Greeting for the days..
I need some help from you all actually after 10 days of leave i am back with my work and i found there are some changes in aws iot console for registering a device(thing) on aws iot. While registering a device on cloud i am getting only Node.js, Java and python SDks but i need embedded c sdk please help me to get embedded c sdk. If i am trying to use my previous embedded c sdk(or from github embedded c sdk) then i am getting error like this
"ERROR: main L#176 Error(-4) connecting to" and some time like this "ERROR: main L#176 Error(-28) connecting to".
I am using aws embedded c sdk with raspberry pi3. Previously sdk was working properly but no longer now.
From the SDK documentation this looks like, SSL Connection error.
I hope you are not using the right certificate files to connect to aws,
It seems it can't find your endpoint.
First check your endpoint from console or CLI. Then check if you set it correct in AWS_IOT_MQTT_HOST in aws_iot_config.h.
I am facing below error while trying to launch logic app from VS code locally . I created logic app after installing extensions like -
Azure tools
Functions app tools extension v3.x
Logic App (Standard) extension
ngFork for webhook
Below is the error I am getting when I click on overview from VS code -
Also my workflow is basic and simple as below -
Any help would be appreciated ! thanks !!
I have done repro from my end in my local environment, the below reasons are based on my analysis:
Visual Studio 2022 doesn't include support for the Azure Logic Apps extension. You can refer this MSDocs to check which version is supported for the logic apps extensions.
You can disable and reload the installed azure related extensions and then try launching a logic app in VS code.
And as you mentioned in the question, it may not be ngFork it is ngrok for webhooks extension which you need to install in your vs code. So currently ngrok is needed here as per my analysis and ngrok is mainly used to distribute proxy services to run in any cloud environment but not Ngfork.
Thanking #DEVIN RADER using his blog Configure Windows for Local Webhook Testing Using ngrok for better understanding and as you are using ngrok extension for webhooks, if needed run IIS express which allows http.sys to accept requests from other external sources. To run this, we need to start visual studio as an administrator.
Explicitly tell Windows to allow incoming requests to my ngrok domain by modifying the URL Access Control List (ACL).
When I click on overview logic app from vs code, I am able to get the expected output after checking the above reasons properly:
Right click on logicapp-> click on overview:
Overview of the logic app in VS code:
My workflow sample is also attached:
Right click on logic app -> open in Designer
I am trying to interface with Azure IoT Central - I already have a subscription and whatnot. Does this exist? I am intending to get data from my Raspberry Pi and post it to Azure Iot Central.
I found the C API used to connect to Azure IoT Hub and managed to get it working successfully. But this is not what I am looking for since Azure IoT Central provides a very nice way to present the data collected from these tools.
I also found Python API This is good but I was hoping for a C api for this. I'll be using the Python for now.
Okay - after some research, the same API can be used! The tricky part is to get the correct connection string. I tried to play around manually but it was not working. Luckily Microsoft supply a tool that allows you to generate a connection string.
Provide the correct data ScopeID, DeviceID and Primary key, get the connection string and use your already existing Azure IoT hub API.
I'm doing a project in which I am using the TI CC3200 LaunchPad to detect my bedroom's temperature, real-time. I followed all the AWS IOT C SDK to my Windows machine, downloaded the security keys / certificates, and created a new "thing"in my AWS IOT console. However, it's not clear what are the actual steps to run the sample application and truly test the connection of my device to the Amazon cloud.
I'd suggest to not use bare CC3200, at least for the beginning. There are ready to use CC3200 solutions, like MWS (see here ), probably you can find something else. But AFAIK MWS (or even this) is able to connect AWS. Later, then you will understand how it works you can decide either continue to use MWS (etc) or rewrite everything from scratch.
I'm not able to find a small example (or tutorial) of Android App (possibly with Android Studio) that use Authenticated Endpoints realized with GAE (possibly Python).
Google examples (Greetings and Tic Tac Toe) seems have some problem in my environment (token error, 404 not found, .....).
Can anyone help me? I'm going crazy...
Thank you in advance.
Are you able to access your Endpoint from api Explorer on localhost(http://localhost:8080/_ah/api/explorer ) you can even simulate authentication there.
if API explorer is working then you need to check how you define SCOPE when getting credentials.
In my experience I had problems in following areas:
1. Generating Client IDs
2. define scoping in Endpoint API
3. Specifying correct scope in android App (";
I'm finally able to do it.
I used this 2 google examples:
On the server side:
On the client side:
The instructions inside this pages are, in my opinion, better than the official google documentation.
I try to make a SP hosted on Google app engine, with a third party IdP, and I'm facing multiple problems.
I'm using Spring SAML extension for java. I was able to run the stand alone (not in GAE) demo app, from the official guide using as IdP
Now my problem comes whey I tried to integrate this code in my GAE project. When running with GAE I can get to the phase where I'm redirected to do the login on and from there when I should be redirected back to my page I'm getting this error: "Error 401 Authentication Failed: Error decoding incoming SAML message", and on local GAE server logs I can see this message
"[INFO] Dec 17, 2014 5:21:23 PM org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector executeWithRetry [INFO] INFO: I/O exception ( caught when processing request: Permission denied: Not allowed to issue a socket bind: permission denied."
I was wondering if this is a limitation from GAE regarding sockets: 1) Sockets are available only for paid apps (I don't have a paid app, but could consider this options) 2) You cannot create a listen socket; you can only create outbound sockets. 3) You cannot bind to specific IP addresses or ports. (for me this one sounds like it is my problem).
And whey I tried to deploy on GAE, the app remained in a start-up loop because of other errors regarding "nested exception is access denied ("java.lang.RuntimePermission" "modifyThreadGroup")", that sounds like another GAE limitation to me.
At some point I was ready to gave up, because I was thinking that SAML Spring extension can't work with GAE, because of limitations present on GAE. But I see you have the same project running as a demo on GAE (or at least I think it is running on GAE because of the appspot part in domain name).
I would appreciate if you can give me some hints regarding my problems, and best would be if you could help me with the source code of this demo project (could not find it anywhere), and all configuration that is needed for GAE.
I've created a new repository which includes instructions for deployment of Spring SAML applications on Google Application Engine. It also includes classes helping to avoid issues you're facing (sockets and threads).
In order to use it:
include the jar created from the repo in your project
use the provided org.springframework...StaticFilesystemMetadataProvider for loading of your metadata
in case you are using HTTP-Artifact binding replace bean org.springframework...ArtifactResolutionProfileImpl with
Please comment if you spot some mistakes in the documentation or code.