Appending a string to each item of an array - arrays

I have an array and when I try to append a string to it the array converts to a single string.
I have the following data in an array:
451 CAR,-3 ,7 ,10 ,0 ,3 , 20 ,Over: 41
452 DEN «,40.5,0,7,0,14, 21 ,  Cover: 4
And I want to append the week of the game in this instance like this:
$Str = "Week"+$Week+$Str
I get a single string:
Week16101,NYG,42.5 ,3 ,10 ,3 ,3 , 19 ,Over 43 102,PHI,- 1,14,7,0,3, 24 ,  Cover 4 103,
Of course I'd like the append to occur on each row.

Instead of a for loop you could also use the Foreach-Object cmdlet (if you prefer using the pipeline):
$str = "apple","lemon","toast"
$str = $str | ForEach-Object {"Week$_"}

Another option for PowerShell v4+
$str = $str.ForEach({ "Week" + $Week + $_ })

Something like this will work for prepending/appending text to each line in an array.
Set array $str:
$str = "apple","lemon","toast"
Prepend text now:
for ($i=0; $i -lt $Str.Count; $i++) {
$str[$i] = "yogurt" + $str[$i]
This works for prepending/appending static text to each line. If you need to insert a changing variable this may require some modification. I would need to see more code in order to recommend something.

Another solution, which is fast and concise, albeit a bit obscure.
It uses the regex-based -replace operator with regex '^' which matches the position at the start of each input string and therefore effectively prepends the replacement string to each array element (analogously, you could use '$' to append):
# Sample array.
$array = 'one', 'two', 'three'
# Prepend 'Week ' to each element and create a new array.
$newArray = $array -replace '^', 'Week '
$newArray then contains 'Week one', 'Week two', 'Week three'
To show an equivalent foreach solution, which is syntactically simpler than a for solution (but, like the -replace solution above, invariably creates a new array):
[array] $newArray = foreach ($element in $array) { 'Week ' + $element }
Note: The [array] cast is needed to ensure that the result is always an array; without it, if the input array happens to contain just one element, PowerShell would assign the modified copy of that element as-is to $newArray; that is, no array would be created.
As for what you tried:
Because the LHS of the + operation is a single string, simple string concatenation takes place, which means that the array in $str is stringified, which by default concatenates the (stringified) elements with a space character.
A simplified example:
PS> 'foo: ' + ('bar', 'baz')
foo: bar baz
Solution options:
For per-element operations on an array, you need one of the following:
A loop statement, such as foreach or for.
Michael Timmerman's answer shows a for solution, which - while syntactically more cumbersome than a foreach solution - has the advantage of updating the array in place.
A pipeline that performs per-element processing via the ForEach-Object cmdlet, as shown in Martin Brandl's answer.
An expression that uses the .ForEach() array method, as shown in Patrick Meinecke's answer.
An expression that uses an operator that accepts arrays as its LHS operand and then operates on each element, such as the -replace solution shown above.
An operator-based solution is fastest, followed by for / foreach, .ForEach(), and, the slowest option, ForEach-Object.
Memory use:
Only the for option with indexed access to the array elements allows in-place updating of the input array; all other methods create a new array.[1]
[1] Strictly speaking, what .ForEach() returns isn't a .NET array, but a collection of type [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[psobject]], but the difference usually doesn't matter in PowerShell.


Powershell - print the list length respectively

I want to write two things in Powershell.
For example;
We have a one list:
I want to write:
1 >> ab
2 >> bc
3 >> cd
4 >> dc
I want this to be dynamic based on the length of the list.
Thanks for helping.
Use a for loop so you can keep track of the index:
for( $i = 0; $i -lt $a.Count; $i++ ){
"$($i + 1) >> $($a[$i])"
To explain how this works:
The for loop is defined with three sections, separated by a semi-colon ;.
The first section declares variables, in this case we define $i = 0. This will be our index reference.
The second section is the condition for the loop to continue. As long as $i is less than $a.Count, the loop will continue. We don't want to go past the length of the list or you will get undesired behavior.
The third section is what happens at the end of each iteration of the loop. In this case we want to increase our counter $i by 1 each time ($i++ is shorthand for "increment $i by 1")
There is more nuance to this notation than I've included but it has no bearing on how the loop works. You can read more here on Unary Operators.
For the loop body itself, I'll explain the string
Returning an object without assigning to a variable, such as this string, is effectively the same thing as using Write-Output.
In most cases, Write-Output is actually optional (and often is not what you want for displaying text on the screen). My answer here goes into more detail about the different Write- cmdlets, output streams, and redirection.
$() is the sub-expression operator, and is used to return expressions for use within a parent expression. In this case we return the result of $i + 1 which gets inserted into the final string.
It is unique in that it can be used directly within strings unlike the similar-but-distinct array sub-expression operator and grouping operator.
Without the subexpression operator, you would get something like 0 + 1 as it will insert the value of $i but will render the + 1 literally.
After the >> we use another sub-expression to insert the value of the $ith index of $a into the string.
While simple variable expansion would insert the .ToString() value of array $a into the final string, referencing the index of the array must be done within a sub-expression or the [] will get rendered literally.
Your solution using a foreach and doing $a.IndexOf($number) within the loop does work, but while $a.IndexOf($number) works to get the current index, .IndexOf(object) works by iterating over the array until it finds the matching object reference, then returns the index. For large arrays this will take longer and longer with each iteration. The for loop does not have this restriction.
Consider the following example with a much larger array:
# Array of numbers 1 through 65535
$a = 1..65535
# Use the for loop to output "Iteration INDEXVALUE"
# Runs in 106 ms on my system
Measure-Command { for( $i = 0; $i -lt $a.Count; $i++ ) { "Iteration $($a[$i])" } }
# Use a foreach loop to do the same but obtain the index with .IndexOf(object)
# Runs in 6720 ms on my system
Measure-Command { foreach( $i in $a ){ "Iteration $($a.IndexOf($i))" } }
Another thing to watch out for is that while you can change properties and execute methods on collection elements, you can't change the element values of a non-collection collection (any collection not in the System.Concurrent.Collections namespace) when its enumerator is in use. While invisible, foreach (and relatedly ForEach-Object) implicitly invoke the collection's .GetEnumerator() method for the loop. This won't throw an error like in other .NET languages, but IMO it should. It will appear to accept a new value for the collection but once you exit the loop the value remains unchanged.
This isn't to say the foreach loop should never be used or that you did anything "wrong", but I feel these nuances should be made known before you do find yourself in a situation where a better construct would be appropriate.
I fixed that;
foreach ($number in $a) {
$numberofIIS = $a.IndexOf($number)
Write-Host ($numberofIIS,">>>",$number)
Bender's answer is great, but I personally avoid for loops if at all possible. They usually require some awkward indexing into arrays and that ugly setup... The whole thing just ends up looking like hieroglyphics.
With a foreach loop it's our job to keep track of the index (which is where this answer differs from yours) but I think in the end it is more readable then a for loop.
$a = #('ab', 'bc', 'cd', 'dc')
# Pipe the items of our array to ForEach-Object
# We use the -Begin block to initialize our index variable ($x)
$a | ForEach-Object -Begin { $x = 1 } -Process {
# Output the expression
"$x" + ' >> ' + $_
# Increment $x for next loop
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# You can also do this with a foreach statement
# We just have to intialize our index variable
# beforehand
$x = 1
foreach ($number in $a){
# Output the expression
"$x >> $number"
# Increment $x for next loop

[array]::Reverse() method not working on Get-Content return object

I am writing a script to install/uninstall a collection of software. Some of this software must be installed before others, and when uninstalling they need to go in reverse order. I am attempting to design this script to read a text file containing the paths to all of the .msi files. This way I can read them with Get-Content in appropriate order, then if they need to be uninstalled I can read the same file and just reverse the array.
I'm new to powershell, but it's my understanding that get-object returns an object of type [array]. Microsoft's documentation on Get-Content doesn't specify a return type but every discussion of Get-Content on stack overflow describes the output as an array.
Here's the problem:
When I store the output of Get-Content to a variable $data = Get-Content -Path "C:\my\data.txt" then I print what's stored in $data write-host $data I get the expected output:
line 1
line 2
line 3
When I try to reverse $data = [array]::Reverse($data). It returns null
When I manually create an array $letters = #("a","b","c") and reverse it $letters = [array]::reverse($letters) then the out put of write-host $letters is, as expected:
Here's the question
Why is my call to [array]::reverse($data) returning null? instead of doing as I would expect in my latter example [array]::reverse($letters)?
NOTE: the only difference between those two examples is how I created the array. So either the return type of get-content is not an array, or their is something uniquely different about the returned array that I am missing.
The [array]::reverse() method does not output the array in reverse, it simply reverses it in place, so given:
$x = 'A','B','C'
That will output:
If you want to have a second variable that is a reverse of an existing array you can clone the array to the second variable, and then reverse the array contained in the second variable:
$x = 'A','B','C'
$y = $x.clone()
At this point $x = 'A', 'B', 'C' while $y = 'C', 'B', 'A'.
I thought I would share that I was able to accomplish my goal using a different line of code.
$data = ($data[($data.Length-1)..0])
This reversed my Get-Content return object. But it doesn't answer my question why the reverse method returns null.

Validate members of array

I have a string I am pulling from XML that SHOULD contain comma separated integer values. Currently I am using this to convert the string to an array and test each member of the array to see if it is an Int. Ultimately I still want an array in the end, as I also have an array of default success codes and I want to combine them. That said, I have never found this pattern of setting the test condition true then looping and potentially setting it to false to be all that elegant. So, I am wondering if there is a better approach. I mean, this works, and it's fast, and the code is easy to read, so in a sense there is no reason to change it, but if there is a better way...
$supplamentalSuccessCode = ($string.Split(',')).Trim()
$validSupplamentalSuccessCode = $true
foreach ($code in $supplamentalSuccessCode) {
if ($code -as [int] -isNot [int]) {
$validSupplamentalSuccessCode = $false
EDIT: To clarify, this example is fairly specific, but I am curious about a more generic solution. So imagine the array could contain values that need to be checked against a lookup table, or local drive paths that need to be checked with Test-Path. So more generically, I wonder if there is a better solution than the Set variable true, foreach, if test fails set variable false logic.
Also, I have played with a While loop, but in most situations I want to find ALL bad values, not exit validation on the first bad one, so I can provide the user with a complete error in a log. Thus the ForEach loop approach I have been using.
In PSv4+ you can enlist the help of the .Where() collection "operator" to determine all invalid values:
Here's a simplified example:
# Sample input.
$string = '10, no, 20, stillno, -1'
# Split the list into an array.
$codes = ($string.Split(',')).Trim()
# Test all array members with a script block passed to. Where()
# As usual, $_ refers to the element at hand.
# You can perform whatever validation is necessary inside the block.
$invalidCodes = $codes.Where({ $null -eq ($_ -as [int]) })
$invalidCodes # output the invalid codes, if any
The above yields:
Note that what .Where() returns is not a regular PowerShell array ([object[]]), but an instance of [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[PSObject]], but in most situations the difference shouldn't matter.
A PSv2-compatible solution is a bit more cumbersome:
# Sample input.
$string = '10, no, 20, stillno, -1'
# Split the list into an array.
# Note: In PSv*3* you could use the simpler $codes = ($string.Split(',')).Trim()
# as in the PSv4+ solution.
$codes = foreach ($code in $string.Split(',')) { $code.Trim() }
# Emulate the behavior of .Where() with a foreach loop:
# Note that do you get an [object[]] instance back this time.
$invalidCodes = foreach ($code in $codes) { if ($null -eq ($code -as [int])) { $code } }

How do I create an empty array of arrays in Powershell?

I want to create an empty array of arrays in Powershell to hold "tuples" of values (arrays are immutable).
Therefore I try something like:
The type of $arr is Object[]. I've read that += #(1,2) appends the given element (i.e. #(1,2)) to $arr (actually creates a new array). However, in this case it seems that the arrays are concatenated, why?
$arr = #()
$arr += #(1,2)
$arr.Length // 2 (not 1)
If I do as follows, it seems that $arr contains the two arrays #(1,2),#(3,4), which is what I want:
$arr = #()
$arr += #(1,2),#(3,4)
$arr.Length // 2
How do I initialize an empty array of arrays, such that I can add one subarray at a time, like $arr += #(1,2)?
The answer from Bruce Payette will work. The syntax seems a bit awkward to me, but it does work. At least it is not Perl.
Another way to do this would be with an ArrayList. To me, this syntax is more clear and more likely to be understood by another developer (or myself) in six months.
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$al = #()
foreach ($e in $al) {
The + operator concatenates arrays. To add an array as a single element, prefix the element to add with a comma. Something like #() + , (1,2) + , (3, 4).
As far as I can tell, you can't do it natively in PowerShell, nor can you do it with the [System.Array] type. In both cases, you seem to need to define both the length and the type of the array. Because I wanted a completely empty array of arrays, with the ability to store any type of value in the array, I did it this way.
$x.Add([System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()) > $null
$x[0].Add("first element") > $null

create a new variable for each loop in a foreach-loop

How can I put $org into an array together with $count?
Like this example array:
$myArray = #{
Another example:
$myArray = #{
Example foreach:
$count=0;get-organization | foreach {$count++; $org = $_.Name.ToString();write-host $count -nonewline;write-host " $org"}
$answer = read-host "Select 1-$count"
The above will display:
1 SampleOrg
2 AnotherSampleOrg
Select 1-2:
What I would like to do afterwards is to put the array to use in a switch.
switch ($answer)
1 {$org=myArray[1]} #<-- or whatever that corresponds to "SampleOrg"
2 {$org=myArray[2]} #<-- or whatever that corresponds to "AnotherSampleOrg"
You have to initialize your hashtable somewhere before the loop:
$myArray = #{}
and add a
$myArray.Add($count, $org)
to your foreach-loop.
EDIT: For the discussion about hastable/array see the whole thread ;) I just kept the name of the variable from the original posting
Looks like you're confusing arrays and Hashtables. Arrays are ordered, and indexed by an numeric value. Hashtables are associative, and indexed by any value that has equality defined.
This is array syntax
$arr = #(1,2,3)
and this is Hashtable syntax
$ht = #{red=1;blue=2;}
For your question, the following will work
$orgs = #(get-organization | % { $_.Name })
this will create a 0 based array, mapping int -> OrgName, so
will get the correct name. Or if you're using 1 based indexing
Note, I removed the switch, as there's no reason for it.
