Codename One: Uncentered Buttonnames and Validator bug? - codenameone

I have a Problem with longer Names in my Buttons. I made the Text of buttons centered in the designer but it seems there are Problems with longer names. Here is a screenshot:
Second thing is about the Validator. I have equal Validators on a new and edit Form. The new form is perfectly, but when the user wants to edit, the TextFields are filled already with his former input, though, the Validator says that the user has to add something to the required TextField, only when the user taps the TextField and untaps it again, the Validator accepts the values. Is this a known bug or am I doing something wrong?
Thank you in advance.

If you call setText() after setting the validator it might not be triggered. You should install the validator after setting the text.


Editing feature for react

I am implementing edit feature with react now. The problem is that I haven't found the good solution for this yet.
I want to make a view like below.
Both title and description text area are already written with default text.
This text is not placeholder.
If user click the button, User can edit the text.
I tried the below two packages but it is not perfect for my purpose.
import TextareaAutosize from 'react-autosize-textarea';
TextareaAutosize has a value attribute. but if I use this, I can't edit the text in it. And the defaultValue seems not working.
Do you know how to put a default text value into TextareaAutosize component?
import { AvForm, AvField, AvGroup, AvInput, AvRadioGroup, AvRadio } from 'availity-reactstrap-validation';
I think this is another good solution but the submit button seems not to be customized.
I should place the Edit button in the right-upper side of view.
But if I use this package, The submit button is placed at the bottom and it seems like it should be used tag.
Do you know how to connect my own submit button with AvInput?
The button is in other tags, not in its .
other solution
If you have a better solution or experience, plz let me know.
Thank you in advance
I referred to the below answer and changed UX.
Submit form using a button outside the <form> tag
The elements used to create controls generally appear inside a FORM element, but may also appear outside of a FORM element declaration when they are used to build user interfaces. This is discussed in the section on intrinsic events. Note that controls outside a form cannot be successful controls.
submit button seems to be included in the form tag.

Ng dirty not showing after save button clicked

My application so far is working great. It is not a form (no form tagged used) but it is a series of input boxes that a user must enter. Each input box that a user fills, I am adding an orange border on that input field. I am doing that through:
#modifyTop .ng-dirty{
border: 2px orange;
<body id="modifyTop" name="modifyTop" ng-controller="ModifyPageCtrl">
<button ng-click=save()>Save</button>
Inside this index.html is a save button. Once I hit the save button, the border field goes away. I am doing this through (I used jQuery inside an Angular controller, not sure if thats acceptable):
function save(){
$('#modifyTop .ng-dirty').removeClass('ng-dirty')
So the problem is the following. After hitting save, if say the user wants to change again a particular input field, then it does not make that orange border show up. Only the fields that were previously untouched/not modified have the border appear. I have to reload the page, to make the border appear again in those particular input fields. Can someone please provide examples on how I can make this work? I understand I have given very small snippets of my code thats because my work doesn't allow me to paste company code but I will try to provide more details if people are unable to help with the provided information. Also, would like to mention that my app has no errors- this is a enhancement fix that i am working on.
Thank you
You need to use $setPristine():
From the docs:
Sets the form to its pristine state.
This method sets the form's $pristine state to true, the $dirty state
to false, removes the ng-dirty class and adds the ng-pristine class.
Additionally, it sets the $submitted state to false.
This method will also propagate to all the controls contained in this

TestRecorder with MaterialCommand in Toolbar

In a test-class, is there any way to invoke Buttons inside the toolbar, without a name (""), which were added like this?
getToolbar().addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", FontImage.MATERIAL_PICTURE_AS_PDF, e -> createPDF());
Or can I somehow tell the test-class to show a specific form ?(which is happening when I click the button without a label).
The test recorder is not generating any code in that case. It seems that it is only working with buttons, which have a non-empty String as name, as they are simply invoked by
The test recorder was written before the Toolbar existed, we tried to update it for the Toolbar recently but this proved to be pretty difficult.
We have this issue that covers this bug. As a workaround you can post the command directly in the code of the test.

Clear fields that have been hidden

I have this form.
When the user checks a check box, some fields get hidden, others appear.
What is the correct way to clear the fields that have been hidden?
Use a watch?
On the click event of your checkbox clear all the fields that it controls.

Form elements are not receiving input

I have a form designed with the GUI designer with input textfields and buttons. I have attached actions to the buttons. When I call up the form with showForm(Form,null), the textfields are not accepting input and the buttons are not triggering the action. This is happening only for this form. Initially, there was the problem solved here Unable to call a specific form from a button in codenameone and then the problem solved here Simulator keeps defaulting to old Main form. What could be the issue now?
As far as I know there may be some issues as you say, but first need to see code
In the form after you added the text fields did you select the text field component and press action event?
Assuming you did that you should get a callback method in the Statemachine class.
This call will be invoked only when the user changes the content of the text field. You can run in the debugger and set breakpoints/step into code to see what is going on.
