Data Modeling tool Powerdesigner Supported Database - data-modeling

Is the Netezza database supported by Powerdesigner v15? Where can one find the list of database supported by Powerdesigner?

In PowerDesigner 15 only Netezza 4.5 was supported.
I can only give you a list of supported DMBS in PowerDesigner 16:
DBMS List PowerDesigner 16 Part1
DBMS List PowerDesigner 16 Part2
DBMS List PowerDesigner 16 Part3
In this version the Netezza 5.0 and 7.x are supported.


Migrate data to another database with different object names

We are working on a project to migrate our Oracle database to SQL Server. There are many off the shelf products that seem to do this such as Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant & Navicat premium for example.
One of the requirements of this migration is that we are changing the naming convention of the tables & columns as part of the transition.
In Oracle we currently have adopted the naming convention of:
Columns: USER_ID, CREATE_DT etc.
While moving to SQL Server we wish to adopt a SQL Server specific naming convention (Camel case):
Table: Users, Reports, UsersReports etc.
Columns: UserId, CreateDt etc.
Both of these tools mentioned seem to only create a SQL Server object with the exact same table & column names as part of the data migration process. Is it possible to create this sort of mapping with either of these two tools? Or is there a better tool available?
Both of these also do not feature incremental data migration. They are designed to completely clean out all records and then migrate all data. This is obviously not ideal for performance. Is there a tool that has a delta type migration where it will compare existing records on both target and source destinations?

Migrate Oracle partitioned tables to SQL Server

I need to migrate about 700 Oracle partitioned tables (RANGE and LIST partitioning) to SQL Server.
Turns out the SSMA (SQL Server Migration Assistant) does not handle Oracle partitioned tables (this is the official answer I got from Microsoft).
Any tool / script / other suggestion to automate this process?
They are correct:
Tried to do this for a project last year for work and found out the same thing:
Tried doing a little research on google to see if things have changed but found out the following:
Migration of Oracle Partitioned Tables is not supported by SSMA. Partitioned tables are migrated as a Non-partitioned simple tables.
Partitioning of the these Tables in SQL server is required to be done manually as per the physical database architecture planning and logical drives of the server system.
Any partition maintenance (adding or dropping or truncating the partitions) related code need to be re-rewritten in SQL Server."

Database Design and relation diagrams details

We have a production SQL Server and my desktop has SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio software installed. I have recently been given a task to perform data mining on our server DBs.
We have around 100 or more of tables there and it is getting very difficult for me to see how tables are related or has been created.
For a particular scenario I have cornered to 3 tables amongst the 100's that we have - but I cannot formulate how these tables are related with each other. I mean if only I know that one's table column is PK / FK of other then only I can execute something like below to extract data's -
FROM tablea,tableb
and do data mining on the result data set.
Please let me know how can I get all the tables and it relation details? What tool I can use such that further on information like above can be extracted or database designs can be known?
I tried to create the DB diagram but it showed me below error:
Do I need to install any other tool?
Below is my MS SQL Studio version details:
I think your solution is to use a database diagram (
Just drag all tables on the screen and it will show you the relations, this of course only when the primary-keys/foreign-keys are there.
For the error you are getting:
if I google that for you I get:
The backend version is not supported to design database diagrams or tables
The answer marked as the solution is:
This is commonly reported as an error due to using the wrong version
of SMSS. Use the version designed for your database version. You can
use select ##version to check which version of sql server you are
actually using

Compressing a text field in Sql Server 2k8 R2

So I have an application that stores a lot of text in a text field in SQL Server 2008 R2. I'm adding about 5000 records a day, and that is going to grow. The amount of data in the field can be between 4 KB and 100 KB.
I can change the field to be a blob field and store a byte stream in there (eg. zipped text), but I'm wondering if there is any compression option that I can use in SQL Server 2k8 (perhaps something designed for storing a lot of text?) that I could leverage using SQL Server out of the box?
SQL Server 2008 R2 has three compression options:
row compression
page compression (implies row compression)
unicode compression
All three options only apply to data (rows), so none could help with large documents (BLOBs). So your best option is to compress/decompress in the client (ZIP). I would not consider this option easily, it means you're trading off queriability of the data.
In additional to row/page comperssion you can use FILESTREAMS to store field on compressed NTFS drive. But your files is not so big and comression will be a best choise.
Regarding compatibility of FILESTREAMS :
FILESTREAM feature is available with all versions of SQL Server 2008, including SQL Server Express.
SQL Server Express database has a 4 GB limitation; however this limitation does not apply to the FILESTREAM data stored in a SQL Server Express database.
However you need 'Developer Edition' or 'Enterprise Edition' for Row / Page compression.
alter table pagevisit rebuild with (data_compression=page);
Msg 7738, Level 16, State 2, Line 2
Cannot enable compression for object
'PageVisit'. Only SQL Server
Enterprise Edition supports

Database table definition features reference

I am looking for some reference which can help me in finding out the DDL (Data Definition Language) differences in multiple databases (Oracle, DB2, Sybase, SQL Server, MySQL, Firebird, PostgreSQL, Ingres, HSQL, H2 Database, Derby).
What all constraints are supported by each database?
Whether table/column comments are supported or not?
Auto increment of column is possible or not?
information schema is available to find out the schema details etc?
Wikipedia has a page with extensive comparison of database engines.
