Extracting a user input from a text file - file

I have a text file that is called paintingJobs.txt, each line is structured in this way:
Estimate Number, Estimate Date, Customer ID, Final Total, Status (E for Estimate, A for Accepted job or N for Not accepted), and Amount Paid.
Here is an extract:
E5341, 21/09/2015, C102, 440, E, 0
E5342, 21/09/2015, C103, 290, A, 290
E5343, 21/09/2015, C104, 730, N, 0
I would like the user to input any Estimate number and for that line to be outputted. How can I achieve this?
Here is what I came up with but it doesn't work as required:
def option_A():
es_num = str.upper (input ("Please enter the estimate number: "))
with open('paintingJobs.txt', 'r') as file:
line = file.readline ()
print (line, end = '')
if es_num in file:
#print whole line
print("Not found")
I would like to display the information in this format
Estimate Number: the estimate number
Customer ID: the customer ID
Estimate Amount: the final total
Estimate Date: the estimate date
Status: the status

To print the line, I suggest you to simply iterate on each line of the file as follows:
def option_A():
es_num = str.upper (input ("Please enter the estimate number: "))
result = "Not found"
with open('paintingJobs.txt', 'r') as file:
for line in file:
if es_num in line:
result = line
To format the display, you can split the line with comma as separator to get a list of information. Then format your display, as follows:
data = result.split(',')
print("Estimated number:{0}".format(data[0]))
print("Customer ID:{0}".format(data[2]))
Then if you need some data which are more complex to retrieve from the text file, the powerful way is to use regex with for instance the method re.match(...).


The \n doesn't work in Matlab when i write the datestring in file

I have a problem with \n when I am trying to write a datestring and number values in txt file
pattern = [ ...
'Date %s - First %d \n', ...
'Date %s - Second %d \n' ...
'%d, \n', ...
t = datetime('now');
[fid, msg] = fopen('date_and_values.txt', 'wt');
assert(fid ~= -1, 'Cannot open file %s: %s', 'долбоеб.txt', msg);
dateString = datestr(t);
formatNumb = '\t%d';
res = [dateString num2str(1,formatNumb) num2str(2,formatNumb)];
for k = 1:17
fprintf(fid, pattern, res);
% % Perhaps this is faster:
% % fwrite(fid, strrep(pattern, '%d', sprintf('%d', k)), 'char');
I want the data looks like this:
But instead I get data in file look like this:
What am I doing wrong?
Change pattern to
pattern = ['Date %1$s - First %2$d \n', ...
'Date %1$s - Second %3$d \n\n'];
and use
fprintf(fid, pattern, dateString, num2str(1,formatNumb), num2str(2,formatNumb));
instead, you will get the desired output.
Note the use of identifiers in the above. (ctrl+F "identifiers" in documentation.) Without identifiers, each time you have a new formatting operator, a new input is expected by fprintf(). On top of that, every uniquely identified operator in your pattern should correspond to 1 input in fprintf().
(The pattern in OP also contains some superfluous trailing bits that are not found in the example output.)
I don't know if I understand what you are looking for, but, have you tried this?
res = [dateString num2str(1,formatNumb) num2str(2,formatNumb) '\n'];

How do I use data from a json file in discord.py

I have a json file with 6 "coins" to each user (which the user can change), I am trying to get this data saved in the json file and match it with another 6 coin pattern in order to check how many matches are made in total. The json file format is:
{"331971067788787733": [":Helicopter:", ":Skateboard1:", ":swords:", ":mace:", ":Helicopter:", ":Skateboard1:"]}
With each "coin" being a discord emoji.
The code for the user to save it is:
async def Shibaku1(ctx, coin1, coin2, coin3, coin4, coin5, coin6):
with open('Shibaku1.json', 'r') as f:
coins_data = json.load(f)
coins_data[str(ctx.author.id)] = (coin1, coin2, coin3, coin4, coin5, coin6)
with open('Shibaku1.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(coins_data, f)
How do I extract the string value of each coin from the json file with the users 6 coins? in order to compare them with the main pattern to find the number of matches.
So u can use for loop i list to compare the values, example given below :
for coin in coins_data[str(ctx.author.id)]:
if coin != new_coin:
#do smthing

How to make it roll multiple times

I am trying to be able to have a person specify how many sets of dice they want to roll. at present if they want to roll three sets of a d100 they have to enter the command 3 times. I want to be able to have them enter an amount like !3d100 and have it roll it 3 times?
#client.command(name='d100', help='Rolls a d100 sice')
async def dice(context):
diceEmbed = discord.Embed(title="Rolling for " + str(context.message.author.display_name), color=0xCC5500)
roll = (random.randint(1, 100))
url = "{:03}.png"
url = url.format(roll)
diceEmbed.add_field(name="d100", value=roll, inline=True)
if roll == 1:
await context.message.channel.send(embed=diceEmbed)
First of all consider using f string. You will have to add a input to your command !dice 3 This will give you 3 rolls if no amount given only 1.
Keep in mind in embed you can only place one image so i took the highest according to you.
async def dice(ctx, amount: int = 1):
diceEmbed = discord.Embed(title=f"Rolling for {ctx.message.author.display_name}", color=0xCC5500)
max_roll = 0
for i in range(amount):
roll = (random.randint(1, 100))
if roll > max_roll:
url = f"{roll:03d}.png"
max_roll = roll
name=f"Role number {i+1}", value=roll, inline=False)
if roll == 1:
# You can have only one image which is the highest
await ctx.message.channel.send(embed=diceEmbed)

How do I get matches from a text file and output them in an array?

I'm using a text file with lines of movies. If a user inputs Oz, I want to output all the movies in the file that have the word Oz in it.
This is what I have so far.
puts "Enter the keyword you want to search for: "
keyword = gets
movies_file = File.new("movies.txt", "r")
movies = movies_file.read
movies_list = movies.split(" ")
match_list = []
movies_list.each do |w|
matchObj = w.match(keyword)
if matchObj then
match_list.each do |title|
puts title
Presuming you've got the file organized like this:
Wizard of Oz
Battlefield Earth
Then you can read it in this way:
lines = File.readlines('movies.txt').map(&:chomp)
Then to find matching lines:
matches = lines.grep(phrase)
There's no need for all the each stuff. Also the then on an if is almost never put in there, it's just useless decoration.

Read from text file and assign data to new variable

Python 3 program allows people to choose from list of employee names.
Data held on text file look like this: ('larry', 3, 100)
(being the persons name, weeks worked and payment)
I need a way to assign each part of the text file to a new variable,
so that the user can enter a new amount of weeks and the program calculates the new payment.
Below is my code and attempt at figuring it out.
import os
choices = [f for f in os.listdir(os.curdir) if f.endswith(".txt")]
print (choices)
emp_choice = input("choose an employee:")
file = open(emp_choice + ".txt")
data = file.readlines()
name = data[0]
weeks_worked = data[1]
weekly_payment= data[2]
new_weeks = int(input ("Enter new number of weeks"))
new_payment = new_weeks * weekly_payment
print (name + "will now be paid" + str(new_payment))
currently you are assigning the first three lines form the file to name, weeks_worked and weekly_payment. but what you want (i think) is to separate a single line, formatted as ('larry', 3, 100) (does each file have only one line?).
so you probably want code like:
from re import compile
# your code to choose file
line_format = compile(r"\s*\(\s*'([^']*)'\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)")
file = open(emp_choice + ".txt")
line = file.readline() # read the first line only
match = line_format.match(line)
if match:
name, weeks_worked, weekly_payment = match.groups()
raise Exception('Could not match %s' % line)
# your code to update information
the regular expression looks complicated, but is really quite simple:
\(...\) matches the parentheses in the line
\s* matches optional spaces (it's not clear to me if you have spaces or not
in various places between words, so this matches just in case)
\d+ matches a number (1 or more digits)
[^']* matches anything except a quote (so matches the name)
(...) (without the \ backslashes) indicates a group that you want to read
afterwards by calling .groups()
and these are built from simpler parts (like * and + and \d) which are described at http://docs.python.org/2/library/re.html
if you want to repeat this for many lines, you probably want something like:
name, weeks_worked, weekly_payment = [], [], []
for line in file.readlines():
match = line_format.match(line)
if match:
raise ...
