What is the Flux Standard Action convention for structuring a payload? - reactjs

I want to use the Flux Standard Action standard to write the actions for my Redux app, and I'm unsure how the payload itself should be structured. The example given on the Flux Standard Action github repo is:
type: 'ADD_TODO',
payload: {
text: 'Do something.'
Now what if I'm passing multiple pieces of information in my payload? In a simple todo app for example, say my payload passes a todo object (rather than just the todo's text in the above). I'm unsure whether it should be structured like this:
type: 'ADD_TODO',
payload: {
title: 'Do something.',
priority: 'HIGH',
completed: false
Or whether a todo object should be nested inside the payload, like this:
type: 'ADD_TODO',
payload: {
todo: {
title: 'Do something.',
priority: 'HIGH',
completed: false
It looks like the difference is whether the payload is meant to BE or to CONTAIN the data consumed by the reducers. Put another way, whether my reducers should expect a certain type of data as the payload (the payload IS a todo object), or whether they should specify what they're getting out of the payload (the payload CONTAINS a todo object).

In computing and telecommunications, the payload is the part of
transmitted data that is the actual intended message. The payload
excludes any headers or metadata sent solely to facilitate payload
As per above quote, payload should be just the data your reducer looks for. something like,
type: 'ADD_TODO',
payload: {
title: 'Do something.',
priority: 'HIGH',
completed: false
Your reducer would generate the new state based on the action which you pass and our action is responsible to tell the reducer that what needs to be done.
When your reducer gets an FS Action which has type: 'ADD_TODO' , it knows that it has to add a todo and the todo is with payload property.
So it is explicit that your actions payload would be a todo. It is not necessary to tell that what is there in the payload. Because the FSA itself tells that this action contains a payload which is of type todo.


What's the best way to work with a relational firestore model?

I followed this video on the best practices for creating flat databases with firestore: Converting SQL structures to Firebase structures
I came up with something that looks like this:
const firestore = {
events: {
eventID: { // Doc
description: "Event Description", // Field
title: "Event Title", // Field
eventComments: { // Collection
eventID: { // Doc
comments: { // Field
commentID1: true, // Value
commentID2: true, // Value
commentID3: true, // Value
comments: { // Collection
commentID1: { // Doc
createdAt: "Timestamp", // Field
createdBy: "uid", // Field
content: "Comment Body" // Field
commentID2: {...},
commentID3: {...},
I'm not sure what the best way to get the related data is however
I'm using react and react-redux-firestore to access the data. My current setup for the app looks like this
<Comment />
<Comment />
<Comment />
I've come up with two potential methods...
Method 1
I have useFirestoreConnect in each component. The top level gets the event and passes the eventID to the comments component, the comments component uses the eventID to get the eventComments list which passes the individual commentID for each comment to the comment component, then finally the individual comment component uses the commentID to get the relevant comment data.
My issue with this: Wouldn't this mean that there is a listener for the event, comment list, and every individual comment? Is that frowned upon?
EX: This would be in the event, the comments, and comment component but each with respective values
useFirestoreConnect(() => [
{collection: 'events', doc: eventID},
const event = useSelector(({firestore: {data}}) => data.events && data.events[eventID]);
Method 2
Let's say I have a list of events, I can do a query to get the lists
useFirestoreConnect(() => [{
collection: 'events',
orderBy: ["createdAt", "desc"],
limitTo: 10
const events = useSelector(({ firestore: { ordered } }) => ordered.events);
This is great because I believe it's one listener but if any of the data is changed in any of the events the listener will still respond to the changes.
My issue with this: I don't know how to do a where clause that would return all events for a given list of IDs.
So like say if I wanted to get a list of events with where: ['id', '==', ['eventID1', 'eventID2', 'eventID3']]
To retrieve up to 10 items by their ID, you can use an in query:
.where('id', 'in', ['eventID1', 'eventID2', 'eventID3'])
If you have more than 10 IDs, you'll have to run multiple of these queries.

Why do I get TypeError: _this.data.forEach is not a function

I am trying to retrieve data from the backend. These are the relevant parts of my code:
API call
return this.httpClient.get(`${this.prefix}/<xyz>/${PrimaryId}/xyz`) as Observable<DataDto[]>
Component TypeScript
onRetrieveClicked() {
(xyz: DataDto[]) => {
this.xyz = xyz
First console.log output
{content: Array(1), pageable: {…}, totalPages: 1, totalElements: 1, last: true, …}
content: Array(1)
0: {name: max, name: null, asset: null, …}
length: 1
But when I try to print only the name in the second console, it says that forEach is not a function. How can I solve this
Dto model
export interface DataDto {
name: string
asset: abcDto
status: StatusDto
tasks: efgDto[]
nextDate: string
The xyz variable that you type as DataDto[], an array, is actually an object. This can be seen in your console.log, an array would be enclosed in [], not {}
is an object --> {
content: Array(1), pageable: {…}, totalPages: 1, totalElements: 1, last: true, …}
content: Array(1)
0: {name: max, name: null, asset: null, …}
length: 1
The data you are looking for is most likely the response object's content so add an import for import {map} from 'rxjs/operators'; and transform the data you've gotten from the response:
map((xyzResponse: any) => xyzResponse.content)
(xyz: DataDto[]) => {
this.xyz = xyz;
let dataNames = xyz.map(data => data.name);
I've typed xyzResponse as any but you could ofcourse create a reusable type for it if the API always returns the object with content, pageable, totalPages, ...
Rxjs is the library that Angular uses to handle asynchronous programming, such as HTTP calls or component events. Rxjs chains asynchronous manipulations together in a pipe (hence the .pipe call). Inside of this pipe rxjs expects a chain of operators that will perform operations on the asynchronous data, one by one. The map operator takes the input value and returns a new value so that the value you subscribe to has been transformed from the HTTP response to the .content field of the HTTP response.
Working in this way fixes all TypeScript compiler errors and allows you to chain additional calls later, like retrying if the API times out, or catching errors, or merging in other HTTP calls.
It seems that your this.xyz is not an array, but has an array property called content, you should modify your response object in order to accept it.
You can check if your objects are arrays with the following method
Update your code to this.
(xyz: NewObject) => {
this.xyz = xyz
//If you have doubts of what is comming is nice to check if your property is an array
if(Array.isArray(this.xhy.content) {
console.log(this.xyz.content.forEach((data)=>data.name) });
Create a new object in order to support your response
class NewObject {
content: Array<DataDto>
// other values here
Another approach is like #Robin says in the comment
this.xyzService.getData(this.PrimaryId).subscribe((xyz: {content: DataDto[]}) =>
this.xyz = xyz
//If you have doubts of what is comming is nice to check if your property is an array
if(Array.isArray(this.xhy.content) {
console.log(this.xyz.content.forEach((data)=>data.name) });
It's because you are trying to loop through an object instead of array
I think you can try this:
console.log(this.xyz.content.forEach((data)=>data.name) })

React Redux Store Layout: How to handle "pending" state of "add item" request?

Example store:
todos: {
byId: {
"1": { id: "1", title: "foo" },
"2": { id: "2", title: "bar" }
allIds: ["2", "1"] // ordered by `title` property
Now the user wants to add a new Todo Entry:
payload: { title: "baz" }
This triggers some API request: POST /todos. The state of the request is pending as long as there's no response (success or error). This also means, that I have no id yet for the newly created Todo Entry.
Now I already want to add it to the store (and display it). But of course I can't add it to byId and allIds, because it has no id yet.
Question 1: How should I change the layout of my store to make this possible?
After the response arrives, there are two possibilities:
success: Update the store and set the id property of the new Todo Entry. Using dispatch({type:'ADD_TODO_SUCCESS', payload: response.id}).
error: Remove the new Todo Entry from the store. Using dispatch({type:'ADD_TODO_ERROR', payload: ???})
Now the reducer for those two actions has to somehow find the corresponding element in the store. But it has no identifier.
Question 2: How do I find the item in the store if it has no id?
Additional information:
I'm using react with redux-saga
It should be possible to have multiple concurrent ADD_TODO_REQUEST running at the same time. Though it must be possible to have multiple pending Todo Entries within the store. (For example if the network connection is really slow and the user just enters "title1" and hits the "add" button, then "title2" and "add", "title3" and "add".) Though it's not possible to disable the AddTodo component while a request is pending.
How do you solve these kind of problems within your applications?
EDIT: There's even more:
The same functionality should be available for "updating" and "deleting" Todo Entries:
When the user edits a Todo Entry and then hits the "save" button, the item should be in the pending state, too, until the response arrives. If it's an error, the old version of the data must be put back into the store (without requesting it from the server).
When the user clicks "delete", then the item will disappear immediately. But if the server response is an error, then the item should be put back into the list.
Both actions should restore the previous data, if there's an error respsonse.
I found a simple solution. But I'm sure that there are other possibilities and even better solutions.
Keep the Todo Entries in 2 separate collections:
todos: {
byId: {
"1": { id: "1", title: "foo" },
"2": { id: "2", title: "bar" }
allIds: ["2", "1"],
pendingItems: [
{ title: "baz" },
{ title: "42" }
Now I can find them in the store "by reference".
// handle 'ADD_TODO_REQUEST':
const newTodoEntry = { title: action.payload.title };
yield put({ type: 'ADD_TODO_PENDING', payload: newTodoEntry });
try {
const response = yield api.addTodoEntry(newTodoEntry);
yield put({ type: 'ADD_TODO_SUCCESS', payload: { id: response.id, ref: newTodoEntry } });
} catch(error) {
yield put({ type: 'ADD_TODO_ERROR', payload: newTodoEntry });
The reducer will look like this:
return {
pendingItems: // add action.payload to this array
const newTodoEntry = { ...action.payload.ref, id: action.payload.id };
return {
byId: // add newTodoEntry
allByIds: // add newTodoEntry.id
pendingItems: // remove action.payload.ref from this array
return {
pendingItems: // remove action.payload.ref from this array
There are 2 problems:
The reducer must use the object reference. The reducer is not allowed to create an own object from the action payload of ADD_TODO_PENDING.
The Todo Entries cannot be sorted easily within the store, because there are two distinct collections.
There are 2 workarounds:
Use client side generated uuids which only exist while the items are within the pending state. This way, the client can easily keep track of everything.
a) Add some kind of insertAtIndex property to the pending items. Then the React component code can merge those two collections and display the mixed data with a custom order.
b) Just keep the items separate. For example the list of pending items on top and below that the list of already persisted items from the server database.

Redux updating nested immutable data

I have an issue with updating the immutable redux and quite nested data. Here's an example of my data structure and what I want to change. If anyone could show me the pattern of accessing this update using ES6 and spread operator I would be thankful.
My whole state is an object with projects (key/value pairs - here as an example only one project) that are objects with its own key (and the keys are ids as well), arrays of procedures and inside the tasks:
{ 1503658959473:
{ projectName: "Golden Gate",
projectLocation": "San Francisco",
{ title: "Procedure No. 1",
{name: "task1", isDone: false},
{name: "task2", isDone: false},
{name: "task3", isDone: false}
What I'm willing to do is to update one single task 'isDone' property to 'true'. It's some kind of toggling the tasks. How can I return this state with that information updated?
The action creator pass this information to reducer:
export function toggleTask(activeProject, task, taskIndex) {
return {
payload: {
You've run into a common issue with Redux. The docs recommend that you flatten your data structure to make it easier to work with, but if that's not what you want to do, I'd refer to this part of their docs.
Because both Object.assign() and the ...spread operator create shallow copies, you must go through each level of nest in your object and re-copy it.
Your code might look something like this...
function updateVeryNestedField(state, action) {
return {
procedures : {
tasks : {
return tasks.map((task, index) => {
if (index !== action.taskIndex) {
return task
return {
task.isDone: !task.isDone
I myself would create a new class called ProjectModel, which has a public method toggleTask that is able to update its task's status. The reducer state would be an object whose keys are project IDs and values are ProjectModel instances.

ReactJS: where to put validation logic in a form with "nested" composite components?

I'm new to ReactJS and am unsure about the best place to put validation logic that is needed both by nested child components in my form, and the overall "parent" form component itself. Here is a over-simplified example that illustrates my question...
I have a object like this that represents a pet owner:
name: 'Jon Arbuckle',
pets: [
{ name: 'Odie', type: 'dog' },
{ name: 'Garfield', type: 'cat' }
I'm using a composite component called <PetOwnerForm> to render a form for editing this data. <PetOwnerForm> renders something like this:
<input type="text" value={name} />
<PetList value={petOwner.pets} />
<PetList> is a composite component that renders this:
<PetListItem value={this.props.value[i]} /> // Render this for each pet...
// buttons for adding/deleting pets
<PetListItem> renders something like this:
<input type="text" value={this.props.value.name} />
<PetTypePicker value={this.props.value.type} />
Lastly, <PetTypePicker> renders a <select> with <option>s for pet types.
<PetTypePicker> needs to know how to validate the selected type so it can display an inline error message (e.g., ensure that a value is selected).
However, <PetOwnerForm> also needs to know how to validate the pet type because it needs to know how to validate the entire object (on load, each time the form is updated, and before submitting the data back to the server). If any field is invalid, the "Save" button should be disabled.
So where, for example, should the "is a valid pet type selected?" logic go? (Bear in mind that this is a trivial example; in reality I have many fields like this and nested composite components).
The options I see so far are:
A) Replicate the validation logic for pet type (or whatever field) both in <PetOwnerForm> and <PetTypePicker>. This might just be a matter of calling the same, shared validation function in both places:
validate(petOwnerObj) {
Util.isPetTypeValid(petOwnerObj.pets[i]) // for each pet
// validate the other properties in petOwnerObj...
validate(petType) {
B) Use custom PetOwner, Pet, and PetType models that have their own validators. This way you can always ask a model to validate itself, regardless of where it is. Maybe this would look something like this:
name: { value: 'Jon Arbuckle', isValid: ()=>{...} },
pets: [
name: { value: 'Garfield', isValid: ()=>{...} },
type: { value: 'cat', isValid: ()=>{...} }
C) Modify PetOwnerForm.js go recurse the pet owner object, validating each value, and setting an 'errors' property that child components can reference, resulting in an object like this:
name: { value: 'Jon Arbuckle asdfasdfasdf^^', errors: ['Too many characters', 'Contains invalid character']] },
pets: [
name: { value: '', errors: ['Required value missing'] },
type: { value: 'tree', errors: ['Invalid pet type'] }
Which option is recommended for React apps (or is there another option)?
It's a nice elaborate question. This question is not specific to ReactJS applications. It applies to all frameworks that follow component model.
Following are my recommendations:
Differentiate between action driven validation and data format validation.
Low level components are aware of data format they accept, so they must validate for it. For example, postal-code, email, phone, SSN etc have fixed formats and their corresponding components must validate for the right input format.
Low level components are not aware of actions being performed on the overall data. For example, selection of pet-owner-type can be mandatory for "create" pet-owner action but can be optional for "save draft" action. So, low level components which are not aware of end action must not perform action driven validations.
Action driven validation must be performed by the higher level component aware of action, for example PetOwnerForm. Such validation result must be notified to low level components so that they can display appropriate errors. Every low level component must have an error state to support it.
