Mongoose array parameter filter - arrays

Let's assume I have the following model in mongoose:
var Product = new Schema({
eanCode: String,
brandName: String,
productNameNl: String,
sex: String,
suggestedRetailPrice: Number
How can I write a function to query this model using an array with parameters? I want a generic function which can get anything from this model using an array of filter parameters. For example:
var filterArray = [
sex: "gents",
brand: "brandName"
var fieldsArray = ["sex", "brand", "productNameNl", "eanCode"];
var getBrandGentsProducts = getProducts(filterArray);
function getProducts(fields, filter){
Product.Find({fields}, {filter}).exec(function(err, products){
return products;

You can reduce your fieldArray to build key value pair for your filter
// create a filterMap for your fields and value that you want to filter with
var filterMap = {
sex: "gents",
brand: "brandName"
var fieldsArray = ["sex", "brand", "productNameNl", "eanCode"];
var getBrandGentsProducts = getProducts(filterArray);
function mapFilter(fields, filter) {
return fieldsArray.reduce(function (obj, field) {
if (filterMap[field]) {
obj[field] = filterMap[field];
return obj;
}, {});
function getProducts(fields, filter){
var filterPair = mapFilter(fields, filter);
//console.log(filterPair) //output { "brand": "brandName", "sex": "gents" }
Product.Find(filterPair).exec(function(err, products){
return products;


How can I create a function to search for an ID, locate and change one field of this record?

enum TaskType: Int, Codable {
case upcoming = 0
case inProgress
case testing
case completed
var title: String {
switch self {
case .upcoming:
return "Upcoming"
case .inProgress:
return "In Progress"
case .testing:
return "Testing"
case .completed:
return "Completed"
struct TasksModel: Encodable, Decodable {
var upcomingArray: [TaskInfo]
var inProgressArray: [TaskInfo]
var testingArray: [TaskInfo]
var completedArray: [TaskInfo]
struct TaskInfo: Codable, Equatable, Identifiable {
var id: String
var title: String
var description: String
var taskStatus: TaskType
var taskDate = Date()
class HomeVM: ObservableObject {
#Published var tasksArray: TasksModel
self.tasksArray = TasksModel.init(upcomingArray: [], inProgressArray: [], testingArray: [], completedArray: [])
So now that I could locate the record with received taskID and change the taskStatus, I need also to move the record from upcomingArray to inProgressArray. This is what I’m trying:
func inProgressSetTask(taskID: String) {
#StateObject var viewModel = HomeVM()
if let index = viewModel.tasksArray.upcomingArray.firstIndex(where: {$ == taskID}) {
// Update task status
viewModel.tasksArray.upcomingArray[index].taskStatus = .inProgress
// Need to remove from upcomingArray and append into inProgressArray
viewModel.tasksArray.upcomingArray.remove(at: index)
var lastIndex = viewModel.tasksArray.inProgressArray.last
// End
} else {
Updating taskStatus above working fine but remove from one array into another is not.
This code above will repeat for each array after else. Appreciate any help.
you could try the following example code to achieve what you want:
(note, you should have #StateObject var viewModel = HomeVM() outside of the func inProgressSetTask(taskID: String) {...}
or pass it in as a parameter)
EDIT-1: moving the function with all arrays into HomeVM and assuming id are unique.
func inProgressSetTask(taskID: String) {
print("InProgress Set ID# \(taskID)")
// with index, using `firstIndex`
if let index = viewModel.tasksArray.inProgressArray.firstIndex(where: {$ == taskID}) {
// do something with the index
viewModel.tasksArray.inProgressArray[index].title = "xxx"
// with TaskInfo, using `first`
if var taskInfo = viewModel.tasksArray.inProgressArray.first(where: {$ == taskID}) {
// do something with the taskInfo
taskInfo.title = "xxx"
With all arrays of TaskInfo, use the function setTaskFromAll(...) in HomeVM. For example: viewModel.setTaskFromAll(taskID: "1")
class HomeVM: ObservableObject {
#Published var tasksArray: TasksModel = TasksModel.init(upcomingArray: [], inProgressArray: [], testingArray: [], completedArray: [])
func setTaskFromAll(taskID: String) {
if let index = tasksArray.inProgressArray.firstIndex(where: {$ == taskID}) {
tasksArray.inProgressArray[index].title = "inProgress"
} else {
if let index = tasksArray.completedArray.firstIndex(where: {$ == taskID}) {
tasksArray.completedArray[index].title = "completed"
} else {
if let index = tasksArray.testingArray.firstIndex(where: {$ == taskID}) {
tasksArray.testingArray[index].title = "testing"
} else {
if let index = tasksArray.upcomingArray.firstIndex(where: {$ == taskID}) {
tasksArray.upcomingArray[index].title = "upcoming"
However, since you already have the "TaskType" of each array in the TaskInfo struct, why not remove TasksModel
and use a single array of TaskInfo in your HomeVM. Like this:
class HomeVM: ObservableObject {
#Published var tasksArray: [TaskInfo] = [
TaskInfo(id: "1", title: "title1", description: "description1", taskStatus: .upcoming),
TaskInfo(id: "2", title: "title2", description: "description2", taskStatus: .inProgress)
// ....
func setTask(taskID: String, to taskType: TaskType) {
if let index = tasksArray.firstIndex(where: {$ == taskID}) {
tasksArray[index].taskStatus = taskType
func getAllTaskInfo(_ oftype: TaskType) -> [TaskInfo] {
return tasksArray.filter{$0.taskStatus == oftype}
and use it like this: viewModel.setTask(taskID: "1", to: .testing) and viewModel.getAllTaskInfo(.inProgress)
EDIT-3: to remove from one array and append to another, using your TasksModel scheme, use this:
class HomeVM: ObservableObject {
#Published var tasksArray: TasksModel = TasksModel(upcomingArray: [
TaskInfo(id: "1", title: "title1", description: "description1", taskStatus: .upcoming),
TaskInfo(id: "2", title: "title2", description: "description2", taskStatus: .upcoming)
], inProgressArray: [
TaskInfo(id: "3", title: "title3", description: "description3", taskStatus: .inProgress),
TaskInfo(id: "4", title: "title4", description: "description4", taskStatus: .inProgress)
], testingArray: [], completedArray: [])
func inProgressSetTask(taskID: String) {
if let index = tasksArray.upcomingArray.firstIndex(where: {$ == taskID}) {
// update task status
tasksArray.upcomingArray[index].taskStatus = .inProgress
// get the upcomingArray taskInfo
let taskInfo = tasksArray.upcomingArray[index]
// remove from upcomingArray
tasksArray.upcomingArray.remove(at: index)
// append to inProgressArray
} else {
// ...
Use it like this: viewModel.inProgressSetTask(taskID: "1")
As you can plainly see, you are much better-off with the EDIT-2, you are repeating/duplicating things in EDIT-3 for no reason. There is no need for separate arrays for the different TaskType, you already have this info in the TaskInfo var taskStatus: TaskType. With EDIT-2, use viewModel.getAllTaskInfo(.inProgress) to get all TaskInfo of a particular type, just like it would be if you used a separate array.
You are attempting to compare a String to a TaskInfo, because the elements of an inProgressArray are of type TaskInfo. What you need to do is drill into the array and get to the .id. That is simple to do. In the .first(where:), you simply pass a closure of $ == taskID.
if let index = viewModel.tasksArray.inProgressArray.first(where: { $ == taskID } ) {

how do i ask something on this website about array's

//:(this is the assigment)Updating the number of items
In the addToCart function, update the element with ID itemCounter to the length of the cartItems array.
var cartItems = [];
var backpack = {
name: "Backpack",
price: 400
var camera = {
name: "Camera",
price: 300
function addToCart(item) {
I guess you need this
var cartItems = [];
var backpack = {
name: "Backpack",
price: 400
var camera = {
name: "Camera",
price: 300
function addToCart(item) {
document.getElementById("itemCounter").innerHTML = cartItems.length;
It is pretty simle question if you know basics of JS.

using angular.forEach in filter

I have an array (1) with some id's and another array (2) with creatures, they have id (like in first array) and names. And I want to create new array (it will be looks like (1) id array, but only with id that in (2)). So I think that I need use filter.
$scope.main = ['dog', 'cat', 'bird', 'bug', 'human'];
$scope.creatures = [
id: 'cat',
name : 'fluffy'
id: 'cat',
name : 'mr.Kitty'
id: 'human',
name: 'Rachel'
id: 'cat',
name : 'Lucky'
id: 'cat',
name: 'Tom'
$scope.results = $scope.main.filter(function(item) {
angular.forEach($scope.creatures, function(creature) {
return item ===;
I expect that it will be
$scope.results === ['cat', 'human'];
But I have
$scope.results // [0] empty array
Where I'm wrong? Plnkr example
It is not working because you are returning in the first iteration itself inside forEach loop. You can get it working as shown below :
Updated Plunker
$scope.results = [];
$scope.main.filter(function(item) {
angular.forEach($scope.creatures, function(creature) {
if(item ==={
if( $scope.results.indexOf(item) === -1){
Instead of looping again inside the filter, we can get the ids out of creatures array first and then filter them in main array like below :
$scope.results = [];
$scope.ids = $ (creature){
$ (id){
if($scope.main.indexOf(id) !== -1){
if( $scope.results.indexOf(id) === -1){
Made few changes in your plunker, it is working now. Can you check with this code.
var app = angular.module('App', []);
app.controller('Ctrl', function($scope, $timeout){
$scope.main = ['dog', 'cat', 'bird', 'bug', 'human'];
$scope.creatures = [
id: 'cat',
name : 'fluffy'
id: 'cat',
name : 'mr.Kitty'
id: 'human',
name: 'Rachel'
id: 'cat',
name : 'Lucky'
id: 'cat',
name: 'Tom'
var array = [];
$ = function() {
angular.forEach($scope.creatures, function(creature) {
if(item =={
// console.log('item',item,' creatureId',;
if(array.indexOf(item) < 0 ){
$scope.results = array;
console.log('result ',$scope.results);

Group by on a complex object in AngularJS

I've an array that contains assignments of employees on tasks, it looks like something like this:
$scope.assignments = [
employee: {
id:"1", firstname:"John", lastname:"Rambo"
task: {
name:"Kill everyone", project:"Destruction"
date: {
day:"01/01", year:"1985"
employee: {
id:"2", firstname:"Luke", lastname:"Skywalker"
task: {
name:"Find daddy", project:"Star Wars"
date: {
day:"65/45", year:"1000000"
employee: {
id:"1", firstname:"John", lastname:"Rambo"
task: {
name:"Save the world", project:"Destruction"
date: {
day:"02/01", year:"1985"
I would like to group by employee, for having something like this:
$scope.assignmentsByEmployee = [
{ //First item
missions: [
name:"Kill everyone",
name:"Save the world",
{ //Second item
missions: [
name:"Find daddy",
Is their a simple way to do this ? I tried something with a double forEach, but it leads me nowhere.
Hope I'm understandable :)
Thanks !
You should just be able to loop through the assignments array and create a 'keyed array' (which just means using an object in JavaScript) on employee ID. Then you just fill up the missions array as required.
Something like
// initialise a holding object
var assignmentsByEmployee = {};
// loop through all assignemnts
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.assignments.length; i++) {
// grab current assignment
var currentAssignment = $scope.assignments[i];
// grab current id
var currentId =;
// check if we have seen this employee before
if(assignmentsByEmployee[currentId] === undefined) {
// we haven't, so add a new object to the array
assignmentsByEmployee[currentId] = {
id: currentId,
firstname: currentAssignment.employee.firstname,
lastname: currentAssignment.employee.lastname,
missions: []
// we know the employee exists at this point, so simply add the mission details
These leaves assignmentsByEmployee as an object, but you can simply foreach through it and convert it back to an array if required. E.g:
$scope.assignmentsByEmployee = [];
for(var employeeId in assignmentsByEmployee) {

how to fill <array> struct by another struct

My app in Xcode with swift language programming :
I have a struct like:
struct PageFilter {
var key: Int?
var title: NSString?
And then I have the values in:
filters are coming from API and i am saving them to extractedFilter
if let filters = filters {
for filter in filters {
var extractedFilter = PageFilter()
extractedFilter.key = filter["key"].integerValue
extractedFilter.title = filter["title"].stringValue
I have an array of page filter like :
lazy var availableFilters = Array<PageFilter>()
I want to fill the availableFilters with ExtractedFilter.
******* *i fixed the issue by a loop like this code :
var strFilter : String = ""
for var i = 0; i < self.newFilterList.availableGuildFilters.count; i++ {
let guildFilter = self.newFilterList.availableGuildFilters[i]
if guildFilter.selected {
strFilter += "\(guildFilter.key),"
thanks to all*
The following Swift 1.2 playground code would do it - I have put in a function to simulate the call to the API
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Cocoa
struct PageFilter {
var key: Int?
var title: NSString?
// this would be replaced by whatever way you get your filters from the API
func getFiltersFromApi() -> [PageFilter]? {
// return nil // uncomment this line to demo the API returning nothing
return [PageFilter(key: 1, title: "one"),
PageFilter(key: 2, title: "two"),
PageFilter(key: 3, title: "three"),
PageFilter(key: nil, title: nil)
let filters: [PageFilter]? = getFiltersFromApi() // API call, this could return nil
let extractedFilters: [PageFilter]
if let filters = filters {
extractedFilters = { filter in
PageFilter(key: filter.key, title: filter.title)
} else {
extractedFilters = []
for filter in extractedFilters {
println("key: \(filter.key), title: \(filter.title)")
Alternatively you could have your lazy var like this
var availableFilters: [PageFilter] = {
let filters: [PageFilter]? = getFiltersFromApi() // API call, this could return nil
if let filters = filters {
return { filter in
PageFilter(key: filter.key, title: filter.title)
} else {
return []
The code is similar to Leonardo's answer, the main difference being the use of the map function instead of for ... in ...
Try like this:
struct PageFilter {
var key = Int()
var title = String()
var filters:[PageFilter]? = []
filters = [PageFilter(key: 1, title: "one"), PageFilter(key: 2, title: "two"), PageFilter(key: 3, title: "three")]
var extractedFilter = Array<PageFilter>()
if let filters = filters {
for filter in filters {
extractedFilter.append(PageFilter(key: filter.key, title: filter.title))
println(extractedFilter[1].key) // "2"
println(extractedFilter[1].title) // "two"
I fixed the issue by a loop like this:
var strFilter : String = ""
for var i = 0; i < self.newFilterList.availableGuildFilters.count; i++ {
let guildFilter = self.newFilterList.availableGuildFilters[i]
if guildFilter.selected {
strFilter += "\(guildFilter.key),"
