String from document meets value of array - arrays

I've got an array of Project ID's, for example:
[ 'ExneN3NdwmGPgRj5o', 'hXoRA7moQhqjwtaiY' ]
And in my Questions collection, I've got a field called 'project', which has a string of a project Id. For example:
"_id" : "XPRbFupkJPmrmvcin",
"question" : "Vraag 13",
"answer" : "photo",
"project" : "ExneN3NdwmGPgRj5o",
"datetime_from" : ISODate("2017-01-10T08:01:00Z"),
"datetime_till" : ISODate("2017-01-10T19:00:00Z"),
"createdAt" : ISODate("2017-01-10T08:41:39.950Z"),
"notificationSent" : true
"_id" : "EdFH6bo2xBPht5kYW",
"question" : "sdfadsfasdf",
"answer" : "text",
"project" : "hXoRA7moQhqjwtaiY",
"datetime_from" : ISODate("2017-01-11T11:00:00Z"),
"datetime_till" : ISODate("2017-01-11T17:00:00Z"),
"createdAt" : ISODate("2017-01-10T10:21:42.147Z"),
"notificationSent" : false
Now I want to return all documents of the Questions collection, where the Project (id) is one of the value's from the Array.
To test if it's working, I'm first trying to return one document.
Im console.logging like this:
Questions.findOne({project: { $eq: projectArray }})['_id'];
but have also tryed this:
Questions.findOne({project: { $in: [projectArray] }})['_id'];
But keep getting 'undefined'

Please try this.
Questions.find({project: { $in: projectArray }}) => for fetching all docs with those ids
Questions.findOne({project: { $in: projectArray }}) => if you want just one doc


Rename a sub-document field within an Array of an Document

I am trying to rename the particular child field inside an array of an collection in MONGODB
"_id" : Id("248NSAJKH258"),
"isGoogled" : true,
"toCrawled" : true,
"result" : [
"resultsId" : 1,
"title" : "Text Data to be writen",
"googleRanking" : 1,
"isrelated" : false
"resultId" : 2,
"title" : "Text Data",
"googleRanking" : 2,
"isrelated" : true
**I need to rename "isrelated" to "related" ** from the collection document
Using mongo Version 4.0
I Tried :
db.collection_name.update({}, { $rename: { 'result.isrelated': 'result.related'} } )
But it didn't worked in my case
As mentioned in official documentation $rename not working for arrays.
Please check link below:
But you can do something like this
let newResult = [];
db.aa1.find({}).forEach(doc => {
for (let i in doc.result) {
"resultsId" : doc.result[i]['resultsId'],
"title" : doc.result[i]['title'],
"googleRanking" : doc.result[i]['googleRanking'],
"related" : doc.result[i]['isrelated'],
db.aa1.updateOne({_id: doc._id}, {$set: {result: newResult}});
newResult = []

Copy a field from one collection to another in mongodb with foreign key as mixed type

Although i have found a similar question on stackOverFlow MongoDB copy a field to another collection with a foreign key
I want to copy a field name from userdetails collection to user collection where userId in userDetails equals _id in user.
user collection
"_id" : ObjectId("5b97743bbff66e0be66283cc"),
"username" : "mmi_superadmin",
"accId" : "acc1"
"_id" : "c21d580ea3ca5c7a1664bd5feb57f0c8",
"username" : "client",
"accId" : "acc1"
userDetail collection
"_id" : ObjectId("5b97743bbff66e0be66283cd"),
"userId" : "5b97743bbff66e0be66283cc",
"name" : "mmi_superadmin"
"_id" : "5bab8a60ef86bf90f1795c44",
"userId" : "c21d580ea3ca5c7a1664bd5feb57f0c8",
Here is my query :
function(x) {
db.user.update( {_id :x.userId}, {$set: {}});
This query is partially working. It only updates user documents where _id is of type string. User document with _id as ObjectId are not getting updated.
Please check your documents _id's (because in your example some _id's is not valid documents _id's. for example c21d580ea3ca5c7a1664bd5feb57f0c8 not a mongo _id) and use this query:
let usersIds = [];
db.user.find({"_id": {$type: 7}}).forEach(doc => {
usersIds.push(doc._id + '')
userId: {
$in: usersIds
}).forEach(doc => {
"_id": ObjectId(doc.userId)
$set: {
multi: false,
upsert: false
if you have any question feel free to ask

MongoDB: Check for missing documents using a model tree structures with an array of ancestors

I'm using a model tree structures with an array of ancestors and I need to check if any document is missing.
"_id" : "GbxvxMdQ9rv8p6b8M",
"type" : "article",
"ancestors" : [ ]
"_id" : "mtmTBW8nA4YoCevf4",
"parent" : "GbxvxMdQ9rv8p6b8M",
"ancestors" : [
"_id" : "J5Dg4fB5Kmdbi8mwj",
"parent" : "mtmTBW8nA4YoCevf4",
"ancestors" : [
"_id" : "tYmH8fQeTLpe4wxi7",
"refType" : "reference",
"parent" : "J5Dg4fB5Kmdbi8mwj",
"ancestors" : [
My attempt would be to check each ancestors id if it is existing. If this fails, this document is missing and the data structure is corrupted.
let ancestors;
Collection.find().forEach(r => {
if (r.ancestors) {
r.ancestors.forEach(a => {
if (!Collection.findOne(a))
But doing it like this will need MANY db calls. Is it possible to optimize this?
Maybe I could get an array with all unique ancestor ids first and check if these documents are existing within one db call??
First take out all distinct ancesstors from your collections.
var allAncesstorIds = db.<collectionName>.distinct("ancestors");
Then check if any of the ancesstor IDs are not in the collection.
var cursor = db.<collectionName>.find({_id : {$nin : allAncesstorIds}}, {_id : 1})
Iterate the cursor and insert all missing docs in a collection.
cursor.forEach(function (missingDocId) {

MongoDB Update array in a document

I try to update arrays of multiple document with this query :
db.BusinessRequest.update({"DealTypes": { $exists: true }, "DealTypes.DisplayName": "Minority trade sale" }, {$set:{"DealTypes.$.DisplayName":"Minority"}}, false,true );
but when there is a match, it only updates the first row of my array whereas the displayName does not match with the first.
I use IntelliShell of MongoChef software.
My document looks like this :
"_id" : BinData(4, "IKC6QJRGSIywmKTKKRfTHA=="),
"_t" : "InvestorBusinessRequest",
"Title" : "Business Request 000000002",
"DealTypes" : [
"_id" : "60284B76-1F45-49F3-87B5-5278FF49A304",
"DisplayName" : "Majority",
"Order" : "001"
"_id" : "64A52AFE-2FF5-426D-BEA7-8DAE2B0E59A6",
"DisplayName" : "Majority trade sale",
"Order" : "002"
"_id" : "C07AE70D-4F62-470D-BF65-06AF93CCEBFA",
"DisplayName" : "Minority trade sale",
"Order" : "003"
"_id" : "F5C4390A-CA7D-4AC8-873E-2DC43D7F4158",
"DisplayName" : "Equity fund raising",
"Order" : "004"
How can I achieve this please ? Thanks in advance
This line works :
db.BusinessRequest.update({"DealTypes": { $exists: true }, "DealTypes": { $elemMatch: {"DisplayName": "Majority trade sale"}}}, {$set:{"DealTypes.$.DisplayName":"Majority"}}, false,true );
Please try this :
db.BusinessRequest.find().forEach( function(doc) {
do {
db.BusinessRequest.update({{"DealTypes": { $exists: true }, "DealTypes.DisplayName": "Minority trade sale" },
} while (db.getPrevError().n != 0);
You cannot modify multiple array elements in a single update operation. Thus, you'll have to repeat the update in order to migrate documents which need multiple array elements to be modified. You can do this by iterating through each document in the collection, repeatedly applying an update with $elemMatch until the document has all of its relevant comments replaced.
db.BusinessRequest.update({"DealTypes": { $exists: true }, "DealTypes": { $elemMatch: {"DisplayName": "Majority trade sale"}}}, {$set:{"DealTypes.$.DisplayName":"Majority"}}, false,true );
If you need efficiency in the search then I suggest you to normalise schema where each row is kept in separate document.
Please execute the following script in your mongo shell :
for(i=0;i < item.DealTypes.length;i++)
if(item.DealTypes[i].DisplayName === 'Minority trade sale'){
item.DealTypes[i].DisplayName = 'Minority';
Last two arguments in your update have a problem.
This is the form of update() method in mongodb
upsert: <boolean>,
multi: <boolean>,
writeConcern: <document>
I believe your update should be like this;
( {"DealTypes": { $exists: true }, "DealTypes.DisplayName": "Minority trade sale" }
, {$set:{"DealTypes.$.DisplayName":"Minority"}}
{ upsert : false, multi : true });

MongoDB search using $in array not working

I'm using MongoDB shell version: 2.4.8, and would simply like to know why a nested array search doesn't work quite as expected.
Assume we have 2 document collections, (a) Users:
"_id" : ObjectId("u1"),
"username" : "user1",
"org_ids" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("u2"),
"username" : "user2",
"org_ids" : [
and (b) Organisations:
"_id" : ObjectId("o1"),
"name" : "Org 1"
"_id" : "ObjectId("o2"),
"name" : "Org 2"
Collections have indexes defined for
Users._id, Users.org_id, Organisations._id
I would like to find all Organisations a specific user is a member of.
I've tried this:
> myUser = db.Users.find( { _id: ObjectId("u1") })
> db.Organisations.find( { _id : { $in : [myUser.org_ids] }})
yet it yields nothing as a result. I've also tried this:
> myUser = db.Users.find( { _id: ObjectId("u1") })
> db.Organisations.find( { _id : { $in : myUser.org_ids }})
but it outputs the error:
error: { "$err" : "invalid query", "code" : 12580 }
(which basically says you need to pass $in an array) ... but that's what I thought I was doing originally ? baffled.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
db.collection.find() returns a cursor - according to documentation. Then myUser.org_ids is undefined, but $in field must be an array. Let's see the solution!
_id is unique in a collection. So you can do findOne:
myUser = db.Users.findOne( { _id: ObjectId("u1") })
db.Organisations.find( { _id : { $in : myUser.org_ids }})
If you are searching for a non-unique field you can use toArray:
myUsers = db.Users.find( { username: /^user/ }).toArray()
Then myUsers will be an array of objects matching to the query.
