How to fetch data from couchDB using couch api? - angularjs

Instead keys and IDs alone, I want to get all the docs via couch api. I have tried with GET "http://localhost:5984/db-name/_all_docs" but it returned
From the documentation
for the below request it will send the data as we expected but it requires set of keys in request.
POST /db/_all_docs HTTP/1.1
"keys" : [
Thanks in advance.

The _all_docs endpoint is actually just a system-level view that uses the _id field as the index. Thus, any parameters that you can use for views also apply here.
If you read the documentation further, you'll find that adding the parameter include_docs=true to your view will include the original documents in the results. The documents will be added as the doc field alongside id, value and rev.


How to fetch documents that are matching the specified term in a inner object in elasticsearch?

I'm having an elastic search index which has the following document sample in it :
"height": 2824,
"details": {
The data are pushed into elasticsearch dynamically from user. My goal is to fetch all documents that are containing name as gomathi.
Expected output:
Return documents having the 'gomathi' key in 'details' JSON object.
How to solve this?
Thanks in advance.
I assume details is a nested field in mapping. You could use inner_hits in a nested query for the requirement explained.
Please take a look at inner_hits and nested documentation.

Microsoft Graph Member of limit

Microsoft Graph API is not returning more than 100 object
I tried below query to get "memberof" details of a particular user. However it return only first 100 objects. However User is member of 210 groups. Could you please help me with correct query
The response should contain a "#odata.nextLink" field which can be used to retrieve the next page of the result. An example response could be:
"#odata.context": "$metadata#directoryObjects",
"#odata.nextLink": "$top=5&$skiptoken=X%2744537074090001000000000000000014000000B2B64E48AF94EB439F56F5A33CB75C9301000000000000000000000000000017312E322E3834302E3131333535362E312E342E32333331020000000000011C7FEE5EFEFA46459248691C529273D3%27",
"value": [
{ ... }
To retrieve all results we should keep following "#odata.nextLink" of each responses until the response does not contain a "#odata.nextLink" field.
Please have a look at this doc explaining how paging works in Microsoft Graph:
It works the same with the /memberOf API
You can use query parameters to customize responses - like so for example get the top 300 - this will return til 300 groups etc$top=300
This is a quick and dirty way, since the memberOf method does not support all OData Query Parameters

Read JSON from rest API as is with Azure Data Factory

I'm trying to get Azure Data Factory to read my REST API and put it in SQL Server. The source is a REST API and the sink is a SQL Server table.
I tried to do something like:
"translator": {
"type": "TabularTranslator",
"schemaMapping": {
"$": "json"
"collectionReference": "$.tickets"
The source looks like:
{ "tickets": [ {... }, {...} ] }
Because of the poor mapping capabilities I'm choosing this path. I'll then split the data with a query. Preferbly I'd like to store each object inside tickets as a row with JSON of that object.
In short, how can I get the JSON output from the RestSource to a SqlSink single column text/nvarchar(max) column?
I managed to solve the same issue by modifying mapping manually.
ADF anyway tries to parse json, but from the Advanced mode you can edit json paths. Ex., this is the original schema parsed automatically by ADF
Once opened in Advanced mode it will show full paths by adding indexes of the elements, something similar to $tickets[0][] etc
Try to delete all other columns and keep the only one $tickets (the highest level one), in my case it was $value As the result the entire json will be written into the destination column.
If there are pagination rules in place, each page will be written as a single row.

Append sensor data into document in Couchbase database

We are a group of people writing a bachelor-project about storing sensor data into a noSQL-database, and we have chosen couchbase for this.
We want to store quite a few data in the same document, one document per day, per sensor, and we want to append new sensor data witch comes in every minute.
But unforunatly, we are not able to append new data into existing document without overwriting the existing data.
The structure for the documents is:
DocumentID: Sensor + date, ie: KitchenTemperature20180227
"topic": "Kitchen/Temp",
"type": "temperature",
"unit": "DegC"
"20180227130400": [
"data": "24"
"20180227130500": [
"data": "25"
We are all new to couchbase and NoSql-databases, but eager to learn and understand how we the best way should implemet this.
We've tried upsert, insert and update commands, but they all overwrite the existing document or won't execute because the document already exists. As you can see, we have some top-level information, like topic, type, unit. The rest should be data coming in every minute and appended to the existing document.
Help on how to proceed would be very appriciated.
Best regards, Kenneth
In this case you can use the subdocument API. This allows you to modify portions of a document based on a "path". This image gives the idea for getting a subdocument.
You can mutate subdocuments as well. Look at the subdocument API documentation for Couchbase. There are also blog posts that go through examples in Java and Go on the Couchbase blog site.

CouchDB JSon response customization

I'm storing addresses data in Couchdb, and am looking for a way to get an array of just the values, instead of key: value for every record.
This is the current response:
{"total rows": 2438, "offset": 0, "rows":[
{"id": "ec5de6de2cf7bcac9a2a2a76de5738e4", "key": "user_298774", "value": {"city": "Milano", "address":"Corso Como, 42b"},
{"id": "a2a2a76de573ae4ec5de6de2cf7bcac9", "key": "user_276341", "value": {"city": "Vicenza", "address":"Via Quinto Sella, 118"}
... (etc).
I only really need:
[{"city": "Milano", "address":"Corso Como, 42b"},
{"city": "Vicenza", "address":"Via Quinto Sella, 118"},
I really need to minimize the usage of bandwidth that a JSON response consumes. I can't seem to find a way to transform the view into a simple array. Suggestions?
The response you are getting conforms to the Couch's REST based protocol. To reformat it two methods are provided: show functions and list functions. Basic idea is the same, but the first is suitable for retrieval documents and the list function is for you!
The list function runs the query inside the server and send the output arbitrary transformed with your JS code. API you will need is simple:
Fetch each record from the view with the getRow() function.
Export to the string (containing JSON) your JS object obj with toJSON(obj).
Send the output to the client with send(json).
If the map/reduce view URL with data is /mydb/_design/myapp/_view/mydocs-by-user and the list function name is mylist get the reformatted result to the client with the URL /mydb/_design/myapp/_list/mylist/mydocs-by-user.
Please refer to the list function documentation cited above and the chapter in the Guide for the longed tutorial.
