Is it legal to for commercial software to a free package and not contribute anything significant? - package

Say there is a npm package which enables me to do functionality A. Say I write a wrapping software which basically just offers functionality A, just packages it more nicely but -apart from that- is nothing more.
Would it be legal to sell this software? Does the original contributor of functionality A (the person who wrote the npm package) get anything?
I feel like some people have done some great work, and I don't understand how it's possible that I can just use their packages and, theoretically, sell them as mine (as it were). Or am I misunderstanding some fundamental things here?

Generally the answer is:
Yes you are allowed to sell it (most of the time).
Pretty much any software you buy these days includes free software
More detailed:
there are really many licenses. Start with
the license of the original package may not allow the selling part. This is very rare
Sometimes you need to distribute your code (e.g. GPL3) but you can sell the software.
Most free licenses try to make sure the work gets reused and sometime add conditions that they or their software gets attributed. They are not so much interested in money
Where to ask these questions:


InstallShield - how long license lasts

we are planning to use InstallShield for your product build. Unfortunately, I was not able to find explicitly written if you can use InstallShield and all his components after 1 year of usage.
I am aware of the fact that it works like it for most of software (you only lose right for support and updates) but I need to be sure. (I was able to find the information explicitly written for all other software we tend to use or with help of their support.)
I also tried to contact InstallShield support but it seems that without Maintenance subscription you cannot ask anything and browsing their forum only confused me more.
This depends on the license you purchase. Most licenses for InstallShield are perpetual licenses: once you buy it, you are entitled to use it forever. Some licenses with explicit term lengths on them do expire. Note that the licensing implementation expects to connect to the server periodically, and if it cannot do so it will believe the license has expired.
FYI, these questions are probably easier to ask of a sales representative than of the support team.

Steps to take when planning and executing a new project (say mobile app)

I want to build a free app to become familiar with what is required, but I was always confused about the steps one needs to take to START a software project.
What are the steps required in order to develop a mobile app?
I will list some of the things I think should be done but I don't necessarily know how to do. Any advice, details and technologies you have to accomplish these steps would be awesome.
Decide which platform you want to develop. What are some of the pros and cons in this area for android vs iOS vs Windows8?
How to test the app - can you get free hardware to test with a well detailed app plan? Emulator?
Detail what you want the app to do and which functionalities you want.
Research if this app already exists. What are some areas of concerns in terms of not breaking the law such as patent infringement etc?
Setup a source repository such as git (google a guide I guess?)
Look at guides to familiarize yourself with APIs and write sample code to learn what you need?
Start the development and keep doing the above as needed.
Starting a software project can be as easy as start writing code. Most programmers will have an intuition as to what needs to be done and how it could be done. The other extreme of starting a software project is to start with talking to a client (or looking at the world) and figuring out what the problem is. I find that a thorough understanding of the problem you are trying to address with a project is already a long way into getting the project done painlessly. It'll give you a good understanding of what is required for you to call your project done.
So I guess point number one becomes: know what the problem is you're solving. Knowing this will also tell you if any existing app solves the same problem to a satisfying standard.
NOTE: I am not that familiar with the Windows 8 platform so my answer mostly talks about iOS and Android. The issues raised however are broad enough to cover large parts of the Windows platform.
Selecting a deployment platform is an important part of a launching a product, and a lot of other decisions depend on the platform. We are in the unfortunate state that two major mobile OSes exist that are separate in terms of code development and reuse. When considering selecting your deployment platform you'll want to think about the audience, and the (potential) sub set of the audience that is willing to pay for your application. Android might have to most devices out there but iPhone makes the most money (also for developers). However, remember that there are lots of apps out there and most developers don't ever make any (or not enough) money out of their apps.
Getting into app development with the aim of getting rich is going to leave you dissappointed. That's not very likely, then again someone always wins the lottery as well. It is a good way though to get employed and make some money that way.
Then there is the question of programming language (Java, Objective-C or C#). This is largely decided on what you are already familiar with, and if you aren't then refer back to the previous point.
Testing the product is a tricky thing. You'll have to start off with the emulator (which is usually provided with the development pack). Sooner or later however you'll have to test the app on hardware. I doubt you'll get your hands on free hardware but borrowing from friends and relatives is always an option. There may also be businesses that rent out test hardware to developers, if there isn't then I suppose that's one business idea to work on.
The platform choice will affect this also. Android is running on a much wider range of hardware than iOS.
Patent infringment
I don't know that much about patent issues, other than software patents are nasty. As a single developer I wouldn't be too worried about infringing on patents, the main purpose of them is to keep competitors at bay. What usually ends up happening is that big companies kill off competition with patent lawsuits, or they buy a smaller company that holds a nice collection of patents.
If you want to be on the safe side (meaning you own a company and are really doing this to make money) then talk to patent lawyers.
Code repository
A code hosting service like GitHub is fantastic in that it not only provides a place to have you code, but it also provides issue trackers for keeping notes on the functionality that is still missing or bugs that have crept up in your software.
The best places to start learning about Git are and the GitHub help pages.
Software development plan
Your last point explodes to a thing called software engineering. There has been lots of research into different ways of managing software development projects. The idea being that software development tends to be extended over long periods of time, the requirements of the project change during the project (as you learn more) and the project can involve anything from 1 to 100s of developers. Some way coordinating work between those developers (and all other parties involved like customers) has to be formalised, enter software engineering. The aim is to define a methodology and project structure that guides the development process and makes it more likely that the requirements are met at the end of the project.
Some models worth looking into include (Test Driven Development and other agile methods).
Finally I would add to the list of things that need to be done
Research libraries, note that this comes before familiarising yourself with the APIs of those libraries.
What software already exists that does a part of what you want to achieve. This goes partly back to the question of what platform to use. Apple has put a lot of attention in developing easy to use frameworks to support iOS app development. I am not that familiar with Andoird's or Windows 8 but the less code you have to write the faster the product will be done.
There is only one step needed: Just start that project!
You are going to develop a free application, so it should be fun to do that. Choose whatever you like and keep going:
Make sure you are productive enough -- 10 Laws of Productivity
Avoid complexity -- Occam's razor, KISS principle
Let CI system do the boring stuff -- Machines should work; people should think.
Read books and improve yourself.
Please also avoid blind decisions. If you simply try several available options you'll eventually find the best way to achieve your goals. Do some PoC and decide. Nowadays 1-2 hours should be enough to start with any technology. This is the rule of maturity. You have your own goals, so it is better to avoid immature solutions.
Happy coding.
CPlayer I came to this forum with the same question since I am new to mobile app design and want to make my own app. I realize it is important to take certain steps in the correct order so that wasted time is minimized or eliminated. I did some research and came across two online sources I believe, if they are put together as one, will make one better source. The links are:
Good Luck,

How can I prevent my legitimate customers from Breaking my license? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a commercial plug-in on top of Visual Studio.
My product is licensed per individual developer, so the developer may make copies on more than one computer, as long as the use of the product is by the same developer.
After a period of time I discovered that many of my customers purchase one developer license and distribute the product over all the team members (and it is not rare case).
I spent many hours (here in StackOverFlow and outside) searching on how to prevent this issue, but I found most of people talk about protecting per-machine license.
My question is how can I prevent my legitimate customers from illegally distribute my product over more machines if I can not restrict them to any number of machines?
Throw my search I get one solution, but I want to ask you if it is acceptable or not?
I can restrict the license per Windows user name, while the customer activate the product for the first time I record the windows username with the product serial number, so he can not run (or even reactivate) the product on any machine with another Window username.
If you purchase any product that licensed per-developer, is this approach is acceptable for you?? (or in the other side this policy may be reduce my sales?).
Best Regards,
You can use many forms of DRM to protect your product. Consider though that you will be hurting and annoying legal owners on occasion. If someone changed computers or reinstalled windows then he will not be able to install your product again. DRMs can also be broken and are usually never worth the time invested in them.
My advice is that you don't try to prevent piracy of your software, since you can't stop it. If you are aware of a specific client that abuses your license, send them a friendly but firm Email requesting they acquire legal licenses for all their copies. Failing that, you might want to pursue legal actions.
All in all, trying to fight software piracy is a lost cause. You might consider other types of licenses that make it easier for a company with multiple developers to acquire your plugin. If you give group discounts they are more likely to pay.
I guess it depends on how the plugin is used. If it's primarily used in an office environment where having computers set up in a windows domain is the de facto standard, then yes, it could be acceptable.
It could become a problem if the developers are used to being able to use the plugin at home on their home computer as well, since the username will probably not match.
Edit: You could perhaps set a limit of 2 usernames per user. That could solve the use-at-home problem.
I'd say trying to bind the license to the windows user name would be sufficient, and somewhat acceptable. In your case you likely don't have any protection against several machines/users/etc. using many copies of your license - making it trivial for several people to use it. Most legitimate people will buy the additional licenses if it becomes non-trivial to do otherwise, binding it to the login name provides easy incentive to get additional licenses.
Just keep in mind:
You can't protect against every way to circumvent licensing.
You don't need fancy license protection, you just need it to be easier
to get an additional license than it is to circumvent the licensing.
Don't make it hard to use a licensed product.
One caveat I have as a sole developer on some projects though, is stuff bound to just 1 machine (or perhaps user account) - I always need 1 additional license for my build server and/or my machine-at-home.
it is very annoying to have to pay for a license for that machine even if it's just me using it - so think about that. For your product, it'd mean I'd have to have at least 2 licenses - one for my work computer, one for my home cumputer (different users/domains).
Invent some kind of setting which everyone will want to have set their own way, and keep that setting value on your server, for a license. If it's the same programmer using the app from three different PCs, he'll have no complaints on that the setting is the same everywhere. (In fact, he'll like it). But different people have different tastes, and people will soon be tired of re-setting the option the way they like it only to later find it reset back to someone else's preference again. They'll think that maybe buying a cheap personal copy instead of going through all this crap is not a bad idea after all.
The more of user preferences you automatically move around, the better it is for a single user and the worse it is for cheaters.
Goerge, what you describe is pretty common in your industry. The battle is lost already. Small companies will not purchase as much license as they should, but bigger ones will eventually respect your licensing terms.
You must adapt your pricing strategy and take in consideration this fact.
Adding more protection will do the inverse, preventing you from getting new customers or keeping the existing ones.
Don't make it hard to use. I have seen bad results, like Blu-ray which almost failed because of so much DRM on them. Some people had to resort to Slysoft Any HD-DVD to play blu-ray because software player that was supposed to play Blu-ray wouldn't play the disc they bought.

redistributing application with NAG math libraries- client must have license?

Has anyone dealt with re-distributing an application that uses the Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG) Libraries?
It seems like when I build an executable, it won't run unless I have an environment variable set for the license file- i.e. if I gave someone the code they would need a license and associated daemon as well.
Is there no way around that? I was hoping I only need the license to link with it.
You didn't say much about the nature of the application or what kind of organization. If you work for an academic institution and the application is to be shared with other researchers on a non-commercial basis, we have a program that may allow you to distribute it on a no-cost basis for users. Even if your application is to be sold, we can make so that you don't have to use NAG's license management in the application.
If you've got more questions and just want to talk with someone call either me or or John Holden in our Oxford UK office (+44 1865 511245)
Rob Meyer
+1 630 598-5215
Many parts of NAG are available for free with permissive licenses. For example, NAG's linear algebra package is taken from LAPACK, which is available in a BSD style license. You might be able to track down free versions of every sub-package in NAG, but it just won't be bundled up as nicely, and you'll then have to figure out how to make them all work together. If you list what functionality you use, perhaps people can offer more suggestions.

Why does software have EULA? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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This is the only product that I know that a consumer must agree to something that only lawyer can (something) understand. I'm sure car accidents kill more people each year than software accidents. But I don't sign anything like an EULA when I buy a car.
So why does software have EULA? Were there a bad accident that triggered the need for software companies to protect themselves? (and what was the first software that had EULA?)
[Update] Just to clear my point: I don't understand why software have EULA. No other product that I can think of does (not even gun)! So what makes software different that this product needs some sort of "liability limitations"?
By the way, Wikipedia says that "The legal status of shrink-wrap licenses in the US is somewhat unclear."
The difference is that you are purchasing a license to use software, not the software itself (which the software company still owns). The EULA stipulates the method with which you can use the software. Similar agreements are in place when you rent things (e.g. a home), lease equipment, etc.
An EULA is designed to be a contract that conveys or limits “usage” rights, hence the name End User Licensing Agreement. It has nothing more to do with a copyright than the mortgage loan contract that I have with my bank. That is why the legality of shrink-wrapped licenses is questionable. It is a contract that you do not get to read until after you purchase a product. It is clear from many responses here that the vast majority of people have not wrapped their heads around the idea the copyright does not extend to “usage” rights.
One responder wrote “Actually, the book is yours but the rights to the book are not. Just as in software, you purchased the physical media, but are bound by law on how you can use it.” Nothing could be farther from the truth. There is no law that restricts how you can use the book. Any restriction on usage would have to be agreed upon by you and the retailer as part of the sale.
Consider that in the absence of copyright, the copying and distribution of books would be perfectly legal. A book would be typical tangible property and nothing more. Copyright limits your ability to legally copy and distribute the content of the book. No additional agreement is necessary. Copyright in no way dictates how you can use your book and copyright law does not convey to the author the power to convey, limit, or negotiate “usage” rights. The only way that they can limit usage rights is through a separate contract that would have to be completed as part of the sale or rental.
There was some confusion regarding the GPL. The GPL is not an EULA. It is a copyright license that permits copying and distribution of the content so long as you comply with the restrictions of the license. In absence of the GPL (say you choose not to accept it), you can still use the software, but you are restricted from copying or distributing the software by Copyright Law.
EULA exist for various purposes. Companies that develop software want to negotiate a position that puts them at the least risk and gives them maximum leverage.
If a consumer receives software without any license, consider what they might consider their rights:
They may believe they can copy the software, as many times as they want.
They may consider re-selling the software, and still keeping a copy for them self.
They may believe the software must work perfectly, with zero bugs (as they understand a bug)
They may believe it is fully waranteed against any perceived defect, and try to return it, for a full refund, at any point in the future.
In short, the EULA disabuses consumers of these notions. It defines ownership and copyright of the software, limits on its use, distribution, features, and quality.
Now it is true that as lawyers get involved in the EULAs more and more, stranger and stranger provisions creep in, such as provisions that you cannot review the software on a blog, or you cannot bad-mouth the software to the press, or that the publisher owns content created with the software.
But fundamentally, the EULA is supposed to be about the producer and the consumer coming to an understanding of what is, and is not, an acceptable use of the software.
Actually, what is quite funny, in Germany EULAs are pretty much legally-non binding, since you only get to see them after the purchase, so for us the answer to your question is:
To intimidate the user from doing stuff the company does not want
There are basically three reasons for EULAs:
Software is much more copyable than any other product I can think of. It is almost never left on its distribution medium. That creates a huge temptation to, for example, buy one copy of Windows and install it on all of a company's thousand computers. Developers want to explicitly lay out how many computers the software may be installed on.
Software often has undetected problems. Even the best QA department never finds all the bugs in a software product. Developers know this and want to be legally covered.
Software can often be easy to take apart to discover a developer's trade secrets or other information the developer doesn't want others to know. Developers want to legally restrict this to protect their advantage over competitors.
Of course, there are sometimes other reasons for other terms. EULAs for Apple's Mac applications, for example, usually state that you can only install the software on an Apple-branded computer; this ensures that Apple's software (which is usually sold much cheaper than it would be from any other developer) increases sales of Apple hardware. The GNU GPL tries to ensure that the innovations in derivative software remain available to the community that developed the original. There are as many reasons as there are clauses.
It depends on the exact wording of the EULA. Often, it's written to reinforce existing laws, such as copyright, by directly informing the user that it's unlawful to copy the program. It also adds on other restrictions such as no reverse engineering, restricting the intellectual property.
Additional clauses may include "not to be used in nuclear projects" or similar. This is merely covering the developer's bases, as it is extremely unlikely that a nuclear system developer would use a non-realtime, non-approved system without extreme amounts of research.
A further clause could restrict certain classes of users, such as military or government, which the developer feels strongly against.
As for which software had the first EULA, I have no idea.
Cars and guns technically have something like a EULA... we just call them "licenses". You have to learn the limitations and rules of their operation, then take some tests and sign some papers.
Nobody has mentioned the obligations of the provider, which are often in the EULA too. If I make your software a critical piece of my corporate infrastructure and you go bust I want to be able to get my hands on the code so your failure doesn't precipitate mine.
As someone said, this is more akin to a rental agreement than a purchase agreement, which is why the analogy with a gun does not really apply.
For proprietary software, License tells about your right to use specific software copy and impossibility to re-sell it, also your and software authors rights and charges
For open source software, License also tells about your right and charge about source code (distribute, do not do that, do that with limitations)
When you use a gun at a firing range, don't you have to sign some type of release or waiver? The logic is similar.
