When I create a new user in DNN, The newly created users are not notified by email from the system after they have been created. There is no difference between "tick" in "Notify" or not set (see the image below)
How I can setup the system in order to get user got notified by email after they have been created (in this case to email aldho_ah#yahoo.com)
Many Thanks
You'll need an SMTP server to send email. Go to Host > Host Settings > Advanced Settings > SMTP Server Settings, and you can see what information the portal needs:
The portal will send emails from the email address of the site's administrator, which is defined at Admin > Site Settings > Advanced Settings > Security Settings. This means that the SMTP server needs to have permission to send from that email address.
We are resetting the password of Active directory service account used in server for
Identity in Application Pool
Certificate Access Permission
Folder share access permissions
Windows Scheduler job permission
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > EventLog (Permissions)
Should we modify the all the places after password reset?
No need to reset password for application pool.You can directly entered into application pool but for accessing the sites presents in application pool using identity.You will need new password that you have reset(Indirectly we can say for application pool it auto update the password there is no need of separately change password of application pool).
Windows Domain accounts are used as identities to run IIS App Pools.
Whenever the password of a domain account is changed in the domain
controller, the new password has to be updated individually in all
associated App Pools for web applications to run without any
hindrance. With each domain account running numerous App Pools,
changing all the passwords manally becomes tedious.
Same for Certificate Access Permission, Folder share access permissions, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > EventLog (Permissions) we don't require change passoword.
It is different for Windows Scheduler job permission we need to change password because in backend Window Scheduler Job is working with old password but all the schedule job will be failed.You need to update the password manually here.
For more information you can refer this Document
I have a problem with Database mail, which we are currently trying to change accounts for a database mail with a gmail account.
The problem is when I try to send an email with the wrong email account, the sent_status is always "Sent" in the log.
whereas before, when we used local e-mail, always showed a failed status when we tried it with the wrong e-mail.
SQL Server will just trigger the mail through SMTP, But if you wanna track the delivery status then you should check on SMTP server, which has been used in Mail configuration.
I'm using SQL Server 2014
And I have procedure that send emails but when the recipients receive the email the display name it's not what I configured it shows my email .
Here is screenshot of mail account configuration:
And here you can see the emails that have been sent all with account_id =1 and profile_id = 1 which is in the previews screenshot.
And this is a email sample , you can see the sender name which is my problem why it is not " Property Pricing System" ?
How to solve this ?
The display name override is being prevented by security settings on your SMTP server. The server is looking up the name associated with that email account on your domain and using that. You can change the SMTP security settings to allow overrides and it should use the display name you provide.
If you do not have the ability to access the security settings, a workaround that might work is to try entering an email address that is not valid on the domain, then it will not have a display name to use and will use your display name provided. You can then add a valid reply to email if you need the receiver to respond.
Where does WebSphere Portal 8.5 store user registration data that is entered through sign up form? I.e. user id, password, first, last name, email etc.
WebSphere Portal doesn't store any user info on its own.
It uses PUMA and VMM to talk to users store registry. See more here http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSHRKX_8.0.0/plan/plan_vmm_int.dita.
Guess you can look at http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/dw/websphere/PUMA_scenarios.pdf to figure out how you can retrieve user information from the user registry.
This data is stored in PUMA.
In the WAS console, you will be able to view the LDAP configurations.
Login to the WAS console and go to Security > Global security > Federated repositories > Manage repositories > PortalLdap
Under LDAP server, the "Primary Host Name" will show the server where PUMA is configured.
In an web site, i've developed a function to send email (i.e. connect to exchange). I need to use a special user that in Active Directory has the permission to send mass email. On the other hand, this user shouldn't have the ability to logon to a computer.
In Active Directory, what permissions should be changed or revoked?