I am running virtualenv on a Mac and have successfully created a new MySite directory. Now I want to follow the remaining instructions:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ ./manage.py migrate
$ ./manage.py createsuperuser
$ ./manage.py runserver
I get the following error:
bad interpreter: No such file or directory
I checked that Django and Pillow are properly installed. They are. Any ideas?
To do a clean wagtail install on a Mac simply do this:
→ virtualenv-3.4 ~/installation_test # installed via sudo port install py34-virtualenv
→ source ~/installation_test/bin/activate
→ pip install wagtail
→ wagtail start my_site
→ cd my_site/
→ python manage.py migrate
→ python manage.py runserver
The issue
I have a web scraper running in AWS lambda but in a few weeks AWS lambda will stop supporting Ruby 2.7. I built my scraper last year using this tutorial.
I need to find a version of chrome driver & headless chrome that is compatible with Ruby 2.7, But I don't know exactly where to start.
I have looked at the ChromeDriver's downloads portal But I don't see any indication there that Chrome driver will work for ruby 2.7 or any other specific version of ruby for that matter.
The code I have works by accessing the ChromeDriver binary and starting it inside a specific folder
I downloaded the specific binaries I am using by running these commands:
# serverless chrome
wget https://github.com/adieuadieu/serverless-chrome/releases/download/v1.0.0-37/stable-headless-chromium-amazonlinux-2017-03.zip
unzip stable-headless-chromium-amazonlinux-2017-03.zip -d bin/
rm stable-headless-chromium-amazonlinux-2017-03.zip
# chromedriver
wget https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/2.37/chromedriver_linux64.zip
unzip chromedriver_linux64.zip -d bin/
rm chromedriver_linux64.zip
I found the solution to this problem. Ruby 2.7 that Lambda offers by default runs on top of Amazon Linux 2 (which lacks many important libraries & dependencies), unfortunately, there's nothing you can do to change that.
However, Amazon offers you the ability to run your code in a custom docker image that can be up to 10GB in size.
I fixed this problem by creating my own image using the following Dockerfile
FROM public.ecr.aws/lambda/ruby:2.7
# Install dependencies needed to run MySQL & Chrome
RUN yum -y install libX11
RUN yum -y install dejavu-sans-fonts
RUN yum -y install procps
RUN yum -y install mysql-devel
RUN yum -y install tree
RUN mkdir /var/task/lib
RUN cp /usr/lib64/mysql/libmysqlclient.so.18 /var/task/lib
RUN gem install bundler
RUN yum -y install wget
RUN yum -y groupinstall 'Development Tools'
# Ruby Gems
ADD Gemfile.lock ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/
RUN bundle config set path 'vendor/bundle' && \
bundle install
# Install chromedriver & chromium
# Chromium
RUN wget https://github.com/adieuadieu/serverless-chrome/releases/download/v1.0.0-37/stable-headless-chromium-amazonlinux-2017-03.zip
RUN unzip stable-headless-chromium-amazonlinux-2017-03.zip -d ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/bin/
RUN rm stable-headless-chromium-amazonlinux-2017-03.zip
# Chromedriver
RUN wget https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/2.37/chromedriver_linux64.zip
RUN unzip chromedriver_linux64.zip -d ${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/bin/
RUN rm chromedriver_linux64.zip
# Copy function code
RUN tree
# Set the CMD to your handler (could also be done as a parameter override outside of the Dockerfile)
CMD [ "app.handle" ]
If your code was previously deployed using a zip file you will have to either destroy the previous function or create a second function with the code update, it all comes down to how you want to handle deployment.
It is possible to automate the deployment process using the serverless framework
I have tried the following steps to install and setup mongodb in my mac from here https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-os-x/ but I got the following error when running the final "mongo" command in my terminal:
Error Message - Zsh: Command Not found : mongo
This error msg occurred after trying to install mongodb 4.2 using brew
sudo chown -R $(whoami) $(brew --prefix)/*
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community#4.2
brew services start mongodb-community#4.2
mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf
ps aux | grep -v grep | grep mongod
running brew services start mongodb-community#4.2 returns:
Successfully started `mongodb-community#4.2` (label: homebrew.mxcl.mongodb-community#4.2)
running ps aux | grep -v grep | grep mongod returns:
9081 0.2 0.5 5528024 41856 ?? S 3:01pm 0:01.48 /usr/local/opt/mongodb-community#4.2/bin/mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf
7613 0.0 0.1 4298832 5600 s000 T 2:47pm 0:00.08 vim /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf
running mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf returns:
zsh: command not found: mongod
There are also no mongo files in my /usr/local/bin directory after using these commands
I created a data/db folder in my /usr/local/bin directory using the following commands:
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin/data/db
sudo chown -R `id -un` /usr/local/bin/data/db
Running "brew update" returns:
brew update
Updated 1 tap (homebrew/cask).
==> Updated Casks
brew install mongodb-community-shell
Fixed the problem for me.
Solved it by manually installing the mongodb community files and db tools using the website instead. Then copying them into /usr/local/bin. Then ignoring the app permissions whenever calling mongo or related commands in the terminal through System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General.
After googling I found out that mongoimport and the other features have to be installed separately: https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/database-tools
Followed by copying those bin files after extracting them into the same /usr/local/bin directory
Not sure why its' not working through homebrew though
This worked for me, I was having same issue on mongodb-community#4.4
brew reinstall mongodb-community#4.4
On terminal something like this will appear during reinstallation.
copy highlighted path with echo
echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/mongodb-community#4.4/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
Now open another terminal and start mongodb services
brew services restart mongodb/brew/mongodb-community#4.4
write mongo on terminal and here we fly
If you installed the mongodb via Homebrew. Need to add the mongo path in your bash_profile.
Edit the bash_profile vi ~/.bash_profile
Add the below line in EOF export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/opt/mongodb-community#4.2/bin
After the edit bash_profile. Close all terminals and open them again. mongo command start works.
In addition to #ramesh-babu-t-b 's answer, https://stackoverflow.com/a/68407530/1279516, the issue could also be that your MongoDB installation did add mongod to your path, but the installation happened within the current shell session, and so your shell doesn't have the updates to the PATH variable yet.
In this case, only his last step is still necessary - Open a new console window and retry the mongod command.
I'm trying to install Adminer from Ubuntu repository using:
sudo apt install adminer
Installation works fine but can't find the file /etc/adminer/apache.conf to use with Apache server. The folder /etc/adminer/ is empty and can't find it anywhere with find command.
Any help?
Thanks in advance.
In the next few steps, I'll show you how I installed adminer for Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS .
After installation with apt package manager change into the adminer directory.
cd /usr/share/adminer
There you will find a file called compile.php.
Run the following command and the adminer-X.X.X.php (X.X.X for your version) file will be created.
sudo php compile.php
Create the apache adminer configuration file.
sudo echo "Alias /adminer.php /usr/share/adminer/adminer-X.X.X.php" | sudo tee /etc/apache2/conf-available/adminer.conf
Now you'll need to activate the configuration.
cd /etc/apache2/conf-available/
sudo a2enconf adminer.conf
Reload your apache webserver.
sudo systemctl reload apache2.
Test in your browser of choice (localhost/adminer.php)
This source was really helpful:
Install Apache:
sudo apt-get install apache2
Install PHP:
sudo apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php php-mysql
Install Adminer:
sudo wget "http://www.adminer.org/latest.php" -O /var/www/html/adminer.php
Once the installation completes, restart Apache.
sudo service apache2 restart
At this point, the setup is complete. You can access Adminer at the following address.
In Google App Engine's Python runtime for Managed VMS, I want to install the Splinter (selenium) Chromedriver. According to the documentation for Linux, I have the following in my dockerfile:
# Dockerfile extending the generic Python image with application files for a
# single application.
FROM gcr.io/google_appengine/python-compat
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y apt-utils zip unzip wget
ADD requirements.txt /app/
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
RUN wget https://chromedriver.googlecode.com/files/chromedriver_linux64_20.0.1133.0.zip
RUN unzip chromedriver_linux64_20.0.1133.0.zip
RUN mkdir -p $HOME/bin
RUN mv chromedriver /bin
ADD . /app
I can't get the web application to start Splinter with the chrome webdriver as it does not find it in the PATH.
WebDriverException: Message: 'chromedriver' executable needs to be
available in the path. Please look at
and read up at
And if I run docker exec -it <container id> chromedriver, as expected, it doesn't work.
Also, the environment variables printed out in Python are:
➜ ~ docker exec -it f4d9541c4ba6 python
Python 2.7.3 (default, Mar 13 2014, 11:03:55)
[GCC 4.7.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import os
>>> print os.environ
{'GAE_MODULE_NAME': 'parsers', 'API_HOST': '', 'GAE_SERVER_PORT': '8082', 'MODULE_YAML_PATH': 'parsers.yaml', 'HOSTNAME': 'f4d9541c4ba6', 'SERVER_SOFTWARE': 'Development/2.0', 'GAE_MODULE_INSTANCE': '0', 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND': 'noninteractive', 'GAE_MINOR_VERSION': '580029170989395749', 'API_PORT': '59768', 'GAE_PARTITION': 'dev', 'GAE_LONG_APP_ID': 'utix-app', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', 'GAE_MODULE_VERSION': 'parsers-0-0-1', 'HOME': '/root'}
What would be the correct way of making the chromedriver be in the PATH, or any workaround?
Thanks a lot
You need to check the ENTRYPOINT and CMD associated with that image (do a docker inspect on the container you launched)
If the image is set to open a new bash session, the profile or .bashrc associated with the account running that session might redefine $PATH, overriding the Dockerfile ENV PATH "$PATH:$HOME/bin" directive.
If that is the case, making sure the profile or .bashrc defines the right PATH is easier (with a COPY of a custom .bashrc for instance) that modifying the ENV.
I am using Check_MK with Nagios. I found somewhere that nagios comes with mk-livestatus but I found on my server but I couldn't found it.
Can we add this(mk-livestatus) feature explicitely? If Yes, How could I install it?
OMD automatically configures this option correctly in etc/mk-livestatus/nagios.cfg.
If your nagios is not configured with OMD you can use following steps to install mk-livestatus:
- Installing mk livestatus:
1.- Install dependencies:
# yum install make gcc-c++ wget
2.- Download mk livestatus:
# cd /tmp && wget http://mathias-kettner.de/download/mk-livestatus-1.1.12p7.tar.gz
3.- Extract package:
# tar -xzvf mk-livestatus-1.1.12p7.tar.gz
4.- Install:
# cd mk-livestatus-1.1.12p7/ && ./configure
# make && make install
5.- Create new directory with correct permissions:
# mkdir /usr/lib/nagios/mk-livestatus && chown nagios:apache /usr/lib/nagios/mk-livestatus
6.- Edit /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg :
broker_module=/usr/local/lib/mk-livestatus/livestatus.o /usr/lib/nagios/mk-livestatus/live
7.- Restart Nagios:
# service nagios restart
8.- Try command line:
# echo 'GET hosts' | unixcat /usr/lib/nagios/mk-livestatus/live
For more information of query syntax:
There is a website specially for mk_livestatus made by mathias kettner who's the creator of mk_livestatus
here the installation documentation for the agent on linux ( dpkg or rpm )