Why the signal pause will cause the program to sleep forever? - c

The APUE book says that: If the signal occurs after the test of sig_int_flag but before the call to pause, the process could go to sleep forever.
I don't know why, can somebody tells me?
Thanks a lot.
int sig_int(); /* my signal handling function */
int sig_int_flag; /* set nonzero when signal occurs */
int main() {
signal(SIGINT, sig_int) /* establish handler */
while (sig_int_flag == 0)
pause(); /* go to sleep, waiting for signal */
int sig_int() {
signal(SIGINT, sig_int); /* reestablish handler for next time */
sig_int_flag = 1; /* set flag for main loop to examine */

If an interrupt signal is issued at the precise time you're describing:
the flag has been checked false: entering loop
signal resets itself, setting the flag to 1, but too late (test has been done)
since loop has already been entered, pause() is called and the program waits
That said, if CTRL+C/SIGINT is triggered another time, you can exit the loop, so it's not that critical, since that signal can be issued manually.
If you want to check that behaviour, I suggest you add a sleep statement:
while (sig_int_flag == 0)
printf("Hit CTRL+C in the next 10 seconds to trigger the bug\n");
pause(); /* go to sleep, waiting for signal */
A workaround would be to remove the pause() statement and replace it by a polling loop:
while (sig_int_flag == 0)
If a SIGINT occurs anywhere in the loop, including between the while and the sleep, then the worse thing that can happen is that the program waits 1 second before noticing that the flag is set, then it exits the loop, and the other, more plausible case it that the sleep call is interrupted, and the loop is exited immediately, so when the signal is set, there's little visible difference between that and a pause call if we only expect SIGINT.

The question's already answered. However, additional answer can consolidate the idea.
while (sig_int_flag == 0) {
<----- think it signal is caught here before pause btw while and pause()
pause(); /* go to sleep, waiting for signal */
Having caught, signal handler runs. After it finishes its task, it returns to a point at which the signal is caught, in main() in this case. So, the point is pause() and pause() is called. It waits again SIGINT to catch. To exemplify it, I add sleep(5) equivalently to catch prior pause().
So, we typically want the second situation. To achieve it always, the aforementioned code block has to be atomic. That's why sigsuspend() is better and should be used.
If you would like to experience the fallible case,
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
volatile sig_atomic_t sig_int_flag = 0; /* set nonzero when signal occurs */
char const * handlerMsg = "in handler\n";
int handlerMsgLen;
void sig_int(int s) {
signal(SIGINT, sig_int); /* reestablish handler for next time */
sig_int_flag = 1; /* set flag for main loop to examine */
write(2, handlerMsg, handlerMsgLen);
void mySleep() {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
fprintf(stderr, "%d ", i + 1);
int main() {
handlerMsgLen = strlen(handlerMsg);
signal(SIGINT, sig_int); /* establish handler */
while (sig_int_flag == 0) {
pause(); /* go to sleep, waiting for signal */


Catching SIGTERM, and sleep preventing it working

I have some code written in C (working on ubuntu 17):
void sig_stop(int sig_num) {
/* Some cleanup that needs to be done */
void some_routine(const char *array[], const int length) {
/* Initialization */
signal(SIGTERM, sig_stop);
while (true) {
/* Some function */
/* I have this sleep to minimize the load on the CPU
as I don't need to check the conditions here
all the time. */
Whenever I include the 5 minute sleep (sleep(5)), it appears sig_stop isn't called. However, when I comment out the sleep(5), the sig_stop cleanup works just fine. Have I got something wrong with my understanding of how to catch SIGTERM?
If I can't use the sleep function, is there a better way to "sleep" the program" so that it only runs the loop every x minutes or in such a way that minimizes the CPU load?
sleep() and signals
sleep() should not prevent the signal from being caught and the signal handler being executed. From the manpage for sleep() (emphasis mine):
sleep() causes the calling thread to sleep either until the number of real-time seconds specified in seconds have elapsed or until a signal arrives which is not ignored.
Take the following example ...
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
static volatile sig_atomic_t flag = 0;
static void sig_stop(int signum) { flag = 1; }
int main(void) {
int secs_remaining = 0;
signal(SIGTERM, sig_stop);
while (!flag) {
printf("Sleeping at time %d\n", time(NULL));
secs_remaining = sleep(5);
"Flag raised. Exiting at time %d. sleep() was interrupted %d seconds "
"early ...\n",
time(NULL), secs_remaining);
return 0;
Note that - in the case where it was interrupted by a signal - sleep() returns the number of seconds left to sleep. E.g., if it is interrupted 3 seconds early it will return 3. It will return 0 if it is not interrupted.
Compile as gcc -o test test.c and run. Then from another terminal run
pkill -15 test
You will see output similar to the following ...
Sleeping at time 1532273709
Flag raised. Exiting at time 1532273711. sleep() was interrupted 2 seconds early ...
By the way ... sleep(x) sleeps for x seconds - not minutes.
signal() vs sigaction()
Due to portability issues associated with signal(), it is often recommended to use sigaction() instead. The use of sigaction() would be something like the following.
int main(void) {
struct sigaction sa;
sa.sa_flags = 0;
sa.sa_handler = sig_stop;
if (sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL) == -1) {
return 1;
// Etc.
As you can see the usage of sigaction() is a little more verbose than that of signal(). Perhaps that's why people still sometimes use signal().

Trouble with signal catching and thread termination - C

I'm writing a program in c, which make use of threads, and i also want to catch Ctrl+C signal from the user. So, before i go multithreading, i make the signal catching.
My main thread (i mean besides the actual main thread that the program runs on), is a method to deal with user input, and i also join this thread to the main program thread.
The problem is, when testing and hitting Ctrl+C to exit program,
the thread responsible for receiving user input doesn't close until i hit "return" on my keyboard - like its stuck on infinite loop.
When exiting by typing 'q', all threads end up properly.
I use a global variable exit_flag to indicate the threads to finish their loops.
Also, in init_radio_stations method there's another single thread creation, that loops in the exact same way - on the exit_flag status, and this thread DOES close properly
Here's my main loop code:
void main_loop()
status_type_t rs = SUCCESS;
pthread_t thr_id;
/* Catch Ctrl+C signals */
if(SIG_ERR == signal(SIGINT, close_server)) {
error("signal() failed! errno = ");
printf("\n~ Welcome to radio_server! ~\n Setting up %d radio stations... ", srv_params.num_of_stations);
printf("Done!\n\n* Hit 'q' to exit the application\n* Hit 'p' to print stations & connected clients info\n");
/* Create and join a thread to handle user input */
if(pthread_create(&thr_id, NULL, &rcv_usr_input, NULL)) {
error("main_loop pthread_create() failed! errno = ");
if(pthread_join(thr_id, NULL)) {
error("main_loop pthread_join() failed! errno = ");
close_server method:
void close_server(int arg)
switch(arg) {
case SIGINT: /* 2 */
printf("\n^C Detected!\n");
case ERR: /* -1 */
printf("\nError occured!\n");
case DEF_TO: /* 0 */
printf("\nOperation timed-out!\n");
default: /* will handle USER_EXIT, and all other scenarios */
printf("\nUser abort!\n");
printf("Signaling all threads to free up all resources and exit...\n");
/* Update exit_flag, and wait 1 sec just in case, to give all threads time to close */
exit_flag = TRUE;
And rcv_usr_input handle code:
void * rcv_usr_input(void * arg_p)
char in_buf[BUFF_SIZE] = {0};
while(FALSE == exit_flag) {
memset(in_buf, 0, BUFF_SIZE);
if(NULL == fgets(in_buf, BUFF_SIZE, stdin)) {
error("fgets() failed! errno = ");
/* No input from the user was received */
if('\0' == in_buf[0]) {
in_buf[0] = tolower(in_buf[0]);
if( ('q' == in_buf[0]) && ('\n' == in_buf[1]) ) {
} else {
printf("Invalid input!\nType 'q' or 'Q' to exit only\n");
printf("User Input handler is done\n");
return NULL;
I'm guessing my problem is related to joining the thread that uses rcv_usr_input at the end of my main loop, but i can't figure out what exactly causing this behavior.
I'll be glad to get some help, Thanks
Mike and Kaylum have correctly identified the fundamental problem of blocking by fgets(). The larger issue remains, however: how to terminate a blocking thread when the process receives a SIGINT. There are several solutions.
Thead Detachment:
One solution is to detach the blocking thread because detached threads do not prevent the process from terminating when the last non-detached thread terminates. A thread is detached either by calling pthread_detach() on it, e.g.,
#include <pthread.h>
// Called by pthread_create()
static void* start(void* arg)
or by creating the thread with the PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED attribute, e.g.,
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_attr_t attr;
(void)pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
(void)pthread_t thread;
(void)pthread_create(&thread, &attr, ...);
Note that pthread_join() should not be called on a detached thread.
Signal Forwarding: Another solution is not to detach the blocking thread but to forward signals like SIGINT to the thread via pthread_kill() if the signal has not been received on the blocking thread, e.g.,
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
static pthread_t thread;
static void handle_sigint(int sig)
if (!pthread_equal(thread, pthread_self()) // Necessary
(void)pthread_kill(thread, SIGINT);
sigaction_t sigaction;
sigaction.sa_mask = 0;
sigaction.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction.sa_handler = handle_sigint;
(void)sigaction(SIGHUP, &sigaction, ...);
(void)pthread_create(&thread, ...);
(void)pthread_join(thread, ...);
This will cause the blocking function to return with errno set to EINTR.
Note that use of signal() in a multi-threaded process is unspecified.
Thread Cancellation: Another solution is to cancel the blocking thread via pthread_cancel(), e.g.,
#include <pthread.h>
static void cleanup(...)
// Release allocated resources
static void* start(void* arg)
pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup, ...);
for (;;) {
// Call the blocking function
static void handle_sigint(int sig)
sigaction_t sigaction;
sigaction.sa_mask = 0;
sigaction.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction.sa_handler = handle_sigint;
(void)sigaction(SIGHUP, &sigaction, ...);
(void)pthread_create(&thread, ..., start, ...);
(void)pthread_join(thread, ...);
There is yet another solution for threads that block in a call to select() or poll(): create a file descriptor on which the blocking function also waits and close that descriptor upon receipt of an appropriate signal -- but that solution is, arguably, beyond the scope of this question.
According to http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/fgets/, fgets blocks until the specified number of bytes have been read.
I suggest trying fread or some other input reception function that isn't blocking and then read only one byte at a time. Here's sample code to help you:
if (fread(in_buf, 1,1, stdin) > 0){
//character has been read
And I wouldn't worry about the extra sleep statement in your signal handler as it causes delays in forceful exiting at best.
The explanation is straight forward.
fgets(in_buf, BUFF_SIZE, stdin);
That call blocks the thread until it receives a line of input. That is, it does not return until a newline is input or BUFF_SIZE-1 characters are input.
So even though the signal handler sets exit_flag to FALSE, the rcv_usr_input thread will not see that until it unblocks from fgets. Which happens when you pressed "return".

C: Pause system() call

I got a problem in C when I try to pause an execution of a system() call.
A thread calls some application (e.g. some benchmark) repeatedly. Whenever it gets a signal SIGUSR1, the execution shall be paused and resumed on receiving SIGUSR2.
The source looks like this:
#include <signal.h>
#include <pthread.h>
void* run_app(sigset_t* signalsBetweenControllerandLoad)
/* assign handler */
signal(SIGUSR1, pausesignal_handler)
signal(SIGUSR2, pausesignal_handler)
pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, signalsBetweenControllerandLoad, NULL))
/* call application repeatedly */
while(1) {
static void pausesignal_handler(int signo)
int caughtSignal;
caughtSignal = 0;
/* when SIGUSR1 is received, wait until SIGUSR2 to continue execution */
if (signo == SIGUSR1) {
signal(signo, pausesignal_handler);
while (caughtSignal != SIGUSR2) {
sigwait (signalsBetweenControllerandLoad, &caughtSignal);
When I use some commands (e.g. a for loop as below that makes some computations) instead of system(SOMECOMMAND) this code works. But a program called by system() is not paused when the handler is active.
int i;
for(i=0;i<10;i++) {
printf("Just a text");
Is there a way to pause the execution of the system() command by using thread signals? And is there even a way to stop the application called by system without needing to wait until the program is finished?
Thank you very much in advance!
system runs the command in a separate process, which doesn't even share address space with the invoking program, never mind signal handlers. The process which called system is sitting in a waitpid (or equivalent), so pausing and unpausing it will have little effect (except that if it is paused, it won't return to the loop to call system again.)
In short, there is no way to use signals sent to the parent process to pause an executable being run in a child, for example with the system() call or with fork()/exec().
If the executable itself implements the feature (which is unlikely, unless you wrote it yourself), you could deliver the signal to that process, not the one which called system.
Alternatively, you could send the SIGSTOP signal to the executable's process, which will unconditionally suspend execution. To do that, you'll need to know its pid, which suggests the use of the fork()/exec()/waitpid() sequence -- a little more work than system(), but cleaner, safer, and generally more efficient -- and you'll need to deal with a couple of issues:
A process cannot block or trap SIGSTOP, but it can trap SIGCONT so the sequence is not necessarily 100% transparent.
Particular care needs to be taken if the stopped process is the terminal's controlling process, since when it is resumed with SIGCONT it will need to reacquire the terminal. Furthermore, if the application has placed the terminal in a non-standard state -- for example, by using the readline or curses libraries which typically put the terminal into raw mode and disable echoing -- then the terminal may be rendered unusable.
Your process will receive a SIGCHLD signal as a result of the child processed being stopped. So you need to handle that correctly.
I want to present you my (shortened) resulting code after the help of #rici. Again, thank you very much.
Shortly described, the code forks a new process (calling fork) and executes there a command with exec. The parent then catches user defined signals SIGNAL_PAUSE and SIGNAL_RESUME and forwards signals to the forked child accordingly. Whenever the command finishes - catched by waitpid - the parent forks again and restarts the load.
This gets repeated until SIGNAL_STOP is sent where the child gets a SIGINT and gets cancelled.
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* File scoped functions */
static void pausesignal_handler(int signo);
static void stopsignal_handler(int signo);
void send_signal_to_load_child(int signo);
/*Set file scope variables as handlers can only have signal-number as argument */
sigset_t* signalsBetweenControllerandLoad;
int restart_benchmark;
pid_t child_pid;
void* Load(char* load_arguments[MAX_NR_LOAD_ARGS], sigset_t* signalsToCatch) {
int load_ID;
pid_t p;
signalsBetweenControllerandLoad = signalsToCatch;
/* set signal handlers to catch signals from controller */
signal(SIGNAL_PAUSE, pausesignal_handler)
signal(SIGNAL_RESUME, pausesignal_handler)
signal(SIGNAL_STOP, stopsignal_handler)
pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, signalsBetweenControllerandLoad[load_ID], NULL)
/* Keep restarting benchmark until Stop signal was received */
restart_benchmark[load_ID] = 1;
/* execute benchmark, repeat until stop signal received */
if (child_pid == 0) {
if ((p = fork()) == 0) {
/* Parent process: Wait until child with benchmark finished and restart it */
if (p>0) {
child_pid = p; /* Make PID available for helper functions */
wait(child_pid); /* Wait until child finished */
child_pid = 0; /* Reset PID when benchmark finished */
static void pausesignal_handler(int signo) {
static double elapsedTime;
int caughtSignal;
caughtSignal = 0;
if (signo == SIGNAL_PAUSE) {
printf("Load Paused, waiting for resume signal\n");
while (restart_benchmark == 1 && caughtSignal != SIGNAL_RESUME) {
sigwait (signalsBetweenControllerandLoad, &caughtSignal);
if (caughtSignal == SIGNAL_STOP) {
printf("Load caught stop signal when waiting for resume\n");
} else if (caughtSignal != SIGNAL_RESUME) {
printf("Load caught signal %d which is not Resume (%d), keep waiting...\n",caughtSignal,SIGNAL_RESUME);
if (restart_benchmark[load_ID]) {
send_signal_to_load_child(SIGCONT, load_ID);
printf("Load resumed\n");
} else {
printf("Load caught unexpected signal %d.\n",signo);
/* reassign signals for compatibility reasons */
signal(SIGNAL_PAUSE, pausesignal_handler);
signal(SIGNAL_RESUME, pausesignal_handler);
static void stopsignal_handler(int signo) {
double elapsedTime;
signal(SIGNAL_STOP, stopsignal_handler);
if (signo == SIGNAL_STOP) {
restart_benchmark = 0;
printf("Load stopped.\n");
} else {
printf("catched unexpected stop-signal %d\n",signo);
void send_signal_to_load_child(int signo) {
int dest_pid;
dest_pid = child_pid;
printf("Error sending %d to Child: PID not set.\n",signo);
kill(dest_pid, signo);

using signal handler for ctrl-c - need help on infinite loops

I am using signal handler for ctrl-c signal. i.e whenever ctrl-c signal is generated instead of exiting the application I do some action.
Let us suppose if my application hangs due to while(1) loop (any error condition) is it possible for me to exit application only in that case?
void handle()
/*do some action*/
if ( while(1) detected)
struct sigaction myhandle;
myhandle.sa_handler = handle;
myhandle.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction(SIGINT, &myhandle, NULL);
Its very difficult to find whether your code was in an accidental infinite loop before you received a signal like Ctrl-C. I can suggest some heuristic approaches. Have a variable of sufficiently long size, preferably a global unsigned long long int, and keep incrementing this variable inside the loops that you suspect might slip into infinite loops on every iteration of the loop. Now, when you receive a signal, check for the value of this variable in the signal handler against a threshold MAX_NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS. If the variable exceeds the user defined threshold then declare an infinite loop and exit else simply continue.
Something on these lines-
#define MAX_NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS 100000000
unsigned long long checkForEndlessLoop=0;
bool overflow;
void sigHandler (int signum)
signal(sig, SIG_IGN); // Ignore it so that another Ctrl-C doesn't appear any soon
if (overflow || (checkForEndlessLoop > MAX_NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS) )
//Something's fishy in the loop.
signal(SIGINT, sigHandler );
int main ()
signal(SIGINT, sigHandler );
for (checkForEndlessLoop=0; SOME_SLOPPY_CONDITION; )
//Some processing here
if (++checkForEndlessLoop == 0 )
//Some processing here
if (++checkForEndlessLoop == 0 )
Or even simpler is, just ignore the SIGINT using SIG_IGN and break out of the faulty loop as soon as the faulty condition is detected, print out an error message and exit!

Handling multiple signals

I have a question about handling a signal.
Assume that if we recieve SIGINT signal, we should print "Recieved Signal". If within ten seconds the handler recieves another signal, it should print "Shutting Down" then exit with status 1.
I made my code like this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
void handler(int);
void secondhandler(int);
void alrmhandler(int);
void alrmhandler (int alrmsig)
void secondhandler(int sig)
/* after recieving second signal prints shutting down and exit */
printf("Shutting Down\n");
void handler ( int sig )
/* recieve first SIGINT signal */
printf ("Recieved Signal\n");
/* handle for the alarm function */
signal(SIGALRM, alrmhandler);
/* start 10s alarm */
/* catch second SIGINT signal within 10s*/
signal(SIGINT, secondhandler);
int main( void )
signal(SIGINT, handler);
printf( "Hello World!\n" );
for ( ;; )
/* infinite loop */
return 0;
I tried to compile it with dev c++, but it failed. Because SIGALRM undeclared(first use in this function).
Anyway, what I want to know is if this code is right. I actually kinda not sure with the alrmhandler(). should I ignore the SIGALRM?
If you are on a Windows platform, the only signals you will be able to send are : SIGABRT, SIGFPE, SIGILL, SIGINT, SIGSEGV, or SIGTERM.
You write:
what I want to know is if this code is right.
Not entirely. printf() is not async-signal-safe, and so should not be called from within a signal handler unless you are very sure it is safe to do so. It is not safe to do so within the code you provide.
The alarm() technique is, generally, race-prone. Your ten second alarm might expire in the middle of your secondhandler() function. To guard against this, you might mask out signals to compensate with a more sophisticated signal manipulation function.
There are more elegant/flexible ways of implementing the timeout you desire, but that's perhaps a question better suited for codereview.stackexchange.com.
