I am having graph div. In that div i have given the referesh tool, and in the client controller I have to pass parametric function which will load data and then will remove the spinner
$scope.$on('panel-refresh', function(event, id) {
// Instead of timeout you can request a chart data
$scope.loadChart(streamStats, cloudStats);
and this the funtion
function loadChart(streamStats, cloudStats)
streamStats.forEach(function (day)
var date = new Date(day._id);
date.setHours(0, 0);
streamSeries.push([date, day.count]);
cloudStats.forEach(function (day)
cloudSeries.push([new Date(day._id), day.count]);
$scope.splineData = [
"label": "Data Streams",
"color": "#564aa3",
"data": streamSeries
"label": "Cloud Syncs",
"color": "#2f80e7",
"data": cloudSeries
vm.splineData = $scope.splineData;
$scope.$broadcast('removeSpinner', spinnerId);
now problem is this that I am getting this error
angular.js:13236 ReferenceError: streamStats is not defined
at dashboard.controller.js:43
at Scope.$emit (angular.js:17070)
at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (panel-refresh.directive.js:42)
at HTMLAnchorElement.dispatch (jquery.js:4732)
at HTMLAnchorElement.elemData.handle (jquery.js:4544)
I want to store 6 booleans on the user side, if he reaches 6 sites in a city.
Can I use LocalStorage or even cookies, inside the Messenger Webview ?
If I close the Webview and open it again, will the data be still there ?
After test, yes it can.
So you can easily open a button to the Webview like that in your botfile app.js on the server :
function openWebview(sender_psid, text,button_text){
let button_response = {
"attachment": {
"type": "template",
"payload": {
"template_type": "button",
"text": text,
"buttons": [
"webview_height_ratio": "compact",
"messenger_extensions": "true",
"fallback_url": "<FB_URL>"
callSendAPI(sender_psid, button_response);
to be complete...
function callSendAPI(sender_psid, response) {
// Construct the message body
let request_body = {
"recipient": {
"id": sender_psid
"message": response
"uri": "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/me/messages",
"qs": { "access_token": PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN },
"method": "POST",
"json": request_body
}, (err, res, body) => {
if (!err) {
console.log('message sent!')
} else {
console.error("Unable to send message:" + err);
and on index.html on client side by example you can store simple data as easy as :
<div id='myDiv'>nothing for the moment</div>
var test = localStorage.getItem('key1')
document.getElementById('myDiv').innerHTML = test
You will now see 'myValue1' displayed on the Facebook Messenger Webview
This is the JSON data i am fetching from POSTMAN. I want it to be ordered in a nearest to todays date. I tried many angular pipes but unfortunately nothings working. Any help would be great. I want to sort the date by the "broadcastOn" field. Thanks in advance.
[ {
"messageId": "09ca0609-bde7-4360-9d3f-04d6878f874c",
"broadcastOn": "2018-02-08T11:06:05.000Z",
"message": "{"title":"Server Side Test 2","text":"Different Message again","image":"https://api.adorable.io/avatars/285/abott#adorable.png","url":"https://www.google.co.in"}"
"messageId": "0a5b4d0c-051e-4955-bd33-4d40c65ce8f7",
"broadcastOn": "2018-02-08T10:36:27.000Z",
"message": "{"title":"Broadcast","text":"Broadcast","image":"https://api.adorable.io/avatars/285/abott#adorable.png","url":"https://www.google.co.in"}"
"messageId": "0a98a3f3-aa30-4e82-825a-c8c7efcef741",
"broadcastOn": "2018-02-08T11:45:00.000Z",
"message": "{"title":"Me sending the message","text":"Me sending the message","image":"https://api.adorable.io/avatars/285/abott#adorable.png","url":"https://www.google.co.in"}"
"messageId": "0cb4e30f-756a-4730-a533-594ddcd45335",
"broadcastOn": "2018-02-08T11:01:57.000Z",
"message": "{"title":"Server Side Test","text":"Different Message","image":"https://api.adorable.io/avatars/285/abott#adorable.png","url":"https://www.google.co.in"}"
Im adding a snippet from the service section as well for your reference..
addMessage(message) {
let header: Headers = new Headers();
header.append('Authorization', 'bearer' + this.authservice.getAccessToken());
let options = new RequestOptions({headers: header});
return this.http.post('https://sexhops8j5.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/dev/notifications/broadcast', message, options)
.map(response =>
return response.json();
let header: Headers = new Headers();
header.append('Authorization', 'bearer' + this.authservice.getAccessToken());
let options = new RequestOptions({headers: header});
return this.http.get('https://sexhops8j5.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/dev/notifications/sent', options)
.map(response => {
let message=[];
for(let item of response.json()){
let parsedMessages = JSON.parse(item.message);
message.push({...parsedMessages, BroadcastOn: item.broadcastOn,MessageId: item.messageId});
return message;
I'm adding a snippet of the .ts file as well
this.messageService.addMessage({message:this.form.value.string, title:this.form.value.titleText, url:this.form.value.imageurl, image:this.form.value.image, broadcastOn:this.date})
.subscribe(message => { this.getSentMessages();console.log(message);}
this.message = '';
.subscribe(message => {this.sentMessages = message});
It's not necessary lodash, nor moment. broadcastOn is a string. The date is yyy-mm-ddTHH:mm, so, if a date is bigger that other, the string is bigger that other
.subscribe(message => {
this.sentMessages = message.sort((a,b)=>{
return a.broadcastOn==b.broadcastOn?0
With help of lodash and moment you can do it like this :
var sortedMessages = _.sortBy(messages, function(o) { return
//OR (With ES6 way)
var sortedMessages = _.sortBy(messages,(o) => moment(o.broadcastOn) ).reverse();
WORKING DEMO (Angular 5)
var messages = [ {
"messageId": "09ca0609-bde7-4360-9d3f-04d6878f874c",
"broadcastOn": "2018-02-08T11:06:05.000Z",
"message": {"title":"Server Side Test 2","text":"Different Message again","image":"https://api.adorable.io/avatars/285/abott#adorable.png","url":"https://www.google.co.in"}
"messageId": "0a5b4d0c-051e-4955-bd33-4d40c65ce8f7",
"broadcastOn": "2018-02-08T10:36:27.000Z",
"message": {"title":"Broadcast","text":"Broadcast","image":"https://api.adorable.io/avatars/285/abott#adorable.png","url":"https://www.google.co.in"}
"messageId": "0a98a3f3-aa30-4e82-825a-c8c7efcef741",
"broadcastOn": "2018-02-08T11:45:00.000Z",
"message": {"title":"Me sending the message","text":"Me sending the message","image":"https://api.adorable.io/avatars/285/abott#adorable.png","url":"https://www.google.co.in"}
"messageId": "0cb4e30f-756a-4730-a533-594ddcd45335",
"broadcastOn": "2018-02-08T11:01:57.000Z",
"message": {"title":"Server Side Test","text":"Different Message","image":"https://api.adorable.io/avatars/285/abott#adorable.png","url":"https://www.google.co.in"}
var sortedMessages = _.sortBy(messages, function(o) { return moment(o.broadcastOn); })
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.20.1/moment.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.5/lodash.core.js"></script>
The below block is my JSON. The -KTYLrHDHt234rFDNHrm type hashes are generated by the supplied API of the client. I think they're using Firebase.
I am passing a query in the URL which contains the pageId for each of those nested objects.
Example https://cms.app.io/edit/Nike3243
But since the hash is auto generated how can I search through all the JSON and check if the pageId matches my Angular route and then only return the values of the same child.
"-KTYLrHDHtdq23423NHrm": {
"pageCreation": "10/8/2016, 14:14:22 PM",
"pageGallery": {
"slider_1_img": "http://",
"slider_2_img": "http://",
"pageId": "Nike13243",
"pageName": "Nike Campaign 1",
"store": "11"
"-KTYLrHDHtdqirFDNHrm": {
"pageCreation": "10/8/2016, 12:14:22 AM",
"pageGallery": {
"slider_1_img": "http://",
"slider_2_img": "http://",
"pageId": "Nike323243",
"pageName": "Nike Campaign 2",
"store": "12"
"-KTYLrHDHt234rFDNHrm": {
"pageCreation": "10/8/2016, 13:14:22 PM",
"pageGallery": {
"slider_1_img": "http://",
"slider_2_img": "http://",
"pageId": "Nike3243",
"pageName": "Nike Campaign 3",
"store": "13"
So I want to return only the data of Nike3243 but I want to return the store, the slider and the pageName. How can I do this since the KTYLrHDHt234rFDNHrm hash is something I will never know
cmsApp.controller('pages-edit', function ($scope, $http, $routeParams) {
var pageIdU = $routeParams.id;
$http.get(firebase_url+'cms/home.json'+randstatus).success(function(data) {
$scope.pages = data;
// this would be pageId = Nike3243
Assuming your object is called 'objTest', you could do something like this:
var strPageId = 'The page id to find', objFound;
for( var strKey in objTest ) {
var objTemp = objTest[strKey];
if ( objTemp['pageId'] == strPageId ) {
objFound = objTemp;
if ( typeof objFound == "object" ) {
//Do something...object has been found!
I actually did this:
$.each(data, function (bb) {
var crossReference = data[bb].transId;
if (crossReference==pageIdUri) {
$scope.transNameEn = data[bb].transNameEn;
$scope.transNameArabic = data[bb].transNameArabic;
$scope.transCreation = data[bb].transCreation;
$scope.transModified = data[bb].transModified;
$scope.notes = data[bb].notes;
It may be easier for you to simply transform the data rather than perform this search over and over. You can loop through the data once and get it in the correct format.
I would do something like:
var recordLookup = {};
for (var id in records) {
var pageId = records[id].pageId;
recordLookup[pageId] = record[id];
recordLookup[pageId].originalId = id;
This way you can now easily look up any record by its page id. If you need to send the data back to the server in the original form you still have that original id and can do whatever you need to in order to get it in the proper format. This way you loop once or maybe twice, (once to make the lookup and once to revert at the end of your operation) rather than any time you need to get data out of your records.
I have been googleing this for a few weeks with no real resolution.
I am sure someone will mark this a duplicate, but I am not sure it really is, maybe I am just being too specific, anyway here goes.
I am using angular in a node-webkit app that I am building. I have an api built in express and I am using MongoDB (#mongolab) with Mongoose for the DB.
I had this working fine as long as all of the data types were simple strings and numbers. but I had to restructure the data to use arrays and complex objects. After restructuring the data I was able to get post API calls to work fine, but I cannot get my PUT calls to work at all.
The data looks like this:
itemRoles was an array, but I thought it was throwing the error I am getting now, so I converted it back to a string.
itemStats is causing the problem. Angular is looking for an object, but itemStats is an array (I think anyway). itemStats used to be a string as well, but its easier to work with in my view if it is an array of objects with key:value pairs, which is why I altered it.
I should note I am new to MongoDB as well, first time using it.
"_id": {
"$oid": "55a10b9c7bb9ac5832d88bd8"
"itemRoles": "healer,dps",
"itemRating": 192,
"itemName": "Advanced Resolve Armoring 37",
"itemClass": "consular",
"itemLevel": 69,
"itemStats": [
"name": "Endurance",
"value": 104,
"_id": {
"$oid": "55a10b9c7bb9ac5832d88bda"
"name": "Willpower",
"value": 124,
"_id": {
"$oid": "55a10b9c7bb9ac5832d88bd9"
"__v": 0
The Mongoose Schema looks like this:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
//var stats = new Schema({
//name: String,
//value: Number
var armoringSchema = new Schema({
itemType: String,
itemClass: String,
itemRoles: String,
itemLevel: Number,
itemName: String,
itemRating: Number,
itemStats: [{ name:String, value:Number}]
module.exports = mongoose.model('Armor', armoringSchema);
Express API Route:
/ on routes that end in /armors/:id
// ----------------------------------------------------
// get method omitted
// update the armoring with specified id (accessed at PUT http://localhost:8080/api/armors/:id)
.put(function(req, res) {
// use our armor model to find the armor we want
Armoring.findById({_id: req.params.id}, function(err, armor) {
if (err) {
return res.send(err);
for(prop in req.body) {
armor[prop] = req.body[prop];
// save the armor
armor.save(function(err) {
if (err) {
return res.send(err);
res.json({success:true, message: 'Armor updated!' });
Resource Factory:
swtorGear.factory('armoringFactory', ['$resource', function ($resource) {
return $resource('http://localhost:8080/api/armors/:id', {}, {
update: { method: 'PUT', params: {id: '#_id'}},
delete: { method: 'DELETE', headers: {'Content-type': 'application/json'}, params: {id: '#_id'}}
Route for editing:
.when('/edit/armor/id/:id', {
templateUrl: 'views/modelViews/newArmor.html',
controller: 'editArmorCtrl',
resolve: {
armoring: ['$route', 'armoringFactory', function($route, armoringFactory){
return armoringFactory.get({ id: $route.current.params.id}).$promise;
Contoller (just the save method, the first part of the controller populates the form with existing data):
$scope.save = function(id) {
$scope.armor.itemStats = [
$scope.armor.itemRoles = '';
if($scope.armor.role.tank) {
$scope.armor.itemRoles += 'tank';
if($scope.armor.role.healer) {
if($scope.armor.itemRoles != '') {
$scope.armor.itemRoles += ',healer';
} else {
$scope.armor.itemRoles += 'healer';
if($scope.armor.role.dps) {
if($scope.armor.itemRoles != '') {
$scope.armor.itemRoles += ',dps';
} else {
$scope.armor.itemRoles += 'dps';
.then(function(resp) {
if(resp.success) {
var message = resp.message;
Flash.create('success', message, 'item-success');
$scope.armors = armoringFactory.query();
} else {
var message = resp.message;
Flash.create('success', message, 'item-success');
Formatted data being sent via PUT method (from console.log($scope.armor) ):
Error on save:
I haven't seen nesting schemas in the way that you're doing it. Here's something to try (hard to say if this is it for sure, there's a lot going on):
var armoringSchema = new Schema({
itemType: String,
itemClass: String,
itemRoles: String,
itemLevel: Number,
itemName: String,
itemRating: Number,
itemStats: [{
name: String,
value: Number
Also we need to pass in an object to $update instead of just a number. Change $scope.armor.$update(id) to $scope.armor.$update({id: id}).
I have a FirefoxOS device and I am trying to create an application to manage the contacts. I am unable to get the contacts both from the Device and the Simulator (both have 1.3 version)
Following is my code (taken from the help):
var cursor = navigator.mozContacts.getAll({});
cursor.onsuccess = function() {
if (cursor.result) {
console.log("Got contact with name: " + cursor.result.name.join(" "));
} else {
cursor.onerror = function() {
alert("Error getting contacts");
console.log( cursor );
Following is the segment from my manifest file:
"permissions": {
"storage": {
"description": "Required for storing data"
"contacts": {
"description": "Needed to access the contacts",
"access": "readonly"
It always falls to the onerror function. Need help.
Did you set in the manifest:
"type": "privileged",
Otherwise please post the the value of cursor.error when it fails.