Integrating cordova plugin paypal with ionic - angularjs

I'm trying to use the paypal-cordova-plugin to integrate paiement on my mobile app. But the instructions I am following are asking for sandbox id and production id but I have no idea where to find them in paypal. Can someone help me on this ?
This is the place where they are asked
.constant("shopSettings", (function () {
return {
payPalSandboxId: "Aar8HZzvc5NztVWodTBpOiOod9wWrBDrJUjyvRr4WsxcCD28xYig7oecfYsqxQUDu5QHptPpSALirxZD",
payPalProductionId : "production id here",
payPalEnv: "PayPalEnvironmentSandbo", // for testing production for production
payPalShopName : "SenPass",
payPalMerchantPrivacyPolicyURL : "url to policy",
payPalMerchantUserAgreementURL : "url to user agreement"
This is the link I'm following :

First you need to create an account on paypal developers.
Then inside the dashboard create a new application (REST API apps).
When you create the new app, Paypal will generate a sandbox account and a client id for you.
Add the code (example):
var configuration=function () {
var configOptions = {
merchantName: "Some name you have specified",
merchantPrivacyPolicyURL: "http://yourserver/privacypolicy",
merchantUserAgreementURL: "http://yourserver/agreement",
languageOrLocale: "en_US"
// for more options see paypal-mobile-js-helper.js
var _config = new PayPalConfiguration( configOptions );
return _config;
var onPrepareRender = function(){
$" ======= onPrepareRender ==========");
var onPayPalMobileInit = function(){
var payPalConfig = configuration();
PayPalMobile.prepareToRender("PayPalEnvironmentSandbox", payPalConfig, onPrepareRender);
deferred.resolve( payPalConfig );
var clientIDs = {
"PayPalEnvironmentProduction": '', //leave it blank
"PayPalEnvironmentSandbox": 'your sandbox id'
PayPalMobile.init(clientIDs, onPayPalMobileInit);

to retrive PayPal Sandobx keys try to go here:
click on your generated account for testing (in the table) and then on Profile open a modal with some tabs .. choose the API Credential tab
Hope it can help you


Social Login with protractor

I'm trying to login in my app with google and protractor. I can't find the error. It seems that a element is not present but the element is working fine in the test. Please help me with this.
Here is the test's code
browser.getAllWindowHandles().then(function (handles) {
var popupHandle = handles[1];
var email = browser.driver.findElement('Email'));
var signIn = browser.driver.findElement('signIn'));
email.sendKeys(browser.params.login.user || process.env.GOOGLE_USER);;
var password = browser.driver.findElement('Passwd'));
password.sendKeys(browser.params.login.password || process.env.GOOGLE_PASS);
var login = browser.driver.findElement(by.css('.rc-button'));;
and here is the error
16:30:05.655 INFO - Done: [find element: By.cssSelector: *[name="signIn"]]
16:30:05.659 INFO - Executing: [click: 3 [[ChromeDriver: chrome on LINUX (e0625e8b3f72a0f40228f4f4e90c2c9d)] -> css selector: *[name="signIn"]]])
16:30:05.945 WARN - Exception thrown
org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotVisibleException: element not visible
I don't know if there is a workaround to do this but I can't find a solution in order to login with protractor. Please help
May be your sign-in button is enabled only after your email is validated. You should do something like below
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(signIn,5000).then(function() {}):       
Thank you... I've tried that but it doesn't work... What really worked for me was put the login code into the onPrepare function in the config file.
Like this.
onPrepare: function() {
var site =;
//Sign in with to popup
browser.getAllWindowHandles().then(function (handles) {
var popupHandle = handles[1];
var email = browser.driver.findElement('Email'));
var signIn = browser.driver.findElement('signIn'));
email.sendKeys(browser.params.login.user || process.env.GOOGLE_USER);;
var password = browser.driver.findElement('Passwd'));
password.sendKeys(browser.params.login.password || process.env.GOOGLE_PASS);
var login = browser.driver.findElement('signIn'));;
And it work's fine... But thanks for yout comment... Sure I will use it in another test (y)

Ionic Push to specific user from

I am trying to implemented ionic push from
Sending push to all users are working, but sending push to a specific user is not working.
The codes for ionic push are following as below:
function IonicPushInit(){
var push = new Ionic.Push();
var callback = function(token) {
function IonicIoLogin(){
var user = Ionic.User.current();
if (user.isAuthenticated()) {
} else {
var details = {
'email': '',
'password': 'secretpassword'
var options = { 'remember': true };
Ionic.Auth.login('basic', options, details).then(function(sucRes){
}, function(err){
}, function(e){
After execute above codes, when I send a push to all users from, it works. But if I send a push to a specific user with following condition, it doesn't work.
So I've checked the user "" in User Tab, but in ther the push tab is empty. Is this the reason? Why it is empty?
What's wrong with above the codes?
Your code seems good, so it has to be something with project configuration.
Did you follow ionic documentation to use "Full setup"? Assign tokens to real users does not work on "Limited setup" =>
After follow steps of "Full setup" I had your problem.
Then I realized that register doesn't work in browser or emulator. You have to try it on real device.
To have more information about your register function, just use:
var push = new Ionic.Push({"debug": true});

Link Sails's authenticated user to websocket's user

I am currently trying to create an sails+angular web-app.
I already have a user-authentication system working (based on this tutorial : I am trying to integrate a very simple chat inside using websocket.
My issue is to link websocket's "user" to the authenticated user.
Because when an authenticated user writes a message, I want to send the message as data but not the id of the current user, i would like to get this id from the sail's controller.
This is my actual sails chatController :
module.exports = {
addmsg:function (req,res) {
var data_from_client = req.params.all();
if(req.isSocket && req.method === 'GET'){
// will be used later
else if(req.isSocket && req.method === 'POST'){
var socketId = sails.sockets.getId(req);
/* Chat.create(data_from_client)
Chat.publishCreate({message : data_from_client.message , user:currentuser});
}); */
else if(req.isSocket){
console.log( 'User subscribed to ' + );
and this is my angular's controller
$scope.sendMsg = function(){'http://localhost:1337/chat/addmsg',{message: $scope.chatMessage});
...was the solution.

Create a favorite list in Ionic Framework

I am very new to Ionic Framework. I am learning the framework and have tried to build a simple android app, which displays a simple list using json. Now, I want add a favorite list which will show user selected items in it. When user clicks on a button it should add that item in a favorite list. And When user click on Favorite tab it should show list of all favorite items.
At present I am trying to do this with simple json and global controller. But I am afraid if this is used on android app on a phone it will not store all favorites, it would remove all favourites once app is closed. Can anyone please suggest a better approach towards it.
Many thanks in advance.
I see you tagged the question with local storage, so why not use that? Also, you could use one of the popular mBaaS solutions like Firebase or gunDB.
As for the logic, it's quite easy: you create a new array which you use for storing these favorites (you handle the adding/removing on the favorite button click). You then use the ng-repeat on the Favorites tab to list the favorites array.
The best way to do this would be pouchdb, i m using in same way.!
Install pouchdb using command:
bower install pouchdb
add below line in index.html
<script src="lib/pouchdb/dist/pouchdb.min.js"></script>
make a service:
.factory('FavService', function (UserService) {
var FavService = {};
var localDB;
var user = UserService.getUser();
if (user) {
localDB = new PouchDB('u_' +;
FavService.configDbs = function () {
//console.log('config dbs');
var user = UserService.getUser();
if (user) {
localDB = new PouchDB('u_' +;
FavService.storeToLocal = function (product) { //change function name
if (localDB && product !== "") {;
// console.log("Action completed");
} else {
// console.log("Action not completed");
FavService.getLocalList = function (callback) {
if (localDB) {
include_docs: true
}).then(function (response) {
// console.log("response :"+JSON.stringify(response));
localDB = response.rows;
}).catch(function () {
} else {

Implementation of Paypal in single page application

I am currently working on a game, which will consist out of an API-based backend, along with a web frontend (which is a single page app, in AngularJS) and on several mobile devices (using Cordova). I am planning on serving the SPA over the main domain name, along with a CDN. The SPA (and homepage) will all be static HTML/Javascript/CSS files, so the only part which is dynamic is the api. The domain name for the "main server" hosting the static sites will be in the style of, the one for the api will be
I am wondering how I can integrate Paypal into this scenario though. The internet doesn't seem to offer much advice on how to integrate it into S.P.A's like this...or my google-fu could be off. Thanks for the replies.
Below is how I am handling the situation,
I have a button to say pay with paypal and onClick I open a new window ->"/paypalCreate", width = "20px", height = "20px");
and I capture this get request "/paypalCreate" in my node.js server and call create method which looks liek below
exports.create = function (req, res) {
//Payment object
var payment = {
//fill details from DB
//Passing the payment over to PayPal
paypal.payment.create(payment, function (error, payment) {
if (error) {
} else {
if (payment.payer.payment_method === 'paypal') {
req.session.paymentId =;
var redirectUrl;
for (var i = 0; i < payment.links.length; i++) {
var link = payment.links[i];
if (link.method === 'REDIRECT') {
redirectUrl = link.href;
This redirects user to paypal and once user confirms or cancels payment, the redirect urls are called. And in the success redirect url I capture the payment details into the databse and render a html in this opened window with the confirmation.
exports.execute = function (req, res) {
var paymentId = req.session.paymentId;
var payerId = req.param('PayerID');
// 1. if this is executed, then that means the payment was successful, now store the paymentId, payerId and token into the database
// 2. At the close of the popup window open a confirmation for the reserved listing
var details = {"payer_id": payerId};
paypal.payment.execute(paymentId, details, function (error, payment) {
if (error) {
} else {
//res.send("Hell yeah!");
res.render('paypalSuccess', {payerId: payerId, paymentId: paymentId});
Once the user closes the opened window in which paypal was being handled the orginal SPA window will be refreshed and thus getting the payment details from the DB and here you can handle the SPA in whatever way you want.
I know that this is a dirty hack, but like you I couldnt find a better way. Please let me know if this works for you or if you have a found a better way to do tihs.
