how do I style an Alert element in react-native? - reactjs

I'm working with react-native and I have created an Alert element.
'bla bla bla',
{text: 'OK', onPress: () => console.log('OK Pressed')},
Now I'd like to apply some style to it. Let's say I want to apply to it a red background color and white color for the text.
How can I achieve this? Is it possible?

There actually is a way to customize the text on the buttons but you're limited to what is provided... Below is the type definition from react native. Then a simple example showing a red button. Basically the "default" is blue, "cancel" is bold but still blue and "destructive" is red.
* An Alert button style
export type AlertButtonStyle = $Enum<{
* Default button style
'default': string,
* Cancel button style
'cancel': string,
* Destructive button style
'destructive': string,
Alert.alert("Look out!",
"Hitting reset will wipe all the app's data on your phone. This cannot be undone!",
{text: 'Reset', onPress: this._doSomethingSerious, style: 'destructive'},
{text: 'Cancel'},
{cancelable: false}

You can use a custom library like react-native-modalbox.
You'll be able to style the modal as you like:
<Modal style={{background: 'red'}} ref={"modal1"}>
<Text style={{color: 'white'}}>Basic modal</Text>
<Button onPress={this.toggleSwipeToClose} style={styles.btn}>Disable swipeToClose({this.state.swipeToClose ? "true" : "false"})</Button>
You can open the modal using
openModal1(id) {;
Check out the example to see more options.
Bonus: If you want to find a good library for react-native, try

I don't think this is possible, because the Alert component of react-native is something included in Android and iOS and cannot be modified :/
I recommend this kind of similar probleme here !
See ya !

I've been looking for this in android/rn sources.
Looking at the implementation code, it instantiates an AlertDialog.Builder, and looking at the android original source code for the AlertDialog.Builder, the constructor with only context uses a resolveDialogTheme with themeResId=0. Anyway, the important part about this method is this:
} else {
final TypedValue outValue = new TypedValue();
context.getTheme().resolveAttribute(R.attr.alertDialogTheme, outValue, true);
return outValue.resourceId;
The fallback style/theme is alertDialogTheme, so you can override the alert dialog default theme with android:alertDialogTheme like this:
<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
<item name="android:alertDialogTheme">#style/ThemeAlert</item>
<style name="ThemeAlert" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.Dialog.Alert">
<!-- This one changes buttons text color -->
<item name="colorAccent">#152849</item>
I needed to change the text for default buttons, so this worked for me (at least on RN 0.61.5), but I'm not sure about which props could be changed.
Of course, this doesn't solve changing colors at runtime... if that's really needed you probably should use a lib or write a native module yourself.


Antd change the selected item color

Problem Description
I have changed the theme color by using <ConfigProvider prefixCls="custom">
prefixCls: 'custom',
theme: {
primaryColor: '#1d2958',
However, antd will help me automatically generat a kind of "secondary color" like shown below.
I want to change this color because it is really not approprarite for my use case.
Many other components will also use this auto generated "secondary color" , you can find all here.

Antd: how to set button hover color?

I have the following configuration in the antd.customize.less file:
#btn-primary-bg: #ffe900;
#btn-primary-color: #primary-color;
#btn-default-color: #primary-color;
#btn-default-bg: #ffffff;
On hovering a primary button everything is ok, but on hovering a default button the text color in the button changes to #btn-primary-bg, which I want to override, but I couldn't find any property like "#btn-default-hover-color" here. How can this be overridden, if at all?
I faced the same issue but I'm still looking for a better solution. However, for the moment, I can suggest that you add something like this to your global style file:
.ant-btn-default:hover, .ant-btn-default:focus {
border-color: #bee2e5;
color: #fff;
After antd has been updated to version 5.0.0 there is a prettier way to do it using ConfigProvider.
Let's suppose we have wrapped our App and assigned to the theme an object with parameters.
<ConfigProvider theme={{
components: {
Button: {
colorPrimaryBorderHover: 'red',
colorPrimaryHover: 'lightgray',
colorPrimary: 'red',
colorPrimaryActive: 'lightgray',
colorPrimaryTextHover: 'lightgray',
<App />
Acctually there are a lot of parameters to customize the appereance of your app which you can find in your
node_modules/antd/es/config-provider/context.d.ts file
However your config might be huge but to keep your code readable you might pass this object with interface of ThemeConfig as an exported value from another .ts file.
<ConfigProvider theme={myCustomTheme}>
Working with reassigning less variables. Thied to edit everything that connected with #primary-color, nothing changed color generated by Antd for hover/active state. Looks like there is no way to do this with less variables.

Is there a way to add new tab in WordPress Gutenberg editor

I am completely new to Gutenberg and I need to add a new tab in the setting section Please check this screenshot
I Have created some blocks for Gutenberg but no experience in this. I tried this code
import { TabPanel } from '#wordpress/components';
const onSelect = ( tabName ) => {
console.log( 'Selecting tab', tabName );
const MyTabPanel = () => (
<TabPanel className="my-tab-panel"
onSelect={ onSelect }
tabs={ [
name: 'tab1',
title: 'Tab 1',
className: 'tab-one',
name: 'tab2',
title: 'Tab 2',
className: 'tab-two',
] }>
( tab ) => <p>{ tab.title }</p>
But didn't help me. Anyone here please help me.
Thanks in advance
In the screenshot you provided, the location you are attempting to add a tab to is the Settings Header
(gutenberg/packages/edit-post/src/components/sidebar/settings-header) for which there is not currently a slot in the Gutenberg API to extend from (although this could potentially be done, it's best to not interfere with core UI).
The prefered method to add to the Admin UI is to use an provided SlotFill for custom content, currently there are:
The PluginSidebar slot is useful for adding custom content that is specific for your plugins/blocks purpose. The main point to consider is whether the content you wish to add applies just to your block, the post/page as a whole or is some other 'global' setting to do with a plugin.
If your content applies to the whole post/page, the PluginPostStatusInfo slot may be a good location to add to. You could also add your own Panel that appears underneath the "Document" tab.
If the content is block-specific, then you can use the to add custom controls underneath "Block" tab that contextually show when your block is selected. This would also be a good place for meta field values that are specific to the block or custom controls for colors/display options related to your block.
The official WordPress Gutenberg documentation also has a tutorial on Block Controls: Block Toolbar and Settings Sidebar which walks through some common scenarios for adding your own settings in Blocks.

Is it possible to change a part of text styling of ChoiceGroupOption (office-ui-fabric)?

I am using Office fabric Choice Group for my radio buttons. I would like to change the styling of part of text to bold, but the rest of text remains as normal font size. I am using onRenderField method but I have not successfully implemented yet.... I really appreciate any inputs!!
Final Goal for radio button text:
On: some additional explanation here
Example Code using onRenderField method:
key: 'On',
text: 'On: some additional explanation here',
onRenderField: (props, render) => {
return (
<span style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>
The above code makes bold entire text like below:
On: some additional explanation here
There's an option that doesn't appear to be well-documented called onRenderLabel that will do what you need.
Using it looks like:
key: 'C',
text: 'Option C',
onRenderLabel: (p) => <span id={p.labelId} className="ms-ChoiceFieldLabel">Option C: only <strong>this part</strong> is bold</span>
The p in the callback is of type IChoiceGroupOptionProps and may be of use, though it's more likely that defining the entire render inline is easier. ( )

Add a CSS class to the TAB in TabBar, not the tab it self

Here is a screenshot to visualize what I want to do.
There is an extra tab which is iconless (between exit and project).
The blue highlighted line is the element itself in the inspector.
My goal is to set the tab's width in the tabbar and not in the tabpanel to 5px.
So That it would act has a spacer between tabs' icons.
I tried to manually add a CSS class so that I could create a very specific rule pointing to that element and inside this rule set the width to 5px with an !important tag.
.x-tab .x-tab-normal .x-item-disabled .x-iconalign-center .x-tab-icon .x-layout-box-item .x-stretched
width:5px !important;
Sadly I never found a way to add a class at that particular level of the component hierarchy.
So I tried to replace an existing CSS class of that component (.x-item-disabled).
I changed .x-item-disabled to .fake and than created a CSS rule accordingly...
It did not work and has in the first case, the component's css classes in the inspector did not changed at all..
I'm pretty sure I need to do it that way since it's not something sencha allows us to do.
Can someone help me out plz? and are private classes and does not seem to expose that feature, so I guess at the moment there is no simple way to do what you ask. Those tabs are built based on the Panel items configuration, but the data you pass in are not directly mapped to them. Indeed if you apply a cls or style property to an item configuration, that goes to the content of the panel, not to its associated tab. You can however modify the tab after your panel has been initialized:
Try this:
Ext.create('Ext.TabPanel', {
fullscreen: true,
tabBarPosition: 'bottom',
defaults: {
styleHtmlContent: true
items: [
title: 'Home',
iconCls: 'home',
html: 'Home Screen'
title: '',
iconCls: 'dummy',
html: ''
title: 'Contact',
iconCls: 'user',
html: 'Contact Screen'
initialize: function() {
// get spacer by position, it's ugly but it works
// without extending Sencha components
var spacer = this.getTabBar().getAt(1);
// of course here you could apply a CSS class
// if you prefer
spacer.setStyle('width:5px; min-width:5px;');
// let's also disable the button
// and remove the icon since it is mandatory in Panel
// config but we don't really want it
See the fiddle.
code in your initialize function in answer 1
