Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND in ionic - angularjs

I am very new to ionic and angularjs. When I run my application in browser it works fine but after build for android and run it in devices i get blank page. And when i check console using I get the following error.
And this is my code
enabled: true,
requireBase: false
$stateProvider.state('index', {
url: '/',
views: {
'page_sidemenu': {
templateUrl: "index_sidemenu.html"
'page_content': {
templateUrl: "main_page.html"
$stateProvider.state('home', {
url: '/home',
views: {
'page_sidemenu': {
templateUrl: 'profile_sidemenu.html',
controller: 'profilemenuCtr'
'page_content': {
templateUrl: 'profile_page.html',
controller: 'profileCtr'
$stateProvider.state('login', {
url: "/login?id",
views: {
'page_sidemenu': {
templateUrl: "index_sidemenu.html"
'page_content': {
templateUrl: "login_page.html",
controller: "loginCtr"
Anybody please help me to resolve this.


Controller reloading on ui router state change

I'm having a problem I can't seem to figure out. When using ui-sref to change to a new state, the correct controller "does" load, but the current controller ALSO reloads. Twice in fact. (I set a break-point in the JavaScript and it hits that break-point twice).
Here is the relevant UI-router code:
abstract: true,
url: "/index",
templateUrl: "app/shared/content.html"
url: '/cardholder',
views: {
'content': {
templateUrl: 'app/views/cardholder/cardholder.html',
controller: 'cardholderController'
resolve: {
loadPlugin: function ($ocLazyLoad) {
return $ocLazyLoad.load([
name: 'app',
files: ['app/views/cardholder/cardholderController.js']
params: {
loadParams: false
url: '/cardholder/edit',
views: {
'content': {
templateUrl: 'app/views/cardholder/edit/editCardholder.html',
controller: 'editCardholderController'
resolve: {
loadPlugin: function ($ocLazyLoad) {
return $ocLazyLoad.load([
name: 'app',
files: ['app/views/cardholder/edit/editCardholderController.js']
params: {
id: null,
template: null
And here is the sref that calls the new state:
<a ui-sref="index.cardholderedit({ id:cardholder.empPersonDTO.personId, template:selectedTemplate})">
I did a search on cardholderController just to make sure I didn't have a naming issue somewhere - it all looks kosher.
Why is cardholderController reloading? How do I stop it?

angularjs - ui-router not displaying properly ($stateProvider)

I'm trying to set up my app. It was working fine, but then I had to change some URLs on the ui-router in order to have some sub-views.
Unfortunately, now, I cannot see all my pages properly and I don't understand why.
Here's an example:
Basically, I have different templates, and when URL changes, I display a different template into appContent view. Inside my details, I need to have a subView called zone, in which I can display detailsOverview template or detailsEdit template.
With my current setup,I'm not able to change page. Well, the page changes according to the URL, but detailsOverview is always displayed!
I think that the problem is somehow related with the subview rather than the URLs, but not 100% sure.
I'm pasting $stateProvider code here as well:
angular.module('ionicApp', ['ionic']).config([
'$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
$stateProvider.state('app', {
name: 'app',
url: '/app',
abstract: true,
templateUrl: 'templates/menuTemplate.html'
}).state('app.details', {
name: 'appDetails',
url: '/:zoneID',
views: {
'appContent': {
templateUrl: 'templates/mainDetails.html'
}).state('app.details.overview', {
name: 'appDetailsOverview',
url: '/details',
views: {
'appContent': {
templateUrl: 'templates/mainDetails.html'
'zone': {
templateUrl: 'templates/detailsOverview.html'
}).state('app.details.edit', {
name: 'appDetailsEdit',
url: '/edit/day/:timerEditDay',
views: {
'appContent': {
templateUrl: 'templates/mainDetails.html'
'zone': {
templateUrl: 'templates/detailsEdit.html'
}).state('app.setup', {
name: 'setup',
url: '/setup',
views: {
'appContent': {
templateUrl: 'templates/setup.html'
}).state('app.about', {
name: 'about',
url: '/about',
views: {
'appContent': {
templateUrl: 'templates/about.html',
controller: 'aboutPageInfo'
The problem is that with the url: '/:zoneID', in the app.details state you "swallow" all the possible parameters.
Thats means the url #/app/about and #app/setup URLs get also handled by the app.details state and don't seem to work.
In order to get them working, you have to define the app.about and app.setup state before the app.details state:
$stateProvider.state('app', {
name: 'app',
url: '/app',
abstract: true,
templateUrl: 'templates/menuTemplate.html'
}).state('app.setup', {
name: 'setup',
url: '/setup',
views: {
'appContent': {
templateUrl: 'templates/setup.html'
}).state('app.about', {
name: 'about',
url: '/about',
views: {
'appContent': {
templateUrl: 'templates/about.html',
controller: 'aboutPageInfo'
}).state('app.details', {
name: 'appDetails',
url: '/:zoneID',
views: {
'appContent': {
templateUrl: 'templates/mainDetails.html'
}).state('app.details.overview', {
name: 'appDetailsOverview',
url: '/details',
views: {
'appContent': {
templateUrl: 'templates/mainDetails.html'
'zone': {
templateUrl: 'templates/detailsOverview.html'
See the updated codepen with a working details and setup page:

AngularJS UI-Router default views

Here's the example code.
var app = angular.module('npAdmin', ['ui.router']);
app.config(['$httpProvider', '$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider',
function($httpProvider, $stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
.state('common', {
templateUrl: 'tpl.common.html',
abstract: true,
// views: {
// 'footer': {
// templateUrl: 'footer.html'
// }
// }
.state('common.dashboard', {
url: '/dashboard',
views: {
'content': {
template: '<div><h4>dashboard</h4></div>'
'footer': {
templateUrl: 'footer.html'
.state('common.crm', {
url: '/crm',
views: {
'content': {
template: '<div><h4>CRM</h4></div>'
'footer': {
templateUrl: 'footer.html'
.state('', {
url: '/abc',
views: {
'content': {
template: '<div><h4>ABC</h4></div>'
'footer': {
templateUrl: 'newfooter.html'
.state('landing', {
templateUrl: 'tpl.login.html',
abstract: true,
.state('landing.login', {
url: '/login',
template: '<div><h4>Wow</h4></div>',
The default 'templateUrl' of 'footer' is 'footer.html', but it's 'newfooter.html' for some state.
Is there a good way to set default footer in this case?
I tried to use 'templateUrl' and 'views' at the same time, but it doesn't work.
There is updated plunker. We can use absolute naming in the parent 'common':
.state('common', {
abstract: true,
views: {
'': {
templateUrl: 'tpl.common.html',
'footer#common': {
templateUrl: 'footer.html'
And override it only if needed ('dashboard' and 'crm' will use the parent footer, while the 'abc' is defining an override - special one: newfooter.html)
.state('common.dashboard', {
url: '/dashboard',
views: {
'content': {
template: '<div><h4>dashboard</h4></div>'
// provided by parent
//'footer': {
// templateUrl: 'footer.html'
.state('common.crm', {
url: '/crm',
views: {
'content': {
template: '<div><h4>CRM</h4></div>'
// provided by parent
//'footer': {
// templateUrl: 'footer.html'
.state('', {
url: '/abc',
views: {
'content': {
template: '<div><h4>ABC</h4></div>'
'footer': {
templateUrl: 'newfooter.html'
Check it here
View Names - Relative vs. Absolute Names
Behind the scenes, every view gets assigned an absolute name that follows a scheme of viewname#statename, where viewname is the name used in the view directive and state name is the state's absolute name, e.g. contact.item. You can also choose to write your view names in the absolute syntax.
For example, the previous example could also be written as:
views: {
'filters#': { },
'tabledata#': { },
'graph#': { }

AngularJS ui-router navigate to url

I'd like to navigate to the following url through the browser:
This only works if I add a hash to the url, like this:
I tried setting the html5Mode to true, but this only removes the hash from the url. It still does not allow me to navigate directly to the url.
Here is my code:
grey.config( function( $stateProvider, $provide, $locationProvider ) {
$locationProvider.html5Mode( true ).requireBase( false );
// Set up the different views
.state('index', {
url: '',
views: {
'jira_filters': {
templateUrl: 'app/partials/jira_filters.html'
'ciq_filters': {
templateUrl: 'app/partials/ciq_filters.html'
'priority': {
templateUrl: 'app/partials/priority.html'
'status': {
templateUrl: 'app/partials/status.html'
'rca': {
templateUrl: 'app/partials/rca.html'
.state('jira', {
url: '/jira',
views: {
'jira_filters': {
templateUrl: 'app/partials/jira_filters.html'
'ciq_filters': {
templateUrl: 'app/partials/ciq_filters.html'
'priority': {
templateUrl: 'app/partials/priority.html'
'status': {
templateUrl: 'app/partials/status.html'
'rca': {
templateUrl: 'app/partials/rca.html'

Cannot call method 'insertBefore' of null error

I'm getting this error in angularjs with ui-router. I have no idea what is setting it off and I can't track it down. Has anyone run into this before or know anything about it?
I am using yeoman with a MEAN stack (mongodb,express,angularjs,node.js). I have a feeling the error is in the states.js listed below. That is the only thing I have been working on when the error started coming up.
TypeError: Cannot call method 'insertBefore' of null
at http://localhost:9000/bower_components/angular/angular.js:3857:22
at forEach (http://localhost:9000/bower_components/angular/angular.js:303:18)
at Object.enter (http://localhost:9000/bower_components/angular/angular.js:3856:9)
at http://localhost:9000/bower_components/angular/angular.js:18828:26
at publicLinkFn (http://localhost:9000/bower_components/angular/angular.js:5443:29)
at boundTranscludeFn (http://localhost:9000/bower_components/angular/angular.js:5555:21)
at controllersBoundTransclude (http://localhost:9000/bower_components/angular/angular.js:6145:18)
at ngRepeatAction (http://localhost:9000/bower_components/angular/angular.js:18826:15)
at Object.$watchCollectionAction (http://localhost:9000/bower_components/angular/angular.js:11347:11)
at Object.applyFunction [as fn] (<anonymous>:778:50) angular.js:9101
Here is my states.js
angular.module('lifeloggerApp', [
.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
.state('Welcome', {
url: "/Welcome",
templateUrl: "views/welcome.html"
.state('Welcome.About', {
url: "/about",
templateUrl: "views/about.html"
.state('Welcome.Contact', {
url: "/contact",
templateUrl: "views/contact.html"
.state('Welcome.Login', {
url: "/login",
templateUrl: "views/login.html"
.state('a', {
url: "/a",
views: {
'': {
templateUrl: "views/main.html",
controller: 'MainCtrl'
'sidebar#a': {
templateUrl: "views/sidebar.html"
.state('a.Dashboard', {
url: "/dashboard",
templateUrl: "views/dashboard.html"
.state('a.About', {
url: "/about",
templateUrl: "views/about.html"
.state('a.Contact', {
url: "/contact",
templateUrl: "views/contact.html"
.state('a.Profile', {
abstract: true,
url: "/profile",
templateUrl: "views/profile.html"
.state('a.Profile.UserInfo', {
url: "/userinfo",
templateUrl: "views/profile.userinfo.html"
.state('a.Profile.EmailPref', {
url: "/emailpref",
templateUrl: "views/profile.emailpref.html"
.state('a.Profile.API', {
url: "/api",
templateUrl: "views/profile.api.html"
.state('a.Profile.Billing', {
url: "/billing",
templateUrl: "views/profile.billing.html"
.state('a.Profile.Settings', {
url: "/settings",
templateUrl: "views/profile.settings.html"
$urlRouterProvider.when('/a/profile', '/a/profile/userinfo');
