CLIPS compilation - c

I would like to compile CLIPS on Windows to get object files necessary to a binding with GNAT Ada.
I have downloaded the package which provides core & makefiles directories
I tried to compile with MinGW through the commands :
mingw32-make makefile.gcc
mingw32-make makefile.g++
But the answer is always : Nothing to be done ! And of course no object file has been generated.
What am I doing wrong with that approach ?

Normally the argument to a make command is the desired target, not the name of the Makefile.
Since the file given as an argument already exists, there is nothing to be done.
If you want to build the project, try just a simple mingw32-make in the directory containing the Makefiles.
If that doesn't work, you can specify the file with -f.
mingw32-make -f makefile.g++


How come when I try to compile my C program by making a file named for the program it creates an application for it?

I once tried to compile a C program I made that was for a chess game (thanks to YouTube's Bluefever Software for the tutorial), but when I went to compile the program, I executed this line of code:
C:\TDM-GCC-64\>gcc Chess/chess.c Chess/init.c -o chess
The compiling worked (there were no syntax errors or anything), but when I got to my file directory, I saw this (circled in blue):
An unexpected application (but there were no viruses!):
How did this happen? It may had something to do with the line I was compiling, but what is the "intel" behind this?
It is normal for the compiler to generate an application!
What is surprising is the location for the executable, it should have been generated in the parent directory:
C:\TDM-GCC-64\> gcc Chess/chess.c Chess/init.c -o chess
The explanation is interesting:
You are using the Windows operating system, where the filenames are case insensitive.
You instructed gcc to generate the executable into chess, but this is the name of the Chess directory. In this case, gcc generates the executable in the named directory and gives it a name that is the basename of the first source file chess.c -> chess.
Furthermore, the application name really is chess.exe in Windows, but the default setting for the file manager is to not display file extensions. This is a very unfortunate choice. I suggest you change this setting in the Windows/File Explorer Options window to always show file extensions. This will allow you to distinguish chess.c, chess.exe and chess.h more easily.
You have a Makefile in the Chess directory, you should use the make command to build the executable:
C:\TDM-GCC-64\> make -C Chess
Or simply cd to the Chess subdirectory and type:
C:\TDM-GCC-64\Chess> make
That's the file you told the compiler to make.
The -o option to gcc is the output file. In this case, you told it to create an executable file named chess. And that's exactly what was created.
The compiler is automatically creating an executable file while compiling.

Msys make in Powershell - No such file or directory

I installed the base package to compile C++ with MinGW Installer GUI and CMake. I created a simple file .c with hello world, and can use cmake . -G"MSYS Makefiles" normally. I added E:\Programmation\MinGW\bin and E:\Programmation\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin to my path.
Here is my CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.3)
project (Prototype)
file (
add_executable (
Once the makefile is created however, when I use make I'll get the following error:
/bin/sh:/e/Users/MyName/Documents/GitHub/ProjectName/prototype/c/E:/Programmation/MinGW/msys/1.0/bin/make.exe: No such file or directory
make.exe": *** [all] Error 127
I can compile the file main.c just fine with gcc main.c and the exe it produces works, so the problem is with the make.exe.
If I use it in the msys.bat shell, located in E:\Programmation\MinGW\msys\1.0, it works as it should. So my guess is that the problem is with Powershell and the path. I'm thinking maybe it's because of the way hard drives are designated, since in the error I get it calls my E:\ disk /e/ first then E:/. When I work in msys.bat I have to write it this way: /e/Users/MyName...
This is PEBKAC. The problem is not with make.exe, but rather, in the way you are attempting to misuse it.
How many times must I say this? Using MSYS make.exe, (or indeed any of the MSYS tools), in any environment other that the MSYS shell, which is started by running msys.bat, is definitively unsupported by the MSYS Project maintainers.
Since you say you problem goes away, when you use make.exe as you are supposed to, (in the MSYS shell, invoked by running msys.bat), this is your problem, and your problem alone. It apparently does not work, when you attempt to use it improperly, (i.e. from PowerShell): that's tough luck; when you break free software, by misusing it, you get to keep all the pieces.
Contrary to the accepted answer, it is actually possible to do this using PowerShell:
sh.exe -c "cd ""$pathToMake""; make"
Make sure you sanitise backslashes for the shell before the call above.
$pathToMake = $pathToMake -replace "\\", "/"
Also the MSYS bin has to be in your path, which would typically look like this (your path maybe different):
$env:Path = "C:\GNUstep\msys\1.0\bin;$($env:Path)"

Adding custom path to gcc command

i know there a a few posts already about this but I do not seem to be able to get it right.
I am working on a shared project using geany and gcc. The file structure looks something like this:
`/Documents/.../project/ main directory of project with makefile`
`/Documents/.../project/src here are some sourcefiles and headers`
`/Documents/.../project/src/extended here are some other source and header files`
`/Documents/.../project/src/tools other header and source files`
now lets say I am working on a sourcefile in /tools that includes from extened with
because my makefile is configured to search for files from /src. However when I am trying to compile the file I am working on right now (by using geany compile option which just calls gcc) I cannot compile it obviously because it cannot find /extended/some_header.h in the /src folder. I have tried adding
to the gcc call by geany but it doesn't work either.
The -I flag tells the gcc compiler where it should look for the header files. Passing the -Idir to the compiler is appending the dir path to the head of the search list, effectively making this path higher priority than the previously (or system) defined paths. As for the source path - there is no such an option for gcc itself. Each source file passed to the compiler has to have it's path (absolute or relative). In order to work it around, a Makefile can be provided, defining a list of files to be compiled.

Trying to adapt existing c project to CUDA, .cu files not found by Makefile

I'm trying to accelerate a key function in a c project (not c++) using CUDA.
For some reason, i can't get the Makefile's to recognise the .cu extension when I change the name of one of the files to .cu.
It's using a configure script and .am/.in/.deps files, which I don't really understand all that well, but basically I grepped references to file.c and changed them all to, but it produces a file.o: File Not Found error.
Top level make file
Src folder makefile
The search command I used was
grep -R -i "file.c"
and I simply changed them all to, then re-ran configure, make clean, make all - result is File Not Found.
I suppose it must be something to do with extensions being ignored/accepted by the Makefile, but as it's been a long time since I've programmed in C and I've never used such complex Makefiles I don't know how to fix it.
Any ideas?
*PS Also, has compile errors at the moment, but the error message I'm getting is File Not Found, so I think that's not the problem.
You need to have a rule to build o file from a cu file:
nvcc $(NVCC_FLAGS) -c %< -o $#
So you also need to specify the rule for the cu file, and use nvcc for compilation.
The following guide seems to cover it...
Actually, most of the advice given in the link seems unnecessary for basic compilation, but for some reason I found that when I re-created the config file using autoconf it worked. No explanation comes to mind.

How to use FLEX in CMAKE

I am trying to figure out what I am doing wrong when trying to use just flex in a Cmake file to build a shared lib.
i basically have the following
FLEX_TARGET(Test ../src/test.l ../src/test.c)
set(SRC_FILES mysource.c ${FLEX_Test_OUTPUTS})
add_libary(testlib ${SRC_FILES})
target_link_libraries(testlib crypto c ${FLEX_LIBRARIES})
this is giving me a problem saying it cant find ../src/test.c
any ideas how I can make sure Lex ran first? secondly,how can i pass my -L and -d options to lex (like I am doing in my normal, pre-cmake version of this makefile)
Why do you want output file to be in the source dir?
I'd recommend using ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}:
FLEX_TARGET(Test ../src/test.l ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../src/test.c)
As for
any ideas how I can make sure Lex ran first?
you don't need to do it, CMake can guess this dependency by it's own. I think the problem is either in using source dir for output file, or the ../src dir doesn't exist before flex runs.
secondly,how can i pass my -L and -d options to lex
List them after the output parameter:
FLEX_TARGET(Test ../src/test.l ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../src/test.c -L -d)
