux system level to be an issue in mongoose).
Thanks !

phantomjs page.evaluate to scrape "resultStats" from works in local server but not production server

Using phantomjs page.evaluate to extract "resultStats" (div id) from works on my local server but not on production server.
NOTE: I'm using the latest phantomjs 1.9.7, however I experienced the same issue with the previous version 1.9.6
NOTE: Phantomjs page.render (on Google home page as well as any other domain name) is working on both servers and creates nice screenshots.
On my production server (Debian stable 7.3 the PHP code below for a top level domain name as the "$url" returns:
TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'document.getElementById('resultStats').textContent') phantomjs://webpage.evaluate():2 phantomjs://webpage.evaluate():3 phantomjs://webpage.evaluate():3 null
On my local server (debian testing) the PHP code below for the same "$url" returns:
About 43 results
This happens with any domain name/url I use as the argument - I've tested it on dozens.
What might cause this to occur in my remote production server and not my local server?
var page = require('webpage').create(), site;
var site = phantom.args[0];"" + site, function (status) {
var result = page.evaluate(function () {
return document.getElementById('resultStats').textContent;
$phantomjs = "phantomjs";
$script = "gsiteindex.js";
$site = $url;
$command = "$phantomjs $script $site";
$googlestring = shell_exec($command);
echo $googlestring;
Well, nrabinowitz was right. I tested it more on my own server using proxies, most timed out, some returned the above error, and a couple returned correct results (well I assume they were correct based on the location the IP address of the proxy - because the figures were a little different than using my ISPs public IP address (calif., USA)).
So it's simply a matter of google blocking certain types of requests from certain IP addresses.
Thanks again for the comment.
Incleude header with user-agent e.g.
header = {'user-asgent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64;
rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0'}
Withuot user agent you get googles gefault style page without resultStats a also had this issue and adding header helped
Default google search page looks like this
enter image description here
