How can I change the markup produced by Ninja Forms after the form has been printed on the page? - backbone.js

This is what I gotta deal with:
<div id="nf-field-2-container" class="nf-field-container lastname-container label-above ">
<div class="nf-before-field">
<div class="nf-field">
<div id="nf-field-2-wrap" class="field-wrap lastname-wrap nf-fail nf-error" data-field-id="2">
<div class="nf-field-label">
<label for="nf-field-2" class="">Last Name <span class="ninja-forms-req-symbol">*</span> </label>
<div class="nf-field-element">
<input id="nf-field-2" name="nf-field-2" class="ninja-forms-field nf-element" type="text" value="">
<div class="nf-after-field">
<div class="nf-input-limit"></div>
<div class="nf-error-wrap nf-error">
<div class="nf-error-msg nf-error-required-error">This is a required field.</div>
Please notice the <nf-field> tag. It isn't HTML and has nothing I can use to style it with, regarding what type of input it is, ie. text, textarea, etc.
I have no previous experience of backbone.js and all the javascript by Ninja Forms is minified, so I don't know where to even begin with all that. This is what I did come up with:
(function ($) {
This javascript is placed and the very bottom of the page, just before </body>. My excitement was short lived when I discovered that for some reason it only works on hard reload (at least when I develop on localhost).

The whole form is wrapped in a div that has the class .nf-form-cont (or just create it if there isn't).
Your JS should look like this:
(function ($) {
// Remove unnecessary NF mark ups


how to fix my code?? angularjs, ejs code

I used angular js and ejs.
Repeat is good but, Database data does not come in.
How should I fix my code?
In this angularjs code
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('BasicCtrl20', function($scope, $http) {
.then(function(response) {
$scope.gridOptions4 =;
In this my code
<div class="container">
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="BasicCtrl20">
<div class="row">
<span style="line-height:30px"><br></span>
<div class="toggles">
<button id="showall">전체 제품 보기</button>
<button id="furniture">가구/인테리어</button>
<button id="homeappliances">디지털 가전</button>
<button id="life">생활/건강</button>
<button id="sport">스포츠/레저</button>
<button id="delivery">출산/육아</button>
<button id="fashion">패션잡화</button>
<div class="posts">
<div class="gallery">
<div ng-repeat="gridoptions in gridOptions4">
<div class="{{gridOptions.class}}">
<div class="gallery-item">
<a href="{{gridOptions.main_href}}">
<div class="gallery-item-image">
<img ng-src="{{gridOptions.imgsrc}}">
<div class="gallery-item-description">
<p align="center">{{}}</p>
and reuslt
I want to import data from the database.
console log result
You have a bunch of elements, so there is clearly something there. ng-repeat does not create 20 elements from an error or thin air.
But the field name is probably wrong. It is not name (or name is actually empty on every item in the database!). Check that you got the field name right. Maybe its upper case Name or NAME or mispellt naem. Or something completely different like label or title.
the easy thing to do is to log the data when you get it, and see for yourself.
.then(function(response) {
console.log( ); <-- look in the console!
scope.gridOptions4 =;
Or since it's a GET-request. Right-click that link in your console XHR finished loading: GET "https://localhost:3000/concept_db". <-- Right-click, open in a new tab. It might not be the most easy thing to read, but it's a such a quick thing to just take a peek at data so you know what you are working with.

Override the destination of ons-back-button

I have a page in my mobile app where I have a segment control with 6 options. I want the user to be able to click any of those options and see that content. The problem is, I don't want the user to have to click the back button multiple times to go back through the pages. Is there a way to override the location the back button will navigate to? I'm using OnsenUI/
<div class="navigation-bar bar">
<div class="navigation-bar__center">
<div class="button-bar">
<div class="button-bar__item">
<input type="radio" name="navi-segment-a" checked>
<div class="button-bar__button">
<div class="animated fadeIn">1</div>
<div class="button-bar__item">
<input type="radio" name="navi-segment-a">
<div class="button-bar__button">
<div class="animated fadeIn">2</div>
Assuming you are using version 2, the following documents will aid you:
This is commonly utilized like this:
ons.ready(function () {
document.addEventListener('backbutton', function () {}, false);
Feel free to put in the empty function whatever code you want or a call to your navigation function.
Why don't you use an ons-tab-bar (or create something like it) and change its style to create your 6 segment option?

(DNN/2sxc) Tokens in Template doesn't replaced with values

I have a problem with an token template in 2sxc V.8.4.5 on DNN 7.4.2. It's a template with support ListContent and ListPresentation:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">[ListContent:Toolbar]
<h[ListContent:Presentation:TitleHTag] style="text-align:[ListContent:Presentation:TitleTextAlign];">[ListContent:Titel]</h[ListContent:Presentation:TitleHTag]>
<p style="text-align:[ListContent:Presentation:TextTextAlign];">[ListContent:Text]</p>
<div class="col-md-[Content:Presentation:BootstrapWidthContent]">[Content:Toolbar]
<p><img src="[Content:Image]" style="float:[Content:Presentation:CssImageFloat];margin-top:8px; width:[Content:Presentation:CssWidthImage]"/></p>
<h[Content:Presentation:Title1HTag] class="[Content:Presentation:CssClassColorTitle]">[Content:Title]</h[Content:Presentation:Title1HTag]>
<h[Content:Presentation:Title2HTag] class="[Content:Presentation:CssClassColorTitle2]">[Content:SubTitle]</h[Content:Presentation:Title2HTag]>
<div class="[Content:Presentation:CssClassColorText]">[Content:Text]<br /><br />
<a class="[Content:Presentation:CssClassColorLinkText]" href="[Content:Link]">[Content:LinkText]</a>
The problem are at the lines:
<h[Content:Presentation:Title1HTag] class="[Content:Presentation:CssClassColorTitle]">[Content:Title]</h[Content:Presentation:Title1HTag]>
<h[Content:Presentation:Title2HTag] class="[Content:Presentation:CssClassColorTitle2]">[Content:SubTitle]</h[Content:Presentation:Title2HTag]>
Some tokens in that lines are not replaced with values. i'm getting
<h class="titlered">Title1<h>
<h class="titlered">Title2<h>
It cannot be a problem with Content:Presentation, because the other tokens from this presentation are correct replaced.
Any hints?
I have to guess a bit, but I'm thinking of some kind of spelling / naming issues. Are you sure, that the field is really called Title1HTag, or could it be a misspelling like Titel1HTag or TitleH1Tag?
I recommend that you try to output the value somewhere else just to look at it, like

ng-click not working on inner div

I have a very simple thing I am trying to do. The ng-click is not working. Any ideas why? Is there a problem with divs that are embedded in another div or am I just too sleepy? That item affected is not included in the code below, but no event is ever registered with the click.
<div ng-switch-when="3" ng-mouseenter="showIcons=true" ng-mouseleave="showIcons=false">
<div ng-if="editPerm" ng-show="showIcons" class="icon_holder" style="width: {{obj.mainwidth}}px;">
<div class="deletebutton"></div>
<div ng-click="equationShow=!equationShow" class="equationspecs"></div>
<div class="equationBlock">
<div class="eqshow" id="{{obj.itemid}}" ng-show="!obj.showEdit" ng-dblclick="obj.showEdit=!obj.showEdit">
<span mathjax-bind=""></span>=
<span mathjax-bind=""></span>=
<span mathjax-bind=""></span>
If you were able to click on a div with no content in it (sometimes a hard thing to do!), it would simply invert the value of equationShow on the scope.
But that would produce no visible difference. From what I can see in your example, the value of equationShow isn't being used in any way.
Based on your comment, you've probably got a problem with variable scoping.
If, for instance, you did something like this, it'd be more likely to work:
<div ng-init="myVariable = false">
<div ng-if="!myVariable">
<div ng-click="$parent.myVariable = !$parent.myVariable">Show the other div</div>
<div ng-if="myVariable">
Showing this div

AngularJS: Best practice displaying static text based on a state/variable

I have small text portions like
<h4>Why Register?</h4>
<p>As candidate...</p>
opposed to
<h4>Why Register?</h4>
<p>As company...</p>
Based on a variable in my controller I insert the correct partial with:
<div ng-switch on="role">
<div ng-switch-when="candidate">
<div ng-include="'candidate.html'"></div>
<div ng-switch-when="company">
<div ng-include="'company.html'"></div>
<div ng-switch-default>
<div ng-include="'candidate.html'"></div>
This does the job but it looks awful. Is there any way I could do it better?
You could always hold your string vars in javascript or external json file and use markup which is tied to a model like this:
<div ng-controller="something">
<h4>Why Register?</h4>
and then inside your "something" controller provide code:
if(role == "company")
$scope.who = "As company...";
$Scope.who = "As candidate...";
If you have many places in code that use such feature, you could consider holding variables in external json and then reading them in javascript/controller.
You can use:
<div ng-include="(role || 'candidate') + '.html'"></div>
If the parts are not that big you can put them all up there and use ng-show to filter which gets actually shown. This takes up the least markup.
<h4>Why register?</h4>
<p ng-show="isCompany">Company targeted content...</p>
<p ng-show="isCandidate">Candidate targeted content...</p>
