Referencing multiple entities of the same type in a response - ibm-watson

My user input has two different entity references of the same type and I'd like to be able to independently reference them, ideally in both condition checking and output. Is this possible?
For example a user might enter "between 1pm and 3pm" and conversation shows there's #sys-time:13:00:00 and #sys-time:15:00:00. I want to set a context variable $start and another $end. How do I individually reference the entities?

Tried the obvious and it works -> #sys-time[0] and #sys-time[1]. Though #sys-time doesn't appear to reference the array rather it looks like shorthand for #sys-time[0]. So solution is
#Fixture_Future AND #sys-time.length > 1
"output": {
"text": "<fixtures></fixtures>"
“context”: {
“start”: #sys-time[0],
“end”: #sys-time[1]
and this works


Query based on multiple filters in Firebase

I am working out the structure for a JSON database for an app like onlyFans. Basically, someone can create a club, then inside of that club, there are sections where the creator's posts are shown and another where the club members posts are shown. There is however a filter option where both can be seen.
In order to make option 1 below work, I need to be able to filter based on if isFromCreator=true and at the same time based on timstamp. How can I do this?
Here are the 2 I have written down:
postID: {isFromCreator: Bool}
postID: {}
postID: {}
Something like the below would be what I want:
.queryOrdered(byChild: "timestamp")
.queryLimited(toLast: 10)
.queryEqual(toValue: true, childKey: "isFromCreator")
I triedqueryEqual yet it did not return any of the values I know exist with the configuration I specified.
You can use additional resource locations within rules by referencing the parent/child directories specifically and comparing the val() of the respective node structure.
for example:
".write": "data.parent().child('postID').child('isFromCreator').val()"
Just be aware that Security Rules do not filter or process the data in the request, only allow or deny the requested operation.
You can read more about this from the relevant documentation:

Logic Apps: Data not parsed on the second query inside "foreach" loop

Hi Logic Apps Experts,
I'd like to check with you some of the foreach loop behaviors, and to check whether this is expected/ is there any workarounds for this.
So the steps with this logicapps is to "Run query and list results" search will do is searching SecurityIncident table. And foreach SecurityIncident record, find a corresponding SecurityAlert record in "Using IncidentId-Query Details of the Alert" step.
For the first query, the data is parsed properly and each fields can be used.
However, after the second query I can only use 'Body' and 'value' in the steps. Which contains unparsed values.
Is this behavior expected?
Is there a better way to ensure the second query is parsed?
Any other room of improvements advice are greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
The selection list affected by the required type/format of the input box in the action. So I think the behavior is expected.
If you want to get the parsed field from the query action, you can use expression. I'm not clear about the details of query result body, here I just provide a sample for your reference:
For example, if the query result shows like:
"body": [
"TenantId": "111",
"xxxx": "xxx"
"TenantId": "222",
"xxxx": "xxx"
Then you can use the expression body('Run_query_and_list_results')[0]?['TenantId'] to get the value of first TenantId. In a word, use [index] to get array, use ?['key'] to get map.

Saving conditions whether a user has done something in MongoDB: which field type should I use?

So I have this scenario where I want to save a condition whether if a user "has joined the website onboarding tour". So the question I want to ask is not how to save the field to MongoDB, but rather what field type should I use for it?
I want it to be reusable for another certain condition such as "has joined a campaign A", or "has visited special page B". Now I have 3 cases that you can look:
Case 1: Just a single boolean field for every case: One field for one condition, such as hasJoinedNewOnboarding: true or hasJoinedCampaignA: false. All I need to do is search by key: true.
Case 2: Use an array: One array for many conditions, such as ['hasJoinedNewOnboarding','hasJoinedCampaignA']. Let's say the field name is meta_data. All I need to do is search using $elemMatch like { meta_data: { $elemMatch: { 'hasJoinedNewOnboarding' } } }
Case 3: Use an object: One object for many conditions, such as Case 2: Use an array: One array for many conditions, such as { hasJoinedNewOnboarding: true, hasJoinedCampaignA: false }. Let's say the field name is meta_data. All I need to do is search it like { 'meta_data.hasJoinedNewOnboarding': true }
With that said, which one do you think is the best way to store the conditions in the database? Or do you have something in mind that is better than these 3 cases?
There's not much difference when you want to query your data, it will always be either:
db.col.find({hasJoinedNewOnboarding: true})
or for the second approach:
db.col.find({arrayName: "hasJoinedNewOnboarding"})
Both ways are easy however I would recommend storing such events in an array because it's easier to aggregate the data when you don't need to refer to multiple key names in MongoDB,
For example, if you have a document like:
events: [
You can dynamically count how many users have done something by running following query:
$unwind: "$events"
$group: {
_id: "$events",
count: { $sum: 1 }
Mongo Playground
Alternatively if you decide to use first or third approach the name of the event is represented by the name of the key in MongoDB's document so you can still easily count single event occurances but if you want to group all events dynamically you need to use $objectToArray operator which becomes more cumbersome.
So the recommended approach would be to keep them as an array of strings or an array of objects like:
{ events: [ { eventType: "NewOnboarding", date: ... } ] }

watson conversation entities array

I create one entities with a few fruits (apple, banana, orange, avocado)
When my user say any intent that I need to check if have one #Fruits work fine, but if my user say 2 or more fruits I need to save all in one array. how can I does this using slots? because in my test he save only the last (if I print $myFruits)
When the user types two values or more, and this values was inside one entity, the values will be save inside array, and you can access the entity. For example...
You can see in my example, if I types two flavor's, will appear in my console the two values in one array...
So, if you want all values from the entity #fruits. you can use this method for saves inside one context variable (E.g: $fruits):
<? entities['fruits'][0].value + entities['fruits'][1].value ?> //if types two fruits
And for this to be shown in your dialog, you can use this method:
"output": {
"text": "This is the array: <? $fruits.join(', ') ?>"
The return will be:
This is the array: calabresa, marguerita,
If you want to access all values from your entity with code, you need to access the return from the calling message (for access entities, intents, context variables, etc), and use the following code:
var arrayEntitie = response.entities
for (var i=0; i < arrayEntitie.length; i++) {
if (arrayEntitie[i].name === 'calabreza') { //make your condition
//do something
Official documentation for accessing methods here.
You can see this Github repository by IBM Developer using context variables here.
Simple way to do is by using #EntityName.values . It will store all the values of given entity in context in form of array.

Can I check if a value is only pushed if a certain field value is not filled already?

I am trying to make a Meteor app to let users push a value to the database. It works ok, but there a small issue. As soon a certain user has pushed his information, i don't want to let the same user create another entry. Or this must be blocked, or the value the user is pushing must be overwritten for the value he is posting the second time. Now I get multiple entry's of the same user.
Here is my code. Hope you can help me here. Thanks in advance.
Estimations.update(userstory._id, {
$addToSet: {
estimations: [
{name: Meteor.user().username, estimation: this.value}
From the mongo docs
The $addToSet operator adds a value to an array unless the value is
already present, in which case $addToSet does nothing to that array.
Since your array elements are objects the value is the entire object, not just the username key. This means a single user can create multiple name, estimation pairs as long as the estimation value is different.
What you can do is remove any value for the user first, then reinsert:
var username = Meteor.user().username;
Estimations.update({ userstory._id },
{ $pull: { estimations: { name: username }}}); // if it doesn't exist this will no-op
Estimations.update({userstory._id },
{ $push: { estimations: { name: username, estimation: this.value }}});
By way of commentary, you've got a collection called Estimations that contains an array called estimations that contains objects with keys estimation. This might confuse future developers on the project ;) Also if your Estimations collection is 1:1 with UserStorys then perhaps the array could just be a key inside the UserStory document?
