Query SQL database from Excel - sql-server

I'm attempting to create a MS Query to return data from a SQL database based on a value from a cell in Excel. I have actually successful accomplished this, but only for 1 row. I cant figure out how to get it to copy-down to other rows.
I've created a connection as follows:
Notice that the SQL statement includes a parameter. The parameter is set to point to a specific cell:
I guess this makes sense as I'm only looking to return 1 value per row:The problem is that I have multiple lines to return values for. How do I return a value per row for multiple rows?
I've tried changing the cell reference in the Parameters dialog box, but this does not work as the Excel Table is designed to grow dynamically.

Excel data connections works in a way that every connection has only one SQL Query. So in order to do what you'r looking for, you will need to have many connections, and that's not the "best practice".
However, there are two ways you can solve this situation:
1. Make a single connection with all of the data and create a pivot table based on it. Then use VLOOKUP/INDEX to gather the data to your requested cells.
2. If the data is too big, you can use VBA code to create a smaller Query based on the cells you mentioned and then continue as described on the first option.
Good luck.


Dynamic SQL SSRS and Dynamic Row Grouping

I have a dynamic SQL query that have dynamic column names. ( The resultset is then pushed into a tablix very similar to this setup(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB9wvvkDY7Y ).It works fine. However, I need to establish a grouping on the row in SSRS. Due to the dynamic nature, the fieldname is not available before run time and therefore I cannot set a group on the row. I have tried several workarounds, using parameters like :
=JOIN(Parameters!DynamicGroup.Value, ", ")
(it is a multivalued field), but I cannot seem to get this working. At best, I get 1 row returned.
I may not be clear on this, but what I need is to be able to use the grouping when exporting to excel to have each group create a new sheet in the workbook.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks for the replies. I figured out what why I am only getting back a single row. It is because of the way the dynamic query is pivoting the resultset and then grouping it to display all columns(marked with number) as a row. So all fields with the same number becomes a row. When I add another grouping it is taking this qrouping, hence there will only be one row because it is unique(pivoted).
This leads me to think that I cannot get this done this way. Is there a way that I can have dynamic column names (based on Dates)? There will always be the same number of columns returned, but the content will different. I googled this, but I have not found anything that really solves this issue.

Take data from different datasets and inserting them into a SQL table from SSRS report

I have a SSRS report with 20 different datasets with some calculated columns in each.
I want to take few fields from all data sets including some calculated columns and insert them into a SQL table.
I want to do this for each month so that I can see the trends during a period. Is there any way to do that with out editing the data sets?
Can I refer the fields that I need by referring to Textbox4 and insert them into a SQL table? What is the easy way to do without touching data sets?
There is most likely alot better solution than using SSRS to update a SQL database. I am not proposing this as the best solution but rather a way to achieve what was asked.
You could create a dataset that runs a stored procedure you can pass the data as parameters to. The Sproc would do the insert into your chosen table and you can pass in the parameters from your original dataset however you see fit. You could even setup a second report with the Stored procedure Dataset that you can call on command by having an action event on an item to call the report. (I had a subreport embedded in a column of a tablix configured so it would only update with values from that row for instance).
To clarify:
Create a subreport that accepts the data you want to insert as a parameter for each column
Instead of adding a normal Dataset, have it call a stored procedure that inserts as you require
Add the subreport to your main report to be called once its run and configure the required parameters to be passed through.
There will be better, more efficient, cleaner ways to do this, but I found the above to work for my purposes since I was limited by time and resources. But I would still recommend you seek other solutions if possible.

SQL Server Except operator - how to identify culprit columns

Just to give background, we have created new SSIS packages to get feeds into SQL Server tables.
To make sure new SSIS packages put data in same manner in which how current live process does, we have written comparison script to compare Live and Test tables which will be executed parallel for a month.
So have i have used EXCEPT command to get the differences and it returns data too which has differences.
Now problem is that, i have around 50 columns and i need to check data of each column and compare with other tables to find out the culprit.
In some cases, i am getting around 40000 rows as a difference and identifying correct columns is too cumbersome.
In most of the cases, it was because of NULL value in Live and blank value in Test. I have done following to identify columns
Limit Number of columns
Look at value for few columns and then change SQL statement to include ISNULL function & so on
This is time consuming.
Is there any good way to get the columns names because of which we are getting difference in rows.
It would be good if i can get better way to handle this.

How to read and change series numbers in columns SSIS?

I'm trying to manipulate a column in SSIS which looks like below after i removed unwanted rows with derived column and conditional split in my data flow task. The source for this is a flatfile.
The first three numbers from the left (starting with "008" first row) represent a series, and the next three ("001") represent another number within the series. what i need is to change all of the first three numbers starting from "001" to the end.
The desired reslut would thus look like:
My potential solution would be to load the file to a temporary database table and query it with SQL from there, but i am trying to avoid this.
The final destination is a flatfile.
Does anybody have any ideas how to pull this off in SSIS? Other solutions are appreciated also.
Thanks in advance
I would definitely use the staging table approach and use windows functions to accomplish this. I could see a use case if SSIS was on another machine than the database engine and there was a need to offload the processing to the SSIS box.
In that case I would create a script transformation. You can process each row and make the necessary changes before passing the row to the output. You can use C# or VB.
There are many examples out there. Here is MSDN article - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms136114.aspx

Update microsoft excel single cell to database

i already pull data from sql server, with 2 blank column.
my requirement is :
when user enter value into a single cell in these 2 columns, it will update database base on primary key (specific column's value in same row).
would it able to do like this?
Thanks a lot!
If updating cell by cell is really a requirement, I suggest you create a procedure in SQL Server that accepts the cell value as a parameter. However, it would probably be better to wait until all relevant cells have been completed and ask the user to click a button to update. You will need to do a good deal of checking to ensure that data is not sent twice. It is also possible to work from the SQL server end.
