I use Okta as my IDP and I have 2 use cases:
IDP-initiated SSO
when a user wants to login using his okta credentials to my system, I redirect him to okta, and okta send the response to a callback in my app.
I was wondering why I need the keystore? how is it used?
The messages to the IDP from the SP (my app) will be encrypted using this keystore key-pair? And if so, doesn't that mean that I need to somehow share my keys with okta?
I couldn't find any explanation on this.
Appritiate any help on this!
SAML Responses sent from a SAML Identity Provider ("IdP") like Okta will be signed using Okta's private key, these messages will be validated by a SAML Service Provider ("SP") like your application using the corresponding public key.
In your case, the keystore should only be used for Okta's public key (or public keys, if you federate with more than one Okta org). You will not need to share any keys with Okta, but you will need to get the public key from Okta somehow. The best way to get the public key from Okta would be via an IdP metadata URL, the next best way would be to have the Okta administrator paste Okta's X.509 encoded public key into your app somehow.
Are there any examples of using itfoxtec-identity-saml2 with asp.net core Identity.
Specifically, I have many SAML Idps (https://stubidp.sustainsys.com, Okta, Auth0, Salesforce, etc) and I want to add them using AuthenticationBuilder.
public static class Saml2Extensions
public static AuthenticationBuilder AddSaml(this AuthenticationBuilder builder, string authenticationScheme, string displayName, Action<Saml2Options> configureOptions)
A good example would have a mix in of Google, Azure both using OIDC, and a few SAML ones.
I'm afraid that I do not have sutch an example. I always put a proxy / broker IdP in between, in my case I use FoxIDs. That way the application only need to know about one IdP and would then ask the broker IdP to handle the up-stream IdP authentication.
I am integrating the security aspect of webapplication. I have decided to use OAuth,
so we have a REST WebApi in AspNet Core 3.0, the client which is a SPA created in React, and the Identity Server 4.0 app which is also in AspNet Core 3.0.
I read that OAuth is created for Authorization and not for Authentication.
For Authentication, seems that exists something else called OpenIDConnect, so the first question that comes to my mind, and on which I cannot find an easy answer is: are OAuth, OpenIDConnect and IdentityServer related technology?
Which is the best solution for authentication, considering that I would like to create users in a SqlServer Database, and if it's possible I would like to use Entity Framework for the porpose?
The flow for my authentication would be:
User writes Username and Password, if they are right he receive the JWT Token, without redirecting him/her to the authorization page.
At this point the problem are:
which is the right endpoint to do this flow:
is it the /authorize or the /token endpoint?
I have a lot of confusion for the questions above.
The second thing, what is the best way to retrieve the user informations?
For example if my endpoint needs to understand from the logged in user what are his data, I think that or I retrieve from the endpoint or from the JWT token.
Even here I have no clue on which is the best.
I read that OAuth is created for Authorization and not for Authentication. For Authentication, seems that exists something else called OpenIDConnect, so the first question that comes to my mind, and on which I cannot find an easy answer is: are OAuth, OpenIDConnect and IdentityServer related technology?
That's right. OAuth was the first one introduced and allows the person requesting it access to the resources (its handing out access tokens). OIDC (OpenID Connect) on the other-side extends this concept by an identity, the authentication part.
The identity token verifies the identity of the person to your application. Instead of providing identity via username + password (i.e. user creating an account on your website), they get redirected to your authentication provider/app and enter their login there and you get an identity token in return (and/or an access token, depending on the flow and scopes you request).
The identity token is an JWT token (or reference token). The JWT token contains all of the users identity information required for your application (user id, email, displayname, age, etc.) and is cryptographically signed. Only the Identity Server knows the key used to sign it up and you can verify it with the public key from the OIDC (IdSrv here) provider.
Reference token works similar, but claims are requested on the server side and cached.
With identity token you can not access the users resources. Example: Facebook.
When you sign in your application with an facebook account, most page will only request identity token to verify that its the same user (instead of using a username / password combination). But with that one, the application can't access your facebook posts or do posts in your name.
If the application requests an access token (token scope), then also an access token will be returned (if the application is allowed to via allowed scopes). You will be asked to grant the permissions to the resources which the application requests.
With that token, the application can read your posts or post in your name.
Which is the best solution for authentication, considering that I would like to create users in a SqlServer Database, and if it's possible I would like to use Entity Framework for the porpose?
Doesn't really matter. Either one can be used, all you really need is the "sid" (subject id) claim and associate that one with your user.
Identity Server can issue both, depending on what the client asks (if client asks for id_token response type, it will receive an identity token, if it asks for token an access token. Both can be specified or just one).
At this point the problem are: which is the right endpoint to do this flow: is it the /authorize or the /token endpoint? I have a lot of confusion for the questions above.
/authorize is used to authorize the user (have him login, and send back to your website). Its used for so called interactive flows, where the user enters credentials
/token endpoint you can only retrieve a token (resource owner flow (username + password), client credentials (for machine to machine authentication), refresh token (to get a new access token by using an refresh token (if you asked for offline_access scope, which gives and refresh token)
The second thing, what is the best way to retrieve the user informations?
the /userinfo endpoint, see docs: http://docs.identityserver.io/en/latest/endpoints/userinfo.html
As the doc says to access that, the client needs to request the openid scope.
For example if my endpoint needs to understand from the logged in user what are his data, I think that or I retrieve from the endpoint or from the JWT token.
Yes you can retrieve it from JWT token, if you use JWT token. If you use reference token, its just an ID.
And last but not least the /introspection endpoint can be used to validate the token (if your consuming application has no libraries to decrypt and validate signature of the token.
If you can, its best to use the Identity Server client libraries (i.e. IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation package for ASP.NET Core or oidc-client for npm/javascript based applications) which should be picking up the correct endpoints, so you don't have to worry about it
I want to implement SSO SAML2 with wso2 ei in React where
I go to check if I am authenticated or not
If not authenticated I should redirect to sso URL
When I sign in successfully on sso identity provider, I redirect to my react app with token
Then save token to localstorage and go ahead
I have tried it with Passport and Express where rendering is happening on server side. But I want it on the client side with React, steps:
I go to my home page and click on login page
It take me to wso2 identity provider and then I login
Then I redirect to my express app
The short answer: you can't do that.
You cannot use SAML without a backend. SAML requires you to register a Sercice Provider (SP), which must be identifiable with an SSL cerificate. Therefore the SP must have a private key, which you cannot distribute to a browser client for obvious reasons. On top of that, the assertion endpoint should accept a POST HTTP request, which traditionally only a server can do.
You can skip the IdP discovery if you know which IdP you wish to use, but the assertion phase cannot be circumvented. You must have an assertion endpoint for the SSO. This endpoint must be able to decrypt messages encrypted with the public key of the SP, so it must be implemented on a server.
To get as close to what you want as possible, you can implement the SP as a separate microservice that only has one (or two if you're utilizing the DS) endpoint(s). The assertion endpoint of your login service can create a token for the user and redirect them to the frontend carrying the token in a query variable.
In Azure AD, when we make a call such as AuthenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync(resource, new ClientAssertionCertificate(_clientId, _cert)) it is not clear what exactly happens.
What part of the certificate gets exchanged if any?
Is there a challenge/response taking place?
Is the private key needed on the client as a part of this?
There are two ways you could go about finding the answer to you questions. One would be to look at the Microsoft Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) for .NET source code on GitHub, since this is open-source. The other (which we'll do here) is to looking at the network request that AcquireTokenAsync(String, ClientAssertion) generates, and work backwards from there.
Using Fiddler (or any other traffic analyzer), we can see something like the following (formatted for readability):
POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant-id}/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Breaking it down:
grant_type=client_credentials tells us this is a token request using the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant flow.
resource=https%3A%2F%2Fgraph.windows.net gives the URI of the resource the client is requesting an access token for. In this case, it's for the Azure AD Graph API.
client_id={app-id} is the client identifier. In Azure AD, this is the app ID of the application that was registered.
The presence of client_assertion_type and client_assertion are indicative that the client is using an assertion to authenticate:
client_assertion_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer says that client assertion being used is a signed JSON Web Token (JWT).
client_assertion=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1N...VE8wHSf-HZvGQ is the aforementioned signed JWT token. The authorization server (e.g. Azure AD) will validate the contents, and check that the token was indeed signed by the certificate authorized for the client in question.
So, what ADAL does is:
Construct a token with a set of claims about the client (your app)
Use your certificate's private key to generate a cryptographic signature of those claims
Bundle that up into a signed JWT
Make an appropriately formed token request to the authority
During AcquireTokenAsync, only the certificate's thumbprint is provided (it's included in the JWT header to help the authorization server look up the corresponding public key). The JWT's signature is what proves that the client is in possession of the private key. However, before AcquireTokenAsync(String, ClientAssertion) can be used successfully, the client owner (i.e. you) needs to have provided Azure AD with the certificate's public key.
There is no challenge/response taking place here. The token is obtained in a single request, initiated by the client.
For a lot more detail, you can review the standards that this all implements:
RFC 6749: The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework
RFC 7521: Assertion Framework for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization Grants
RFC 7523: JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization Grants
RFC 7519: JSON Web Token (JWT)
(Note that ADAL has a cache. Everything I described above will take place only if ADAL does not find a valid access token in the token cache. You can use AuthenticationContext.TokenCache.Clear() to clear the cache for experimentation.)
I'm in the process of implementing AAD single sign on in our application and we will be using the adal.js/adal-angular.js library with our MEAN stack application. Part of initializing the library is to call init() and provide the tenant and clientId
tenant: "mycompany.onmicrosoft.com",
clientId: "05bdd8d7-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-5f2769f8b9b6"
for example.
If someone views the source and takes the tenant and clientId can they use that somehow in their own application maliciously?
Does AzureAD check the URL the request came from and block it if it's not the configured login url?
Seems as though the clientId is more like a public key but if the only 2 things needed for an app to trigger authentication with AzureAD is the tenant and clientId and those are exposed client side in source code that someone could use them to create a phishing site X or to grab id_tokens if the request is redirected back to their site X rather than the original site
Does Azure rely on the configured settings in the application setup and protect against this?
I'm still getting a grasp on the OpenID Connect and OAUTH 2.0 finer points so forgive me if this question has an obvious answer.
Adal.js uses the Implicit flow (as per OpenID connect / oAuth 2 specifications) and exposing the ClientID (and tenant id of AAD) doesn't pose any security risk.
While registering the Clients in Azure AD administration panel, we specify a Redirect URI for the client. This is the Application URL for which users will get redirected after successful authentication.
So even if a malicious client tries to use your clientid and tenant id, the users will be redirected back to the registered URI(which is your app) after authentication and not to the malicious site
In implicit flow the application doesn't collect any username / password, IDP/OP (i.e AAD) manages this part - so user credentials won't be compromised as well
**For other flow types (Authorization code, Client credentials,etc) we have something called client-password along with ClientID. This shouldn't be exposed to public clients.