Hybrid Pagination (Client + Server) side pagination using Backbone Backgrid - backbone.js

I have a Marionette application which is using Backgrid control to fetch records from a backend API.
My requirement :
While Bootstrapping fetch 100 records and split them into 5 pages of 20 each.
For the first 5 pages implement Client side pagination i.e no call to backend.
To load the next 100 records on the 6th page make a backend call to fetch the records.
Can this be achieved using the "infinite" mode setting in backgrid paginator?
Any suggestions will be helpful.


How do I use AG Grid (Server-Side Row Model) and Apollo GraphQL client, with Relay-style cursor pagination in React?

In my React application, I am using the Apollo Client, with relayStylePagination(). Our API uses the Connection pattern to provide the data.
I want to introduce AG Grid to display large sets of data and to be able to use both pagination and infinite scroll behaviour. This implies the use of a Server-Side row model in my implementation.
This has proven to be difficult. I can't find any examples of this particular setup in the wild. AG Grid's own examples using GraphQL, utilise start and end rows to build and perform the paginated requests.
I need to use cursor-based pagination to build my queries. As seen on line 105 in my test-code below, I want to update the variable after (currently set to null in order to fetch the 10 first results).
Any and all input, nudges in the right direction and/or examples on how to do this is highly appreciated.

How to use pagination in Play framework

I am using angularJS, Play framework, Java and Mongo Db, Help me to implement Server side Pagination
You have to use limit() and skip() in MongoDB.
Example: I have Users collection.
You have to pass your URL with ?limit=10&offset=0 like https://domain/api/users?limit=10&offset=0
You have to use offset in skip().
limit() is for how many records you display in your page..
skip() is for records skip

pagination in angularjs while working with api

I am working on a restful api website and I am getting data page wise already and I just want to add pagination to my project but I don't know how to do that I have more than 300 pages help me solve this issue, I want to provide link to different pages like http://something/pageno.1 and then for 2 then for 3 and so on and I am using api so I can fetch data only in pages not all data at once

HTML vs JSP for partials in Angular

I am developing a Single page application using angular & spring. Currently i am using .jsp files for view; but till now i haven't done any jsp related stuff on views. As every JSP is converted to servlet it will decrease the performance compared to HTML.
So my questions are
1 Why not to use plain HTML instead of JSP?
2 Does it have major performance difference?
3 If JSP is recommended then what are advantages?
HTML doesn't allow for dynamic data (i.e pulled from a database)
HTML is static data, unless paired with Javascript (in which you'd have to get the data from post requests, which results in multiple requests to your server which lowers performance).
Yes, there is a performance impact on using JSP but its unavoidable if you want dynamic data, dynamic data requires processing so the other option would just be to do it in angular and getting the data via get requests to your server, but as i said earlier thats multiple requests to your server for no real reason most of the time.
If you're fine with making multiple requests to your server for one page load then more preferable - I guess - HTML and getting the data through angular hitting the backend API and get the data
1 Why not to use plain HTML instead of JSP?
Yes you can use html instead of jsp files if you do not have any dynamic > data to be appended to the page.e.g you will not be able to use out, > session, page, expressions and jsp taglibs in html.
2 Does it have major performance difference?
Jsp always gets compiled and then it is rendered as a HTML page but if you have a html page to be rendered , it does not need that processing at server side and can be rendered way faster than jsp.
3 If JSP is recommended then what are advantages?
Jsp is recommended if you want to add dynamic data to your page, like get data from session object, display model objects. But if do not want all these and want to render a page that hardly changes then it is recommended to use html.
Also if you have angular and web services, you should use angular and ajax calls to render your page.
This will reduce the server processing time to display view.
You can make multiple ajax calls to load your data async in parallel this does not force your server to load all data first and then render page.
Page loading time would reduce since we can perform data calls in asyn manner in parallel.

Express js pagination in mean.io stack

how to make a server side pagination in mean.io stack application.i.e express should load only 10 documents from 30 document available in mongodb,# express level on pageload , on click of second page number (1,2,3) in pagination next 10 record should be fetch on click of third page next 10 record should be fetch.
You should start from updating mongoose models (described here).
Then add appropriate params to controllers.
To add pagination to angularjs use angular-ui-pagination
If you are using MEAN stack following blog post provides much of the information to create pagination in front end using angular-UI bootstrap and using mongoose skip and limit methods in the backend. this can also be applicable for MEAN IO.
see : https://techpituwa.wordpress.com/2015/06/06/mean-js-pagination-with-angular-ui-bootstrap/
