DW Design (PO and Invoices) - sql-server

I have to build a DW to store PO and Invoice data:
An Invoice has a header and a list of items
A PO has a header and a list of items.
An invoice can be related to zero or more POs
A PO can be related to one or more invoices.
How is the recommended way to design this in star schema?

Designing a DW involves understanding multiple aspects before having a model.
What is the frequency of data refresh.
What is the volume of data.
Which columns need to be indexed. Also, which index will help you better.
The queries written on the tables. Are the queries aggregates? or are they straight select statements.
What is your history preservation strategy.
The data types of every column you need. You need to think about cross platform query executions...
So on and so forth..
You will need to deep dive into it. Just creating tables with FK will help now, but over the time when data volume increases it will be a bottleneck.

You have a problem in that you are modelling data, not process.
Star schemas are based on a business process, not an entity relationship.
What are you trying to model? What is the grain of the model?
I'll go out on a limb, and say that you're probably modelling sales. Have one fact: Sale. If you need order-specific information, consider whether it is part of an Order dimension, or if it should be carried as degenerate dimensions and/or measures in the Sale fact.

Create a Invoice_Header_Fact and a Invoice_LineItem_Fact. (This can be denormalized and merged in one table too)
Use Order_Key from Header Fact in LineItem Fact to associate it to lineitems
Create a PO_Header_Fact and a PO_LineItem_Fact.
Use PO_Key from Header Fact in LineItem Fact to associate it to lineitems
Create a bridge/xref table to maintain many to many relationship between PO and Invoices.
Hope this helps!


Understanding Fact Tables

Our group is looking to better understand our data and implement some best practices. After reading some of the guides on codeproject on designing a data warehouse, we realized we need to start with a basic understanding of dimension and fact tables, as it relates to our own data. We have gone back and forth on what constitutes a fact table. Below is an image of a portion of our database.
These tables sit below our operational system where details and attributes flow directly into the PO_Header, PO_Detail, Appointment_Detail, and Appointment_Header tables. There are a few true dimension tables for dates, locations, and other values. For example when an appointment is made, it is given a Appointment number for that particular country. Appointment numbers are unique only at the country level. That appointment has attributes at the appointment level and are created against specific Purchase Orders (POs).
Our question is: Are the Appointment and PO tables true "Fact" tables or some sort of hybrid fact/dimension? If the business requires a view across all tables, is joining these tables above as described the right approach? As this is the operational system, we don't have the ability to change the structure but can redesign the structure in our data warehouse if needed.

How can I create a hierarchy in SSAS?

I have the table order with following fields:
Assume there are relations between Visitor, Branch and Company in the database. But every visitor can be in more Branch. How can I create a hierarchy between these three fields for my order table.
How can I do that?
You would need to create a denormalised dimension table, with the distinct result of the denormalisation process of the table order. In this case, you would have many rows for the same visitor. One for each branch.
In your fact table, the activity record which would have BranchKey in the primary key, would reference this dimension. This obviously would be together with the VisitorKey...
Then in SSAS you would need to build the hierarchy, and set the relationships between the keys... When displaying this data in a client, such as excel, you would drag the hierarchy in the rows, and when expanding, data from your fact would fit in according to the visitors branch...
With regards to dimensions, it's important to set relationships between the attributes, as this will give you a massive performance gain when processing the dimension, and the cube. Take a look at this article for help regarding that matter http://www.bidn.com/blogs/DevinKnight/ssis/1099/ssas-defining-attribute-relationships-in-2005-and-2008. In this case it's the same approach also for '12.

How can I store an indefinite amount of stuff in a field of my database table?

Heres a simple version of the website I'm designing: Users can belong to one or more groups. As many groups as they want. When they log in they are presented with the groups the belong to. Ideally, in my Users table I'd like an array or something that is unbounded to which I can keep on adding the IDs of the groups that user joins.
Additionally, although I realize this isn't necessary, I might want a column in my Group table which has an indefinite amount of user IDs which belong in that group. (side question: would that be more efficient than getting all the users of the group by querying the user table for users belonging to a certain group ID?)
Does my question make sense? Mainly I want to be able to fill a column up with an indefinite list of IDs... The only way I can think of is making it like some super long varchar and having the list JSON encoded in there or something, but ewww
Please and thanks
Oh and its a mysql database (my website is in php), but 2 years of php development I've recently decided php sucks and I hate it and ASP .NET web applications is the only way for me so I guess I'll be implementing this on whatever kind of database I'll need for that.
Your intuition is correct; you don't want to have one column of unbounded length just to hold the user's groups. Instead, create a table such as user_group_membership with the columns:
A single user_id could have multiple rows, each with the same user_id but a different group_id. You would represent membership in multiple groups by adding multiple rows to this table.
What you have here is a many-to-many relationship. A "many-to-many" relationship is represented by a third, joining table that contains both primary keys of the related entities. You might also hear this called a bridge table, a junction table, or an associative entity.
You have the following relationships:
A User belongs to many Groups
A Group can have many Users
In database design, this might be represented as follows:
This way, a UserGroup represents any combination of a User and a Group without the problem of having "infinite columns."
If you store an indefinite amount of data in one field, your design does not conform to First Normal Form. FNF is the first step in a design pattern called data normalization. Data normalization is a major aspect of database design. Normalized design is usually good design although there are some situations where a different design pattern might be better adapted.
If your data is not in FNF, you will end up doing sequential scans for some queries where a normalized database would be accessed via a quick lookup. For a table with a billion rows, this could mean delaying an hour rather than a few seconds. FNF guarantees a direct access lookup path for each item of data.
As other responders have indicated, such a design will involve more than one table, to be joined at retrieval time. Joining takes some time, but it's tiny compared to the time wasted in sequential scans, if the data volume is large.

Many tables to a single row in relational database

Consider we have a database that has a table, which is a record of a sale. You sell both products and services, so you also have a product and service table.
Each sale can either be a product or a service, which leaves the options for designing the database to be something like the following:
Add columns for each type, ie. add Service_id and Product_id to Invoice_Row, both columns of which are nullable. If they're both null, it's an ad-hoc charge not relating to anything, but if one of them is satisfied then it is a row relating to that type.
Add a weird string/id based system, for instance: Type_table, Type_id. This would be a string/varchar and integer respectively, the former would contain for example 'Service', and the latter the id within the Service table. This is obviously loose coupling and horrible, but is a way of solving it so long as you're only accessing the DB from code, as such.
Abstract out the concept of "something that is chargeable" for with new tables, of which Product and Service now are an abstraction of, and on the Invoice_Row table you would link to something like ChargeableEntity_id. However, the ChargeableEntity table here would essentially be redundant as it too would need some way to link to an abstract "backend" table, which brings us all the way back around to the same problem.
Which way would you choose, or what are the other alternatives to solving this problem?
What you are essentially asking is how to achieve polymorphism in a relational database. There are many approaches (as you yourself demonstrate) to this problem. One solution is to use "table per class" inheritance. In this setup, there will be a parent table (akin to your "chargeable item") that contains a unique identifier and the fields that are common to both products and services. There will be two child tables, products and goods: Each will contain the unique identifier for that entity and the fields specific to it.
One benefit to this approach over others is you don't end up with one table with many nullable columns that essentially becomes a dumping ground to describe anything ("schema-less").
One downside is as your inheritance hierarchy grows, the number of joins needed to grab all the data for an entity also grows.
I believe it depends on use case(s).
You could put the common columns in one table and put product and service specific columns in its own tables.Here the deal is that you need to join stuff.
Else if you maintain two separate tables, one for Product and another for Sale. You use application logic to determine which table to insert into. And getting all sales will essentially mean , union of getting all products and getting all sale.
I would go for approach 2 personally to avoid joins and inserting into two tables whenever a sale is made.

Database design for a product aggregator

I'm trying to design a database for a product aggregator. Each product has information about where it comes from, what it costs, what type of thing it is, price, color, etc. Users need to able to search and filter results based on any of those product categories. I also expect to have a large number of users. My initial thought was having one big table with every product in it with a column for each piece of information and an index on anything I need to be able to search by but I think this might be inefficient with a lot of users pounding on this one table. My other thought was to organize the database to promote a tree-like navigation of tables but because you can search by anything I'm not sure how I would organize the tables.
Any thoughts on some good practices?
One table of products - databases are designed to have lots of users pounding on tables.
(from the comments)
You need to model your data. This comes from looking at the all the data you have, determining what is related to what (a table is called a relation because all the attributes in a row are related to a candidate key). You haven't really given enough information about the scope of what data (unstructured?) you have on these products and how it varies. Are you going to have difficulties because Shoes have brand, model, size and color, but Desks only have brand, model and finish? All this is going to inform your data model. Typically you have one products table, and other things link to it.
Some of those attributes will be foreign keys to lookup tables, others (price) would be simple scalars. Appropriate indexing and you'll be fine. For advanced analytics, consider a dimensionally modeled star-schema, but perhaps not for your live transaction system - depends what your data flow/workflow/transactions are. Or consider some benefits of its principles in your transactional database. Ralph Kimball is source of good information on dimensional modeling.
I dont see any need for the tree structure here. You can do with single table.
if you insist on tree structure with hierarchy here is an example to get you started.
For text based search, and ease of startup & design, I strongly recommend Apache SOLR. The SOLR API is easy to use (especially JSON). Databases do text search poorly, and I would instead recommend that you just make sure that they respond to primary/unique key queries properly, and those are the fields you should index.
One table for the products, and another table for the product category hierarchy (you don't specifically say you have this but "tree-like navigation of tables" makes me think you might).
I can see you might be concerned about over-indexing causing problems if you plan to index almost every column. In that case, it might be best to index on the top 5 or 10 columns you think users are likely to search for, unless it's possible for a user to search on ANY column. In that case you might want to look at building a data warehouse. Maybe you'll want to look into data cubes to see if those will help...?
For hierarchical data, you need a PRODUCT_CATEGORY table looking something like this:
Some sample data:
Some SQL engines (such as Oracle) allow you to write recursive queries to traverse the hierarchy in a single query. In this example, the root of the tree has a PARENT_ID of NULL, but if you don't want this column to be nullable, I've also seen -1 used for the same purposes.
