When does message leave when Transport.sendMessage() gets called - jakarta-mail

When I am sending bulk emails using the following code, does the message leave when t.sendMessage() get called?
Transport t = session.getTransport();
try {
for(Message m : messages) {
t.sendMessage(m, m.getAllRecipients());
} finally {


TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'permissions') discord.js V13

I try to do a anti link bot discord that only who have the VIEW_AUDIT_LOG permission can send link this is my code :
client.on("messageCreate", message => {
const { member } = message;
let blacklisted = ['http://', 'www.', 'https://'];
let foundInText = false;
if(!member.permissions.has(Permissions.FLAGS.VIEW_AUDIT_LOG)) {
for (var i in blacklisted) {
if (message.content.toLowerCase().includes(blacklisted[i].toLowerCase())) foundInText = true;
if (foundInText) {
const logembed = new MessageEmbed()
.addField(' with message :', ` ${message.content} `, true)
if(!message.member.roles.cache.has("929434049011941386")) {
message.guild.channels.cache.get('941704496185221221').send({ content: `<#${message.author.id}> tried to send links in <#${message.channel.id}>`, embeds: [logembed] });;
message.channel.send("No links here, " + `${message.author}`);
but it give this error when he delete a message with link :
if(!member.permissions.has(Permissions.FLAGS.VIEW_AUDIT_LOG)) {
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'permissions')
ok so here's my guess....you're hitting this event handler twice or more times...the first time is the message the user typed. you will get their member info, if you console.log(message.member). The second time through, you'll be getting another event, which is the message(s) you send as a handler.
So the easy solution is to add something like this at or near the top of this event handler:
if (message.author.bot) return;
this basically tests to see if it's a bot or not that's calling your event. It's also good hygiene to ensure you're not accepting/reacting to other bots, which could result in spam you likely don't want.

Sending Reactions on Bot messages in discord.js

I am trying to create a wyr so the user can pick an emoji. I have used variations of the code below and I'm am unable to get the message to send to the message the bot sends.
I did try the return (); but maybe I did it wrong because it did not work. Here is the code I am currently using.
module.exports = {
name: "wyr",
description: "Would You Rather?",
execute(message) {
function dowyr() {
var theWyr = ["Would you rather...\n\:a: Have the ability to go to the future?\n\:b: Have the ability to go to the past?"];
return wry = theWyr[Math.floor(Math.random() * theWyr.length)];
message is the message the user sent, so you need to point the .react() method to the message the bot sent, you can use .then() for that.
So your code would be:
module.exports = {
name: "wyr",
description: "Would You Rather?",
execute(message) {
message.channel.send(dowyr()).then((msg) => {
function dowyr() {
var theWyr = ["Would you rather...\n\:a: Have the ability to go to the future?\n\:b: Have the ability to go to the past?"];
return wry = theWyr[Math.floor(Math.random() * theWyr.length)];

Getting a channel by its ID

I'm trying to send a message to a specific channel in a Discord server using discord.js, but when I try to find the channel it returns undefined.
I have tried using client.channels.get('ID').send("message") and client.channels.find('name', 'bot') but both return undefined.
const duckHuntChannel = client.channels.get('ID').send("I'm a duck");
// Make some ducks
function sendDuck() {
if (huntStatus === true) {
setTimeout(sendDuck, Math.floor(Math.random() * 21) + 10);
} else {
console.log("I was gonna duck it up but I'm disabled :(");
I expected the output to simply send a message to the channel. Where did I get it wrong?
client.channels.get('ID') will return a Channel. Not to be confused with Guildchannel
Depending on which event you are, try this instead

Twilio & NodeJS: can't find and delete Media instances/resources

I'm using Twilio's NodeJS module & API to send out MMS messages with images attached (from a remote URL), and I want to delete the Media instances that get created on Twilio servers as soon as I send out the messages.
My messages send out correctly, and in the callback, I'm trying to 1) list media instances for the current message, then 2) loop through those instances and delete. The problem is that the mediaList array that comes back from the API for a current message is always empty.
Here's my code:
body: "Thanks for taking a photo. Here it is!",
to: req.query.From,
mediaUrl: photo_URL,
}, function(error, message) {
if (!error) {
twilio_client.messages(message.sid).media.list(function(err, data) {
// The correct object comes back as 'data' here per the API
// but the mediaList array is empty
console.log('Message sent via Twilio.');
} else {
console.log('Could not send message via Twilio: ');
So, it turns out that trying to get the media list at the point I was trying to doesn't work because the media instances didn't exist yet.
I have a separate little app running at the statusCallback (I supply a URL via a constant in the code above, STATUS_CALLBACK_URL), that until now, just checked to see if a message I tried to MMS to a user wasn't handled properly by Twilio, and alerted the user to a problem via SMS. So, I added a check in that same app to see if the message was actually 'sent' to the user, and then checked for and deleted the media instance(s) associated with the message at that point, and it works fine. Here's my code:
// issue message to user if there's a problem with Twilio getting the photo
if (req.body.SmsStatus === 'undelivered' || req.body.SmsStatus === 'failed') {
body: "We're sorry, but we couldn't process your photo. Please try again.",
to: req.body.To,
}, function(error, message) {
if (!error) {
console.log('Processing error message sent via Twilio.');
} else {
console.log('Could not send processing error message via Twilio: ' + error);
// delete media instance from Twilio servers
if (req.body.SmsStatus === 'sent') {
twilio_client.messages(req.body.MessageSid).media.list(function(err, data) {
if (data.media_list.length > 0) {
data.media_list.forEach(function(mediaElement) {
console.log("Twilio media instance deleted");

Error 404 when calling Google Cloud Endpoint API from Google Apps Script

I am trying to call a Google Cloud Endpoint API (developed on App Engine) via Google Apps Script. The endpoint is up and running, honestly I don't know which URL I should use but through Google Chrome Web Tools it looks like the URL is something like:
Along with API parameters directly included in the URL, separeted by slashes:
Now, in order to call that API from Google App Script I am using the following code snippet:
function myFunction() {
var params =
"param1" : "param1value",
"param2" : "param2value",
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://myapp.appspot.com/_ah/api/myendpointapi/v1/myEndPointMethod/', params);
However I always get a 404 error. If I have to be honest I don't even know if UrlFetchApp is the correct way of calling the API. I noticed this thread on StackOverflow but no one answered. What's the correct URL to use? Many thanks.
EDIT: Now I am trying with an API method which does not require any parameter. I found a way to call a specific URL (using method='get' as suggested by the answer below) but now I get a 401 error because it says I am not logged in. I believe I need to use some kind of OAuth parameter now. Any idea? I tryed using OAuthConfig but no luck with that as well :( From App Engine logs I can see the following error:
com.google.api.server.spi.auth.GoogleIdTokenUtils verifyToken: verifyToken: null
com.google.api.server.spi.auth.AppEngineAuthUtils getIdTokenEmail:
getCurrentUser: idToken=null
function myFunction() {
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch('myurl', googleOAuth_());
result = result.getContentText();
function googleOAuth_() {
var SCOPE = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive';
var NAME = 'myAPIName';
var oAuthConfig = UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService(NAME);
return {oAuthServiceName:NAME, oAuthUseToken:'always'};
UrlFetchApp is the only way to call a Google Cloud Endpoints API at the moment. The second parameter to UrlFetchApp.fetch is a special key-value map of advanced options. To pass POST parameters, you need to do the following:
UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {
method: 'post',
payload: {
"param1" : "param1value",
"param2" : "param2value",
I was fighting a similar (not the same) problem, when testing feasibility of a GCM backed by EndPoints server. Basically testing if it is possible to get the Google Spreadsheet Appscript to send notification to an Android device. Please bear with me, the following explanation may be a bit convoluted;
Starting with a standard 'Cloud Messaging for Android', backed by the 'App Engine Backend with Google Cloud Messaging', I managed to build a test system that would send messages between Android devices (Github here).
Here is a VERY sparse EndPoints server code that handles register / un-register Android devices, as well as reporting registered devices and sending a message to a list of registered devices.
WARNING: This is not a production quality code, it is stripped of any logging, error handling in order to keep it short.
#Api( name = "gcmEP", version = "v1",
namespace = #ApiNamespace(ownerDomain = "epgcm.example.com", ownerName = "epgcm.example.com", packagePath = "" )
public class GcmEP {
#ApiMethod(name = "registToken")
public void registToken(#Named("token") String token) {
if (ofy().load().type(TokenRec.class).filter("token", token).first().now() == null) {
ofy().save().entity(new TokenRec(token)).now();
#ApiMethod(name = "unregToken")
public void unregToken(#Named("token") String token) {
TokenRec record = ofy().load().type(TokenRec.class).filter("token", token).first().now();
if (record != null) {
#ApiMethod(name = "listTokens")
public CollectionResponse<TokenRec> listTokens() {
return CollectionResponse.<TokenRec>builder().setItems(ofy().load().type(TokenRec.class).list()).build();
#ApiMethod(name = "sendMsg")
public void sendMsg(#Named("message") String message) throws IOException {
if (message != null && message.length() > 0) {
Sender sender = new Sender(System.getProperty("gcm.api.key"));
Message msg = new Message.Builder().addData("message", message).build();
for (TokenRec record : ofy().load().type(TokenRec.class).list()) {
Result result = sender.send(msg, record.getToken(), 4);
if (result.getMessageId() != null) {
// handle CanonicalRegistrationId
} else {
// handle errors, delete record
Android code for registration and message sending is shown here, even if it is not relevant.
GcmEP mRegSvc;
String mToken;
// register device on EndPoints backend server
private void registerMe() {
new Thread(new RegisterMe(this)).start();
private class RegisterMe implements Runnable {
Activity mAct;
public RegisterMe(Activity act) { mAct = act; }
public void run() {
String senderId = null;
if (mAct != null) try {
if (mRegSvc == null) {
mRegSvc = new GcmEP
.Builder(AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport(), new AndroidJsonFactory(), null).setRootUrl(UT.ROOT_URL).build();
senderId = getString(R.string.gcm_defaultSenderId);
mToken = InstanceID.getInstance(mAct).getToken(senderId, GoogleCloudMessaging.INSTANCE_ID_SCOPE, null);
GcmPubSub.getInstance(mAct).subscribe(mToken, "/topics/global", null); // subscribing to all 'topics' from 'mToken'
} catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
// send message to EndPoints backend server
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (mRegSvc != null) try {
} catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
// receive GCM message
public class GcmListenSvc extends GcmListenerService {
public void onMessageReceived(String senderId, Bundle data) {
Log.i("_X_", data.getString("message"));
What is relevant, thought, there is also an APIs Explorer created for the project, that can be used to send messages to your Android device from any browser.
If you use this Explorer, you can see the GET, POST requests for your EndPoints backend server, i.e.
list all registered devices:
GET https://epgcm.appspot.com/_ah/api/gcmEP/v1/tokenrec?fields=items
send a message to all registered devices:
POST https://epgcm.appspot.com/_ah/api/gcmEP/v1/sendMsg/Hello%20World!
Now, you can use this knowledge to send messages to your Android device from an AppScript code as shown:
Version 1: Get list of registered devices and send a GCM message to all of them (or a filtered set).
function sendMsg() {
var msg = 'test from CODE.GS';
var url = 'https://epgcm.appspot.com/_ah/api/gcmEP/v1/tokenrec?fields=items';
var params = { method : 'get'};
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params);
var data = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
var regIds = [];
for (i in data.items)
var payload = JSON.stringify({
'registration_ids' : regIds,
'data' : { 'message' : msg }
var params = {
'contentType' : 'application/json',
'headers' : {'Authorization' : 'key=AIza............................'},
'method' : 'post',
'payload' : payload
url = 'https://android.googleapis.com/gcm/send';
UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params);
This version relies on code from an old YouTube video, and I don't know if the call to 'android.googleapis.com' is still supported (but it works).
Version 2: Use the EndPoints's 'sendMsg' directly.
function sendMsg() {
var msg = 'test from CODE.GS';
var params = { method : 'post'};
var url = 'https://demoepgcm.appspot.com/_ah/api/gcmEP/v1/sendMsg/' + encodeURIComponent(msg.trim());
UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params);
I have to admit I've never written a line of JavaScript code before, so it may not be up-to-par, but I made it work as a 'proof of concept'.
I would like to get feedback about this problem from people-who-know, since there is so little published info on this specific issue.
