I have two working Xbee pro series 2. Configuration went fairly smoothly and they connect on channel 15.
I want them to connect on Channel 11. However when I type "+++" on the terminal window "+++" gets sent to the other xbee module instead of me receiving the "OK" which I sometimes receive. What would be the surefire way to access the AT command config mode? (thanks in advance)
I want to connect two computers using unet audio, so i can transmit and receive on different computers. I am not able to connect two computers. Please help me with this.
Basic steps:
Run unet audio on both laptops.
Type tell 0, "hi" on one laptop. You should hear the transmission. If you don't, you may want to check your laptop speaker volume.
You should see a [1] hello reception on the unet audio shell running on the second laptop.
You can see a step-by-step example in this blog article:
and also in Section 15.6 of the Unet handbook (although it shows an example using a single laptop both transmitting and receiving -- but the same steps work with):
I'm trying to use AT commands to setup a BGS2-W modem on a custom board to connect to a site over TLS, but the modem is not reacting to my commands and no certificates are being set.
I'm using the command
to send the commands as documented in Transport Layer Security for Client
TCP/IP Services doc (https://ptelectronics.ru/wp-content/uploads/organizatsiya_bezopasnogo_ssl-soedineniya.pdf#page=8).
Unfortunately, the document provides no examples, and I haven't been able to find any samples showing the usage of this command online.
The document linked has a java commandline tool attached that will send a cert from a PC, however I am unable to use this tool (I don't have the connection to the modem).
If anyone has any idea's on how to use this command I could very much use the help.
Note: I'm trying to set the certificates from within code running on a PIC18 - this isn't a final incarnation, I just need the certificates loaded so I can connect to our secure server.
Well, guess this one isn't going to find an answer anytime soon :)
So, its fairly easy to capture the output from the javatool - I'm using Com0Com to emulate 2 connected ports, then using termite to manually input on one port while telling the java app to connect to the other.
The first query from the java app expects an "OK" response, I find it easiest to send the response before starting the java app (I guess it gets cached in the recv buffer of the emulated port).
The javatool then sends "AT^SBNW=is_cert,1\r", and you can type in the reply in termite "SECURE CMD READY: SEND COMMAND ..."
After this a large binary dump comes through. You can decode the dump using the structure described in Application Note 62 (https://ptelectronics.ru/wp-content/uploads/organizatsiya_bezopasnogo_ssl-soedineniya.pdf). That should get all the data required to generate the same binary within code.
I am trying to implement Bluetooth using "connect-blue-oem-spa-331" module using UART protocol and using MSP430 as base controller. I'm using Embedded C as a language of programming.
Everything just works fine until I reach to Serial Port Link Command "AT*ADCP". Every time I get response as ERROR. I have tried with both options by keeping ECHO ENABLED and ECHO DISABLED.
p_cmd = "AT*ADCP=XXXXXXXXXXXX,0,0,0\r";
this is my command. 'X' represents the Bluetooth confirm device address which I confirm when I execute DEVICE_INQUIRY command.
The module through which I am executing all these commands is always MASTER and will initiate pairing and communication process. As a safety I have kept it non-discoverable.
How can I implement the Serial Port Profile Link command without getting error when I confirm the bluetooth device using DEVICE_INQUIRY command.
I have been working with blue tooth for last 4 months. I had faced above issue in early days. And after running through documentation available for product I solved the issue. I thought to reply this question which I've asked.
I was using Connect Blue OEM-SPA-331i classic Bluetooth module in my project, and was using Serial Port Profile to implement Bluetooth commands.
When I inquire devices I get the list of Bluetooth Devices available and discoverable in the vicinity(mine was CLASS-I Device); and lists them as (48 bit MAC Address,Class of Device) i.e. ( 001234ab987f,786545) of the discovered Bluetooth Module.
When I'm trying to establish Serial Port Profile Link, it was required that I must write address of peer device to be connected over Serial Port Profile in Serial Port Adapter. The order of the commands should be
Inquire discoverable devices
Write the desired peer device address to Serial Port Adapter, remember it in power cycles.
Establish Profile Link.
This way I resolved my issue of link not getting established.
I'm writing some code in C for an IrDA project on one win7 32bit computer. I have another computer setup to display any data received via in infrared. This part works. However the as soon as I connect the IrDA dongle to the PC, it starts to send periodic data for searching other IrDA devices. I want to disable this behavior programmatically so I see only the data sends as a result of my code. Anyone know which command to use? Is it WSASetService? I didn't learn socket programming, not sure what "removes from the registry a service instance within one or more namespaces. " really means. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms742211%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
Have you disabled the Infrared Monitor Service manually?
I experienced problems with this functionality in win7 when using Windows to communicating with an embedded micro-controller based device that worked well with windows XP.
I disabled the Infrared Monitor Service manually and found that windows was still polling the IrDA periodically!
I have not found any documentation available that describes it or how to disable it, I will continue searching...
I have two XBee Pro Series 1 units. Both of them are in AP=2 mode (API mode). I have followed the instructions outlined under the "Series 1" section in XBee Configuration. I try to execute "ZnetSenderExample.java" and I can see it tries to send out a very simple "Xbee" string.
However, I keep getting timeouts on the receiving end saying it never gets any data.
Addtionally, I attempted the Unicast example on this page and found the same behavior. It does not work in X-CTU when in API mode.
I am using firmware 10EC.
How can I fix this problem?
Are the nodes on the same network? When you look at them in X-CTU, do they share the same operating network settings (channel, PAN ID)? Have you installed the API mode firmware, instead of the AT mode (sometimes called transparent serial) firmware?
Have you tried any of the examples on Digi's site, to confirm that the units are configured correctly?