componentWillUpdate after vritual dom diffing done? - reactjs

I was having some trouble figuring out where exactly the componentWillUpdate triggers. The docs say it triggers before render. However in my component the only props changing are defaultValue, which does not affect the DOM on udpate. So how come my componentWillUpdate is triggering? I was thinking it only triggered after props/state were tested to see if it actually changed the virtual DOM.

ComponentWillUpdate() has no bearing on whether the DOM will update. It's used only as a hook to perform some operations to your props before their rendered. If you want to prevent a component from rendering if the props change then you need to return false inside shouldComponentUpdate() note ComponentWillUpdate() is not called on first run (mounting) for that you want to use


How does react decide to rerender a component

I know React has a life cycle method called shouldComponentUpdate, Which by default return true and that's how the component decides to update
But How does that life cycle method gets called, When a state or props change for that component. What actually happens when we receive new props or state? When We connect a component to redux state and mapStateToProps, Are we checking for a change in values inside the component? If not, When We are looking for a change in state or props?
when the props or state changes, how the life cycle methods are called?. Do we have a listener that calls these methods when the props or state changes?
You should look at lifecycles of both, how they perform and in what order each method gets called. Looking at react lifecycle image bellow you can see the difference between componentWillMount and componentDidMount and others like componentDidUpdate, componentWillUpdate and so on...
Also you should reason when to use each method
To update state you call this.setState() which tells react that something has changed and it will re-render component tree. If you use = something react won't trigger render(). Now to update props, you need to understand how render() actually works. This answer is summarized from existing anwser already:
Every time render() is called react will create a new virtual DOM
where the root node is the component whose render function is called.
The render() function is called when either the state or the props of
a component or any of its children change. The render() function
destroys all of the old virtual DOM nodes starting from the root and
creates a brand new virtual DOM.
In order to make sure the re-rendering of components is smooth and
efficient React uses the Diffing Algorithm to reduce the time it takes
to create a new tree to a time complexity of O(n), usually time
complexity for copying trees is > O(n^2). The way it accomplishes this
is by using the "key" attribute on each of the elements in the DOM.
React knows that instead of creating each element from scratch it can
check the "key" attribute on each node in the DOM. This is why you get
a warning if you don't set the "key" attribute of each element, React
uses the keys to vastly increase its rendering speed.
React Lifecycle
Redux Lifecycle
If you use redux library, may be, your component does not re-render after your props changes. Checkout this issue to resolve the props changes problem with componentWillReceiveProps

Will componentWillMount run again if component is re-rendered because of parent component?

Will componentWillMount run again if component is re-rendered because of parent component?
No, componentWillMount is called only once.
Also, componentDidMount is called only once.
componentDidUpdate is called on every re-render.
To correctly understand about the react lifecycle methods you can go through this link.
The short answer is NO
It's called once right before your component is about to be rendered to the DOM.
The long answer is:
Your component is going to appear on the screen very shortly. That chunky render function, with all its beautifully off-putting JSX, is about to be called.
Most Common Use Case: App configuration in your root component.
Can call setState: Yes, but don't. Use the default state instead.
Here is where you load in your data. ComponentDidMount is also where you can do all the fun things you couldn’t do when there was no component to play with. Basically, here you want to do all the setup you couldn’t do without a DOM, and start getting all the data you need. Most Common Use Case: Starting AJAX calls to load in data for your component.
Perhaps some data that was loaded in by a parent component’s componentDidMount finally arrived and is being passed down. Before our component does anything with the new props, componentWillReceiveProps is called, with the next props as the argument.
shouldComponentUpdate should always return a boolean — an answer to the question, “should I re-render?” Yes, little component, you should. The default is that it always returns true. It's an awesome place to improve performance.
Most Common Use Case: Used instead of componentWillReceiveProps on a component that also has shouldComponentUpdate (but no access to previous props). It’s basically the same as componentWillReceiveProps, except you are not allowed to call this.setState.
Here we can do the same stuff we did in componentDidMount — reset our masonry layout, redraw our canvas, etc. Basically, we use it when it's all said and done, but we don’t want to waste time to redraw the canvas every time it updates. Most Common Use Case: Updating the DOM in response to prop or state changes.
Here you can cancel any outgoing network requests, or remove all event listeners associated with the component. Basically, clean up anything to do that solely involves the component in question — when it’s gone, it should be completely gone.

React state update while rendering

I need to update a state in my react app while rendering the content. Is there any option to update state while rendering.
Note: I am very new to react
You can use componentDidUpdate() Lifecycle method.
and inside componentDidUpdate() function update your state.
FYI: componentDidUpdate() calls every time if component gets updtated.
Futureproofing Note: answer relevant to v16.4.
The answer to your question depends on what you mean by saying "while rendering".
When react invokes the render method of a component, it does not really render anything, yet. The results of the render method will undergo "reconciliation", which means that it will be compared to what's rendered at the moment. If a difference is detected, react will actually re-render the DOM, as effectively as it can.
This means that you can not do anything when react is actually rendering / re-rendering the DOM, since your code is not being executed.
You can, however, do something after the render method has been invoked.
As others have stated before me, the componentDidUpdate method is the place.
Note that the fact that this method has been invoked does not necessarily mean react has re-rendered the DOM. It only assures that the component is in sync with the DOM.
Do note that since setting state CAN cause a re-render, so you should really be careful about setting state in componentDidUpdate - or you might cause an infinite loop of sorts.
Even if you correctly implement shouldComponentUpdate, stopping the render cycle from ever reaching cDU- react docs suggest the result of sCU can be taken as a hint in the future, which will break your app in future releases.
So, if you must setState in cDU - you must check that this setState is required, and is not a side-effect of setting the state in the first place.

how to stop re-rendering components (React-redux )?

I'm using react-router-redux and have nested connect()ed components. This seems to work fine, except that my nested components are re-rendering when state changes.
Root have 5 children:
All components are re-rendering if there is any state changes in any one of the children because all components are connect()ed.
How can I render only the required children alone?
(is there any way to using connectAdvanced life cycle method for resolve this probs?
To prevent the nested children from being re-rendered every time your state changes in the parent component you should use shouldComponentUpdate life cycle.
shouldComponentUpdate takes in 2 parameters shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState)
So anywhere you want to stop re rendering you should return false. As per the docs "Returning false does not prevent child components from re-rendering when their state changes."
ShouldComponentUpdate Docs

Why componentDidUpdate trigger when prevState/prevProps are same as this.state/this.props

I have a component, and its componentDidUpdate seems to trigger for no reason. It's a child component, has no state. Even though the prevProps and this.props are the exact same its triggering, is there any reason for this? I thought update should only trigger when there is a change in the props/state?
componentDidUpdate() is fired every time the parent component re-renders (and passes in new props). And in stateful components also whenever setState() is fired.
Even if old prevprops and this.props are exactly the same, componentDidUpdate() is still fired if the parent component re-renders.
If you want to prevent react to enter a render cycle, you should implement the shouldComponentUpdate() method, where you can compare new and old props.
update should only trigger when there is a change in the props/state
No, React renders to VirtualDOM everything each time. But then it updates only changed properties in real DOM.
To avoid that you can use PureRenderMixin or your custom comparation code in shouldComponentUpdate.
