SQL Server : how to use variable tablename from select value - sql-server

FROM Order_【a1.Login】
WHERE Login = a1.Login
) AS SelfVolume
FROM dbo.Account a1
I want the table name in the sub-select (【a1.Login】) to match the value a1.Login from the outer select statement (field Login of table Account). How can I get this result?

The technical answer is: By using dynamic SQL. It's complicated, error-prone and potentially dangerous (beware of Bobby Tables). Your SQLs will become unreadable and unmaintainable. You are entering a world of pain.
The correct answer is: You don't. Don't create a separate Orders table for every user. Create one Orders table with a foreign key to your Account table.
If you still want to go ahead and work with this broken database design (remember: You are entering a world of pain, and you are just getting started), you will somehow need to construct the following SQL dynamically:
SELECT SUM(ISNULL(Volume,0)) AS Login_Volume FROM Order_SomeUser WHERE Login = 'SomeUser'
SELECT SUM(ISNULL(Volume,0)) AS Login_Volume FROM Order_SomeOtherUser WHERE Login = 'SomeOtherUser'
) AS AllSums
You can do that in the language of your choice, either in your target language (C#, Java, PHP, etc.), which is probably the easiest and most maintainable solution, or directly in T-SQL, by using T-SQL cursors and loops (= the hard way). Whichever language you choose, the algorithm is straight-forward:
Loop through your Account table and get the Logins.
Sanitize the value and validate that the corresponding Order_ table exists.
Create one SQL statement for each account.
Join them with UNION ALL.
Wrap them in the outer SELECT as shown above.
Again: If there is any chance of fixing your broken DB design instead, do that, it will pay off in the long run.


Create a synonym (or similar) for multiple fields

I'm using SQL Server 2012 Express. I want to create a synonym (or similar inline solution) to substitute in multiple standard column names across many tables.
For example, almost every table in my database has 3 identical columns: ID, DateAdded and TenantID. I want to have a way to select these without having to list them all out every time.
I tried some simple code as below to try to achieve this, but the syntax isn't correct in the create synonym section. I've googled but can't find anything that gives me what I'm after as an inline solution.
So for example, rather than:
SELECT [ID], [DateAdded], [TenantID]
FROM TableName
instead, I hoped to use this code to create a synonym:
CREATE SYNONYM [dbo].[Fields] FOR [ID], [DateAdded], [TenantID]
then I can repeatedly write the query:
SELECT dbo.[Fields] FROM TableName
and have the TableName be different every time.
I need this to work across many tables, so creating a view for each table won't be satisfactory.
Maybe synonyms aren't the right solution, but if not then I'd be happy to hear of some other way that provides an inline solution.
Following the post for a while as the topic seems interesting and a learning opportunity to me :) Not sure this is possible or not, but you can think about Dynamic query execution as an alternative as below-
SET #C_Names = '[ID], [DateAdded], [TenantID]'
SET #T_Name = 'your_table_name'
--AS column names are fixed, you can now change the table name
--only and execute the script to get your desired output
EXEC('SELECT '+#C_Names+' FROM '+#T_Name+'')
Hope this will at least give you some light of hope.

Use of inserted and deleted tables for logging - is my concept sound?

I have a table with a simple identity column primary key. I have written a 'For Update' trigger that, among other things, is supposed to log the changes of certain columns to a log table. Needless to say, this is the first time I've tried this.
Essentially as follows:
Declare Cursor1 Cursor for
select a.*, b.*
from inserted a
inner join deleted b on a.OrderItemId = b.OrderItemId
(where OrderItemId is the actual name of the primary identity key).
I then do the usual open the cursor and go into a fetch next loop. With the columns I want to test, I do:
if Update(Field1)
..... do some logging
The columns include varchars, bits, and datetimes. It works, sometimes. The problem is that the log function is writing the a and b values of the field to a log and in some cases, it appears that the before and after values are identical.
I have 2 questions:
Am I using the Update function correctly?
Am I accessing the before and after values correctly?
Is there a better way?
If you are using SQL Server 2016 or higher, I would recommend skipping this trigger entirely and instead using system-versioned temporal tables.
Not only will it eliminate the need for (and performance issues around) the trigger, it'll be easier to query the historical data.

Updating redundant/denormalized data automatically in SQL Server

Use a high level of redundant, denormalized data in my DB designs to improve performance. I'll often store data that would normally need to be joined or calculated. For example, if I have a User table and a Task table, I would store the Username and UserDisplayName redundantly in every Task record. Another example of this is storing aggregates, such as storing the TaskCount in the User table.
This is great for performance since the app has many more reads than insert, update or delete operations, and since some values like Username change rarely. However, the big draw back is that the integrity has to be enforced via application code or triggers. This can be very cumbersome with updates.
My question is can this be done automatically in SQL Server 2005/2010... maybe via a persisted/permanent View. Would anyone recommend another possibly solution or technology. I've heard document-based DBs such as CouchDB and MongoDB can handle denormalized data more effectively.
You might want to first try an Indexed View before moving to a NoSQL solution:
Using an Indexed View would allow you to keep your base data in properly normalized tables and maintain data-integrity while giving you the denormalized "view" of that data. I would not recommend this for highly transactional tables, but you said it was heavier on reads than writes so you might want to see if this works for you.
Based on your two example tables, one option is:
1) Add a column to the User table defined as:
2) Add a Trigger on the Task table defined as:
CREATE TRIGGER UpdateUserTaskCount
ON dbo.Task
;WITH added AS
SELECT ins.UserID, COUNT(*) AS [NumTasks]
SET usr.TaskCount = (usr.TaskCount + added.NumTasks)
FROM dbo.[User] usr
ON added.UserID = usr.UserID
;WITH removed AS
SELECT del.UserID, COUNT(*) AS [NumTasks]
SET usr.TaskCount = (usr.TaskCount - removed.NumTasks)
FROM dbo.[User] usr
INNER JOIN removed
ON removed.UserID = usr.UserID
3) Then do a View that has:
FROM User u
ON t.UserID = u.UserID
And then follow the recommendations from the links above (WITH SCHEMABINDING, Unique Clustered Index, etc.) to make it "persisted". While it is inefficient to do an aggregation in a subquery in the SELECT as shown above, this specific case is intended to be denormalized in a situation that has higher reads than writes. So doing the Indexed View will keep the entire structure, including the aggregation, physically stored so each read will not recalculate it.
Now, if a LEFT JOIN is needed if some Users do not have any Tasks, then the Indexed View will not work due to the 5000 restrictions on creating them. In that case, you can create a real table (UserTask) that is your denormalized structure and have it populated via either a Trigger on just the User Table (assuming you do the Trigger I show above which updates the User Table based on changes in the Task table) or you can skip the TaskCount field in the User Table and just have Triggers on both tables to populate the UserTask table. In the end, this is basically what an Indexed View does just without you having to write the synchronization Trigger(s).

Preferred way to access data within XML columns in SQL Server

Recently I've started to use XML a lot more as a column in SQL Server 2005. During a bit of downtime yesterday, I noticed that two of the link tables I used a really just in the way and it bores me to tears having to write yet more supporting structure code for a couple of joins.
To actually generate the data for these two link tables, I pass in two XML fields to my stored procedure, which writes the main record, breaks the two XML variables down into #tables and inserts them into the actual tables with the new SCOPE_IDENTITY() from the master record.
After some though, I decided to just do away with those tables altogether and just store the XML in XML fields. Now I understand there are some pitfalls here, like general querying performance, GROUP BY doesn't work on XML data. And the query is generally a bit of a mess, but overall I like that I can now work with XElement when I get the data back.
Also, this stuff isn't going to get changed. It's a one shot affair, so I don't have to worry about modification.
I am wondering about the best way to actually get at this data. A lot of my queries involve getting a master record based upon the criteria of a child or even a subchild record. Most of the sprocs in the database do this but on a far more elaborate scale, usually requiring UDFs and Subqueries to work effectively but I have knocked up a trivial example to test querying some data...
INSERT INTO Customers VALUES ('Tom', '', '<PhoneNumbers><PhoneNumber Type="1" Value="01234 456789" /><PhoneNumber Type="2" Value="01746 482954" /></PhoneNumbers>')
INSERT INTO Customers VALUES ('Andy', '', '<PhoneNumbers><PhoneNumber Type="2" Value="07948 598348" /></PhoneNumbers>')
INSERT INTO Customers VALUES ('Mike', '', '<PhoneNumbers><PhoneNumber Type="3" Value="02875 482945" /></PhoneNumbers>')
INSERT INTO Customers VALUES ('Steve', '', '<PhoneNumbers></PhoneNumbers>')
Now I can see two ways of grabbing it.
Method 1
SET #PhoneType = 2
FROM Customers ct
WHERE ct.PhoneNumbers.exist('/PhoneNumbers/PhoneNumber[#Type=sql:variable("#PhoneType")]') = 1
Really? sql:variable feels a bit unwholesome. However, it does work. However it's distinctively more difficult to access data in a more meaningful way.
Method 2
SELECT ct.*, pt.PhoneType
FROM Customers ct
CROSS APPLY ct.PhoneNumbers.nodes('/PhoneNumbers/PhoneNumber') AS nums(pn)
INNER JOIN PhoneTypes pt ON pt.ID = nums.pn.value('./#Type[1]', 'int')
WHERE nums.pn.value('./#Type[1]', 'int') = #PhoneType
This is more like it. Already I can easily expand it to do joins and all other good stuff. I've used CROSS APPLY before on a table valued function, and it was very good. The execution plan for this as opposed to the previous query is seriously more advanced. Admittedly I haven't done any indexing and whatnot on these tables, but it's 97% of the entire batch cost.
Method 2 (expanded)
SELECT ct.ID, ct.CustomerName, ct.Notes, pt.PhoneType
FROM Customers ct
CROSS APPLY ct.PhoneNumbers.nodes('/PhoneNumbers/PhoneNumber') AS nums(pn)
INNER JOIN PhoneTypes pt ON pt.ID = nums.pn.value('./#Type[1]', 'int')
WHERE nums.pn.value('./#Type[1]', 'int') IN (SELECT ID FROM PhoneTypes)
Nice IN clause here. I can also do something like pt.PhoneType = 'Work'
So I'm essentially obtaining the results that I want, but is there anything I should be aware of when using this mechanism to interrogate small amounts of XML data? Will it fall down on performance during elaborate searches? And is the storage of such markup style data too much of an overhead?
Side note
I've used things like sp_xml_preparedocument and OPENXML in the past just to pass lists into sprocs, but this is like a breath of fresh air in comparison!
One approach we've taken for some of our key items of information stored inside an XML column is to "surface" them as computed, persisted properties on the "parent" table. This is done using a little stored function.
It works great, because the value is computed only once every time the XML changes - as long as it's not changing, there's no recomputation, the value is stored on the table like any other column.
It's also great since it can be indexed! So if you're searching and/or joining on such a field - that works like a charm!
So you basically need a stored function along the lines of this:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetPhoneNo1](#DataXML XML)
#result = #DataXML.value('(/PhoneNumbers/PhoneNumber[#Type="1"]/#Value)[1]', 'VARCHAR(50)')
RETURN #result
If you don't have a phone number of type 1, you'll just get back a NULL.
Then, you need to extend your parent table with a computed, persisted column:
ALTER TABLE dbo.Customers
ADD PhoneNumberType1 AS dbo.GetPhoneNo1(PhoneNumbers)
As you can see - it works just fine for single entries, but unfortunately, you cannot surface a whole list of properties. But if you have some key items, like ID's or something, that you expect most of your rows to have, this can be a very nice and slick way to get at that information more easily and more efficiently.

When to use with clause in sql

Can Anybody tell me when to use with clause.
The WITH keyword is used to create a temporary named result set. These are called Common Table Expressions.
A very basic, self-explanatory example:
WITH Administrators (Name, Surname)
SELECT Name, Surname FROM Users WHERE AccessRights = 'Admin'
SELECT * FROM Administrators
For further reading and more examples, I suggest starting out with the following MSDN article:
Common Table Expressions by John Papa
In SQL Server you sometimes need the WITH clause to force a query to use an Index. This is often a necessity in spatial queries that can reduce query time from 1 minute to a few seconds.
select * from MyTable with(index(MySpatialIndex)) where...
