Matlab: find multiple elements in an array - arrays

I want to find multiple elements of a value in an array in Matlab code.
I found the function mod and find, but these return the indices of elements and
not the elements. Moreover, I wrote the following code:
x=[1 2 3 4];
if (mod(x,2)==0)
but this does not work. How can I solve this problem?

Looks like you what to find all multiples of 2 (or any number), you can achieve this using :
a = x( mod(x,2) == 0 ) ;

When you do a = x, x is still x=[1 2 3 4] regardless if (mod(x,2)==0) is true or false;
you can assign a value to (mod(x,2)==0), e.g. val = (mod(x,2)==0), then append/add this value to a new array.

Given a vector numberList = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; and a number number = 2; you can find indices (position in a vector) of the numbers in the numberList that are a multiple of number using indices = find(mod(numberList, number) ==0);.
If necessary you may display a list of this multiples calling: multiples = numberList(indices).
multiples =
2 4 6


Algorithm: Given an array, find the maximum sum after rearrangement

You are given an array A, of size N, containing numbers from 0-N. For each sub-array starting from 0th index, lets say Si, we say Bi is the smallest non negative number that is not present in Si.
We need to find the maximum possible sum of all Bi of this array.
We can rearrange the array to obtain the maximum sum.
For example:
A = 1, 2, 0 , N = 3
then lets say we rearranged it as A= 0, 1, 2
S1 = 0, B1= 1
S2 = 0,1 B2= 2
S3 = 0,1,2 B3= 3
Hence the sum is 6
Whatever examples I have tried, I have seen that sorted array will give the maximum sum. Am I correct or missing something here.
Please help to find the correct logic for this problem. I am not looking for optimal solution but just the correct logic.
Yes, sorting the array maximizes the sum of 𝐵𝑖
As the input size is 𝑛, it does not include every number in the range {0, ..., 𝑛}, as that is a set of 𝑛 + 1 numbers. Let's say it only lacks value 𝑘, then 𝐵𝑖 is 𝑘 for all 𝑖 >= 𝑘. If there are other numbers that are missing, but greater than 𝑘, there is no impact on any 𝐵𝑖.
Thus we need to find out the minimum missing value 𝑘 in the range {0, ..., 𝑛}. And then the maximised sum is 1 + 2 + ... + 𝑘 + (𝑛−𝑘)𝑘. This is 𝑘(𝑘+1)/2 + (𝑛−𝑘)𝑘 = 𝑘(1 + 2𝑛 − 𝑘)/2
To find the value of 𝑘, create a boolean array of size 𝑛 + 1, and set the entry at index 𝑣 to true when 𝑣 is encountered in the input. 𝑘 is then the first index at which that boolean array still has a false value.
Here is a little implementation in a JavaScript snippet:
function maxSum(arr) {
const n = arr.length;
const isUsed = Array(n + 1).fill(false);
for (const value of arr) {
isUsed[value] = true;
const k = isUsed.indexOf(false);
return k * (1 + 2*n - k) / 2;
console.log(maxSum([0, 1, 2])); // 6
console.log(maxSum([0, 2, 2])); // 3
console.log(maxSum([1, 0, 1])); // 5

Generate a matrix of combinations (permutation) without repetition (array exceeds maximum array size preference)

I am trying to generate a matrix, that has all unique combinations of [0 0 1 1], I wrote this code for this:
v1 = [0 0 1 1];
M1 = unique(perms([0 0 1 1]),'rows');
• This isn't ideal, because perms() is seeing each vector element as unique and doing:
4! = 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 24 combinations.
• With unique() I tried to delete all the repetitive entries so I end up with the combination matrix M1 →
only [4!/ 2! * (4-2)!] = 6 combinations!
Now, when I try to do something very simple like:
n = 15;
i = 1;
v1 = [zeros(1,n-i) ones(1,i)];
M = unique(perms(vec_1),'rows');
• Instead of getting [15!/ 1! * (15-1)!] = 15 combinations, the perms() function is trying to do
15! = 1.3077e+12 combinations and it's interrupted.
• How would you go about doing in a much better way? Thanks in advance!
You can use nchoosek to return the indicies which should be 1, I think in your heart you knew this must be possible because you were using the definition of nchoosek to determine the expected final number of permutations! So we can use:
idx = nchoosek( 1:N, k );
Where N is the number of elements in your array v1, and k is the number of elements which have the value 1. Then it's simply a case of creating the zeros array and populating the ones.
v1 = [0, 0, 1, 1];
N = numel(v1); % number of elements in array
k = nnz(v1); % number of non-zero elements in array
colidx = nchoosek( 1:N, k ); % column index for ones
rowidx = repmat( 1:size(colidx,1), k, 1 ).'; % row index for ones
M = zeros( size(colidx,1), N ); % create output
M( rowidx(:) + size(M,1) * (colidx(:)-1) ) = 1;
This works for both of your examples without the need for a huge intermediate matrix.
Aside: since you'd have the indicies using this approach, you could instead create a sparse matrix, but whether that's a good idea or not would depend what you're doing after this point.

How to get average of values in array between two given indexes in Swift

I'm trying to get the average of the values between two indexes in an array. The solution I first came to reduces the array to the required range, before taking the sum of values divided by the number of values. A simplified version looks like this:
let array = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]
// The aim is to take the average of the values between array[n] and array[.count - 1].
I attempted with the following code:
func avgOf(x: Int) throws -> String {
let avgforx = solveList.count - x
// Error handling to check if x in average of x does not overstep bounds
guard avgforx > 0 else {
throw FuncError.avgNotPossible
solveList.removeSubrange(ClosedRange(uncheckedBounds: (lower: 0, upper: avgforx - 1)))
let avgx = (solveList.reduce(0, +)) / Double(x)
// Rounding
let roundedAvgOfX = (avgx * 1000).rounded() / 1000
return "\(roundedAvgOfX)"
where avgforx is used to represent the lower bound :
array[(.count - 1) - x])
The guard statement makes sure that if the index is out of range, the error is handled properly.
solveList.removeSubrange was my initial solution, as it removes the values outside of the needed index range (and subsequently delivers the needed result), but this has proved to be problematic as the values not taken in the average should remain.
The line in removeSubrange basically takes a needed index field (e.g. array[5] to array[10]), removes all the values from array[0] to array[4], and then takes the sum of the resulting array divided by the number of elements.
Instead, the values in array[0] to array[4] should remain.
I would appreciate any help.
(Swift 4, Xcode 10)
Apart from the fact that the original array is modified, the error in your code is that it divides the sum of the remaining elements by the count of the removed elements (x) instead of dividing by the count of remaining elements.
A better approach might be to define a function which computes the average of a collection of integers:
func average<C: Collection>(of c: C) -> Double where C.Element == Int {
precondition(!c.isEmpty, "Cannot compute average of empty collection")
return Double(c.reduce(0, +))/Double(c.count)
Now you can use that with slices, without modifying the original array:
let array = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]
let avg1 = average(of: array[3...]) // Average from index 3 to the end
let avg2 = average(of: array[2...4]) // Average from index 2 to 4
let avg3 = average(of: array[..<5]) // Average of first 5 elements

Given two arrays A and B, how to get B values which are the closest to A

Suppose I have two arrays ordered in an ascending order, i.e.:
A = [1 5 7], B = [1 2 3 6 9 10]
I would like to create from B a new vector B', which contains only the closest values to A values (one for each).
I also need the indexes. So, in my example I would like to get:
B' = [1 6 9], Idx = [1 4 5]
Note that the third value is 9. Indeed 6 is closer to 7 but it is already 'taken' since it is close to 4.
Any idea for a suitable code?
Note: my true arrays are much larger and contain real (not int) values
Also, it is given that B is longer then A
Assuming you want to minimize the overall discrepancies between elements of A and matched elements in B, the problem can be written as an assignment problem of assigning to every row (element of A) a column (element of B) given a cost matrix C. The Hungarian (or Munkres') algorithm solves the assignment problem.
I assume that you want to minimize cumulative squared distance between A and matched elements in B, and use the function [assignment,cost] = munkres(costMat) by Yi Cao from
A = [1 5 7];
B = [1 2 3 6 9 10];
[Bprime,matches] = matching(A,B)
function [Bprime,matches] = matching(A,B)
C = (repmat(A',1,length(B)) - repmat(B,length(A),1)).^2;
[matches,~] = munkres(C);
Bprime = B(matches);
Assuming instead you want to find matches recursively, as suggested by your question, you could either walk through A, for each element in A find the closest remaining element in B and discard it (sortedmatching below); or you could iteratively form and discard the distance-minimizing match between remaining elements in A and B until all elements in A are matched (greedymatching):
A = [1 5 7];
B = [1 2 3 6 9 10];
[~,~,Bprime,matches] = sortedmatching(A,B,[],[])
[~,~,Bprime,matches] = greedymatching(A,B,[],[])
function [A,B,Bprime,matches] = sortedmatching(A,B,Bprime,matches)
[~,ix] = min((A(1) - B).^2);
matches = [matches ix];
Bprime = [Bprime B(ix)];
A = A(2:end);
B(ix) = Inf;
[A,B,Bprime,matches] = sortedmatching(A,B,Bprime,matches);
function [A,B,Bprime,matches] = greedymatching(A,B,Bprime,matches)
C = (repmat(A',1,length(B)) - repmat(B,length(A),1)).^2;
[minrows,ixrows] = min(C);
[~,ixcol] = min(minrows);
ixrow = ixrows(ixcol);
matches(ixrow) = ixcol;
Bprime(ixrow) = B(ixcol);
A(ixrow) = -Inf;
B(ixcol) = Inf;
if(max(A) > -Inf)
[A,B,Bprime,matches] = greedymatching(A,B,Bprime,matches);
While producing the same results in your example, all three methods potentially give different answers on the same data.
Normally I would run screaming from for and while loops in Matlab, but in this case I cannot see how the solution could be vectorized. At least it is O(N) (or near enough, depending on how many equally-close matches to each A(i) there are in B). It would be pretty simple to code the following in C and compile it into a mex file, to make it run at optimal speed, but here's a pure-Matlab solution:
function [out, ind] = greedy_nearest(A, B)
if nargin < 1, A = [1 5 7]; end
if nargin < 2, B = [1 2 3 6 9 10]; end
ind = A * 0;
walk = 1;
for i = 1:numel(A)
match = 0;
lastDelta = inf;
while walk < numel(B)
delta = abs(B(walk) - A(i));
if delta < lastDelta, match = walk; end
if delta > lastDelta, break, end
lastDelta = delta;
walk = walk + 1;
ind(i) = match;
walk = match + 1;
out = B(ind);
You could first get the absolute distance from each value in A to each value in B, sort them and then get the first unique value to a sequence when looking down in each column.
% Get distance from each value in A to each value in B
[~, minIdx] = sort(abs(bsxfun(#minus, A,B.')));
% Get first unique sequence looking down each column
idx = zeros(size(A));
for iCol = 1:numel(A)
for iRow = 1:iCol
if ~ismember(idx, minIdx(iRow,iCol))
idx(iCol) = minIdx(iRow,iCol);
The result when applying idx to B
>> idx
1 4 5
>> B(idx)
1 6 9

How to find if any array elements are larger than a certain value using `arrayfun`

Let's say we have an array numbers. If any elements in the array are greater than 3, I want to make array equal nan.
array = [1 2 3 4 5];
if arrayfun(#greater than 3,array)
array = nan;
You don't really need arrayfun for this simple job. if any(array > 3); array = nan; end is all you need.
