Production Environment for Yeoman-angular generator - angularjs

I have an app that is running using grunt for development.
Shifting this to a production environment, though, it's apparently not recommended to use Grunt.
With the yeoman team's angular generator, what do I need to do to get my app ready for production?
grunt serve:dist doesn't work (because the file names and paths are obviously different than development).


Which is better way to create a react app?

I have been working with reactjs from last 7-8 months, I have always used create-react-app to get started with any react application. but, by exploring more ways to get started with a react application I came to know there is a thing called vite which is I guess is providing a faster and leaner development experience for modern web projects.
I used it once till now, not in production yet as I am not very confident about it. So, which is a better way to get a simple template for react app. which is also better in production environment. Does using any one affects in production?
CRA uses webpack to handle its core functionalities. In the development webpack repeats the bundling process every time there is a change in the code. As a result, when your source code grows larger, everything becomes sluggish. The time it takes to serve a dev server and build your projects increases significantly.
Vite only needs to pre-bundle your dependencies using esbuild the first time you start development before it begins to serve your app.
Vite doesn’t need to bundle the entire app or transpile the modules and code before starting a dev server; transpiling is done on-demand, thus making it significantly faster than CRA.,and%20which%20modules%20are%20supported.

Difference between production and development build in ReactJS

Recently I started learning react and I saw a tutorial where they used Webpack to create the production and development builds. But there was no explanation on what the difference between those two builds is and which one you have to use when. I searched the internet but didn't find anything that helped me. Does anyone have a tutorial or an explanation that I missed/didn't read?
The development build is used - as the name suggests - for development reasons. You have Source Maps, debugging and often times hot reloading ability in those builds.
The production build, on the other hand, runs in production mode which means this is the code running on your client's machine. The production build runs uglify and builds your source files into one or multiple minimized files. It also extracts CSS and images and of course any other sources you're loading with Webpack. There's also no hot reloading included. Source Maps might be included as separate files depending on your webpack devtool settings.
What specifically separates production from development is dependent on your preferences and requirements, which means it pretty much depends on what you write in your Webpack configuration.
The webpack-production documentation is very straight-forward.
Also, the article Webpack 3 + React — Production build tips describes the process of creating production builds for React with Webpack pretty good.
The very basic difference is that Production Build has ugly, minified(compressed) version of your javascript code, so this makes rendering of file on end user's browser very quick and performance enhancing.
You can also verify if production build is being used in the website by applying a google plugin extension, which when activated on your browser, will always tell you if the website is using react js on the front end and also tells whether the build type is production or development.
when react is development build,
production-ready versions of React and React DOM as single files are available as well,
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
NOTE: Remember that only React files ending with .production.min.js are suitable for production.
The production and development build come into the picture just because of performance impact in real life deployed the application. Also, it happens that the location where the application is deployed is another continent altogether, so rendering development build js files on UI will take a hell of a time as compared to production version which is very crisp, compact, compressed, uglified for better user experience and loading on UI. for information CLICK HERE
react.development.js provides us extra features like debugging, hmr(Hot module reloading) and lots of other stuffs that you might
use while developing app with the help of bundlers like webpack, parcel, vite. This bundler bundles and minifies our code to be
deployed on production
These minified files will be deployed on production which removes lots of unnecessary files which will not be used by our app
for this we have react.production.js to make our much faster(as bundlers and lots of other files have done there work and are not required now)

AngularJS - Find the Env the application runs?

I have an angular application. I have it set by scafolding using Yeoman and its generator-angular app. I am testing it using grunt serve.
I have few basic questions -
Is this a node application?
Since this application is going to be run in two environments (like pre-production and production), is there a way in my angular app I get the details of which environment it is run?
Let me try to explain
No this is a framework developed by Google team
There are many ways and tools to do that like gulp , grunt, webpack and yes there are many ways to set the environment and to get the environment
Try to look at any angular-seed and tutorial with tools like gulp, grunt and webpack.

MEAN.js - Should all js files be merged when deployed

I have a problem with a MEAN.js app in that its really slow to load and from the inspect i can see that its loading js in 70 different files.
Couple of questions
Why is there so many js files seperate? Can they not be merged into one and served quicker like YSlow advises?
Folder Structure
MEAN.js has that particular aspect covered. In fact, if you run your app using just grunt command, the app will start running in development environment, and so the js files (either the ones from 3rd party libraries or even your custom js files) are not concatenated nor minified. This helps you while debugging. However this is clearly not good for an app in production in terms of performance.
If you use the command grunt prod your app will start running in production mode and so your custom js files will be concatenated and mninified. 3rd party library files won't be concatenated but grunt will use the minified version of them.
You can see which assets will be loaded for both development and production modes in config/assets/development.js and config/assets/production.js, respectively.
Also if you want to see what are the differences between both grunt and grunt prod tasks you can check your gruntfile.js.
Note 1: The commands I mentioned about grunt can also be used with gulp, since MEAN.js has both a gruntfile.js and a gulpfile.js defined.
Note 2: If, by the time you use grunt prod and still have so many files being loaded, that means you are using an high number of 3rd party libraries and a possible solution for that case is to concatenate 3rd party library files into a vendor.js file however in doing that you might run into trouble, such as some libraries like AngularJS needing the files to be loaded with a specific order. You will need extra caution if you edit your gruntfile to implement such task.

How to build staging env constants using grunt-ng-constant?

I am trying to inject environtment constants into my yo angular generated angular application using grunt-ng-constant. Apart from development and production, I have one more environment called 'staging' where I will host my built dist folder.
From what I followed on most of the blogs, we run ngconstant:development while running grunt serve and ngconstant:production while doing a grunt build. So, is there a way to differentiate production env from staging while running build. Can I pass arguments to this task?
