Removing certain elements from an array that fit a condition - arrays

How to remove elements from an array that have difference of 3 or less between subsequent elements? For example
A=[3 6 10 14 17 20]
to this
B=[3 10 14 20]
I believe I can use diff but in what context should I use it to achieve this?

You can use diff and then compare this to 3. You can then construct a logical array (that includes the first value by default) and use this to index into A.
tokeep = [true, diff(A) > 3];
B = A(tokeep);
In your example though, the difference between 17 and 20 is 3 so that would remove 20.


Matlab: how do I apply a function along one dimension of an array

I have an array of mxnx4 dimensions and a function with a 4-element vector input. I want to apply my function to give me an mxnx4 output, such that the function is applied mxn times (i.e. the 3rd dimension of my array becomes in the input of my function). Any ideas on how do do this would be massively appreciated. I have looked at arrayfun, but this seems not to address what I want to do. I also want to maintain the formatting of my function as it requires this formatting elsewhere in my code.
F=#(V)[V(1)+V(2);V(2)+V(3); V(3)+V(4); V(4)+V(1)]
to be applied to array M of dimensions 2x3x4 (m=2; n=3)
M = zeros(2,3,4);
M(:,:,1) = [1 2 3;4 5 6];
M(:,:,2) = [7 8 9;10 11 12];
M(:,:,3) = [13 14 15; 16 17 18];
M(:,:,4) = [19 20 21; 22 23 24];
to generate an array of dimensions 2x3x4
C(1,1,:) = F([1 7 13 19])
C(1,2,:) = F([2 8 14 20])
I can see a for loop would work, applying the following across the mxn matrix
However, I need to run this millions of times so would like a faster approach

How to identify breaks within an array of MATLAB?

I have an array in MATLAB containing elements such as
A=[12 13 14 15 30 31 32 33 58 59 60];
How can I identify breaks in values of data? For example, the above data exhibits breaks at elements 15 and 33. The elements are arranged in ascending order and have an increment of one. How can I identify the location of breaks of this pattern in an array? I have achieved this using a for and if statement (code below). Is there a better method to do so?
for i=1:numel(A)-1
Good time to use diff and find those neighbouring differences that aren't equal to 1. However, this will return an array which is one less than the length of your input array because it finds pairwise differences up until the last element, so naturally there will be one less. As such, when you find the locations that aren't equal to 1, make sure you add 1 to the locations to account for this:
>> A=[12 13 14 15 30 31 32 33 58 59 60];
>> q = find(diff(A) ~= 1) + 1
q =
5 9
This tells us that locations 5 and 9 in your array is where the jump happens, and that's right for your example data.
However, if you want to find the locations before the jump happens, such as in your code, don't add 1 to the result:
>> q = find(diff(A) ~= 1)
q =
4 8

Trying to compare elements of on array with every element of another array in matlab

I'm using Matlab, and I'm trying to come up with a vectorized solution for comparing the elements of one array to every element of another array. Specifically I want to find the difference and see if this difference is below a certain threshold.
Ex: a = [1 5 10 15] and b=[12 13 14 15], threshold = 6
so the elements in a that would satisfy the threshold would be 10 and 15 since each value comes within 6 of any of the values in b while 1 and 5 do not. Currently I have a for loop going through the elements of a and subtracting an equivalently sized matrix from b (for 5 it would be a = [5 5 5 5]). This obviously takes a long time so I'm trying to find a vectorized solution. Additionally, the current format I have my data in is actually cells where each cell element has size [1 2], and I have been using the cellfun function to perform my subtraction. I'm not sure if this complicates the solution of each [1 2] block with the [1 2] block of the second cell. A vectorized solution response is fine, there is no need to do the threshold analysis. I just added it in for a little more background.
Thanks in advance,
Manwei Chan
Use bsxfun:
>> ind = any(abs(bsxfun(#minus,a(:).',b(:)))<threshold)
ind =
0 0 1 1
>> a(ind)
ans =
10 15

Matlab : Matrix indexing Logic

i am doing very simple Matrix indexing examples . where code is as give below
>> A=[ 1 2 3 4 ; 5 6 7 8 ; 9 10 11 12 ]
A =
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
>> A(end, end-2)
ans =
>> A(2:end, end:-2:1)
ans =
8 6
12 10
here i am bit confused . when i use A(end, end-2) it takes difference of two till first column and when there is just one column left there is no further processing , but when i use A(2:end, end:-2:1) it takes 6 10 but how does it print 8 12 while there is just one column left and we have to take difference of two from right to left , Pleas someone explain this simple point
The selection A(end, end-2) reads: take elements in last row of A that appear in column 4(end)-2=2.
The selection A(2:end, end:-2:1) similarly reads: take elements in rows 2 to 4(end) and starting from last column going backwards in jumps of two, i.e. 4 then 2.
To check the indexing, simply substitute the end with size(A,1) or size(A,2) if respectively found in the row and col position.
First the general stuff: end is just a placeholder for an index, namely the last position in a given array dimension. For instance, for an arbitrary array A(end,1) will pick the last element in column 1, and A(1,end) will pick the last element in the first row.
In your example, A(end, end-2) picks an element in the last row two columns before the last one.
To interpret a statement such as
A(2:end, end:-2:1)
it might help to substitute end with the actual index of the last row/column elements, so this is equivalent to
A(2:3, 4:-2:1)
Furthermore 4:-2:1 is equivalent to the list 4,2 since we are instructing to make the list starting at 4, decreasing in steps of 2, up to (minimum) 1. So this is equivalent to
A([2 3],[4 2])
Finally, the following combination of indices is implied by A([2 3],[4 2]):
A(2,4) A(2,2)
A(3,4) A(3,2)

How can I concatenate ranges of numbers into an array in MATLAB?

For example, I want to combine two ranges of numbers like this:
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
So, I tried:
a = 1:5,11:20
but that didn't work.
I also want to do this in a non-hardcoded way so that the missing 5 elements can start at any index.
For your example, you need to use square brackets to concatenate your two row vectors:
a = [1:5 11:20];
Or to make it less hardcoded:
startIndex = 6; %# The starting index of the 5 elements to remove
a = [1:startIndex-1 startIndex+5:20];
You may also want to check out these related functions: HORZCAT, VERTCAT, CAT.
There are a few other ways you could do this as well. For one, you could first make the entire vector, then index the elements you don't want and remove them (i.e. set them to the empty vector []):
a = 1:20; %# The entire vector
a(6:10) = []; %# Remove the elements in indices 6 through 10
You could also use set operations to do this, such as the function SETDIFF:
a = setdiff(1:20,6:10); %# Get the values from 1 to 20 not including 6 to 10
