Sloot Digital Coding System - file

" In the late 1990s, a Dutch electronics technician named Romke Jan Berhnard Sloot announced the development of the Sloot Digital Coding System, a revolutionary advance in data transmission that, he claimed, could reduce a feature-length movie down to a filesize of just 8KB. The decoding algorithm was 370MB, and apparently Sloot demonstrated this to Philips execs, dazzling them by playing 16 movies at the same time from a 64KB chip. After getting a bunch of investors, he mysteriously died on September 11, 1999"
it's possible or just a story

There are two views on the story of the Sloot Digital Coding System. They are incompatible: In one view it is impossible, in the other it is possible.
What is impossible?
To store every possible movie down to a file size of just 8KB. This boils down to the Pigeonhole principle.
A key of a limited length (whether it is a kilobyte or a terabyte) can
only store a limited number of codes, and therefore can only
distinguish a finite number of movies. However, the actual number of
possible movies is infinite. For, suppose it were finite; in that case
there would be a movie that is the longest. By just adding one extra
image to the movie, I would have created a longer movie, which I
didn't have before. Ergo, the number of possible movies is infinite.
Ergo, any key of limited length cannot distinguish every possible
The SDCS is only possible if keys are allowed to become infinite, or
the data store is allowed to become infinite (if the data store
already contains all movies ever made, a key consisting of a number
can be used to select the movie you want to see -- however, in that
case it is impossible to have keys for movies that have not been made
yet at the time the data store was constructed). This would, of
course, make the idea useless.
Pieter Spronck
What is possible?
To store or load a finite amount of feature-length movies on a device and be able to unlock them with a 8KB key.
Then it is not so about compression, but encoding / databases / data transmission. This is a change in distribution model: Why ship software/data at a later time over telephone or DVD, when you can pre-store it during fabrication, or pipe it all at once at intervals. This model is pretty close to how phones come with pre-loaded apps, or how some games allow you to unlock new game elements by entering a key.
The Sloot patents never claim feature-length movie -> 8KB data compression. They claim an 8x compression rate.
It is not about compression. Everyone is mistaken about that. The principle can be compared with a concept as Adobe-postscript, where sender and receiver know what kind of data recipes can be transferred, without the data itself actually being sent.
- Roel Pieper
In this view SDCS is a primitive form of DRM, that would reduce the band-with of getting access to a certain piece of pre-stored data to an 8KB key.
Imagine storing that month's popular movies by bringing your device to your local video store. Then when you want to see an available movie, you just call for your key, or buy a chipcard at the gas station. Now we have enough band-width for streaming Netflix, but back in the late 90s we were on dial-up and there was a billion dollar data transmission industry (DVD's, CD's, Video tapes, floppies, hard disks).
Was playing 16 movies at once possible?
This is unverified. Though many investors claim to have seen the demonstration. These people worked for respected companies like Philips, Oracle, Endemol, 'Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield and Byers'. I'd say it is not impossible, but await more verification.

A very interesting concept. Conceptually, the Sloot encoding premise seems to be that the "receiver" would have a heavy data rich (DRM-Like) program, capable of a large pre-programmed capabilities ready and able to execute complex programming tasks with minimal data instruction.
I am not a programmer, however, at present, current data transfer challenges exist where there seems to be more focus on the "transmission" of the of data (dense and voluminous), versus the capability of the receiving program/hardware. Whereas with Sloot, the emphasis is on the pre-loading of such data (with hardware/software that has much higher capabilities built-in). I hope I'm not saying the obvious here.
As an example, using sound files for simplicity, rather than sending a complex sound file containing say an Mp3 of Vivaldi – The Four Seasons, the coding just instructs the receiver the "musical notes" of the composition, where the system is pre-programmed to play the notes. Obviously there is more to it than that, however, the concept makes perfect sense. In other words rather than transmitting "Vivaldi" data rich signal, send simpler instructions to a "Vivaldi" trained receiver. Don't send the composer, send the instructions to a composer already there.
Yes, movies can contain billions of instructional data under the current system (and that of 1999), however, can beefing up the abilities, the pre-progammed functions, of the receiver achieve what Sloot had figured out?
Currently, the data stream seems to be carrying the load, where instead the receiver should be, as suggested by Sloot. So, does it make more sense to send the music composer by train to the concert hall across the country, or to send the music notes to another composer who is already there? This not to be confused with pre-loaded movies being "unlocked", rather that the movie player has infinite abilities that simple coding can instruct within an order of magnitude greater ability.
Just some random thoughts from a layman.


What are some of the problems with GTFS?

I am intersted in replacing my current data format that I use with GTFS, but I hear and read from here and there that there are flaws in GTFS file format.
Most of the time I see that you can't somehow predict some things such as delays or some real-time stuff. They say you can't get the "whole picture" with them.
So what I am asking is there anyone more experienced with GTFS , since I am seeing them only for first time, that could have possibly used GTFS in some kind of application and could tell the problems they have faced while developing?
Maybe someone has a suggestion about a better kind of file format? Or a combination of some formats?
It's hard to say whether GTFS is a good fit or not for your application without knowing what your application's requirements are, but I can offer a few remarks.
If your goal is to provide real-time data to users you should take a look at GTFS-realtime, a complementary data format designed specifically for issuing real-time updates. For most public-transit applications, using a GTFS and a GTFS-realtime feed together does indeed give the "whole picture" about a transit network, or near enough.
In terms of GTFS itself, my main complaint is that it seems designed specifically for route-planning applications and using data in this format for any other purpose can be difficult. For example, while a GTFS feed records information about transit stops and routes, there is no requirement that each of these have a single, canonical entry—if the data spans multiple board periods, there will almost always be (seemingly) duplicate entries for each.
This doesn't matter if you're plotting a route based on where and when a person is travelling, since the links between objects ensure you'll always generate the right result. If you're starting with only a person's location and want to know, "What transit resources are available nearby?", reliably producing an accurate answer requires some contortions.
It depends on your needs for importing existing feeds. If yes, then you need to be able to handle it anyhow. In my case, import was required, so I use the same for data that stems from other formats like PDF timetables. Otherwise you need to supoprt two formats. If you do not need it for import (or export) you may consider your own format : I find GTFS does not reveal the actual network.
GTFS needs quite some interpretation and digesting in order to end up with the whole picture that you can answer planning questions on.
I merge stops together if they are close, like a few meters apart, and assume 'trivial walk' if 10-50 meters. That automatically handles combining multipe feeds.
Apart from that, I turn the stop_times roughly inside-out to create a 'link' table'. The end result is that for each stop you have a list of departures and their destinations.
Biggest problem until now is that GTFS feeds can record the trips from an operator point of view. Passengers can remain sitting in the bus if it flips the headsign from 351 to 285, takes a new driver onboard and continues. That means you need to know what trips actually need to be seen as joined in passenger terms.
I solved minor problem for manual feed entry by having my GTFS parser accept a handful of constructs that ease editing, such as leaving out the sequence numbers to have it generated incrementally, and recognising 02.13+1 as 26.13.

Is it better to use pattern recognition tool to predict traffic condition using previous data?

I wish to use Artificial neural network pattern recognition tool to predict traffic flow of the urban area with the use of previous traffic count data.
I want to know whether it is a good technique to predict traffic condition.
Probably should be posted on CrossValidated.
The exact effectiveness is based on what features you are looking at in predicting traffic conditions. The question "whether it's a good technique" is too vague. Neural networks might work pretty well under certain circumstances, while it might also work really badly on other situations. Without a specific context it's hard to tell.
Typically neural networks work pretty well on predicting patterns. If you can form your problem into specific pattern recognition tasks then it's possible that neural networks will work pretty well.
-- Update --
Based on the following comment
What I need to predict is vehicle count of a given road, according to the given time and given day with the use of previous data set. As a example when I enter the road name that I need to travel, the time that I wish to travel and the day, I need to get the vehicle count of that road at that time and day.
I would say be very cautious with using neural networks, because depending on your data source, your data may get really sparse. Lets say you have 10000 roads, then for a month period, you are dividing your data set by 30 days, then 24 hours, then 10000 roads.
If you want your neural network to work you need to at least have enough data for each partition of your data set. If you divide your data set in the way described above, you have 7200000 partitions already. Just think about how much data you need in total. The result of having a small dataset means most of your 7 million partitions will have no data available in it, which then implies that your neural network prediction will not work most of the time, since you don't have data to start with.
This is part of the reason why big companies are sort of crazy about big data, because you just never get enough of it.
But anyway, do ask on CrossValidated since people there are more statistician-y and can provide better explanations.
And please note, there might be other ways to split your data (or not splitting at all) to make it work. The above is just an example of pitfalls you might encounter.

Motion recognition with Artificial Neural Networks

I am developing (for my senior project) a dumbbell that is able to classify and record different exercises. The device has to be able to classify a range of these exercises based on the data given from an IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit). I have acceleration, gyroscope, compass, pitch, yaw, and roll data.
I am leaning towards using an Artificial Neural Network in order to do this, but am open to other suggestions as well. Ultimately I want to pass in the IMU data into the network and have it tell me what kind of exercise it is (Bicep curl, incline fly etc...).
If I use an ANN, what kind should I use (recurrent or not) and how should I implement it? I am not sure how to get the network to recognize an exercise when I am passing it a continuous stream of data. I was thinking about constantly performing an FFT on a portion of the inputs and sending a set number of frequency magnitudes into the network, but am not sure if that will work either. Any suggestions/comments?
Your first task should be to collect some data from the dumbbell. There are many, many different schemes that could be used to classify the data, but until you have some sample data to work with, it is hard to predict exactly what will work best.
If you get 5 different people to do all of the exercises and look at the resulting data yourself (e.g. pilot the different parts of the data collected), can you distinguish which exercise is which? This may give you hints on what pre-processing you might want to perform on the data before sending it to a classifier.
First you create a large training set.
Then you train it, telling it what actually happens.
And you might uses averages of data as well.
Perhaps use actual movement and movement that is averaged over 2 sec 5 sec and 10 sec. use those too as for input nodes.
while exercising the trained network can be feeded with the averaged data as well ea (the last x samples divided by x), this will give you a stable approach. Otherwise the neural network can become hectic erratic.
Notice the training set might require averaged data as well and thus you will need a large training set.

Designing a database with periodic sensor data

I'm designing a PostgreSQL database that takes in readings from many sensor sources. I've done a lot of research into the design and I'm looking for some fresh input to help get me out of a rut here.
To be clear, I am not looking for help describing the sources of data or any related metadata. I am specifically trying to figure out how to best store data values (eventually of various types).
The basic structure of the data coming in is as follows:
For each data logging device, there are several channels.
For each channel, the logger reads data and attaches it to a record with a timestamp
Different channels may have different data types, but generally a float4 will suffice.
Users should (through database functions) be able to add different value types, but this concern is secondary.
Loggers and channels will also be added through functions.
The distinguishing characteristic of this data layout is that I've got many channels associating data points to a single record with a timestamp and index number.
Now, to describe the data volume and common access patterns:
Data will be coming in for about 5 loggers, each with 48 channels, for every minute.
The total data volume in this case will be 345,600 readings per day, 126 million per year, and this data needs to be continually read for the next 10 years at least.
More loggers & channels will be added in the future, possibly from physically different types of devices but hopefully with similar storage representation.
Common access will include querying similar channel types across all loggers and joining across logger timestamps. For example, get channel1 from logger1, channel4 from logger2, and do a full outer join on logger1.time = logger2.time.
I should also mention that each logger timestamp is something that is subject to change due to time adjustment, and will be described in a different table showing the server's time reading, the logger's time reading, transmission latency, clock adjustment, and resulting adjusted clock value. This will happen for a set of logger records/timestamps depending on retrieval. This is my motivation for RecordTable below but otherwise isn't of much concern for now as long as I can reference a (logger, time, record) row from somewhere that will change the timestamps for associated data.
I have considered quite a few schema options, the most simple resembling a hybrid EAV approach where the table itself describes the attribute, since most attributes will just be a real value called "value". Here's a basic layout:
RecordTable DataValueTable
---------- --------------
[PK] id <-- [FK] record_id
[FK] logger_id [FK] channel_id
record_number value
Considering that logger_id, record_number, and logger_time are unique, I suppose I am making use of surrogate keys here but hopefully my justification of saving space is meaningful here. I have also considered adding a PK id to DataValueTable (rather than the PK being record_id and channel_id) in order to reference data values from other tables, but I am trying to resist the urge to make this model "too flexible" for now. I do, however, want to start getting data flowing soon and not have to change this part when extra features or differently-structured-data need to be added later.
At first, I was creating record tables for each logger and then value tables for each channel and describing them elsewhere (in one place), with views to connect them all, but that just felt "wrong" because I was repeating the same thing so many times. I guess I'm trying to find a happy medium between too many tables and too many rows, but partitioning the bigger data (DataValueTable) seems strange because I'd most likely be partitioning on channel_id, so each partition would have the same value for every row. Also, partitioning in that regard would require a bit of work in re-defining the check conditions in the main table every time a channel is added. Partitioning by date is only applicable to the RecordTable, which isn't really necessary considering how relatively small it will be (7200 rows per day with the 5 loggers).
I also considered using the above with partial indexes on channel_id since DataValueTable will grow very large but the set of channel ids will remain small-ish, but I am really not certain that this will scale well after many years. I have done some basic testing with mock data and the performance is only so-so, and I want it to remain exceptional as data volume grows. Also, some express concern with vacuuming and analyzing a large table, and dealing with a large number of indexes (up to 250 in this case).
On a very small side note, I will also be tracking changes to this data and allowing for annotations (e.g. a bird crapped on the sensor, so these values were adjusted/marked etc), so keep that in the back of your mind when considering the design here but it is a separate concern for now.
Some background on my experience/technical level, if it helps to see where I'm coming from: I am a CS PhD student, and I work with data/databases on a regular basis as part of my research. However, my practical experience in designing a robust database for clients (this is part of a business) that has exceptional longevity and flexible data representation is somewhat limited. I think my main problem now is I am considering all the angles of approach to this problem instead of focusing on getting it done, and I don't see a "right" solution in front of me at all.
So In conclusion, I guess these are my primary queries for you: if you've done something like this, what has worked for you? What are the benefits/drawbacks I'm not seeing of the various designs I've proposed here? How might you design something like this, given these parameters and access patterns?
I'll be happy to provide clarification/details where needed, and thanks in advance for being awesome.
It is no problem at all to provide all this in a Relational database. PostgreSQL is not enterprise class, but it is certainly one of the better freeware SQLs.
To be clear, I am not looking for help describing the sources of data or any related metadata. I am specifically trying to figure out how to best store data values (eventually of various types).
That is your biggest obstacle. Contrary to program design, which allows decomposition and isolated analysis/design of components, databases need to be designed as a single unit. Normalisation and other design techniques need to consider both the whole, and the component in context. The data, the descriptions, the metadata have to be evaluated together, not as separate parts.
Second, when you start off with surrogate keys, implying that you know the data, and how it relates to other data, it prevents you from genuine modelling of the data.
I have answered a very similar set of questions, coincidentally re very similar data. If you could read those answers first, it would save us both a lot of typing time on your question/answer.
Answer One/ID Obstacle
Answer Two/Main
Answer Three/Historical
I did something like this with seismic data for a petroleum exploration company.
My suggestion would be to store the meta-data in a database, and keep the sensor data in flat files, whatever that means for your computer's operating system.
You would have to write your own access routines if you want to modify the sensor data. Actually, you should never modify the sensor data. You should make a copy of the sensor data with the modifications so that you can show later what changes were made to the sensor data.

How do games handle saved content?

I don't see an answer to this question here on SO which makes me afraid that it's incredibly simple and I'm just missing something but here goes.
Background, feel free to skip: I need a single course for my bachelor's degree that I skipped out on years ago. Theoretically it's Computer Graphics, but since I left it has become more Game Development. And that's great because to me it's more interesting than the fill algorithms and translations and whatnot that it used to be. It's a 4th year course only offered every other year, but I've managed to talk the department into letting me take a 4th year independent study on the same topic and call that good enough.
The prof "running" the independent study doesn't teach the actual Computer Graphics course so while he's a smart guy this isn't really his field. So most of my questions are left to me, a text book and the internet. You an independent study should be. :)
I've got a buddy that likes to develop game systems for fun. I plan to take one of his table top games and make it into a computer game using XNA.
I don't foresee any insurmountable challenges with the game mechanics but one thing I'm curious about is how do most games save their content? I mean that in a couple of ways and hopefully I can express them clearly.
Take the case of any RPG you've ever played. You can hit the "Save" button and save the world, your character's information and whatever other information is necessary. Then later on you can hit the "Load" button and bring it back.
Or the case of NPC dialogue. When I bump into Merchant #853 he randomly spits out one of 3 different greetings.
There are others that I can think of but they're really just variations on the same theme. Even with those two examples it seems to me the same mechanic could be used, but what is that mechanic?
I've been doing web development for years so my mind automatically jumps to "databases!". A database is the solution to any problem. And I can see how it could work here but the overhead seems pretty steep. "Here's my 6mb compiled game...oh and 68mb MySQL installation." Or even worse since I'm using XNA, maybe I'd need to find a way to bundle SQL Server. :)
I thought maybe XML but that doesn't feel right to me either. How would it work if I wanted to run on the XBox? Or Zune? (Those aren't necessary for what I'm doing, but there must be a solution somewhere that takes them into account.)
Anyone know the secret? Or have some ideas anyway?
There are two main ways how games are saved, a simple one and a complex one. The first way is to simply stores the current level, the current score and a handful of other stats. This is seen in games such as Super Mario Galaxy and most earlier console module based games. The save game doesn't restore your exact position, but just which levels you have completed. These save games are generally very simple and require very little memory.
The second way not only stores your overall progress, but stores each and every little detail, such as enemy positions, their current animation frame and so on, so that loading a save game will place you at the exact spot where you stopped, with all the enemies right in place, instead of back at the start of a level. These savegames tend to get much bigger than the other version and thus are mostly seen on PC games.
Databases are used in neither of these schemes, as the purpose of databases is to provide the ability to dynamically query data structures, what the game however needs isn't a way to query individual pieces, but just a way to statically store them. When a savegame is loaded, it is loaded completly into memory and from there on the game engine does its thing with the data. There are a handful of exceptions, such as MMORPGs which might work on a database, but single player games generally don't.
How the data is actually stored depends on the game. Most common seem to be simple binary data formats, as they are much better in terms of disk space than XML. In older games those binary formats where often raw dumps of a pieces of memory of the games process, so they didn't have any well thought out structure and often broke when a patch or a different version of a game got released, in some modern games that's still the case. XML can be used as too, as well as any other text based file format.
In large part this is more a game design issue than a programming one, as they way a game can be saved can drastically change how its played. The simple way, where you just save the level number and some stats, is however a lot easier to implement, as its just a few lines of of code. While the second one requires serialization of most of your classes, which for a complex game can be quite a tricky issue and lead to many subtle bugs.
One approach is to use .net serialization.
Make sure the state of you game is a fully connected graph and that each class in that graph is marked as Serializable (with the SerializableAttribute), the for saving (and loading) you can use normal .net serialization.
You can look at the codebase for Project Xenocide (open source XNA game) to see how it was done there.
You could use an SQLite database, with the SQLite.NET wrapper. I've used this, and found it quite simple. The whole DLL is only 850KB, and the database itself sits in a single file (with temp files created as needed). So your users shouldn't have an issue.
But you could also use a simple XML file, or a home-grown binary format. It all depends on how you're going to be querying the data, and how much data is involved. There is no one answer.
As others have noted, serialization is the way to go. And Gamasutra just published an article on data baking.
From my limited experience developing games, save games really don't use much storage. As tvanfosson said, you normally store most things in memory while playing the game, so saving state to disk isn't a problem.
Here's a short example. Assuming a single person RPG, if you needed to save your character's location only, you'd have perhaps a level number, xyz coordinates and maybe the direction you're facing. That's just a few bytes.
Now assume you need to save the state/location of things like health packs, crates, enemies, character's health and picked up items, etc. You could have a few hundred of these at most which would easily be less than 10KB.
Obviously things can get very complicated with more complex games. The trick is to only store what is truly necessary to recreate the player's experience. A lot of games only let you save at certain places, like the end of a level. In this case you only need to store the new level number plus the outcome of previous levels (e.g. health remaining, picked up items).
Even if you allow arbitrary save points you can ignore the state of any places/levels that you cannot return to. And you probably wouldn't want the user to be able to save mid-jump.
EDIT: With regard to file format... use any way that's convenient for the data type! XML is quite a nice way of doing things. Not sure how effective a database would be since for an RPG each fragment of data can be very different; You might end up with a bunch of tables with one row each.
Most games use their own, binary, file formats. Firstly this reduces the storage amount dramatically. Secondly, it helps prevent users cheating by editing the save game manually - if you have XML like <health value="10"/> it's very easy to edit the file to read <health value="100"/>. The downside of binary is that it's much more difficult for debugging.
While the game is running, I'd try to keep everything relating to the current context in memory. Your initialization can be kept in some suitable serialized format and read in on start up. XML would work, but it's somewhat verbose. A custom compact binary format is probably more appropriate. The same is true of the saved state. Whatever objects need to be reinitialized when the saved game is loaded should be serialized to a custom binary format and then reconstituted on load. If you run into memory problems, a small custom database optimized for speed would be another alternative. It could be pre-populated on installation.
