Formatting an array like a shopping list - arrays

I have an array formatted like this:
["Trousers : 15.50", "Trousers : 15.50", "Jumper : 12.99", "Shoes: 50.00"]
I would like to format it like this:
["2x Trousers : 31.00", "1x Jumper : 12.99", "1x Shoes: 50.00"]
I tried formatting using this:
var counts: [String:Int] = [:]
var shoppingList = ["Trousers : 15.50", "Trousers : 15.50", "Jumper : 12.99", "Shoes: 50.00"]
var formattedShoppingList = [String]()
for item in shoppingList {
counts[item] = (counts[item] ?? 0) + 1
for (key, value) in counts {
let display:String = String(value) + "x " + key
But I get this
["2x Trousers : 15.50", "1x Jumper : 12.99", "1x Shoes: 50.00"]
If I use a dictionary I cannot have duplicates. How shall I proceed with this?

I would make a struct to represent Item name/price pairs (and perhaps other data in the future, like quantity in stock, for example).
struct Item: Hashable {
let name: String
let price: Double
public var hashValue: Int { return name.hashValue ^ price.hashValue }
public static func ==(lhs: Item, rhs: Item) -> Bool {
return == && rhs.price == rhs.price
let shoppingList = [
Item(name: "Trousers", price: 15.50),
Item(name: "Trousers", price: 15.50),
Item(name: "Jumper", price: 12.99),
Item(name: "Shoes", price: 50),
let counts = shoppingList.reduce([Item: Int]()){counts, item in
var counts = counts
counts[item] = (counts[item] ?? 0) + 1
return counts
let formattedShoppingList ={ item, count in "\(count)x \( £\(item.price)" }
["2x Trousers: £15.5", "1x Shoes: £50.0", "1x Jumper: £12.99"]

You could use this struct, which accepts your strings as parameter for the constructor:
struct ShoppingItem: Hashable {
let name: String
let price: NSDecimalNumber
//Expects a String in the form "ElementName : Price"
init?(description: String) {
let splitDescription = description.components(separatedBy: ":")
guard splitDescription.count == 2 else { return nil }
name = splitDescription[0].trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines)
price = NSDecimalNumber(string: splitDescription[1])
public var hashValue: Int {
return "\(name)\(price)".hashValue
func ==(lhs: ShoppingItem, rhs: ShoppingItem) -> Bool {
return lhs.hashValue == rhs.hashValue
With it, you could convert your shopping list, to a list of shopping items like this (take into account, that this discards items it can't transform, you could check for nil items to make sure all could be converted):
var shoppingItems = shoppingList.flatMap(ShoppingItem.init(description:))
and then, you just do what you did before, only multiplying the price at the end:
var counts = [ShoppingItem: Int]()
for item in shoppingItems {
counts[item] = (counts[item] ?? 0) + 1
for (key, value) in counts {
let multipliedPrice = key.price.multiplying(by: NSDecimalNumber(value: value))
let display = "\(value)x \( : \(multipliedPrice)"

You don't need a struct or class for a simple pair; use an array of tuples:
var shoppingList = [("Trousers", 15.50), ("Trousers", 15.50), ("Jumper", 12.99), ("Shoes", 50.00)]
for (name, price) in shoppingList {
print(name, price)


Searching and Editing Values in Swift Array or Dictionary

I have a method which is supposed to return a Set of Strings. Here is a method description:
Returns: 10 product names containing the specified string.
If there are several products with the same name, producer's name is added to product's name in the format "<producer> - <product>",
otherwise returns simply "<product>".
Can't figure out how to check if there are duplicate names in the array and then edit them as required
What I've got so far:
struct Product {
let id: String; // unique identifier
let name: String;
let producer: String;
protocol Shop {
func addNewProduct(product: Product) -> Bool
func deleteProduct(id: String) -> Bool
func listProductsByName(searchString: String) -> Set<String>
func listProductsByProducer(searchString: String) -> [String]
class ShopImpl: Shop {
private var goodsInTheShopDictionary: [String: Product] = [:]
func addNewProduct(product: Product) -> Bool {
let result = goodsInTheShopDictionary[] == nil
if result {
goodsInTheShopDictionary[] = product
return result
func deleteProduct(id: String) -> Bool {
let result = goodsInTheShopDictionary[id] != nil
if result {
goodsInTheShopDictionary.removeValue(forKey: id)
return result
func listProductsByName(searchString: String) -> Set<String> {
var result = Set<String>()
let searchedItems = goodsInTheShopDictionary.filter{ $ }
let resultArray ={ $0.value }
result = Set({ $ })
if result.count > 10 {
return result
If you want to achieve this you would need to iterate over you resultArray and save producer and product into another array. On each iteration you would need to check if the array allready contains either the product name itself or an allready modified version.
A possible implementation would look like this:
var result = [(producer: String, product: String)]()
// iterate over the first 10 results
for item in resultArray.prefix(10){
if let index = result.firstIndex(where: { _ , product in
product ==
// the result array allready contains the exact product name
// so we need to convert the name allready in the list
let oldProduct = (producer: result[index].producer, product: "\(result[index].producer) \(result[index].product)")
result[index] = oldProduct
// add the new one
result.append((producer: item.producer, product: "\(item.producer) \("))
else if !result.filter({ $0.product.components(separatedBy: " ").contains(}).isEmpty {
// if the result array allready contains a modified version of the name
result.append((producer: item.producer, product: "\(item.producer) \("))
} else{
// if the result array does not contain the product yet
result.append((producer: item.producer, product: "\("))
let productNames ={ $0.product}
Please be aware: As you are using a [String: Product], which is a unsorted dictionary, to hold your values this will yield different results (if the resultArray collection is larger than 10) each time you search.
Tested with searchString = name1:
var goodsInTheShopDictionary: [String: Product] = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: (0...20).map { index in
("\(index)",Product(id: "", name: "name\(index)", producer: "producer\(index)"))
goodsInTheShopDictionary["100"] = Product(id: "11", name: "name1", producer: "producer11")
goodsInTheShopDictionary["101"] = Product(id: "12", name: "name1", producer: "producer12")
["name13", "producer12 name1", "name10", "name19", "producer11 name1",
"name17", "name14", "name18", "producer1 name1", "name16"]

Swift Struct in Array of Structs not updating to new values

This is my data structure
struct SPPWorkout: Codable {
static let setKey = "Sets"
static let exerciseID = "id"
var id: Double? = 0.0
var duration: String?
var calories: Int?
var date: String?
var exercises: [ExerciseSet]
struct ExerciseSet: Codable {
let id: String
let name: String
var reps: Int
var weight: Double
extension ExerciseSet: Equatable {
static func ==(lhs: ExerciseSet, rhs: ExerciseSet) -> Bool {
return ==
and in a SwiftUI view I'm trying to modify an ExerciseSet from user input
#State private var sppWorkout: SPPWorkout!
EditSetPopup(isShowingOverlay: $isShowingOverlay,
update: { reps, weight in
guard let editingIndex = editingIndex else { return }
sppWorkout.exercises[editingIndex].reps = Int(reps) ?? 0
sppWorkout.exercises[editingIndex].weight = Double(weight) ?? 0.0
self.editingIndex = nil
The issue is here
sppWorkout.exercises[editingIndex].reps = Int(reps) ?? 0
sppWorkout.exercises[editingIndex].weight = Double(weight) ??
and I've tried in all ways to update it, both from the view and with a func in SPPWorkout. I've also tried to replace the object at index
var newSet = ExerciseSet(id: [...], newValues)
self.exercises[editingIndex] = newSet
but in no way it wants to update. I'm sure that somewhere it creates a copy that it edits but I have no idea why and how to set the new values.
Edit: if I try to delete something, it's fine
sppWorkout.exercises.removeAll(where: { $0 == sppWorkout.exercises[index]})
Edit 2:
It passes the guard statement and it does not change the values in the array.
Edit 3:
At the suggestion below from Jared, I've copied the existing array into a new one, set the new values then tried to assign the new one over to the original one but still, it does not overwrite.
EditSetPopup(isShowingOverlay: $isShowingOverlay,
update: { reps, weight in
guard let editingIndex = editingIndex else { return }
var copyOfTheArray = sppWorkout.exercises
copyOfTheArray[editingIndex].reps = Int(reps) ?? 0
copyOfTheArray[editingIndex].weight = Double(weight) ?? 0.0
//Copy of the array is updated correctly, it has the new values
sppWorkout.exercises = copyOfTheArray
//Original array doesn't get overwritten. It still has old values
self.editingIndex = nil
Edit 4: I've managed to make progress by extracting the model into a view model and updating the values there. Now the values get updated in sppWorkout, but even though I call objectWillChange.send(), the UI Update doesn't trigger.
full code:
class WorkoutDetailsViewModel: ObservableObject {
var workoutID: String!
#Published var sppWorkout: SPPWorkout!
func setupData(with workoutID: String) {
sppWorkout = FileIOManager.readWorkout(with: workoutID)
func update(_ index: Int, newReps: Int, newWeight: Double) {
let oldOne = sppWorkout.exercises[index]
let update = ExerciseSet(id:, name:, reps: newReps, weight: newWeight)
sppWorkout.exercises[index] = update
struct WorkoutDetailsView: View {
var workoutID: String!
#StateObject private var viewModel = WorkoutDetailsViewModel()
var workout: HKWorkout
var dateFormatter: DateFormatter
#State private var offset = 0
#State private var isShowingOverlay = false
#State private var editingIndex: Int?
#EnvironmentObject var settingsManager: SettingsManager
#Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss
var body: some View {
if viewModel.sppWorkout != nil {
VStack {
ListWorkoutItem(workout: workout, dateFormatter: dateFormatter)
.padding([.leading, .trailing], 10.0)
List(viewModel.sppWorkout.exercises, id: \.id) { exercise in
let index = viewModel.sppWorkout.exercises.firstIndex(of: exercise) ?? 0
DetailListSetItem(exerciseSet: viewModel.sppWorkout.exercises[index], set: index + 1)
.swipeActions {
Button(role: .destructive, action: {
viewModel.sppWorkout.exercises.removeAll(where: { $0 == viewModel.sppWorkout.exercises[index]})
} ) {
Label("Delete", systemImage: "trash")
Button(role: .none, action: {
isShowingOverlay = true
editingIndex = index
} ) {
Label("Edit", systemImage: "pencil")
.padding([.leading, .trailing], -30)
//iOS 16 .scrollContentBackground(.hidden)
.overlay(alignment: .bottom, content: {
.animation(.easeInOut (duration: 0.5), value: isShowingOverlay)
.navigationBarItems(leading: Button(action : {
do {
try FileIOManager.write(viewModel.sppWorkout, toDocumentNamed: "\( ?? 0).json")
} catch {
Debugger.log(error: error.localizedDescription)
Image(systemName: "arrow.left")
} else {
Text("No workout details found")
.font(.system(size: 35))
.onAppear(perform: {
viewModel.setupData(with: workoutID)
#ViewBuilder private var editOverlay: some View {
if isShowingOverlay {
ZStack {
Button {
isShowingOverlay = false
} label: {
EditSetPopup(isShowingOverlay: $isShowingOverlay,
update: { reps, weight in
guard let editingIndex = editingIndex else { return }
print("dupa aia:\n")
viewModel.update(editingIndex, newReps: Int(reps) ?? 0, newWeight: Double(weight) ?? 0.0)
self.editingIndex = nil
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)
lineWidth: 3)
So I got a very good explanation on reddit on what causes the problem. Thank you u/neddy-seagoon if you are reading this.
The explanation
. I believe that updating an array will not trigger a state update. The only thing that will, with an array, is if the count changes. So
sppWorkout.exercises[index].reps = newReps
will not cause a trigger. This is not changing viewModel.sppWorkout.exercises.indices
So all I had to to was modify my List from
List(viewModel.sppWorkout.exercises, id: \.id)
List(viewModel.sppWorkout.exercises, id: \.hashValue)
as this triggers the list update because the hashValue does change when updating the properties of the entries in the list.
For the line
List(viewModel.sppWorkout.exercises, id: \.id) { exercise in
Replace with
List(viewModel.sppWorkout.exercises, id: \.self) { exercise in

How to generic a function where params are different structs with different properties?

Please refer the following code:
import UIKit
struct Item {
var brandId = 1
var name: String = ""
struct Store {
var areaName = ""
var name: String = ""
let itemArray = [Item(brandId: 1, name: "item1"), Item(brandId: 2, name: "item2"), Item(brandId: 1, name: "item3") ]
let storeArray = [Store(areaName: "hk", name: "store1"), Store(areaName: "bj", name: "store2"), Store(areaName: "hk", name: "store3")]
var intKeys = [Int]()
var groupedItems = [[Item]]()
var stringKeys = [String]()
var groupedStores = [[Store]]()
extension Array {
func transTo2d() -> [[Element]] {
let grouped = [[Element]]()
return grouped
itemArray.forEach { (item) in
let brandId = item.brandId
if !intKeys.contains(brandId) {
var newArray = [Item]()
} else {
let index = intKeys.index(of: brandId)!
My final goal is could using itemArray.transTo2d() get a 2d array based on item's brandId, using storeArray.transTo2d() get a 2d array based on store's areaName. I don't how to generic the function that trans 1d array to a 2d array based on the key?
I don't think you can write a generic extension for an Array where the elements will either be of type Item or Store since both of them don't share any relation for you to write a common generic method. You can write extensions for Array where the elements will be of the mentioned type. You just need to conform both of your structs to the equatable protocol.
struct Item {
var brandId = 1
var name: String = ""
extension Item : Equatable{
static func ==(lhs: Item, rhs: Item) -> Bool{
return lhs.brandId == rhs.brandId
struct Store {
var areaName = ""
var name: String = ""
extension Store : Equatable{
static func ==(lhs: Store, rhs: Store) -> Bool{
return lhs.areaName == rhs.areaName
extension Array where Element == Store{
func transform()->[[Store]]{
var storeArray = self
var groupedArray = [[Store]]()
while storeArray.count > 0{
if let firstElement = storeArray.first{
groupedArray.append(storeArray.filter{$0.areaName == firstElement.areaName})
storeArray = storeArray.filter{$0.areaName != firstElement.areaName}
return groupedArray
extension Array where Element == Item{
func transform()->[[Item]]{
var itemArray = self
var groupedArray = [[Item]]()
while itemArray.count > 0{
if let firstElement = itemArray.first{
groupedArray.append(itemArray.filter{$0.brandId == firstElement.brandId})
itemArray = itemArray.filter{$0.brandId != firstElement.brandId}
return groupedArray
Using the transform function
let storeArray = [Store(areaName: "hk", name: "store1"), Store(areaName: "bj", name: "store2"), Store(areaName: "hk", name: "store3")]
let itemArray = [Item(brandId: 1, name: "item1"), Item(brandId: 2, name: "item2"), Item(brandId: 1, name: "item3") ]
This will print this output which is what I believe you wanted.
[[Store(areaName: "hk", name: "store1"), Store(areaName: "hk", name: "store3")], [Store(areaName: "bj", name: "store2")]]
[[Item(brandId: 1, name: "item1"), Item(brandId: 1, name: "item3")], [Item(brandId: 2, name: "item2")]]

Swift initialise empty array to store different structs later

I have a couple of different types of structs (Promo & Event). I'd like to create an empty array which gets populated with an array of each type depending on the outcome of an if statement.
So something like this:
var dataArray:[Any] = [] // see options I've tried below
if myTest == true {
dataArray = [Promo, Promo, Promo]
} else {
dataArray = [Event, Event, Event]
I have tried using:
1. var dataArray: [Any] = []
2. var dataArray: [AnyObject] = []
3. var dataArray: [Any] = [Any]()
4. var dataArray: [AnyObject] = [AnyObject]()
but when I try to store an array of Promo Structs in dataArray I get an error Cannot assign value of type '[Promo]' to type '[Any]' etc.
So, how do I initialise an array so that it can store a variety of (unknown) Structs. Or how do I modify my Structs to enable them to be stored in an array?
I'm really struggling to see what I'm doing wrong so any pointers would be v. helpful.
Here are my Structs:
import Foundation
struct Promo {
// initialise the stored properties for use later
let promoId : Int
let date : NSDate
let title: String
let body: String
let busName : String
let busId : Int
let categoryId: Int
let featured: Bool
// a universal init() method which has optional parameters
init(promoId: Int,
date: NSDate,
title: String,
body: String,
busName: String,
busId: Int,
categoryId: Int,
featured: Bool
self.promoId = promoId = date
self.title = title
self.body = body
self.busName = busName
self.busId = busId
self.categoryId = categoryId
self.featured = featured
// allow us to compare structs
extension Promo: Equatable {}
func ==(lhs: Promo, rhs: Promo) -> Bool {
return lhs.promoId == rhs.promoId
&& ==
&& lhs.title == rhs.title
&& lhs.body == rhs.body
&& lhs.busName == rhs.busName
&& lhs.busId == rhs.busId
&& lhs.categoryId == rhs.categoryId
&& lhs.featured == rhs.featured
import Foundation
struct Event {
// initialise the stored properties for use later
let eventId : Int
let date : NSDate
let title: String
let body: String
let busName : String
let busId : Int
let categoryId: Int
// a universal init() method which has optional parameters
init(eventId: Int,
date: NSDate,
title: String,
body: String,
busName: String,
busId: Int,
categoryId: Int
self.eventId = eventId = date
self.title = title
self.body = body
self.busName = busName
self.busId = busId
self.categoryId = categoryId
This may not be exactly what you intended, but you can make this a bit cleaner by using classes instead of structs. It appears that a 'Promo' is just an 'Event' with one extra data member (featured)... If that's the case, then you can rename the Promo.promoId field Promo.eventId, and then make it a subclass of Event. Like this:
class Promo : Event {
let featured: Bool
// a universal init() method which has optional parameters
init(eventId: Int,
date: NSDate,
title: String,
body: String,
busName: String,
busId: Int,
categoryId: Int,
featured: Bool
self.featured = featured
super.init(eventId: eventId, date: date, title: title, body: body, busName: busName, busId: busId, categoryId: categoryId)
Then just create the data array like this:
var dataArray = [Event]()
if myTest == true {
dataArray = [promo1, promo2, promo3]
} else {
dataArray = [event1, event2, event3]
To use the featured member for a Promo you'll still need to cast like this:
if let thisPromo = dataArray[0] as? Promo {
If you are trying to assign to dataArray from [Promo] or [Event] arrays, you could map:
var dataArray:[Any] = []
var promoArray:[Promo] = [Promo(), Promo(), Promo()]
var eventArray:[Event] = [Event(), Event(),Event()]
if myTest == true {
dataArray = { $0 as Any }
} else {
dataArray = { $0 as Any }
Or create new Any arrays:
if myTest == true {
dataArray = Array<Any>(arrayLiteral: promoArray)
} else {
dataArray = Array<Any>(arrayLiteral: eventArray)

get distinct elements in an array by object property

I have an array of object.
I want to get distinct elements in this array by comparing objects based on its name property
class Item {
var name: String
init(name: String) { = name
let items = [Item(name:"1"), Item(name:"2"), Item(name:"1"), Item(name:"1"),Item(name:"3"), Item(name:"4")]
let items = [Item(name:"1"), Item(name:"2"),Item(name:"3"), Item(name:"4")]
how can I do this in swift?
Here is an Array extension to return the unique list of objects based on a given key:
extension Array {
func unique<T:Hashable>(by: ((Element) -> (T))) -> [Element] {
var set = Set<T>() //the unique list kept in a Set for fast retrieval
var arrayOrdered = [Element]() //keeping the unique list of elements but ordered
for value in self {
if !set.contains(by(value)) {
return arrayOrdered
For your example you can do:
let uniqueBasedOnName = items.unique{$}
Hope this will help you:
class Item:Equatable, Hashable {
var name: String
init(name: String) { = name
var hashValue: Int{
return name.hashValue
func ==(lhs: Item, rhs: Item) -> Bool {
return ==
let items = [Item(name:"1"), Item(name:"2"), Item(name:"1"), Item(name:"1"),Item(name:"3"), Item(name:"4")]
var uniqueArray = Array(Set(items))
In Swift you can use Equatable protocol to distinguish unique element in an Array of object.
struct Item:Equatable{
var name:String
var price:Double
init(name:String,price:Double) { = name
self.price = price
static func ==(lhs: Item, rhs: Item) -> Bool{
return ==
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var books = [Item]()
override func viewDidLoad() {
items.append(Item(name: "Example 1", price: 250.0))
items.append(Item(name: "Example 2", price: 150.0))
items.append(Item(name: "Example 1", price: 150.0))
items.append(Item(name: "Example 1", price: 150.0))
items.append(Item(name: "Example 3", price: 100.0))
items.unique().forEach { (item) in
extension Sequence where Iterator.Element: Equatable {
func unique() -> [Iterator.Element] {
return reduce([], { collection, element in collection.contains(element) ? collection : collection + [element] })
I used the sweet answer of #Ciprian Rarau and then realised I don't even need to add the elements in the first place if they are not unique. So I wrote a little extension for that (inspired by the answer).
extension Array {
public mutating func appendIfUnique<T: Hashable>(_ newElement: Element, check property: ((Element) -> (T))) {
for element in self {
if property(element) == property(newElement) { return }
Append elements only if unique:
array.appendIfUnique(newElement, check: { $ })
Solution that uses keypaths instead of closures:
extension Sequence {
func uniqued<Type: Hashable>(by keyPath: KeyPath<Element, Type>) -> [Element] {
var set = Set<Type>()
return filter { set.insert($0[keyPath: keyPath]).inserted }
Example for struct Mock { var uuid: UUID; var num: Int }
let uuid = UUID()
let arr = [
Mock(uuid: uuid, num: 1),
Mock(uuid: uuid, num: 2),
Mock(uuid: UUID(), num: 3)
let unique = arr.uniqued(by: \.uuid)
unique array will contain first (num = 1) and last (num = 3) elements.
