Setting start index to loop in AngularJS - angularjs

I am developing a Web application using AngularJS. I am having a problem to use for loop in the html in AngularJS way. See my scenario below.
In AngularJS, we normally loop ng-repeat like this
<li ng-repeat="item in items">{{ }}</li>
But what I want to do is I want to set the start index for loop. In JavaScript, it is going to look like this.
for(var i=3;i<items.length;i++)
//do something
As you can see, I set the start index(i) to 3. But how can I embed the code in html in AngularJS way? What I want is something like setting start index to ng-repeat. Is it possible to do that?

If you use JavaScript's Array.slice function, you won't need to invoke Angular functions.
<li ng-repeat="item in items.slice(3)">{{ }}</li>

ng-repeat="item in myItems" ng-if="$index>=3"

<li data-ng-repeat="item in items | limitTo: (startIndex - items.length)">
This will work.


ng-repeat and ng-click not playing well

<li ng-repeat="item in data" ng-click="myFunc('{{ }}')">
I can't seem to get ng-click to pass the varible value of It actually sends:
{{ }}
An example in Plunker:
In the console it looks ok, but doesn't actually work:
ng-click is actually an angularjsexpression, so you should be able to set it as ng-click='myFunc('. This will pass the actual value of rather than trying to pass the string value of the raw text as your current implementation is doing.
<li ng-repeat="item in data" ng-click="myFunc(">{{}}
Because item is an object.
Explanation about the results in the console, in your scenario:
Always: {{}} It will print the value, this is why you see in the console:
<li ng-repeat="item in data" ng-click="myFunc('Apple')" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Apple
Because you have in your page:
<li ng-repeat="item in data" ng-click="myFunc('{{ }}')">{{}}
ng-click is actually an angular directive not an expression, you need to give brackets when you are passing value to the expression but you do not need to use brackets when you pass values to directive.

How to iterate through an array of arrays in JSON using ng-repeat?

I am trying to iterate over a JSON object userTypes.
For the below code:
In the 1st ng-repeat:
{{user.type}} outputs 'Parent'(as expected),
{{user.options}} outputs '[{"option1":"11QWERT","option2":"22QWERT"}]'(as expected).
But in the 2nd ng-repeat, I am not able to iterate through the user.options and output each of the {{options}}
What should be changed to get the option1 and option2 as the outputs in 2nd ng-repeat ?
JS snippet
var userTypes = [{
"type": 'Parent',
"options": [{
"option1": "11QWERT",
"option2": "22QWERT"
HTML snippet
<li ng-repeat="user in userTypes">
<li ng-repeat="option in user.options">
Replace your child <li> with <ul> and then you can iterate user.options like so:
<li ng-repeat="user in userTypes">
<ul ng-repeat="(key, value) in user.options[0]">
<p>{{key}}: {{value}}</p>
Or if your options may include more then one object:
<li ng-repeat="user in userTypes">
<ul ng-repeat="option in user.options">
<li ng-repeat="(key, value) in option">{{key}}: {{value}}</li>
If you don't need object keys:
<ul ng-repeat="option in user.options">
<li ng-repeat="item in option">{{item}}</li>
Extended explanation:
In your example you have <li> tag inside another <li>:
<li ng-repeat="user in userTypes">
<li ng-repeat="option in user.options">
Since it is not a valid HTML browser will interprets this markup to following:
<li ng-repeat="user in userTypes">
<li ng-repeat="option in user.options">
Since ng-repeat creates new scope for each iteration you can't access user variable in second ng-repeat and iterator wouldn't run.
For this exact JSON input it should be like this:
<li ng-repeat="option in user.options">
However as you said you want non fixed number of options, update your JSON to be like this:
And then your code should work as you wanted it.
You can add each new element to list with simple coma before it.
Since user.options is an array you should loop it again. By doing that you will get an object, with that object you can access your options1 and option2 easily.
please refer working plunker:
see through the code if you have any doubt.
Hope this helps
A little aside, but just found out you can render a valid list HTML using ng-repeat-start/end in combination with ng-if="false" for the given array of arrays to flatten them:
<script ng-repeat-start="user in userTypes" ng-if="false"></script>
<li ng-repeat="item in user.options">{{item}}</li>
<script ng-repeat-end="" ng-if="false"></script>
Just access the propertie of the option object in the second ng-repeat. Like option.option1
You should probably make your user.options an object and not an array containing a single object.
Note the difference between these:
You can then iterate the options with an ng-repeat like discussed here:
<li ng-repeat="(key, value) in user.options">
<p>{{ key }}: {{ value }}</p>

How to ng-repeat over array with arrays as elements?

I have a array like this:
$scope.sortable = [["inProgressCounter","31"],["approvedCounter","3"],["pendingCounter","35"],["rejectedCounter","0"]]
I need to show them with ng-repeat my code is:
<li ng-repeat="info in sortable">{{info[0]}}{{info[1]}}</li>
but it gives me nothing.
so I also tried print the data out in html like this:
<li ng-repeat="info in sortable">{{info[0]}}{{info[1]}}</li>
it works,and shows me the data.
Here is a plunker of this working. This was all using the code you provided.
There must be something wrong with your controller, or you arent even assigning a controller to anything.

AngularJS: $index lost with filter?

I'm new to AngularJS so please be kind to me.. :-P
So I'm looping twice with ng-repeat as in this example:
<li ng-repeat="b in aMSG">
<li ng-repeat="c in b.x"><a ng-click="getM($parent.$index,$index)" href="#">{{}}</a></i>
See the fiddle:
But when I apply a filter to search for text within the children:
<li ng-repeat="b in aMSG">
<input type="text" ng-model="search" placeholder="Search for?">
<li ng-repeat="c in b.x|filter:search"><a ng-click="getM($parent.$index,$index)" href="#">{{}}</a></i>
The $index is lost as you can see here:
(search for instance for juice then click on it you'll see $index = 0)
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you!
P.S: Sorry for my poor english.
Never use $index for any kind of logic. It can be used for managing CSS classes only. It's a highly volatile variable and will be changed after any change in source array (deletion, re-ordering), so $index is not bind to element of array, but only to position of some element in current view rendering.

How to reverse an array in angular js without creating a filter

I am having an array in controller as follows
function FooController($scope) {
$scope.items = ["a","b","c"];
I used ng-repeat to show the data in items,
<div ng-app>
<div ng-controller="FooController">
<ul ng-repeat="item in items">
I got the result as a,b,c order. I want to show it in reverse order. that means c,b,a without changing its order in the controller or without creating a filter. How to do that?
Check this link
I faced the same problem, but with an array of objects. This quick solution worked for me, but using the filter is still the best practice.
<li data-ng-repeat="item in data.slice().reverse()">
In order to avoid the writting of a custom filter, I suggest you to use this syntax :
<ul ng-repeat="item in items | orderBy:'-toString()'">
The documentation assume you sort an array of Objects but in your case there are just plain strings.
Wrap the strings in objects and use orderBy or create a new filter:
.filter("reverse", function(){
return function(items){
return items.slice().reverse(); // Create a copy of the array and reverse the order of the items
And use it like this:
<ul ng-repeat="item in items|reverse">
Updated fiddle (I've also updated the ng-app directive so it's passed the "app" module.)
