Drop column with PK constraint in empty table in a script - sql-server

A table in SQL Server has two or more columns, but the original column with the primary key constraint is no longer needed. So now you want to write a script to drop the original column w/ a PK constraint and put the PK constraint on a different column.
In this example, the table is empty.
You can't drop the first column without first dropping the PK constraint.
And you can't drop the PK constraint in SQL Server without the exact name of it. (more info here)
....But you don't know the automatically generated name of the PK constraint.
NOTE: If the table is not empty, see this solution:
SQL Server 2008 Script to Drop PK Constraint that has a System Generated Name
(In most cases, this is the best solution.)
The above solution will work, but what is another way to script dropping a column with a PK constraint when you don't know the constraint's name in an empty table?

Another strategy -- besides figuring out the system generated name of the PK constraint so you can drop it as described here -- is to drop the empty table and recreate it without the original column with the primary key constraint, instead putting it on the new column.
To drop the column with an unknown PK constraint name:
Generate a script to drop the table and re-create it from scratch
Remove the OriginalColumn column from the CREATE TABLE query
Put the PK constraint on the NewColumn column in the script
Run the script to drop and re-create it without the original column -- effectively dropping OriginalColumn and "moving" the PK constraint from OriginalColumn to NewColumn


POSTGRESQL- Make foreign key column point to another table

I'm using psql and I want to change one of the columns of my table.
At the moment this column is a foreign key of Table 2 but I would like to make it point to Table 3.
Is this possible or should I delete the column and add a new one?
There's no need to add & remove the column. You can remove/disable the constraint to one table and add it for the other table.
The command for doing the former is:
alter table Table1 drop constraint if exists name_of_constraint_on_Table_1_column
The command for doing the latter is:
alter table Table1
add constraint name_of_constraint_on_Table_1_column
foreign key (column) references Table3 (other_column) match full
You need to find the name of the foreign key constraint if you haven't named it explicitly. You can do so via the \d command:
\d Table1
You should read about alter table cause there's a lot of things you can do to change the table.

Adding column with existing table which have primary key

I need your help...., Please help me
I want to add a new primary key to an existing table which already has 3 columns as composite primary key. But, I do not want to drop the old primary key, since there are many records and the old primary key also have relationship with other table
When I am using this query:
alter table hem154
add indexNO uniqueidentifier default newid()
alter table hem154
add CONSTRAINT pk_hem154_indexNo PRIMARY KEY (PK_indexNO)
Hem154 ~ Table Name
indexNo ~ Column Name which will to added
I get this runtime error:
Msg 1779, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
Table 'hem154' already has a primary key defined on it.
Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
Please help me, how can I do it???
Drop all primary keys and add Again all primary keys
You can only have one primary key per table. You can either add a second table that maps your new PK to the old PK, or drop the old PK and add the new one. Dropping the PK won't drop the columns, it just stops using them as the composite key. Any tables that were relying on the old key should probably be updated as well to support whatever answer you decide on.
First DROP existing PRIMARY KEY and ADD new composite PRIMARY KEY.
and then try your code
There is no easy way of doing this. From your question, I understand that you want to add one additional column to the existing Primary Key. If they have existing relationships, then it is not possible to do this, without dropping those FK constraints first. Even if you do that, you will not be able to reestablish those FK constraints again, as you have modified the PK.
If you do not need to reestablish those FK relationships, then you can do this:
Drop all FK relationships
Drop existing PK (data will not be deleted, only the constraint will be dropped)
Add new column
Recreate PK to include the new column
However, if you cannot drop the existing FK constraints, then I am afraid this is not possible
On Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio:
Select/highlight both columns
Right click either
Press "Set primary key"

How do you add a unique primary key field automatically in SQL Server?

I am using SQL Server 2012 and need to add a column with a unique primary key. I am about to load several hundred thousand records BULK and just discovered repetition in the field I was going to use. Have seen SEQUENCE and GUID. Need some guidance on the best choice and how to go about setting this up so that the key field is populated during the bulk load.
When you create your table in which you want to insert information create an IDENTITY column. That will serve as an auto-populating column with a unique number for each record.
Here is a link that might help you.
If you have already created your table just change this query to what suits to your table name and run it in order to add the new column you requested.
ADD COLUMN unique_id IDENTITY (1,1)
Just a slight update on what’s already posted that includes details for adding primary key constraint
alter table database.schema.table_t
add ID_column int identity(1,1)
primary key (ID_column)
If you already set the primary key on this table just go and remove it before you execute this statement.

SQL Server Compact alter column size with constraint?

I am trying to modify the size of a column in a table, however that column is a primary key column and is used in other table ( which would need to have its size modified too)
I have a table called table1 with a column named column1 as primary key
I also have table2,table3 and table4 that has table2column1, table3column1 and table4column1 respectively.
table2column1,table3column1 and table4column1 are foreign keys ( reference column1 from table1) and they are also used as a composite primary key in their respective table.
I tried doing this to alter the size of the column
ALTER TABLE UtilisateurNotes ALTER COLUMN IDNotes nvarchar(250)
It did not work.
This is the error message : Cannot alter a column that is part of a key or an index.
Anyone has an idea what I should do? thank you Gibit
You have to drop the foreign keys and primary key index in order to modify the column and then rebuild them after.
If you're in SQL Server Management Studio and you use the Object Explorer then you can right click on the specific Primary Key or Foreign Key specified in the error message and use Script as > CREATE AND DROP to help you generate the necessary scripts for the update.

How to remove identity column from table

I have created a table with employee id as identity column. Now, I want to remove identity and replace datatype as bigint. I am using Sql Compact edition. How to achieve this?
I don't believe you can, using TSQL, remove the IDENTITY property from a column.
Add a new BIGINT column to the table
Copy the data from the current IDENTITY field into the new field
Drop the existing column
Rename the new column to the correct name
You can do it in SSMS in the Design view for the table. I believe behind the scenes it does something like above.
To confirm, in SSMS 2K8 when you try to remove the IDENTITY property from a column and then save it, it will actually recreate the table (you can see what it does exactly by monitoring in SQL Profiler). In order to do it in SSMS, you need to ensure you have the "Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation" option turned OFF in Tools-> Options -> Designers -> Table and Database Designers. I think it defaults to ON, which would result in an error message when you try to do it otherwise.
In "real" SQL Server, you'd have to do these steps - not sure if SQL Server CE allows the same, but give it a try! I'm assuming you probably have your PRIMARY KEY constraint on that column, too - right? If not, you don't need to do the first and last step. And I'm assuming you want to have the IDENTITY on the column again, right?
-- DROP the primary key constraint (if you have that on your column)
ALTER TABLE dbo.Employees
DROP CONSTRAINT PK__Employees__3214EC274222D4EF
-- ALTER the datatype into BIGINT
ALTER TABLE dbo.Employees
-- set PK constraint again
ALTER TABLE dbo.Employees
This should help - http://www.sqlmag.com/Files/23/22081/Listing_03.txt
