What exactly the purpose of React Virtual DOM - reactjs

While going through react I came up with the following doubts:
DOM operations are very expensive
But eventually react also does the DOM manipulation. We cannot generate a view with Virtual DOM.
Collapsing the entire DOM and building it affects the user experience.
I never did that, Mostly what I do is changing the required child node(Instead of collapsing entire parent) or appending HTML code generated by JS.
As a user scrolls down we append posts to parent element, even react
also have to do it in same way. No one collapse entire dom for that.
When a user comment on a post we append a div(comment element(HTML code)) to that particular post comment list. I think no one collapse entire post(dom) for that
3) "diffing" algorithm to check changes:
Why we need a algorithm to check changes.
If I have a 100 posts, whenever a user clicks on edit button of a particular post, i do it as follows
var post_id = $(this).data("postid");
//do some Ajax and DOM manipulation to that particular post.
I am telling the DOM to change particular element, then how does diffing help?
Am I thinking in a wrong way? If so, please then correct me.

You are correct that people don't tend to collapse and recreate the entire DOM when they need to update a single element. Instead, the best practice is to just rebuild the element you need. But what if a user takes an action that actually impacts lots of elements? Like it they star a post or something, you want to reflect that on the post and maybe in a stars count elsewhere on the page. As applications get complex enough changing all of the parts of a page that need to be changed becomes really complicated and error prone. Another developer might not be aware that there is a "stars count" elsewhere on the page and would forget to update it.
What if you could just rebuild the entire DOM? If you wrote your render methods and stored your state such that at any point, you could with certainty render the entire page from scratch? That removes a lot of these pain points, but obviously you lose all the performance gains you got from manually altering parts of the DOM by hand.
React and the virtual dom give you the best of both worlds. You get that optimized DOM updating, but as a developer you don't have to keep a mental model of the entire application and remember what you need to change for any given user or network input. The virtual dom will also potentially implement these changes more effectively than you by literally only rebuilding the elements you need. At some point you might be rebuilding more than you should "just in case".
Hope this sort of makes sense!

This discussion can be very helpful to understand Virtual DOM and it's implementation in different UI frameworks.
Why is React's concept of Virtual DOM said to be more performant than dirty model checking?
There are couple of other links as well which explains it in better way.


How React Virtual Dom is faster? At the end of all its going to hit call browser API to update the real DOM

I read through all the articles in internet. Still i cant understand and mind is puzzling me questions again and again that is
At the end of all the virtual DOM it is going to call the browser API to update the real DOM then how come it will be faster?
Is virtual DOM of React have special access to browsers core API's to modify?
I cant understand? Any resolves this questions Thanks in advance
Here is a talk given circa 2013 (v0.4.0) by the two guys behind React. They describe exactly how it works. Unlike data binding and dirty checking (Angular, etc.) React uses one render method that's called recursively. It then generates a long string that is a representation of the DOM. The concept is actually really simple.
Yes, you are right finally the task is to update real dom but the virtual dom comes in picture before updating the real dom. how ?
Suppose you want to update any/many element(s) in Dom tree element then there should be a mechanism to find which element(s) needs to be updated in real dom i.e the browser screen we see.
So this dom finding algorithm executed in virtual dom i.e a javascript copy of real dom(a html dom tree).
React creates two virtual dom, one from existing real dom and other from the changes made. These two virtual dom comparison saves time. The difference of this comparison used for updating real dom.
At the end of all the virtual DOM it is going to call the browser API to update the real DOM then how come it will be faster?
Any speed benefits come from minimizing the number of DOM manipulations that are needed and doing them all at once. The virtual DOM is react's way of calculating the minimum set of changes.
Here's what i mean by calculating the minimum set of changes: The page starts off looking one way, and then you want to make it look some other way. To get there, you're going to need to make one or more changes to the DOM, but there are many different ways you could do it.
A really bad way to update the page would be to wipe the entire document, and then rebuild every single element from scratch. Most likely though, you can reuse most of the page and just make a few updates to select parts of the page: add a div here; update a property there, add an event listener there. That's what you want: a small number of steps that take the old page and turn it into the new page.

React Simple Global Entity Cache instead of Flux/React/etc

I am writing a little "fun" Scala/Scala.js project.
On my server I have Entities which are referenced by uuid-s
(inside Ref-s).
For the sake of "fun", I don't want to use flux/redux architecture but still use React on the client (with ScalaJS-React).
What I am trying to do instead is to have a simple cache, for example:
when a React UserDisplayComponent wants the display the Entity User with uuid=0003
then the render() method calls to the Cache (which is passed in as a prop)
let's assume that this is the first time that the UserDisplayComponent asks for this particular User (with uuid=0003) and the Cache does not have it yet
then the Cache makes an AjaxCall to fetch the User from the server
when the AjaxCall returns the Cache triggers re-render
BUT ! now when the component is asking for the User from the Cache, it gets the User Entity from the Cache immediately and does not trigger an AjaxCall
The way I would like to implement this is the following :
I start a render()
"stuff" inside render() asks the Cache for all sorts of Entities
Cache returns either Loading or the Entity itself.
at the end of render the Cache sends all the AjaxRequest-s to the server and waits for all of them to return
once all AjaxRequests have returned (let's assume that they do - for the sake of simplicity) the Cache triggers a "re-render()" and now all entities that have been requested before are provided by the Cache right away.
of course it can happen that the newly arrived Entity-s will trigger the render() to fetch more Entity-s if for example I load an Entity that is for example case class UserList(ul: List[Ref[User]]) type. But let's not worry about this now.
1) Am I doing something really wrong if I am doing the state handling this way ?
2) Is there an already existing solution for this ?
I looked around but everything was FLUX/REDUX etc... along these lines... - which I want to AVOID for the sake of :
playing around
I think this simple cache will be simpler for my use-case because I want to take the "REF" based "domain model" over to the client in a simple way: as if the client was on the server and the network would be infinitely fast and zero latency (this is what the cache would simulate).
Consider what issues you need to address to build a rich dynamic web UI, and what libraries / layers typically handle those issues for you.
1. DOM Events (clicks etc.) need to trigger changes in State
This is relatively easy. DOM nodes expose callback-based listener API that is straightforward to adapt to any architecture.
2. Changes in State need to trigger updates to DOM nodes
This is trickier because it needs to be done efficiently and in a maintainable manner. You don't want to re-render your whole component from scratch whenever its state changes, and you don't want to write tons of jquery-style spaghetti code to manually update the DOM as that would be too error prone even if efficient at runtime.
This problem is mainly why libraries like React exist, they abstract this away behind virtual DOM. But you can also abstract this away without virtual DOM, like my own Laminar library does.
Forgoing a library solution to this problem is only workable for simpler apps.
3. Components should be able to read / write Global State
This is the part that flux / redux solve. Specifically, these are issues #1 and #2 all over again, except as applied to global state as opposed to component state.
4. Caching
Caching is hard because cache needs to be invalidated at some point, on top of everything else above.
Flux / redux do not help with this at all. One of the libraries that does help is Relay, which works much like your proposed solution, except way more elaborate, and on top of React and GraphQL. Reading its documentation will help you with your problem. You can definitely implement a small subset of relay's functionality in plain Scala.js if you don't need the whole React / GraphQL baggage, but you need to know the prior art.
5. Serialization and type safety
This is the only issue on this list that relates to Scala.js as opposed to Javascript and SPAs in general.
Scala objects need to be serialized to travel over the network. Into JSON, protobufs, or whatever else, but you need a system for this that will not involve error-prone manual work. There are many Scala.js libraries that address this issue such as upickle, Autowire, endpoints, sloth, etc. Key words: "Scala JSON library", or "Scala type-safe RPC", depending on what kind of solution you want.
I hope these principles suffice as an answer. When you understand these issues, it should be obvious whether your solution will work for a given use case or not. As it is, you didn't describe how your solution addresses issues 2, 4, and 5. You can use some of the libraries I mentioned or implement your own solutions with similar ideas / algorithms.
On a minor technical note, consider implementing an async, Future-based API for your cache layer, so that it returns Future[Entity] instead of Loading | Entity.

Can the 'key' attribute (in reactjs) be counted on to force remounting of any component?

When rendering a list, one should add a key prop to each element of the list. This is described in the documentation as a "hint" at which child elements may be stable across different renders. Changing the key's value will cause that element to be unmounted and remounted.
This behavior also currently works for any components, even ones that do not represent list elements, and is recommended by some React developers as a way of forcing any component to remount when necessary. Is this behavior, which goes beyond what is described in the documentation, a stable feature of the API that can be relied upon, or should it be viewed as it an implementation detail that is subject to change at any time?
The key attribute is intended to differentiate similar elements. Setting a new key would indeed force a re-render, but I'm not sure why you would want to take such a brute-force approach. Without knowing more about the specific situation you're encountering, it's hard to give input on whether it's a good or bad idea, but in general, it is a "hacky" implementation that is going to undo many of the benefits react provides behind the scenes in regards to it's usage of the virtual dom.
In general, if you've gotten to a point in your code where you need to force react to re-render when it isn't doing so of it's own volition, it probably means there is a more fundamental problem with your code. This would be a band aid solution to that deeper issue, even if it is a fairly stable and reliable band aid.

How different that React virtualDOM and real DOM treat a style changing?

I am pretty new to React.js, heard a lot about React virtual dom, but I kinda wondering what is the main difference between it and real DOM when deal with a simple case like change a style of a element:
Say I want to change the distance of a div to others, I can use jQuery for:
And my understand about how browser does to the real dom is:
search down the DOM tree and find that node.
updating according style attribute( I guess it is CSSOM tree )
rendering the view
So my question is:
Is my understanding correct?
If it is basically correct, then what does virtual DOM do to improve the performance? Does not it just use a diff algorithm to compare what need to update in its light weighted version DOM tree and find that margin-left needs updating, and apply the same thing like in jquery to the real DOM?
if it is not correct, could anyone give a little detail what heavy job does browser do to real DOM which React virtual DOM skip to enhance the performance?
I find a post mention 3 detail operation on virtual DOM:
What makes it really fast is:
Efficient diff algorithms.
Batching DOM read/write operations.
Efficient update of sub-tree only.
So comparing with this, does that mean in real DOM:
Not quite efficient diff algorithm or no diff algorithm(just update
Single read/write operation like if I give 3 style updating to even same DOM element, the browser will look for that element down the DOM tree 3 times and update style?
Update whole DOM from the root(basically like dump the current tree and rebuild the whole DOM tree again no matter what part of the tree need update, and find the node and update)
First of all, you are right with how the "real" DOM manipulation works.
React keeps an in-memory representation of the "real" DOM which we call the virtual DOM. Instead of traversing the "real" DOM for the node to modify, this virtual DOM is easily and quickly accessed therefore delivering update faster. Also, imagine a lot of changes in the DOM, traversing the "real" DOM would take a long time. This is one situation where the virtual DOM really excels.

Angularjs: Find all instances of a directive

I'm trying to create a directive to allow the user to navigate the page with arrow keys by section. But I also want to be able to have those sections be scattered around the dom, and to have this not break when stuff gets added and removed. I can think of several ways to do this, but none of them are satisfactory:
Create a directive with a controller that lets other directives register themselves (and unregister on $destroy). But this will be out of order if I add something in the middle later. Also, I've tried writing it this way, and it seems like way more code than necessary.
Whenever the user hits an arrow key, make an empty array, and $broadcast an event, with a callback for directives to register themselves on that list. Then, once that list is full, advance or go backwards on it. They (should?) come back in the order they're in on the DOM, but I'm not sure since this way seems crazy and hackish.
Mark things that are 'tabbable' with css, and write this the simple way in jquery, something like this: On a new click event, var all = $('.tabbable'), and then do the obvious with that. But I really don't want to do it that way, because it's not 'the angular' way. Not out of some sense of purity, but because I'm building this as part of a larger library of widgets, and I want this functionality to be accessibly to them.
So, is there any way for me to get the scopes of all directives of a certain type, without resorting to weird hacks, or spreading the logic out all over the place?
This is a good question. +1
First, finding all directives or nodes by type goes against the Angular way. The View is the official record in AngularJS, so directives should say what they do and do what they say. Coding some process somewhere to scan for DOM nodes and act accordingly is problematic for several reasons, not the least of which are separation of concerns and testability.
I'm glad to see you're looking at other options, but I agree that the other options you provided are sub-optimal for the very reasons you mentioned. But I have one more. This is one that I've used for a different application, but that required knowledge of scattered DOM nodes.
First, we create a service to manage the state of this component. It's simple. Let's call it SectionsService. Next, we create a directive to register sections. Let's call that section for simplicity. The section directive registers the DOM node's ID (maybe created programmatically to ensure uniqueness) with the SectionsService during its linking phase. Since the DOM is processed (mostly) in order, the nodes added to the SectionsService will also be in order. So the DOM looks something like this (irrelevant stuff omitted):
<div section>...</div>
<!-- other stuff -->
<div section>...</div>
<!-- other stuff -->
<!-- etc. -->
(Though out of scope here, it would not be very difficult to program it in such a way that the order wouldn't matter, but it'd be based on specifics of your app that I don't know.)
Next, you create your triggers, like an arrow key handler. On these events, you simply tell the SectionService to go to the previous/next node in the list. AngularJS comes with a service called $anchorScroll that can be used to emulate the browser's hash-based positioning we're familiar with. You could obviously also use a jQuery plugin to animate the scrolling if you wanted to.
And that's it! A very simply directive, a fairly simple service, and whatever trigger(s) you need. All told, I'd guess less than 100 lines of code including tests. All components are decoupled and easily testable, but still really quite simple. The view remains The Truth. The Angular Way is preserved.
And there was much rejoicing.
I hope this sets you on the right direction, but of course feel free to ask a follow-up question. We can also talk code specifics too if you'd like; as I said, they wouldn't be very complicated.
AngularJS services are singletons and can be required via dependency injection. You could have your directives require a state manager service and call incrementers/decrementers.
Alternatively, a little easier but more brittle, you could keep an array in $rootScope. It's more idiomatic "angular" (but not by much) than a jquery selector global, but probably not the best route if you're building a widget library.
