Interesting issue I've run into when switching from Digital Ocean to Cloudways Digital Ocean plan. The styling and images do not load on the site with error "ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED." If it's any use, I switched my domain from to and added a Let's Encrypt SSL. Here are the errors I see in the Chrome Console:
It appears that it is trying to load resources but something about the URL prevents the page from properly loading the content. Please let me know if you need any more info and I will happily provide.
I have check your screenshot Its not hosting change issue.Its path related issue.You are added space at end of url its converted in %20%.while browser load resource it convert ' ' to ''.
How to solve
Case 1: Goto your wp-admin and Select general setting remove space of site url and home url.update paramlinks from setting.
Case 2: In case above is not working,Login to database and goto wp_option file option name site_url and home_url update those two url.
That's it.I hop this will helpful.
I use google form to collect images. The images are stored in a folder in google drive. The folder is shared publicly so that all the photos within the folder are also public if the link is available. The responses are stored in google sheet and converted to a accessible file that i.e. change from "" to "" so that images are directly accessible. The google sheet is connected with google data studio. I need to show these images in the data studio dashboard. What I could find as solution was to create a table with the image URLs. Using a table, I've tried to do the following
Created a new field in google data studio and added image function with a link as mentioned above.
Instead of creating a new field, changed the type of image URL column to URL as well as image.
Both above are working for me as an editor (during edit or view as shared in below images. But when I share the dashboard as a link and view it in incognito mode, it is not working. I hope I'm able to explain.
Google Form Link:
Google sheet where data is collected : + also Embedded in google data studio
Google Data Studio link:
Its working for me as editor, but as a viewer in above link, its not working as visible in above data studio link
But as a viewer (incognito mode) images are not visible.
Actually, the images work for any user logged into its own Google account. The problem is really experienced when the dashboard is open with no logged user.
Diving into the problem, it seems to be related with the number of redirects that Google Drive need to access the image. Reproducing your dashboard I was able to see the error ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS in browser's Dev Mode.
Steps in logged mode:
302 Redirect to https://*
The image is returned
Steps in non logged mode:
302 Redirect to https://*
302 Redirect to
The image is returned
If you look into Dev Mode, it is possible to note that the URL ended with "/nonceSigner" is accessed dozens of times when not logged (the same does not happen when logged). This means that Data Studio start a loop trying to access the image, which triggers a "retry" operation when it sees a double redirect.
Curiously, this does not happen when using the standard Image control (instead of table chart, that reads from a DataSource), so it seems to be a bug in the Table chart component.
So you're out of luck. My suggestion is to use Cloud Storage instead of Google Drive, since it seems you're using some undocumented features and they'll surely break at some time.
Another option is to report this bug to DataStudio team (report here). There are Data Studio developers that activelly answer questions in StackOverflow (like Minhaz Kazi), so try to drive their attention to this issue.
I was having a related issue here - a colleague was not able to view images in a data studio dashboard, even though he was able to view the same files directly in Drive. It turned out to only be a problem using the Brave browser! I can't figure out what exactly was going on, but posting here in case it helps someone else.
Hi I'm trying to make an offline version of this page: the script is writtin with Angular JS how do I do that?
I saved the page control-s and copied the file to the local server I'm running.
And then I browsed the local ip. the page opened but I get repeated notes ng-repeat shows up as multiple boxes instead of 1 box that edits the same note but in different octaves.
How do I solve this problem please.
You can inspect the front-end code in your browser console. In Firefox it's in the section called "Debugger", in Chrome it's called "Sources". If you use Safari, you need to enable Developer mode first.
Once you have the appropriate view, just click on -> tools/microtuning/ -> index
Hopefully it goes without saying that you shouldn't use large swaths of another person's code without at least giving appropriate credit, or better yet getting the developer's permission, unless there is an explicit open-source license.
For god knows what reason, Office Add-ins on my local word client is Caching a html file that I dynamically load in (through angular) and refuses to give me a way to remove it from the cache. My only solution is to rename the file and force it to look for a new one.
I know it's a caching issue and not a code issue because when I load the app up inside the web-client it always gets the new version and not the old version.
Please help, renaming files every time I change them is stupid and time consuming
I had the same, not with Angular but JS add office add ins, cut off my webserver and still was able to load the HTML!
For me what worked was the "Clear" button under Trust Centre -> Trusted Add-in catalogues.
Perhaps this is HTML5 - something to do with you manifest, something like this in your HTML, or the equivalent automatically occurring?
`<html.... manifest="/manifest.appcache">
There are loads of suggestion for how to prevent this I haven't tried it yet, but this looks like it contains reasonable examples to test - if imparted in an unusual manner!
Second option which is now working a treat for me!
In internet Explorer go to Internet Options -> General tab -> Settings -> Temporary Internet files -> tick "Every time I visit the webpage". Naturally this only works for locally hosted sideloading apps.
Oddly enough IE seems to be the object loaded in Office 2016, not Edge, although I have had an Edge message appear in my side-load space, I'll try and grab a shot of it next time I see it (it was during an error it appeared!).
There are a few tricks that might work like this:
What does appending "?v=1" to CSS and Javascript URLs in link and script tags do?
Or in CSS like this:
Today (Win 10 1903 and newest Office 2016) Office AddIns are using Edge as WebViewHost. The WebViewHost seems to store the cached files here:
dir /s %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.Win32WebViewHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\AC\#!123\INetCache\
In our case we are using Azure App Service (IIS) as backend for our Office AddIn.
And we added the following web.config setting to let the client re-validate all cached files on each access:
<clientCache cacheControlMode="UseMaxAge" cacheControlMaxAge="0.00:00:00" cacheControlCustom="must-revalidate" />
Of course, the cacheControlMaxAge may be adjusted to your needs.
Hitting Ctrl + Shift + F5 helped for me.
An easy workaround for this would be to append some random query string at the end of the url, thus making sure your browser has a cache miss.
For example, instead of getting the file http://myaddin/myfile.html, append a big enough random query string parameter so that you instead query for http://myaddin/myfile.html?cache=s98sj398nf03984jf3498n.
I am trying to setup DTM to report to Adobe analytics. I have pasted the header/footer code on my page and I see in fiddler that the "page load" and field level tracking is triggering DTM scripts. But I am unable to see anything in my report suite on Site catalyst.
As per DTM documentation, I have altered the AppMeasurement.js to have the report suite ID
var s = new AppMeasurement();
s.account = "myreportsuiteidonsitecatalyst";
============== DO NOT ALTER ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE ! ===============
Am I missing anything? Please help.
There's most likely an error in your DTM code. You can use the Chrome extension here to troubleshoot your DTM configuration:
In addition, there are fantastic videos here which walk you through the setup of DTM and the configuration of the Analytics tool within DTM: (under Dynamic Tag Management)
You also have to have the tracking server information set either in the code editor window or the UI.
This is the problem even I was facing too.
I have analyzed this problem and get something which is very helpful but not able how to rectify this problem.
As you know sitecatalyst set s_vi cookie in our browser which is persistent, with help of this cookie we came to know that reports are reflecting in sitecatalyst reports. But while using DTM s_vi is not getting set in browser and hences no reflection of reprts in sitecatalyst.
I run my pages in Chrome and found that no cookie is being set in that browser but while using IE s_fid is being created subsitute of s_vi when s_vi not able to create.
So something wrong is with this.
you can check your cookie like _satellite.readcookie('s_vi') or _satellite.readcookie('s_fid')
I have a dnn 7.1.1 installation I am testing for production. I thought that this version supported a 404 error page. But no matter what type of erroneous url I pass to the DNN site I don't get this page appearing and I don't see it under admin/page management. DO I have to turn this feature on some where? This is a brand new install and the following page says it should be turned on by default: DNN 404 wiki
I could not find any setting in the root web.config. The advanced url provider is enabled.
Can someone help me figure out how to timplement this 404 error page
Thanks in advance
Can someone confirm that 7.1.1 is the minimum version for this feature, or is it only with the professional version, I am using DNN platform.
See HERE for link to DNN issue tracker. I have tried this both with a new installation and an upgrade from 7.0.6 and the problem continues. If you ask for an non-existent resource with an extension you get a generic asp server error:
Server Error in '/' Application.
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its
dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is
temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make
sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /blob.aspx
if you request a page wihtout an extension like /blob you get one of two errors:
404 Not Found
The requested Url does not return any valid content.
Change this message by configuring a specific 404 Error Page or Url for this website.
The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name
changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
There is no 404error page in the admin/page management section of the site in either the upgrade or brand new instal. The new instal was deployed uwing Azure website Gallery for DNN 7.1.1.
I manually upgraded a 7.0.6 instance to 7.1.1 to get the other testing environment.
Okay, so I know how to reproduce this. If you create a new portal/site with the blank template then there is no 404 error page under admin/page management. If you create a site with the default English template then the 404 error page is listed in page management and the 404 page shows up when you request a deadpage.
WHat I tried:
I copied the 404 error page from the default template site into the blank template site hoping that this would fix the problem. It did not. So now I think that there is a setting that needs to be enabled somewhere, but I know it is not in the web.config file because both these portals are in the same dnn instance and one works and the other does not, so there is another place I have to find this.
I don't have a work around other than creating new site with default template and recreating a site. It appears that this error is planned to be fixed by 7.2.1 as documented HERE
I dug through the databse to see if I could find a setting that would make this work. The only setting I could find was in portal settings (called 'AUM_ErrorPage404'), so I duplicated it with the following script but changed the portal and tabID to match the portal that was created with the blank template .
This added a setting to portal settings that assigned a error page to the portal. I found this setting for the default template and not the blank template. SO I added it hoping it would solve my problem. It did not.
INSERT INTO [dbo].[PortalSettings](
,[TabID of 404 Page I Created]
I found no settings for the 404error page/tab in the [TabSettings] for the page created in the default template, in fact, there were no records in tabSettings for the error page created in the default template portal..
A brand new site created with the default template in 7.1 only has the following portal settings (with values):
AUM_ErrorPage404 371
DefaultAdminContainer [G]Containers/Gravity/Title_h2.ascx
DefaultAdminSkin [G]Skins/Gravity/2-Col.ascx
DefaultPortalAlias test404
DefaultPortalContainer [G]Containers/Gravity/Title_h2.ascx
DefaultPortalSkin [G]Skins/Gravity/2-Col.ascx
EnableSkinWidgets True
GettingStartedPageShown True
GettingStartedTabId 346
MaximumVersionHistory 5
PortalAliasMapping CANONICALURL
SearchAdminInitialization true
TimeZone Pacific Standard Time
I am not sure where else to look in the DB for a setting to chnage
After some research and hours of frustration. I found that a new setting is required in version 7.2.2:
The table: PortalLocalization now contain two fields: Custom404TabId and Custom500TabId, those fields need to be updated with the same value of the PortalSetting AUM_ErrorPage404, AUM_ErrorPage500 so if you upgrade from a version below to 7.1 probably you have to update those fields by yourself.
Hope this save time.
Israel Garcia
Okay, I got it to work!
The script above did the trick:
INSERT INTO [dbo].[PortalSettings](
,[TabID of 404 Page I Created]
The missed step:
After adding the setting for AUM_ErrorPage404 I had to clear the cache and restart the application. Now it works.