Ionic2 and Angular2 data binding using $ - angularjs

I have a requirement to open a modal on click of input box. Modal contains list of countries with search bar, once modal is open it searches for text picked from input and shows filtered list. Now user can search for different country and select from filtered list, modal closes and value is added to input field. In code,
openCountryPickerModal($event) {
let modal = this.modalCtrl.create(CountryCodePickerComponent, {"searchValue":$});
modal.onDidDismiss(data => {
// Here: the value set to $ is not updating to input box's model
and in template
<ion-input (click)="openCountryPickerModal($event)" [(ngModel)]="" type="text" placeholder="Country" readonly></ion-input>
Now the problem is, though it appears value is changed in UI, but never updates value to model. Any special reason?
I tried many ways to solve this but nothing works and I appreciate help if any.


Push value from input to object array and update tab names labels- Angular

I have a reactive form and I am using Material Angular, with a tab group and the tab names comes from an array, I need to add the possibility of changing those tabs names for new ones. If a write a new title in the input I need to update the name of the tab label.
I’m getting the value from the input, but I can’t figure it out how to send it to the names of the tabs:
this.newTitleArm = selection.formdata.titleTextArms;
Can you have a look at this Stackblits
Note that I have modified the submit method and have added
if(this.form.get('titleArms').value === 'changeArm'){
this.tabs[this.selected.value].name = this.form.get('titleTextArms').value;
Here I'm assigning the titleTextArms control value to selected tab name. You can get selected tab by this.tabs[this.selected.value]
Also added the if condition to check selection of radio button.
since you have used tab names to create the text in the parent component.
In the submit method
need to do the tab name update before emitting the updateDataEvent.
submit(): void {
if (this.form.get('titleArms').value === 'changeArm') {
if (this.form.get('titleTextArms').value !== '') {
this.tabs[this.selected.value].name =
formdata: this.form.getRawValue(),
tabs: this.tabs,
The problem is that you are not updating the respective tab name anywhere, neither in your submit, nor in your updateData.
You submit the value, but you are not updating the tabs.
For example, in your submit method add this hard-coded update and then press the Save button:
this.tabs[0].name = "test";
Because now you updated the first tab's name, you should see the change.

react select drop down on change Issue in the edit mode

I am currently using react-select library to my project
This is my create invoice page, Please check below view,
When user select the PO drop down, red colored text boxes are automatically filled. It is working well.
This is my invoice list page view
When user click the action button, data passed and redirect to the create invoice page. Currently object passed and PO number set correctly. but other fields did not filled automatically.
PO NO is set correctly. But on change function did not fired and did not set other text box values.
This is my drop down and onchanges function.
onChange={onChange} onFocus={onChange}
const onChange = (selectedOP) => {
I know this codes not enough to give better solution. but if you can please tell me the correct path to do this using react hooks. thanks

Trigger the file upload dialog after selecting an option from an html select tag

Lets say I have the following html..
<select name="certificatesSelect"
ng-options="certificate as for certificate in $ctrl.certificateDropdownOptions track by">
<input id="certificate-upload-file-input"
style="visibility: hidden"
One of my options that are populated by ng-options is a "Browse..." option. When the user selects the 'Browse...' option from the select box, I want to be able to pull up the file upload window provided by the browser, i.e the same action as if the user clicked on the file type input box.
My initial attempt at this was something as follows where on my controller I had the onSelectCertificate function bound to change event of the select box.
onSelectCertificate() {
// if the selected option is the "Browse..." option
if ( === this.BROWSE_OPTION_ID) {
// find the input element and click on it
this.certificateFileInput = this.$element.find("input[type='file']");
this.$timeout(() => {;
}, 0);
However, this does not work. After some reading online, I believe this is because of a security concern where only a USER issued click event can trigger another click event through javascript. Therefore, the ng-change binding for the select box can not trigger my own click event through javascript. Now, my question is, are there any other ways to achieve this select box design?

Angular select multiple not setting selected items

Scenario is quite simple. I have edit view which comprises of select element with multiple selection. Select element looks as follows
<select class="selectpicker" multiple
ng-options="uberType.Id as uberType.Name for uberType in UberTypes"></select>
If I press edit for specific user then showEditModal function is called and edit pop up shows up. User has his own UberTypes objects selected so I pick theirs Ids and assign to UserBeingEdited.UberTypes.
$scope.UserBeingEdited = { UberTypes: []};
$scope.showEditModal = function (user) {
for (var i = 0; i < user.UberTypes.length; i++) {
Unfortunately they are not selected, no matter what. Suprisingly, if I set values to property UserBeingEdited by the time of declaring then it works, items are selected.
$scope.UserBeingEdited = { UberTypes: [1,2]}; //this works
It seems like angular does not refresh selected items within UI.
I have two items: Uber1 and Uber2. Both items are selected but view does not reflect it. If I open drop down menu and select Uber2 it shows Uber1 selected, apparently Uber2 was selected and another click was treated as unselection. The same happens when I click Uber1 first, Uber2 shows as selected.
As above picture depicts, Uber2 is highlighted since I have just clicked it but it shows Uber1 as selected. Both were selected in User's UberTypes but view just simply does not mark them as selected.
I use bootstrap-select.js for select element and presumably this library causes such an error since without including it, it works fine.
After a while of struggle, I accidentally ran into below workaround. You need to call refresh on selectPicker and this has to be delayed otherwise it will bring no effect.
setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);

Disable selection in text input

Basic problem is, when user tabs in a specific text input on a form, prefilled "+36" gets selected. I'd like to somehow put the cursor right after it (after the +36), instead of selecting the whole word. I've been thinking about disabling text selection of text inputs but no result yet. Googled a lot for it but couldnt find anything but disabling text selection on web pages, which is not really related. How could I solve this problem?
If you are using Jquery, you can try something like this on document ready
$(document).ready(function() {
$("input").focus(function() {
var input = this;
setTimeout(function() {
input.selectionStart = input.selectionEnd;
}, 1);
Please find the Jsfiddle for the same Jsfiddle Input Focus
In your form element put autocomplete attribute like below
<form method="post" action="/form" autocomplete="off">
