I recently added an index to a table with about 20 million rows to improve performance for some queries. That worked well. The problem is that once a day, several statistics are generated and now, with that index, one of the queries is now taking too long (from a couple minutes to timing out after 30 minutes).
I looked at the table hints and only saw how to specify use of an index and not how to exclude use of an index. Did I miss something? Is there a way to force an index to not be used by the execution plan? I'd prefer to keep the index but will remove it if there is no way to exclude it on the nightly statistics generation.
It is hard to know without seeing a query, but it sounds like a case where the following may help:
WHERE MyColumn = 'MyValue'
If that doesn't work for you, then you may need to post some additional information on what your query contains.
If you do
FROM [Table] WITH (INDEX(0))
WHERE "IndexColumn" = 0
tablescan will be triggered.
I have one simple query which has multiple columns (more than 1000).
When i run with single column it gives me result in 2 seconds with proper index seek, logical read, cpu and every thing is under thresholds.
But when i select more than 1000 columns it takes 11 mins for the result and gives me key lookup.
You folks have you faced this type of issue?
Any suggestion on that issue?
Normally, I would suggest to add those columns in the INCLUDE fields of your non-clustered index. Adding them in the INCLUDE removes the LOOKUP in the execution plan. But as everything with SQL Server, it depends. Depending on how the table is used i.e, if you're updating the table more than just plain SELECTing on it, then the LOOKUP might be ok.
If this query is run once per year, the overhead of additional index is probably not worth it. If you need quick response time, that single time of the year when it needs to be run, look into 'pre executing' it and just present the result to the user.
The difference in your query plan might be because of join elimination (if your query contains JOINs with multiple tables) or just that the additional columns you are requesting do not exist in your currently existing indexes...
I have 4million records in one of my tables. I need to get the last 25 records that have been added in the last 1 week.
This is how my current query looks
SELECT TOP(25) [t].[EId],
FROM [dbo].[tblEvent] AS [t]
WHERE ( [t].[DateCreated] >= Dateadd(DAY, Datediff(DAY, 0, Getdate()) - 7, 0)
AND [t].[EId] = 1 )
ORDER BY [t].[DateCreated] DESC
Now I do not have any indexes running for this table and do not intend to have one. This query takes about 10-15 seconds to run and my apps times-out, now is there a way to better it?
You should create an index on EId, DateCreated or at least DateCreated
Without this only way of optimising this that I can think of would be to maintain the last 25 in a separate table via an insert trigger (and possibly update and delete triggers as well).
If you have an ID in the table that is autoincrement (not the Eid but a separate PK) you can order by ID desc instead of DateCreated, that might make your order by faster.
otherwise you do need an index (but your question says you do not want that).
If the table has no indexes to support the query you are going to be forced to perform a table scan.
You are going to struggle to get around the table scan aspect of that - and as the table grows, the response time will get slower.
You are going to have to endevour to educate your client as to the problems going forward they face, and that they should consider an index. They may be saying no, you need to show the evidence to support the reasoning, show them times with / without, and make sure the impact to the record insertion is also shown, it's a relatively simple cost / benefit / detriment for the adding of the index / not adding of it. If they insist on no index, then you have no choice but to extend your timeouts.
You should also try query hint:
With option FAST n -- number of rows.
I have a table which has more than 380 million records. I have a stored procedure which:
Deletes some records.
Insert something.
The total procedure takes around 30 minutes to execute. Out of this DELETE takes 28 minutes.
Delete is a simple statement, something along these lines:
Delete a where condition_1 AND condition_2 AND condition_3
Can anybody help me?
How is your table organized? what clustered index you have and what non-clustered indexes you have? And what exactly are the 3 conditions?
A DELETE behaves much like a SELECT in that it needs to find the rows that qualify for deletion. To do so, it will use the same techniques a SELECT would, and if your condition_1, condition_2 and condition_3 don't have a covering index, they will trigger a table scan which is going to be timed by the size of data (380M).
Firstly have a look at your indexing and query..it should really in the first place not take 28 mins ?
It maybe worth taking a look at database tuning and query optimization...maybe you can also try to delete records incrementally..something suggested here..
Are the conditions too large ?
Maybe using index could help to delete faster.
Or, you may use truncate instead of delete.
ON table
(fieldName [ASC/DESC], ...)
The option ASC/DESC can define an order
It might help to index the fields in the condition. If you create a view of the rows you want deleted, how long does it take? If you can speed up a view, you can speed up the delete.
I'm puzzled by the following. I have a DB with around 10 million rows, and (among other indices) on 1 column (campaignid_int) is an index.
Now I have 700k rows where the campaignid is indeed 3835
For all these rows, the connectionid is the same.
I just want to find out this connectionid.
use messaging_db;
SELECT TOP (1) connectionid
FROM outgoing_messages WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE (campaignid_int = 3835)
Now this query takes approx 30 seconds to perform!
I (with my small db knowledge) would expect that it would take any of the rows, and return me that connectionid
If I test this same query for a campaign which only has 1 entry, it goes really fast. So the index works.
How would I tackle this and why does this not work?
estimated execution plan:
select (0%) - top (0%) - clustered index scan (100%)
Due to the statistics, you should explicitly ask the optimizer to use the index you've created instead of the clustered one.
SELECT TOP (1) connectionid
FROM outgoing_messages WITH (NOLOCK, index(idx_connectionid))
WHERE (campaignid_int = 3835)
I hope it will solve the issue.
I recently had the same issue and it's really quite simple to solve (at least in some cases).
If you add an ORDER BY-clause on any or some of the columns that's indexed it should be solved. That solved it for me at least.
You aren't specifying an ORDER BY clause in your query, so the optimiser is not being instructed as to the sort order it should be selecting the top 1 from. SQL Server won't just take a random row, it will order the rows by something and take the top 1, and it may be choosing to order by something that is sub-optimal. I would suggest that you add an ORDER BY x clause, where x being the clustered key on that table will probably be the fastest.
This may not solve your problem -- in fact I'm not sure I expect it to from the statistics you've given -- but (a) it won't hurt, and (b) you'll be able to rule this out as a contributing factor.
If the campaignid_int column is not indexed, add an index to it. That should speed up the query. Right now I presume that you need to do a full table scan to find the matches for campaignid_int = 3835 before the top(1) row is returned (filtering occurs before results are returned).
EDIT: An index is already in place, but since SQL Server does a clustered index scan, the optimizer has ignored the index. This is probably due to (many) duplicate rows with the same campaignid_int value. You should consider indexing differently or query on a different column to get the connectionid you want.
The index may be useless for 2 reasons:
700k in 10 million may be not selective enough
and /or
connectionid needs included so the entire query can used only an index
Otherwise, the optimiser decides it may as well use the PK/clustered index to both filter on campaignid_int and get connectionid, to avoid a bookmark lookup on 700k rows from the current index.
So, I suggest this...
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_Foo ON MyTable (campaignid_int) INCLUDE (connectionid)
This doesn't answer your question, but try using:
SELECT connectionid
FROM outgoing_messages WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE (campaignid_int = 3835)
I've seen top(x) perform very badly in certain situations as well. I'm sure it's doing a full table scan. Perhaps your index on that particular column needs to be rebuilt? The above is worth a try, however.
Your query does not work as you expect, because Sql Server keeps statistics about your index and in this particular case knows that there are a lot of duplicate rows with the identifier 3835, hence it figures that it would make more sense to just do a full index (or table) scan. When you test for an ID which resolves to only one row, it uses the index as expected, i.e. performs an index seek (the execution plan should verify this guess).
Possible solutions ? Make the index composite, if you have anything to compose it with, that is, e.g. compose it with the date the message was sent (if I understand your case correctly) and then select the top 1 entry from the list with the specified id ordered by the date. Though I'm not sure whether this would be better (for one, a composite index takes up more space) - just a guess.
EDIT: I just tried out the suggestion of making the index composite by adding a date column. If you do that and specify order by date in your query, an index seek is performed as expected.
but since I'm specifying 'top(1)' it
means: give me any row. Why would it
first crawl through the 700k rows just
to return one? – reinier 30 mins ago
Sorry, can't comment yet but the answer here is that SQL server is not going to understand the human equivalent of "Bring me the first one you find" when it hears "Top 1". Instead of the expected "Give me any row" SQL Server goes and fetches the first of all found rows.
Only time it knows that is after fetching all rows first, then discarding the rest. Very thorough but in your case not really fast.
Main issue as other said are your statistics and selectivity of your index. If you have another unique field in your table (like an identity column) then try an combined index on campaignid_int first, unique column second. As you only query on campaignid_int it has to be the first part of the key.
Sounds worth a try as this index should have a higher selectivity thus the optimizer can use this better than doing an index crawl.
I'm having a performance issue with a select statement I'm executing.
Here it is:
SELECT Material.*
FROM Material
INNER JOIN LineInfo ON Material.LineInfoCtr = LineInfo.ctr
INNER JOIN Order_Header ON LineInfo.Order_HeaderCtr = Order_Header.ctr
WHERE (Order_Header.jobNum = 'ttest')
AND (Order_Header.revision_number = 0)
AND (LineInfo.lineNum = 46)
The statement is taking 5-10 seconds to execute depending on server load.
Some table stats:
- Material has 2,030,xxx records.
- Lineinfo has 190,xxx records
- Order_Header has 2,5xx records.
My statement is returning a total of 18 rows containing about 20-25 fields of data. Returning a single field or all of them makes no difference. Is this performance typical? Is there something I could do to improve it?
I've tried using a sub select to retrieve the foreign key, the IN clause and I found one post where a fella said using a left outer join helped him. For me, they all yield the same 5 to 10 seconds of execution time.
This is MS SQL server 2005 accessed through MS SQL management studio. Times are the elapsed time in query analyzer.
Any ideas?
The first thing you should do is analyze the query plan, to see what indexes (if any) SQL Server is using.
You can probably benefit from some covering indexes in this query, since you only use columns in Lineinfo and Order_Header for the join and the query restriction (the WHERE clause).
I do not see anything special in your query so, if indexes are correct, it should perform much more faster than that,, the number of rows is not very high.
Do you have indexes on the table involved in the query and have you tried to use the "display execution plan" option of the Query Analyzer. Basically you need to run the query, loop at the execution plan and add indexes so that you do not see any full table scan operation.
If you run from SQL Management studio then you have the option to tune automatically the query adding indexes but I would suggest trying optimize on your own to better understand what you're doing.
It won't affect performance, but don't write a query such as "SELECT * FROM X". Eschew the star notation and spell out the individual columns. The code that calls this will still work that way, even if the schema is changed by adding a column.
Indexes are key here, as others have already said.
The order of the WHERE clauses can help. Execute the one that eliminates the greatest number of rows from consideration first.
Taking all suggestions and rolling them together I was able to setup some indexes and now it's taking less than a second to execute. Honestly, it's almost immediate.
My problem was that by clicking on the table properties I saw that the primary key was indexed and I mistakenly thought that's what everyone had been talking about. I looked at the execution plan and ran the tuning assistant and putting the two together, I realized that you could index the foreign keys too. That is now done and things are exceptionally snappy.
Thanks for the help, and sorry for such a newb question.