i'm learning structured text, to program with Cx-programmer, an Omron software.
i' ve looked around but i can't find a way to assign multiple element to an array,
i've tried this soluion, but it doesn't work,
this is Arrays declaration(internals variables):
Name Data type Initial value
SenCheck_Array BOOL[8] FALSE
SEN INT[2] 0
Array of INT:
Array of BOOL:
SenCheck_Array[0...7] := [ S_LF,S_LS,S_LH2O,S_LO,S_Col ,S_BAR,S_TAP,S_ET ] ;
The error is the same:
ERROR: Missing ]
i succeded in assigning element singularly, but i need to assign them in a single line.
Any help is apreciated:)
P.S: i'm using cx programmer educational edition.
Edit: This example (showing the declaration part of the SCL block code) is only valid for Siemens PLCs.
To initialize an array the values must be separated by a comma without square brackets:
// Constants
S_Col := TRUE;
// Static Variables
SEN: ARRAY[1..2] OF INT := 1, 2;
SenCheck_Array: ARRAY[0..7] OF BOOL := S_LF, S_LS, S_LH2O, S_LO, S_Col , S_BAR, S_TAP, S_ET;
Currently translating weighted DAG to C code which is written in Go language and topologically sorted. Actually I missed one part of the code that is the function below sample. I couldn't get what "visit" declaration is. Is it function declaration within another function ? If you explain in C syntax that would be great.
func (g *graph) topoSort() []int {
result := make([]int, g.size())
marks := make([]bool, g.size())
resultIndex := g.size() - 1
var visit func(int)
visit = func(u int) {
for _, item := range g.adjList[u] {
if !marks[item.vertex] {
marks[u] = true
result[resultIndex] = u
for u := range g.adjList {
if !marks[u] {
return result
Yes, it's a local function definition, and it closes over marks, which makes it not worth translating directly. You can transform it to an ordinary static function if you also change it to take marks as an argument.
I have a struct defined like this :
type Issues struct {
RedmineIssue string
GitlabIssue string
Then I get the list from the DB
Then I have another array
redmineIssues []redmine.Issue
Is there any way to search issues in my array Issues that are also in the array redmineIssues base on field RedmineIssue ( string ) ?
Today here is what I'm doing
redmineIssue := []string{}
for _, issueRedmine := range Issues {
redmineIssue = append(redmineIssue, issueRedmine.RedmineIssue)
gitlabissues := []string{}
for _, issueGitlab := range Issues {
gitlabissues = append(gitlabissues, issueGitlab.GitlabIssue)
Then I can compare with another array I have
for _, issueR := range IssueFromRedmineWS {
inArray, _ := in_array(issueR.Id, redmineIssue)
if !inArray {
// The issue is not in the DB
Any idea on how to optimize this and to make it cleaner?
A for loop is the right way to go. Assuming the code you pasted actually works, you can merge those into a single for loop, the way you have it written.
redmineIssue := []string{}
gitlabissues := []string{}
for _, issue := range Issues {
redmineIssue = append(redmineIssue, issue.RedmineIssue)
gitlabissues = append(gitlabissues, issue.GitlabIssue)
But this assumes that Issues is an array. Which doesn't match the rest of your question. According to your stated definition of Issues, the code you posted won't even compile, though. So I don't know if this code will work for you, either.
You can provide another micro-optimization by pre-allocating the arrays:
redmineIssue := make([]string{}, 0, len(Issues))
gitlabissues := make([]string{}, 0, len(Issues))
I have a []byte which I need to sort, in ascending order.
I get an object with the items and then iterate the array in order to create the object returned:
// unfortunately, for some obscure reason I can't change the data types of the caller and the object from the function call are different, although both are []byte underneath (...)
type ID []byte
// in another package:
type ByteInterface []byte
func (c *Store) GetAll() ByteInterface {
returnObj := make([]ByteInterface,0)
obj, err := GetData()
// err handling
for _, b := range obj.IDs {
returnObj = append(returnObj, ByteInterface(b))
return returnObj
So I'm asking myself if it is possible to do the append so that returnObj is sorted right away, or if I need to sort obj.ByteData upfront (or sort returnOjb afterwards).
On each iteration, do the following:
Grow the target slice (possibly reallocating it):
numElems := len(returnObj)
returnObj = append(returnObj, make([]byte, len(obj))...)
Use the standard approach for insertion to keep the destination sorted by finding a place to put each byte from the source slice, one by one:
for _, b := range obj {
i := sort.Search(numElems, func (i int) bool {
return returnObj[i] >= b
if i < numElems {
copy(returnObj[i+1:], returnObj[i:])
returnObj[i] = b
(The call to copy should be optimized by copying less but this is left as an exercise for the reader.)
I'm trying to learn Go (or Golang) and can't seem to get it right. I have 2 texts files, each containing a list of words. I'm trying to count the amount of words that are present in both files.
Here is my code so far :
package main
import (
func stringInSlice(str string, list []string) bool {
for _, v := range list {
if v == str {
return true
return false
func main() {
// Texts URL
var list = "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/alexcesaro/c9c47c638252e21bd82c/raw/bd031237a56ae6691145b4df5617c385dffe930d/list.txt"
var url1 = "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/alexcesaro/4ebfa5a9548d053dddb2/raw/abb8525774b63f342e5173d1af89e47a7a39cd2d/file1.txt"
//Create storing arrays
var buffer [2000]string
var bufferUrl1 [40000]string
// Set a sibling counter
var sibling = 0
// Read and store text files
wordList, err := http.Get(list)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error while getting the url : %v", err)
defer wordList.Body.Close()
wordUrl1, err := http.Get(url1)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error while getting the url : %v", err)
defer wordUrl1.Body.Close()
streamList := bufio.NewScanner(wordList.Body)
streamUrl1 := bufio.NewScanner(wordUrl1.Body)
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
//Fill arrays with each lines
for streamList.Scan() {
buffer[i] = streamList.Text()
for streamUrl1.Scan() {
bufferUrl1[j] = streamUrl1.Text()
// This code if i'm not wrong is supposed to compare through all the range of bufferUrl1 -> bufferUrl1 values with buffer values, then increment sibling and output FIND
for v := range bufferUrl1{
if stringInSlice(bufferUrl1, buffer) {
// As a testing purpose thoses lines properly paste both array
// fmt.Println(buffer)
// fmt.Println(bufferUrl1)
But right now, my build doesn't even succeed. I'm only greeted with this message:
.\hello.go:69: cannot use bufferUrl1 (type [40000]string) as type string in argument to stringInSlice
.\hello.go:69: cannot use buffer (type [2000]string) as type []string in argument to stringInSlice
bufferUrl1 is an array: [4000]string. You meant to use v (each
string in bufferUrl1). But in fact, you meant to use the second
variable—the first variable is the index which is ignored in the code
below using _.
type [2000]string is different from []string. In Go, arrays and slices are not the same. Read Go Slices: usage and internals. I've changed both variable declarations to use slices with the same initial length using make.
These are changes you need to make to compile.
// Create storing slices
buffer := make([]string, 2000)
bufferUrl1 := make([]string, 40000)
and the loop on Line 69:
for _, s := range bufferUrl1 {
if stringInSlice(s, buffer) {
As a side-note, consider using a map instead of a slice for buffer for more efficient lookup instead of looping through the list in stringInSlice.
https://play.golang.org/p/UcaSVwYcIw has the fix for the comments below (you won't be able to make HTTP requests from the Playground).
I want to understand some subtle moments of using reflect package. Please, see example below, it describes better what I want to know:
type Robot struct {
id int
model string
func change(i interface{}, fields ...string) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(i).Elem()
// here I emulate function by slice that could return any value,
// so here I need to check if I can store incoming values to existing struct
returns := []interface{}{100, "Something"}
for i, name := range fields {
x := reflect.ValueOf(&returns[i]).Elem()
//check if value representing x is the same of struct member
// ^ here I want to store 100 to Robot.id when i = 0,
// and "Something" to Robot.model when i = 1
func main() {
robot := &Robot{id: 1, model: "T310"}
change(robot, "model", "id")
// now robot become as follows: &Robot{100, "Something"}
Why does it need for?
// It is need for retrieving values from sql DB into struct members
// (only for training purposes :))
// Example:
f := func(q string, structs interface{}, fields ...string) {
rows, _ := db.Query(q)
for i := 0; rows.Next(); i++ {
// very dirty here! it's hard to understand how to implement it
var robots = []*Robot
f("select id, model from robots", robots, "id", "model")
// now each member of robots var should contain values from DB
I tried to be descriptive and explain as short as possible. I hope you understand me..
You can only set exported fields via reflection, so capitalize those first. Otherwise, if you're counting on positional values, make sure they are properly aligned.
Something like this for example: http://play.golang.org/p/ItnjwwJnxe
type Robot struct {
ID int
Model string
func change(i interface{}, fields ...string) {
returns := []interface{}{100, "Something"}
v := reflect.ValueOf(i).Elem()
for i, name := range fields {
val := reflect.ValueOf(returns[i])
func main() {
robot := &Robot{ID: 1, Model: "T310"}
change(robot, "ID", "Model")