$index does not diminish its value when ng-if removes an element - angularjs

<section ng-repeat="Rule in Data track by $index" ng-if="!Rule.is_deleted">
{{ Rule.title }}<a ng-click="removeElem($index)"></a>
and the controller:
$scope.removeElem = function (elemIndex) {
$scope.Data[elemIndex].is_deleted = true;
$scope.addElem = function(obj) {
There is a functionality of adding/removing objects to/from $scope.Dataarray. Let's say there are two items in $scope.Data; I am removing one and add a new one. Therefore, the items are still two. The problem is that $index associates the newly created second item with value 2 and not value 1 as I expected (ng-if removes the item from the DOM, isn't it?). Why that? How may I oblige $index to diminish its value if removing an item?

You probably want to filter rather than using ng-if in the ng-repeat.
<section ng-repeat="Rule in (Data | filter: {is_deleted: false}) track by $index">
{{ Rule.title }}<a ng-click="removeElem($index)"></a>
fiddle showing the difference: https://jsfiddle.net/u6nqrq5o/

Don't use $index for this, just pass the object to the function. Also, this is a better use case for a filter rather than using ng-if to hide/show a row
<section ng-repeat="Rule in Data | filter: {is_deleted: false}">
{{ Rule.title }}
<a ng-click="removeElem(Rule)">Remove</a>
$scope.removeElem = function(rule) {
rule.is_deleted = true;

Using $index should be avoided.Instead of using $index, prefer to pass the actual objects around. E.g. ng-click="removeElem(Rule)"


How to create an independent indexer with default value inside ngRepeat loop

I have a list of posts with comments. I need to traverse through array of comments inside each of the posts on my page. I'm trying to create variable inside ngRepeat for posts which I can use like an indexer to display exact comment for each post. Due to ngRepeat creating nested scope, this variable must be unique for each iteration. But when I'm trying to change it with ng-click, it doesn't change.
My ngRepeat:
<div class="question_block col-xs-12"
ng-repeat="answer in question.content.answer track by answer.id">
is followed by <span style="display:none">{{counter=0}}</span>. And then I'm showing some items like <span>{{answer.comments[counter].user.organization.title}}</span>. When I'm trying to do something like <a href ng-click="counter++">Increment</a> nothing happens. What's the matter ?
Use ng-init="counter = 0" and attach your ng-click to a function in your controller:
<div ng-repeat="item in items track by $index" ng-init="counter=0">
{{item}} ({{counter}})
<button ng-click="clickHandler()">Increment</button>
<hr />
Then, to increment counter in the context of the event, use this.counter
$scope.clickHandler = function() {
Plunker demo : http://plnkr.co/edit/J4d0JlJSKD7i4OfMT2r4?p=preview

Angularjs ng-repeat dynamic property

<div (ng-repeat='item in items') >
{{item.name}} //works
{{item["name"]}} // works
how do i repeat item[property] dynamically without using ".name" or ['name']?
To dynamically go through properties, you're going to need to call Object.keys(item) and then iterate through them. It's best to prune your data from within your controller, to minimize the finagling you'll need to do within your HTML.
If you do want to try to do this within your HTML-Angular structures, you could define:
$scope.returnAllKeyValues = function(obj){
var x = Object.keys(obj),
arr = [];
for(var i = 0; i<x.length; i++){
return arr;
What this function does is it takes in your JSON object, then parses through it and collects all the values for every key within it.
Then, within your HTML, you can write something like this:
<h3>FIFA Mactch Summary:</h3>
<div ng-app ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="item in items">
<span ng-init="keyValues = returnAllKeyValues(item)">
<span ng-repeat="keyValue in keyValues">{{key}} </span>
Here you see, within your original ngRepeat, we initialized the array keyValues with all the values from item's keys via the function defined above. Then, ng-repeat through that, and you have everything printed without knowing what they are.
Here is a Fiddle with it working:
This was what i was looking for....Thanks

ng-show if filter and inner if statements are valid

I have an ng-repeat being created like so:
<div class="items">
<span ng-repeat="item in items | orderBy:'priority'" itemid="{{item.$id}}" ng-if="!item.groupID || item.groupID == 'misc'">
As you can see I have an ng-if which checks if the item has a null item.groupid or is in the misc category.
Many times there is no items that match all of these criteria and in that case I want to hide the outer div <div class="items">
I can't figure out how to hide it because I can't do an ng-show on the inner elements part of the loop.
You can use a filter, and assign the result of the filter to a variable. Use that variable to decide if the enclosing div should be shown or not.
Here's a plunkr showing how it works:
<div ng-show="filteredItems.length > 0">
<div ng-repeat="item in items | filter:hasGroupFilter(group) as filteredItems">
{{ item.name }} - {{ item.group }}
And in the controller:
$scope.hasGroupFilter = function(group) {
return function(item) {
return !item.group || item.group === group;
I think the cleanest way to do that is to pre filter the list, and add a condition on your parent div.items instead of using ng-if in each one of the span in the ng-repeat.
Here is a working plunker
You should filter the list in your controller and just add the condition on the parent div
<div class="items" ng-if="filteredItems.length">
<span ng-repeat="item in filteredItems | orderBy:'priority'" itemid="{{item.$id}}">
You could potentially create a function that has access to a public variable on the outer scope. It would look something along the lines of this:
Inside your JS file
$scope.NoValidItems = true; //assume no valid items code also might look different based on how you format your angular
$scope.CheckItems = function(item){
var check = false;
if(item.groupID && item.groupID !== 'misc'){
check = true;
$scope.NoValidItems = false;
check = false;
return check;
<div class="items" ng-if="!NoValidItems ">
<span ng-repeat="item in items | orderBy:'priority'" itemid="{{item.$id}}" ng-if="!CheckItems(item)">
This should work, and the if statement might not be exact, but you get the drift. Pretty much if there is one that is valid it will show, but if there is not a valid item do not show. Valid being meeting your conditional criteria. Hopefully this helps, and I explained it alright

How to reverse an array in angular js without creating a filter

I am having an array in controller as follows
function FooController($scope) {
$scope.items = ["a","b","c"];
I used ng-repeat to show the data in items,
<div ng-app>
<div ng-controller="FooController">
<ul ng-repeat="item in items">
I got the result as a,b,c order. I want to show it in reverse order. that means c,b,a without changing its order in the controller or without creating a filter. How to do that?
Check this link
I faced the same problem, but with an array of objects. This quick solution worked for me, but using the filter is still the best practice.
<li data-ng-repeat="item in data.slice().reverse()">
In order to avoid the writting of a custom filter, I suggest you to use this syntax :
<ul ng-repeat="item in items | orderBy:'-toString()'">
The documentation assume you sort an array of Objects but in your case there are just plain strings.
Wrap the strings in objects and use orderBy or create a new filter:
.filter("reverse", function(){
return function(items){
return items.slice().reverse(); // Create a copy of the array and reverse the order of the items
And use it like this:
<ul ng-repeat="item in items|reverse">
Updated fiddle (I've also updated the ng-app directive so it's passed the "app" module.)

AngularJS - hide parent element if children loop is empty (filtered)

I have a case in which I have nested loops in which the child one is constructed by a filter function that takes parent as the argument. I also have another filter that just does a text comparison. Here is the example
<div ng-repeat="group in groups">
<div ng-repeat="material in materials | filter:filterByGroup(group) | filter:search ">
Now, my problem is that when filter:search is applied and it filters out all the results in specific group, I would like to hide the group (and not leave the empty group.name hanging without child elements).
I don't have the materials in the group it self, so I don't have that information in the parent ng-repeat scope. The question is if there is a way I can access the nested ng-repeat and see its count from the parent and hide the parent if that count is 0.
Here is a fiddle that better explains the situation: fiddle
The main problem is that I don't want to associate my materials with groups. I could do that if nothing else works, but it sounds like an overload (since I would then need to basically filter the results twice) if I could do it by just checking the nested loop.
A much cleaner solution was suggested HERE.
What you need to do is wrap the relevant area with an ng-show / ng-if based on an expression that applies the filter on the data structure and extracts length. Here is how it works in your example:
<div ng-show="(materials | filter:filterByGroup(group)).length">
<div ng-repeat="group in groups">
<div ng-repeat="material in materials | filter:filterByGroup(group) | filter:search ">
This allows you to hide complex structures once they are empty due to filtering, e.g. a table of results.
I've seen this use-case a few times, here's my solution:
<div ng-repeat="group in groups">
<div ng-repeat="material in materials | filter:filterByGroup(group) | filter:search ">
<span ng-show="$first">
You can use $first or $last within the scope of the ng-repeat to show only for the first and last of each group. if there is no $first, it won't show the group name.
I just implemented this on my blog and updated your fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/ke793/1/
I'm not sure if this is the most elegant solution, but it seems fairly simple and it works. I'd love to see how others solved this.
Update: just realized you can use ng-if to prevent the group name from hitting the dom at all outside of the $first element. Little bit cleaner than ng-hide/ng-show, which sets display: none to the extra header every time.
If you can ask for the materials by group and you expect to do that for each group anyway, why not do that right away when you initialize the view and build a model with groups that have materials? If you can do that you can use ng-show to only hide groups that have materials.
You seem to need to know that a group has materials or not somehow? Here's a fiddle without knowing much of the background story:
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<div ng-repeat="group in groups">
<div ng-show="groupHasMaterials(group)">{{group.name}}</div>
<div ng-repeat="material in materialsByGroup(group)">
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);
function MyCtrl($scope) {
var groups = [
{'name':'group one'},
{'name':'group two'}
var materials = [
$scope.groups = groups;
$scope.materials = materials;
$scope.groupHasMaterials = function(group){
return $scope.materialsByGroup(group).length > 0;
$scope.materialsByGroup = function(group){
return group.name === 'group one'
? [materials[0], materials[1]]
: [];
fiddle with groups
