Re-gain user authorization after scope change in Google App Engine - google-app-engine

I have a GAE app that requires end user credential to call Google Cloud APIs. I use the oauth2 decorator and it worked well in my first version. However, in my second version, I added another scope so that I can call another Cloud API.
I changed my codes and re-deployed the app. However, the web app didn't ask me to re-authorize, and I got the 403 response with the message: "Request had insufficient authentication scopes." My teammate tested the app for me, and she was asked to authorize the correct new scope, so I guess the problem the app is still using the old scope for me.
How could I make the app re-prompt the consent form?

I got my answer from a coworker. Wanna post it here if any one needs it.
"A user can revoke access by visiting Account Settings".


Google Appengine Remote API auth

I've been using the remote API for google appengine for a couple years. Several months ago I updated to the Oauth2 authorization approach as documented here and everything has worked fine for months.
Today I ran into the following error
Exception in thread "main" 401 Unauthorized
You must be logged in as an administrator, or access from an approved application.
I don't understand what changed or how to resolve it. I've made sure that I'm logged in with the correct account by using the following command.
gcloud auth login
Which successfully logs me in.
The account that I use to login, is a google apps account which I suspect is the problem. I think the integration of google apps accounts with appengine has changed based on this old, but seemingly related question.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
I had to use a account instead of my Google app account. It looks like changes are being made to google app accounts to move functionality into the Google cloud platform.
Although I have things working again, I would prefer to use my username and password associated with by app domain and it's not clear how to do that.
I had a myriad of problems, then switched from my Google Apps (Dasher) account to my #gmail account, and everything worked.
I suspect (but can't prove) that this is related to the turndown of ClientLogin on 12-Apr-2016.

How to allow mobile apps to login with Facebook and Google to access web service on GAE?

This is in relation to my other question about the need to create a Facebook app.
I've been reading a lot about how to best approach login for mobile apps users (iOS and Android) that access my web service running on Google App Engine. I'm still not clear how to best do it as I would like to offer login with both Google and Facebook. The app and the web service does nothing with Facebook or Google other than I would like to piggyback on their login.
Having only login with Google for GAE is very easy and the same goes for using OpenIDConnect. Facebook unfortunately does not support this.
Reading an old question here on SO where someone wanted to do the same as I it looks like the app should do Facebook Login and then get a token that it passes to my backend which needs to be validated by contacting Facebook. Is this how to do it today?
I also found Google Identity Toolkit, which seem to be what I need. However, I do not have a website or just apps. I would need to have the apps do the Facebook login and somehow provide my web service with something so it can validate the login info.
Later on an app user should be able to log in using randomly Facebook, Google and my custom username/password. The app and the web service should know the user is logged in and authorize it to access the REST API.
How do I accomplish this? BTW, I'm using Go on GAE.
I would really appreciate if someone could explain if there are several options how to do this, pros and cons, and provide an overview of the best approach and what needs to be done.
Many thanks for any help with this!
OK, thanks a lot everyone for the help and pointers. I have successfully run the quickstart sample app for iOS for my GAE backend. Basically, created a Facebook app and permissions credentials on my web service on GAE so that the sample iOS app can log in.
A bit of a gap still before I have an authenticated user in the datastore and can authorize successive API calls.
Main open questions at this point:
how to get the gtoken in the iOS app after successful Facebook or Google login?
should I explicitly call an API on my web service to pass in the gtoken or is this somehow automatic with Gitkit API enabled?
Thanks for any help!
To answer #1 and #2 myself, there's a "successful sign-in url" that can be given in the app engine config so the app knows where to call with the gtoken. Then after that it's like explained in the answers.
Looks like you have an app and a backend on GAE.
If you are using google identity toolkit, it will allow you to signin with Facebook, Google, and email/password.
When user successfully signs in to your app using identity toolkit, your server should receive a gtoken. You have two options here:
Pass the gtoken to your app and save it there. When your app makes API calls to your backend, you app should attach the gtoken to every request. Your backend should verify the gtoken( for every API that needs authorization.
Verify the gtoken, generate a token that your backend can recognize/identify the user. Then pass the token to your app and everything else is the same as option 1.
If you do not want to use identity toolkit, you can implement facebook login on your app/backend and use facebook token to communicate between your app and backend.
Whatever your decision is, apps that use your API should pass you something that your backend can recognize/authorize the user.
The answer is about using Google Identity Toolkit (GIT). GIT itself is an identity provider, which would be integrated with your apps and backend. The flow works along these lines:
your app requests login via its GIT API
GIT will perform the federated login with Facebook or other 3rd party provider (transparent to your app) and returns a GIT token to the app (representing a unique user from your end-to-end system perspective, i.e. apps plus backend)
the app makes a request to the backend in which it passes the GIT token
the backend verifies the GIT token validity (using this go GIT client API, for example) and from it can extract the identity of the user and thus validate the request
You can find more detailed info about the backend token validation in the backent endpoint doc, look for these sections in particular:
Understanding the Identity Toolkit cookie/token
Getting information for users
Now the actual token validation on the backend may take a few seconds, so it might not be practical to do it for each and every REST request from the app. If so you'd need to somehow:
save the info that the user of that specific app instance is
authenticated in something like a "session" managed between your app and the backend
map a specific REST request received by the backend to a specific such authenticated "session"
But I'm not sure how exactly is this "session" functionality done in the apps+backend context, I didn't write any apps yet.

How to Authenticate user, password with Google App Engine + Java?

I need to authenticate user email and password with Google. I am using App Engine + Java environment. Is there any provision in Google APIs ?
currently i am using
ContactService client = new ContactService ("yourCompany-yourAppName-v1");
client.setUserCredentials("", "pa$$word");
I need to replace this Google APIs. I need to authenticate user with Google not application.
Please suggest me how can i do this.
In your last comment you say that the google username and password is entered in the client and validated in the server. That is NOT possible, google has deprecated the ability of an app to capture the password and thats excellent.
The only way to do this is with oauth2, BUT addionally you need to pass a special parameter &max_auth_age=0.
At this point this question is basically a duplicate of this: No prompt for re-authentication with OAUth2. Why and how to force it? however I didnt mark duplicate because yours is a different situation.
Explaining oauth in detail is not part of this answer as its explained well in the official documentation and many guides. Do not use the built-in appengine userService. Instead configure appengine pages so they are all public and on top implement oauth2, for example using the existing google+ javascript signin libraries (thou not sure if those let you set the max_auth_age parameter. If not, you need to roll your own oauth2 "client side 3-legged" flow. In that flow, the client will see the google login page every time, and after the client-side flow finishes, the client will end up with an access token which is what it sends to the server to validate that the user entered the correct username and password. If you include the correct scope ( scope) then the server can use that access token to ask google the username that generated the token, thus you have validated that the client did login to google and you know their email.
But you will NOT receive the password. Just enough info to authenticate the user.
The question isn't very clear, I'll try to respond in two way.
1) Authenticate users on appengine with custom username and password.
To do that you need the "classic" way, I suggest you to use a framework like Spring with his module "spring-security", take a look at this sample.
2) Authenticate users on appengine with Google Account.
This is the best way I think, you only need to follow this guide.

Python GAE app using 2-legged OAuth and 3-legged OAuth at same time

I'm coding a Python - Google App Engine application. There are 2 important things this app must do:
Write in user's calendar.
Write in user's profile (working with users in a Google Apps domain)
First operation is easy. If I understood OAuth, this is the classical 3-legged scenario. The scenario for which OAuth was originally developed. The logged user provides credentials to the client (my app) to access the user's data (calendar) on his/her behalf. So, this can be done just with the logged user's credentials.
Second operation is not so easy. It can't be done with just the logged user's credentials. This is a 2-legged OAuth scenario. So, I need to delegate in a Google Apps domain admin's account to access the users's profiles using Google Profiles API (via google data library). So far, I hardcode admin user/password in a json file, and my app loads that file. But that sounds kind of dirty for me.
At the end, my app needs to handle the classical 3-legged OAuth scenario (no problem, just need the logged user's credentials) plus a 2-legged OAuth scenario (need administrator credentials).
Is there any official or more elegant way to handle both scenarios in Google App Engine, working with Google Apps domain, that hardcoding admin credentials?
Many thanks in advance
AFAIK there is no way to authorize a write operation to Google Contacts Data API using 2-legged OAuth.
Google's documentation specifies which APIs are accessible via 2-legged OAuth, but it seems that someone at Google's forgot to specify that some of them are read-only :-S
Some people had the same problem here and here.
I look forward someone at Google to fix this. Until then, harcoding admin-level credentials is the only option I know that it works. I don't like it at all: it's dirty but effective. If someone knows a more elegant zen-level way, please illuminate us!

How is the user authentication with Google accounts working inside the GAE technically

Applications that run inside the Google App Engine can use Google Accounts for user authentication. I already used this feature and it works great. I just want to know how this is working. Is there a HTTP cookie created? How can an application inside the GAE see that a user is logged in?
The AppEngine SDK takes care of the details for you, but essentially it generates the equivalent of an OAuth request to the Google Account service. All interactions with the login process go through the Google Account service (and thus the cookies it uses for session tracking are not available to the individual app).
