Can bit-level operations ever be "fast" in software? - c

Let me clarify the soft-sounding title straight away. This is actually something that has been nagging me for quite a while now, despite feeling like a pretty basic question.
Many languages give a faulty impression of efficiency by letting the developer play with bits, such as thebool.h C header which, as I understand it, is essentially just an int with a wrapper around it. Essentially, the byte seems to be the absolute lowest atomic unit of computation in C - bool x = 0 is not faster/more memory efficient than int x = 0.
What I'm wondering is then, what do we do when we want to implement an algorithm that is inherently tied to loading and manipulating single bits, such as decoding binary codes, unweighted graph connectivity problems and many others? In other words, is the atomicity of the byte an inherent property of modern CPUs or could we theoretically rival the efficiency of an ASIC just by using machine code?
EDIT: Pretty surprised by the downvotes, but I suppose people just didn't understand what I was asking. I think a really good, canonical example is traversing a binary tree (or any other sequential list of yes/no questions really). What I was wondering is if modern cpu architectures are fundamentally poorly equipped to do this (as compared to an ASIC/FPGA, that is), or if this is an artifact of some abstraction layer (language/kernel/etc). Mark's answer was good though (although I'd love a reference to the mentioned architecture extension)

No you can't rival the efficiency of an ASIC. An ASIC means you can replicate parallel bit streams as much as you have budget for on the chip. You just cut and paste your HDL until you fill your die space. A CPU only has a limited number of cores.
I'm guessing that you think that bit operations like z = (x|(1<<y)>>4 are slow and yes, all that bit shifting is extra overhead. But that is just accessing the bits. The bit operations (OR, AND, etc) are all as fast as you can get on modern CPU, i.e. 1 cycle throughput.
The 8051 architecture has a way of accessing individual bits directly, without using byte registers, but if you are worried about speed, you wouldn't consider a 8051.

By convention, a byte is the smallest addressable piece of memory in a computer. The number of bits that a byte has can differ from one system to another.
In the case of x86, there are instructions to move bytes from memory to a register and back, and instructions to manipulate values in registers. I can't speak to other architectures, but they most likely work in a similar way.
So anytime you need to manipulate some number of bits you need to do so a byte (or word, i.e. multiple bytes) at a time.

I also don't know why this question got so many downvotes, the question:
In other words, is the atomicity of the byte an inherent property of modern CPUs or could we theoretically rival the efficiency of an ASIC just by using machine code?
seems reasonable to me. It's certainly not a bad compared to many questions on stackoverflow.
The answer is: no CPUs can't match the efficiency of an ASIC.
However, the reason is not because CPUs are manipulating bytes instead of bits. Instead it's because most of the work that CPUs do to process an instruction is involved with loading it from memory, decoding it, tracking dependencies, etc., rather than performing the actual arithmetic operations on bits or bytes that the instruction directs the CPU to perform.
A good explanation of this is shown in the following presentation from the 2014 LLVM developers meeting. The presentation shows how OpenCL can be used to generate custom FPGA hardware. Slides 12 to 28 show a nice pictorial example of overhead associated with a CPU algorithm and how custom hardware can remove much of this overhead.


Fastest use of a dataset of just over 64 bytes?

Structure: I have 8 64-bit integers (512 bits = 64 bytes, the assumed cache line width) that I would like to compare to another, single 64-bit integer, in turn, without cache misses. The data set is, unfortunately, absolutely inflexible -- it's already as small as possible.
Access pattern: Each uint64_t is in fact an array of 4x4x4 bits, each bit representing the presence or absence of a voxel. This means sometimes I will be using half of one chunk and half of another, or even corners of 8 different 64-bit chunks.... I guess what this means is there is a high likelihood of a lack of alignment.
How can I do this as fast as possible i.e. without thrashing the cache?
P.S. The idea is that this code will ultimately run on a fairly wide range of architectures of at least a 64B cache line width, so I'd prefer this were absolutely as fast as possible. This also means I can't rely on MOVNTDQA, which anyway may incur a performance hit of it's own inspite of loading the 9th element directly to the CPU.
P.P.S. My knowledge of this area is fairly limited so please take it easy on me. But please spare me the premature optimisation comments; be sure that this is the 3% of this application that really counts.
I wouldn't worry about it. If your dataset is really only 9 integers, most of it will likely be stored in registers anyway. Also, there isn't really any way to optimize cache usage without specifying an architecture, since cache structure is architecture dependent. If you can list several target architectures you may be able to find some commonalities that you can optimize toward, but without knowing those architectures, I don't think there's much we can do for you.
Lastly, this seems like a good example of optimizing too early. I would suggest you take the following steps:
Decide what your maximum acceptable run time is
Finish your program in C
Compile for all of your target architectures
For those platforms that don't meet your speed spec, hand-optimize the intermediate assembly files and recompile until you meet your spec.
Are you sure you get cache-misses?
Even if the comparing value is not in an register, i think your first uint64 array should be on one cache stage (or what ever it is called) and your other data in another.
Your cache surely has some n-way associativity, that prevents your data row from being removed from the cache just by accessing your compare value.
Do not lose your time on Micro Optimizations. Improve your algorithms and data structures.

What is the limit of optimization using SIMD?

I need to optimize some C code, which does lots of physics computations, using SIMD extensions on the SPE of the Cell Processor. Each vector operator can process 4 floats at the same time. So ideally I would expect a 4x speedup in the most optimistic case.
Do you think the use of vector operators could give bigger speedups?
The best optimization occurs in rethinking the algorithm. Eliminate unnecessary steps. Find more a direct way of accomplishing the same result. Compute the solution in a domain more relevant to the problem.
For example, if the vector array is a list of n which are all on the same line, then it is sufficient to transform the end points only and interpolate the intermediate points.
It CAN give better speeds up than 4 times over straight floating point as the SIMD instructions could be less exact (Not so much as to give too many problems though) and so take fewer cycles to execute. It really depends.
Best plan is to learn as much about the processor you are optimising for as possible. You may find it can give you far better than 4x improvements. You may find out you can't. We can't say though without knowing more about the algorithm you are optimising and what CPU you are targetting.
On their own, no. But if the process of re-writing your algorithms to support them also happens to improve, say, cache locality or branching behaviour, then you could find unrelated speed-ups. However, this is true of any re-write...
This is entirely possible.
You can do more clever instruction-level micro optimizations than a compiler, if you know what you're doing.
Most SIMD instruction sets offers several powerful operations that don't have any equivalent in normal scalar FPU/ALU code (e.g. PAVG/PMIN etc. in SSE2). Even if these don't fit your problem exactly, you can often combine these instructions for great effect.
Not sure about Cell, but most SIMD instruction sets have features to optimize memory access, for example to prefetch data into cache. I've had very good results with these.
Now this isn't Cell or PPC at all, but a simple image convolution filter of mine got a 20x speedup (C vs. SSE2) on Atom, which is higher than the level of parallelity (16 pixels at a time).
It depends on the architecture.. For the moment I assume x86 architecture (aka SSE).
You can get factor four on tight loops easily. Just replace your existing math with SSE instruction and you're done.
You can even get a little more than that because if you use SSE you do the math in registers which are usually not used by the compiler. This frees up the general purpose register for other task such as loop control and address calculation. In short the code that surrounds the SSE instruction will be more compact and execute faster.
And then there is the option to hint the memory controller how you want to access the memory, e.g. if you want to store data in a way that it bypasses the cache or not. For bandwidth hungry algorithms that may give you some more extra speed ontop of that.

What's a good multi-core 64-bit "Hello World" program?

I recently got my home PC upgraded to a quad-core CPU and 64-bit OS. I have some former experience with C/C++ and I'm really "itching" to try exercising some 64-bit CPU capabilities. What's a good "Hello World" type program that demonstrates 64-bit multi-core capabilities by doing some simple things that don't work well at all in 32-bit single-core code?
I'm just trying to get a "feel" for how these new CPUs can impact the performance of C/C++ code in extreme cases.
OpenMP would be an easy way to play around with multicore programming in C++. The wikipedia example doesn't really do anything processor intensive, but you could replace the 'cout' with some independent, long-running function.
As far as 64-bit, a lot of your performance increase is going to come from a few places.
Increased throughput, because all data elements are wider the processor can process more data in any given clock cycle. Take a look at some of the Microsoft benchmarks for Exchange Server, they have now moved to support 64-bit only because the throughput increases are incredible.
More registers, since the 64-bit architecture has a large number of registers most function parameters and the return value can be passed using registers.
In the x86 ABI with some calling conventions one or maybe two parameter could be passed via registers and the rest have to be pushed onto the stack. With a common calling convention like cdecl not a single parameter or return value is placed in a register. Since the stack is located in main memory this can be a big performance hit.
You probably want to do something tyst performs computationally expensive operations om big numbers or large areas og memory in an independent fashion, such as raytracing or protein folding.
The important thing to keep in mind is that 64 bit or multicore processors can't really do anything that single-core processors CANNOT do, essentially they just do it faster and to bigger numbers.
Considering how many different parallelism models there are and how they are each adapted to different tasks, there is no satisfactory answer to your question. It all depends what you really want to do eventually. You should pick the model that's adapted to what you want to do (if it doesn't contradict the previous constraint, try message-passing, it's refreshingly easy compared to others).
I would have to say that Jherico's tongue-in-cheek answer in the comments is right. For such a simple task as "hello world", the best model is no parallelism at all.

Finding prime factors to large numbers using specially-crafted CPUs

My understanding is that many public key cryptographic algorithms these days depend on large prime numbers to make up the keys, and it is the difficulty in factoring the product of two primes that makes the encryption hard to break. It is also my understanding that one of the reasons that factoring such large numbers is so difficult, is that the sheer size of the numbers used means that no CPU can efficiently operate on the numbers, since our minuscule 32 and 64 bit CPUs are no match for 1024, 2048 or even 4096 bit numbers. Specialized Big Integer math libraries must be used in order to process those numbers, and those libraries are inherently slow since a CPU can only hold (and process) small chunks (like 32 or 64 bits) at one time.
Why can't you build a highly specialized custom chip with 2048 bit registers, and giant arithmetic circuits, much in the same way that we scaled from 8 to 16 to 32 to 64-bit CPUs, just build one a LOT larger? This chip wouldn't need most of the circuitry on conventional CPUs, after all it wouldn't need to handle things like virtual memory, multithreading or I/O. It wouldn't even need to be a general-purpose processor supporting stored instructions. Just the bare minimum to perform the necessary arithmetical calculations on ginormous numbers.
I don't know a whole lot about IC design, but I do remember learning about how logic gates work, how to build a half adder, full adder, then link together a bunch of adders to do multi-bit arithmetic. Just scale up. A lot.
Now, I'm fairly certain that there is a very good reason (or 17) that the above won't work (since otherwise one of the many people smarter than I am would have already done it) but I am interested in knowing why it won't work.
(Note: This question may need some re-working, as I'm not even sure yet if the question makes sense)
What #cube said, and the fact that a giant arithmetic logic unit would take more time for the logic signals to stabilize, and include other complications in digital design. Digital logic design includes something that you take for granted in software, namely that signals through combinational logic take a small but nonzero time to propagate and settle. A 32x32 multiplier needs to be designed carefully. A 1024x1024 multiplier would not only take a huge amount of physical resources in a chip, but it also would be slower than a 32x32 multiplier (though perhaps faster than a 32x32 multiplier computing all the partial products needed to perform a 1024x1024 multiply). Plus it's not only the multiplier that's the bottleneck: you've got memory pathways. You'd have to spend a bunch of time gathering the 1024 bits from a memory circuit that's only 32 bits wide, and storing the resulting 2048 bits back into the memory circuit.
Almost certainly it's better to get a bunch of "conventional" 32-bit or 64-bit systems working in parallel: you get the speedup w/o the hardware design complexity.
edit: if anyone has ACM access (I don't), perhaps take a look at this paper to see what it says.
Its because this speedup would be only in O(n), but the complexity of factoring the number is something like O(2^n) (with respect to the number of bits). So if you made this überprocessor and factorized the numbers 1000 times faster, I would only have to make the numbers 10 bits larger and we would be back on the start again.
As indicated above, the primary problem is simply how many possibilities you have to go through to factor a number. That being said, specialized computers do exist to do this sort of thing.
The real progress for this sort of cryptography is improvements in number factoring algorithms. Currently, the fastest known general algorithm is the general number field sieve.
Historically, we seem to be able to factor numbers twice as large each decade. Part of that is faster hardware, and part of it is simply a better understanding of mathematics and how to perform factoring.
I can't comment on the feasibility of an approach exactly like the one you described, but people do similar things very frequently using FPGAs:
Crack DES keys
Crack GSM conversations
Open source graphics card
Shamir & Tromer suggest a similar approach, using a kind of grid computing:
This article discusses a new design for a custom hardware
implementation of the sieving step, which
reduces [the cost of sieving, relative to TWINKLE,] to about $10M. The new device,
called TWIRL, can be seen as an extension of the
TWINKLE device. However, unlike TWINKLE it
does not have optoelectronic components, and can
thus be manufactured using standard VLSI technology
on silicon wafers. The underlying idea is to use
a single copy of the input to solve many subproblems
in parallel. Since input storage dominates cost, if the
parallelization overhead is kept low then the resulting
speedup is obtained essentially for free. Indeed, the
main challenge lies in achieving this parallelism efficiently while allowing compact storage of the input.
Addressing this involves myriad considerations, ranging
from number theory to VLSI technology.
Why don't you try building an uber-quantum computer and run Shor's algorithm on it?
"... If a quantum computer with a sufficient number of qubits were to be constructed, Shor's algorithm could be used to break public-key cryptography schemes such as the widely used RSA scheme. RSA is based on the assumption that factoring large numbers is computationally infeasible. So far as is known, this assumption is valid for classical (non-quantum) computers; no classical algorithm is known that can factor in polynomial time. However, Shor's algorithm shows that factoring is efficient on a quantum computer, so a sufficiently large quantum computer can break RSA. ..." -Wikipedia

Is it faster to use an array or bit access for multiple boolean values?

1) On a 32-bit CPU is it faster to acccess an array of 32 boolean values or to access the 32 bits within one word? (Assume we want to check the value of the Nth element and can use either a bit-mask (Nth bit is set) or the integer N as an array index.)
It seems to me that the array would be faster because all common computer architectures natively work at the word level (32 bits, 64 bits, etc., processed in parallel) and accessing the sub-word bits takes extra work.
I know different compilers will represent things differently, but it seems that the underlying hardware architecture would dictate the answer. Or does the answer depend on the language and compiler?
2) Is the speed answer reversed if this array represents a state that I pass between client and server?
This question came to mind when reading question "How use bit/bit-operator to control object state?"
P.S. Yes, I could write code to test this myself, but then the SO community wouldn't get to play along!
Bear in mind that a theoretically faster solution that doesn't fit into a cache line might be slower than a theoretically slower one that does, depending on a whole host of things. If this is actually something that needs to be fast, as determined by profiling, test both ways and see. If it doesn't, do whatever looks like cleaner code, which is probably the array.
It depends on the compiler and the access patterns and the platform. Raymond Chen has an excellent cost-benefit analysis: .
Even on non x86 platforms the use of bits can be prohibitive as at least one PPC platform out there uses microcoded instructions to perform a variable shift which can do nasty things with other hardware threads.
So it can be a win, but you need to understand the context in which it will be good and bad. (Which is a general thing anyway.)
For question #1: Yes, on most 32-bit platforms, an array of boolean values should be faster, because you will just be loading each 32-bit-aligned value in the array and testing it against 0. If you use a single word, you will have all that work plus the overhead of bit-fiddling.
For question #2: Again, yes, since sending data over a network is significantly slower than operating on data in the CPU and main memory, the overhead of sending even one word will strongly outweigh any performance gain or loss you get by aligning words or bit fiddling.
This is the code generated by 0 != (value & (1 << index)) to test a bit:
00401000 mov eax,1
00401005 shl eax,cl
00401007 and eax,1
And this by values[index] to test a bool[]:
00401000 movzx eax,byte ptr [ecx+eax]
Can't figure out how to put a loop around it that doesn't get optimized away, I'll vote bool[].
If you are going to check more than one value at a time, doing it in parallel will obviously be faster. If you're only checking one value, it's probably the same.
If you need a better answer than that, write some tests and get back to us.
I think a byte array is probably better than a full-word array for simple random access.
It will give better cache locality than using the full word size, and I don't think byte access is any slower on most/all common architectures.
