I am importing XML files into a SQL table as SINGLE_BLOBS:
does anyone know of a way to compare either the XML files prior to import or the SINGLE_BLOBS after import? I just need to see if the file has been changed.
How can we load a .png image into a SQL Server table?
I tried this but it didn't work:
INSERT INTO tableName(state, image)
VALUES ('Ready',
Here is an example to save Image file in a SQL Server table, first of all we need to have a column that can handle Image files.
VARBINARY is data type that we can use to store Images or any other type of files.
Let's create the table with Varbinary Datatype and then import the image by using below script.
CREATE TABLE dbo.TableName
(ID INT Identity(1, 1)
--Import Image to SQL Server
INSERT INTO dbo.TableName
SELECT 'Capture1.PNG'
FROM Openrowset(BULK 'C:\MyImage.PNG', Single_Blob) AS Image
The image path must be accessible by the SQL server. The SQL server can access files within its server folder. Locate the server folder. The folder name starts with MSSQLXX.MyDatabaseServer. If you had not changed the default installation path, you should be able to find it in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server" Place your image file in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQLXX.MyDatabaseServer\MSSQL".
Specify the image path in sql like this ->
FROM Openrowset(BULK 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQLXX.MyDatabaseServer\MSSQL\MyImage.PNG', Single_Blob) AS Image
If you still encounter error message "file does not exist or you do not have the rights to access the file", try placing your image file in the DATA folder where your primary Data File is stored.
CREATE TABLE dbo.ImageStore
(ID INT Identity(1, 1)
--Insert image to SQL server table using bulk import.
INSERT INTO dbo.ImageStore
SELECT 'Error_image_1.PNG'
FROM Openrowset(BULK 'C:\Issue_dataload_two Graphs.PNG', Single_Blob) AS Image
select * from [dbo].[ImageStore]
This will store the image in binary format in your database. This works for me.
You can also paste the image data in as a hex string. This is useful if you don't have access to a file system on the SQL server.
Open the binary image file (e.g. jpeg) in a hex editor such as HxD and view the file as Hexadecimal. Copy the hex and paste into a query like this - you'll have to do a "find / replace" to remove some whitepace.
drop table if exists #img
create table #img
( icon varbinary(max))
insert into #img(icon)
, 1)
select * from #img
I am trying do the following using SSIS. I am using SDT latest version and querying SQL Server 2008 R2.
Could somebody suggest if I am doing it wrong and if there is a better way in doing it
I basically need to execute a stored procedures from the source and store the results it in the destination. There are around 20 stored procedures.
Each of the stored procedures takes XML as input. I have created a Control task within that a data flow task. Within the data flow i am creating the oledb source.
I have selected Data access mode as SQL command. I am created my query below but when i preview , I get error saying that declare statement is not supported
DECLARE #xmldata XML
SET #xmldata = (SELECT DISTINCT TOP 1000 (mc.companyId) AS id
FROM ciqMarketCap mc
JOIN ciqCompany c ON c.companyid = mc.companyid
WHERE c.companyStatusTypeId NOT IN (5, 6)
AND c.companyTypeId IN (1, 4)
FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE, ROOT('partyIds'))
EXEC getPartiesMarketData #xmldata
How do I execute the rest of the stored procedures? Do I need to create several oledb sources?
I recommend doing in steps:
Create variables in SSIS:
xmldata string set = ""
SQLquery string set formula of "Exec getPartiesMarketData " + #xmldata
In execute sql task enter sql statement into Direct Input:
SELECT DISTINCT top 1000 (mc.companyId) as id
FROM ciqMarketCap mc
JOIN ciqCompany c
ON c.companyid = mc.companyid
WHERE c.companyStatusTypeId NOT IN (5,6) AND c.companyTypeId IN (1,4) for xml path(''), type, root('partyIds')
Change the result set to XML
Map result xmldata
Then in another execute sql connected you will do your real query:
SQL Source type: variable
Source Variable: SQLquery
I haven't tested this, but I am pretty sure it will work.
Does the command FOR XML in MS SQL Server save the file in disk?
I'm creating a trigger to log operations in a table and part of this trigger is create a XML with the affected row. I'm thinking of using the FOR XML to generate the XML.
My worry is that I will be using it in a trigger and I donĀ“t want to save files in the server every time I call the FOR XML function.
In addition: would you guys know how to parse it to varchar?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Like any SELECT query, a query with the FOR XML clause will return the result to the client and not save the result to disk.
You can use a scalar subquery to assign the result XML to a varchar variable instead of returning to the client:
DECLARE #xml varchar(MAX) =
FROM dbo.TBL_Test
Hello I need simple script help.
How do I read file (imagefile on filesystem) from file and save it to database binary field (SQL2008 table)?
You 'd better publish your code next time. It's a INSERT INTO and SELECT statement, and we use a special form of the OPENROWSET function to get the image into your table field
'create table first
create table #Images (doclen bigint, doc varbinary(max))
'insert a file
insert into #Images
select len(bulkcolumn), *
openrowset(bulk 'C:\images\image1.jpg', SINGLE_BLOB) as r
Also see these answers
I am creating a excel file using bcp command/xp_cmdshell in SQL Server 2005.
select #bcpquery =
'bcp "SELECT Column1 FROM Tablename" queryout '+
#fullFileName +' -c -t -U<username> -P<password> -S'+ ##servername
And I am not able to read the excel data using below statement
'Excel 8.0;Database=<PATH\filename.xls>;HDR=YES',
'SELECT * FROM [sheetname$]')
I am not able to read file, I believe this is happening due to unicode characters.
Could anybody help me?
It appears are though you're using BCP to copy the data out as a delimited file, whereas the OPENROWSET call is reading an Excel sheet. Excel is very forgiving when openings a CSV as XLS, but I have no idea if the Jet driver is the same way.
I would suggest using either BULK INSERT to read the delimited file, or ideally SSIS to both export AND import the data.