How to declare ReactJS default props when using Redux? - reactjs

What is the right way to declare default props in react so that when I call map on a prop that is asynchronously assigned using redux I do not get an undefined error? Right now, with the following syntax I get an error when trying to assign trans_filter because data is undefined in the initial call to render.
class ContainerComponent extends React.Component {
static defaultProps = {
searchProps: {
data: []
constructor(props) {
let trans_filter = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(;
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
searchProps: state.searchProps
export default connect(mapStateToProps, {getTransactionsAll})(ContainerComponent);

Here's how you can declare default props when using the ES6 class syntax for creating ReactJS components:
class ContainerComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
let trans_filter = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(;
ContainerComponent.defaultProps = {
searchProps: {
data: []
export default ContainerComponent;
Additionally, there is another syntax for declaring defaultProps. This is a shortcut, but it will work only if your build has ES7 property initializers turned on. I assume that's why it doesn't work for you, because I see no issues with your syntax:
class ContainerComponent extends React.Component {
static defaultProps = {
searchProps: {
data: []
constructor(props) {
render() {
let trans_filter = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(;
export default ContainerComponent;
Edit: after you shared your mapStateToProps, yes, it has something to do with Redux!
The issue is caused by your reducer. You must declare initial state shape and moreover, you must specify the initial state in each reducer. Redux will call our reducer with an undefined state for the first time. This is our chance to return the initial state of our app.
Set initial state:
const searchPropsInitialState = {
data: []
Then, in your reducer when you manipulate searchProps do:
function yourReducer(state = searchPropsInitialState, action) {
// ... switch or whatever
return state;
For more details, see handling actions in the Redux docs.


React: How to read state from within handler function?

I'm new to React working on an existing React component (that appears to be built in an older style - no hooks).
I want to read and set state within a handler function. I have the following code:
export default class MyComponent extends React.Component {
static defaultProps = {
data: {}
constructor(props) {
// Other states
this.state.myState = false;
handleMyChange() {
if (!this.state.myState) {
console.log("hello world");
However I get the error Cannot read properties of undefined.
I've tried various like state.myState but am not really sure what I should be doing.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
In order to have this context in your function, you will need to bind it in the constructor first
Here is a small example is taken from the official doc:
import React from "react";
export default class SayHello extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { message: "Hello!" };
// This line is important!
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
handleClick() {
render() {
// Because `this.handleClick` is bound, we can use it as an event handler.
return <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Say hello</button>;

Pass dynamic value to HOC in react

I write some HOC and I need to pass to this HOC a dynamic object that I create on some life cycle level and I did not get him as a prop.
If I try to pass some static value ( for example initialize myObj from start) it works as expected and I get the correct value.
Let's say this is my component class :
let myObj = {};
class Test extends React.Component
constructor(props) {
render() {
myObj = {test:'test'};
return ( ... )
export default withHOC(Test, myObj);
And this is my HOC:
const withHOC = (Component, test) => {
class Hoc extends React.Component
const s = test; // ---->test is empty object always !!
return Hoc;
My 'Dynamic' object that I create on my 'test' class is always empty on my HOC class.
It's happend also when I try to pass some value from my props directly, in this case the page is stuck(without errors in console).
Does someone have any idea how to resolve that? Thanks!
When you compose a component that way, composition only happens at compile time (static composition). This means that withHOC runs only once and is receiving an empty myObj argument, as it is using the one defined on declaration.
export default withHOC(Test, myObj); //myObj = {}
If you want that value to be dynamic, the withHOC composition should be runned when that value changes.
You can't send data up from the WrappedComponent (Test) to the HOC (withHOC), so even if you change myObj value in Test.render, the HOC would never know.
What you could do, if you really need it, is do the composition on the Test.render
const Hoc = withHOC(this.state.myObj, WrappedComponent);//WrappedComponent can be anything
This way, every time the component renders, Hoc is composed using as myObj a value from the component state, wich is not the preferable way to do it, because this.state.myObj might have the same value as it did at the previous render, and you would be re-composing with the same data as before.
A better way to do it is checking for changes in myObj at Test.componentDidUpdate, and if it did change, then compose Hoc again.
You are passing an empty object to the withHOC function
let myObj = {}; // <- your myObj is empty
class Test extends React.Component
constructor(props) {
render() {
myObj = {test:'test'}; // <- You're doing this in the render method of your Test component, so until the component is rendered myObj is empty
return ( ... )
export default withHOC(Test, myObj);
Some explanation about what's happening here, by order:
import Comp from '.../Test.js'
the withHOC function is triggered, with the params of Test (which is defined above the call) and myObj (which is defined above the call but is empty)
Test component is returned, and nobody used the logic of myObj = {test:'test'}
Suggested solution:
Make the HOC get the logic from the props with another hoc:
const withProps = newProps => BaseComponent => props => {
const propsToAdd = typeof newProps === 'function' ? newProps(props) : newProps
return <BaseComponent {...props} {...propsToAdd} />
class Test extends React.Component
constructor(props) {
render() {
return ( ... )
export default withProps({test:'test'})(withHOC(Test));
// or: export default withProps(props => {test:'test'})(withHOC(Test));
const withHOC = (Component) => {
class Hoc extends React.Component
const s = this.props.test;
return Hoc;
you can use recompose, a library which has many hocs and utils, and for better readability:
import { compose, withProps } from "recompose"
class Test extends React.Component {...}
const enhance = compose(
export default enhance(Test);
I can't say with confidence this is optimal but I solved a similar problem by having a function within the HOC that updates state that you can then invoke with any data in the wrapped component.
func = (a, b) => {
stateA: a,
stateB: b
return ({ <WrappedComponent func={this.func} /> })
Wrapped Component:
this.props.func(anythingA, anythingB);
You can then access the data through state in the HOC.
To elaborate:
const withHOC = (WrappedComponent) => {
class withHOC extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
stateA: 1,
stateB: 2
*use state however you want in this HOC, including pass it through to another component*
*the following is just a function*
*when it's invoked in the wrapped component state will update here in the
changeState = (a, b) => {
stateA: a,
stateB: b
render() {
return (
<WrappedComponent changeState={this.changeState} />
In wrappedComponent, after importing:
class aComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
*you can now invoke the function from the HOC in this wrapped component*
You can use react-redux and store your object in redux state. Change the object wherever you need (in your case it's in Test) and access it in component inside your HOC from redux state, it'll be always up to date.

Cannot read property 'checked' of undefined, from React.Component static funtion

I have a React.Component and i want to call this static function from the many different React.Component.
class Categories extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.getCheckedCategories = this.getCheckedCategories.bind(this);
this.state = {
checked: [],
unchecked: []
static getCheckedCategories() {
return this.state.checked;
So I tried to connect the function.
import Categories from './product/checkboxes';
class FullWidthGrid extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
render() {
const { classes } = this.props;
const checkedCategories = Categories.getCheckedCategories();
static functions can't access this, i.e. static method calls are made directly on the class and are not callable on instances of the class. You can read more on that here.
So in your case you could do:
class Categories extends Component {
state = {
checked: [],
unchecked: []
static getCheckedCategories = (klass) => {
return klass.state.checked
render() {
return (
Working example here.
That's the purpose of static function. It cannot access the instance (this).
You can have multiple instances of class but only one static function/property.
As a workaround (depend on what you want to do), you can use static property to store your state:
class Categories extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
Categories.state = {
checked: [],
unchecked: []
static getCheckedCategories() {
return Categories.state.checked;
However it won't work with setState since it is an instance method.
Imagine situation when you have muptiple Categories components and each one has different checked/unchecked categories. What would then Categories.getCheckedCategories() function returns?
If you want to have shared state (checked categories), I would recommend you to pull out the state out of the component. For example store it in parent component and pass it as props to child components. Or use state library like redux. You could also use react's context to manage shared state.

How to get updated data into constructor in React

// parent class
export default class HomeScreen extends React.Component {
this.state = {
password: '',
session: 'mani',
const self = this;'/api/users/login/', {
password: this.state.password,
username: this.state.username
.then(function (response) {
var sessionid=response.headers["set-cookie"][0].split('Secure,').pop().split(';').shift();
self.setState({session: sessionid });
.catch(function (error) {
console.log("Invalid username/password");
return(<Session sessid={this.state.session}/>);
export default class Session extends Component {
this.sessionVariable = this.props.sessid;
console.log(this.props.sessid); // here i am getting updated value
console.log("constructor "+this.sessionVariable); // here i can't able to get updated value
return (<View></View>);
//child class
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { View, Text } from 'react-native'
export default class Session extends Component {
this.state = {
sessid: this.props.sessid
const { sessid } = nextProps;
if (sessid !== this.state.sessid) {
return (<View></View>);
How to get updated data into constructor in React
Can you please give me the quick solution
I need to update the data in constructor . Then only I am able to call the global variable throughout the all components
How to get updated data into constructor in React
Can you please give me the quick solution
I need to update the data in constructor . Then only I am able to call the global variable throughout the all components
Add your props value inside the state and update it using componentWillReceiveProps ' lifecycle.
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
sessid: this.props.sessid;
const { sessid } = nextProps;
if(sessid !== this.state.sessid) {
You can use states to check that current condition, let me explain it with an example,
This is the constructor with initial state for the data toggle
this.state = {
toggle: true;
Update the existing state, do this
this.setState({ toggle: false });
Make sure you are using the above code inside an arrow function or else bind the .this
If you want more info comment that below...
The only reason that it doesn't show the updated value is because constructor is called only on the initial mount of the component and hence whatever class variable is set in constructor based on props, it won't be updated if the props change.
Second: setting a state or a class variable which is directly derivable from props is an anti pattern and you should just use props directly in render
export default class Session extends Component {
return (
Still if you want to update the class variable based on, you can make use of componentWillReceiveProps function like
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if(nextProps.sessid !== this.props.sessid) {
this.sessionVariable = nextProps.sessid;
this.forceUpdate(); // called to cause a re-render
export default class Session extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
sessionVariable: props.sessid
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if(nextProps.sessid !== this.props.sessid) {
this.setState({ sessionVariable: nextProps.sessid});
return (
In your constructor define a state:
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
sessionVariable: props.sessid;
Now, in your render():
console.log("constructor "+ this.state.sessionVariable);
The constructor for a React component is called only before it is mounted. If you define some variable in constructor, it will store its value not reference and will not be re render again.
To change any value defined in constructor, you need to change it in updating phase of react (ComponentWillReceiveProps) and then call the
this.forceUpdate(); // to render the component
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if(this.props.sessid !== nextProps.sessid) {
this.sessionVariable= nextProps.sessid;
Or you can directly use props in render function.

Missing context while using #connect

I have React app which uses react-redux library. It works fine, I get my store context, I can dispatch actions. Beautiful.
Now I have met a problem. I want to declare child context in a root component and use it to pass global function right into the children.
export default class Root extends React.Component {
globalFunc() {
getChildContext() {
return {
globalFunc: this.globalFunc
render() {
return (
{ /* ChildComponent somewhere in here */ }
Root.childContextTypes = {
globalFunc: PropTypes.func
The problem is inside one of the children I get empty object when I have #connect decorator from react-redux. When I remove the decorator, I get my context correctly. Why Redux removes the context? How to make a workaround?
export default class ChildComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context);
console.log(this.context); // EMPTY {}
render() {
// ...
ChildComponent.contextTypes = {
globalFunc: PropTypes.func
I had a similar issue and when I used the "normal" HoC form for the connect() function instead of the decorator one, it was fixing the issue.
Note that this is not recommended to use the decorator form as said there by the creator of Redux:
Also if you really want to use decorators, I could fix this issue by defining my context using a decorator. Something similar to this:
export function context(contextTypes, context) {
return DecoratedComponent => {
return class extends Component {
static childContextTypes = contextTypes;
getChildContext() {
return context(this.props)
render() {
return <DecoratedComponent {...this.props} />
And then you use it like this:
#connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)
#context(contextTypes, getChildContext)
