SQL Server not escape \ CR LF - sql-server

I have a table with column type text. In this column save for parameters, one per line.
My problem if parameters ends with "\" because path name, when saving data, SQL Server remove CR LF, leaving two parameters per line.
With have SQL Server not clear "CR LF" after "\"?
Aditional info
create table TEST ( Ini text);
insert into TEST values
insert into TEST values
select * from TEST;
First Insert return
Second Insert return

Apparently this is by design to allow for better readability of long strings in SSMS (or whatever client).
Breaks a long string constant into two or more lines for readability.
You can get around it by putting a space after your \
select 'Path=C:\Transfer\
Explicitly concatenating the new line separately
select 'Path=C:\Transfer\'+ '
Doubling up on everything (thanks #TT)
select 'Path=C:\Transfer\\
See this answer as well.


Remove lines recursively from a SQL TEXT column

I have a SQL Text column which has a block of text and has multiple lines which are not relevant and I need to remove only those lines.
Example - This is all one column value:
Header_ID askdjfhklasjdhfklajhfwoi fhweiohrognfk
SECTION_ID asdfhkwjehfi efjhewiu1382204 3904834
SECTION_ID deihefgjkahf dfjsdhfkl edfashldfkljh
So basically I need to remove all lines which are starting with Header_ID and Section_ID and the output Text i need is just
The only thing constant about these lines is the first word it starts with and depending on that I need to remove the whole line.
Here is a solution. Details about how it works are below. Note this solution needs MSSQL 2017+ to work.
-- Place the raw string value as varchar data in a variable so it is convenient to work with:
declare #rawValue varchar(max) = 'Header_ID askdjfhklasjdhfklajhfwoi fhweiohrognfk
SECTION_ID asdfhkwjehfi efjhewiu1382204 3904834
SECTION_ID deihefgjkahf dfjsdhfkl edfashldfkljh';
-- Perform multiple operations on the raw value and save the result to another variable:
declare #convertedValue varchar(max) =
select string_agg(value, char(13) + char(10))
from string_split(#rawValue, char(10))
where value not like 'header_id%' and value not like 'section_id%'
-- Display converted value.
select #convertedValue;
The magic begins with the string_split() function which produces a table value. It detects the line feed character, char(10), and splits the multi-line string into a table with each line from the string in a separate row.
Next, we filter out the rows from the table that we don't want. These rows begin with the known substrings header_id and section_id. This is accomplished in the where clause.
Lastly, for the output, we use string_agg() and aggregate the remaining rows (the lines we do want) back into a string with the individual values delimited by a combination of the carriage return char(13) and line feed char(10) characters.
Since I am using SQL Server 2016 and not 2017 what i did to resolve the issue was First break all the data into multiple rows(Cross apply with the Split function) using the delimiter as CHAR(13) and then taking only rows that did not start with Header_ID, Section_ID etc and using stuff again built the text block.
Thanks again #otto for the resolution.

How to strip characters out of Temp Table after Bulk Insert

I am trying to remove some very annoying inline characters from my .csv file. I need to strip out ! CR LF because these are junking up my import. I have a proc to try to get rid of the crap but it doesn't seem to work. Here's the code:
SimpleData nvarchar(MAX)
BULK INSERT #Cleanup from '**********************\myimport.csv'
SELECT * FROM #Cleanup
DECLARE #ReplVar nvarchar(MAX)
SET #ReplVar = CONCAT(char(33),char(10),char(13),char(32))
UPDATE #Cleanup SET SimpleData = replace([SimpleData], #ReplVar,'') from #Cleanup
SELECT * FROM #Cleanup
My plan is if the goofy line break gets removed, the second select should not have it in there. The text looks like
js5t,1599,This is this and that is t!
when that line should read
js5t,1599,This is this and that is that,asdf,15426
See my quandary? Once the sequential characters !crlfsp are removed, I will take that temp table and feed it into the working one.
Edit to show varbinary data:
#seagulledge, in a comment on the question, is correct, or at least partially correct, in stating that the CHAR(10) and CHAR(13) are out of order. A carriage-return (CR) is CHAR(13) and a line-feed (LF) is CHAR(10).
HOWEVER, the main thing preventing this from working is not the order of those two characters: it is the simple fact that the newlines -- whether they are \r\n or just \n -- are in the incoming CSV file, and hence the BULK INSERT command is assuming that the newlines are separating input rows (which makes sense for it to do). This can be seen looking at the VARBINARY output in the question. There are two rows of output, both starting with 0x.
This problem can only be solved by fixing the incoming CSV file prior to calling BULK INSERT. That way the erroneously embedded newlines will be removed such that each row imports as a single row into the temp table.

sql loader- files with carriage return, line feed load into oracle with cr/lf

I have data extract from sql server where data in most columns have carriage return and line feeds. I need to load them into oracle with the carriage return and line feed; basically I have to mirror the data form sql server 2012 to oracle 11g.
below is the sample of my extract file
[#BOR#][#EOC#]109[#EOC#]4[#EOC#]testdata_Duplicate[#EOC#]testdata_Duplicate from chat[#EOC#]this
carriage return field[#EOC]test2[#EOR#]
Here [#EOC#] is column delimiter, [#EOR#] is row delimiter. [#BOR#] indicates the beginning of row. Initially my loads failed to due to blank lines in the flat file(data extract). Then I used [#BOR#] with continueIf preserve clause so that sqlldr will not treat blank lines(cr/lf) as physical row.
with [#BOR#] as a filler column my load works fine but carriage return or line feed are not loaded into oracle tables.
My ctl file is as below
load data
CONTINUEIF NEXT preserve (1:7) <> "[#BOR#]"
into table sch1.tbl1
fields terminated by '[#EOC#]'
trailing nullcols (
field filler,
a_id integer external,
h_id integer external,
title char(128),
descn char(4000),
risk char(4000),
comment char(4000) terminated by '[#EOR#]')
In oracle sch1.tbl1 table column risk has data as 'this is carriage return field' instead of
carriage return field'
I tried to replace char(10) with string [#crlf#] and use replace function in ctl like as below
load data
CONTINUEIF NEXT preserve (1:7) <> "[#BOR#]"
into table sch1.tbl1
fields terminated by '[#EOC#]'
trailing nullcols (
field filler,
a_id integer external,
h_id integer external,
title char(128),
descn char(4000),
risk char(4000) "replace(:risk,[#crlf#],chr(10))"
comment char(4000) terminated by '[#EOR#]')
the sql loader errors out stating SQL*Loader-309: No SQL string allowed as part of field specification; I believe because my columns are CLOB data type I am not able to use replace function.
Please help me to load data from sql server with cr/lnFeed into oracle tables using sqlloader. Thank you in advance.
Here is the solution that works for me.
Instead of replacing the carriage return/line feed(cr/lf) in the extracted flat file with [#crlf#] I retain the cr/lf in the extracted data file.
And then I changed my ctl file to handle the cr/lf with INFILE Clause with file name and " str '\n' ". For Unix env we need \n where in for windows we can use either \n or \r\n.
see below
load data INFILE 'filename.dat' "str '\n'"
CONTINUEIF NEXT preserve (1:7) <> "[#BOR#]"
into table sch1.tbl1
fields terminated by '[#EOC#]'
trailing nullcols (
field filler,
a_id integer external,
h_id integer external,
title char(128),
descn char(4000),
risk char(4000),
comment char(4000) terminated by '[#EOR#]')
I tested it and data loaded with cr\lf.. I need to do more detailed testing, as of now I have tested one table I have many more.
Meanwhile if any one has better solution I would be more than happy to try it out.

How can I use LTRIM/RTRIM to search and replace leading/trailing spaces?

I'm in the process of trying to clear out leading and trailing spaces from an NVARCHAR(MAX) column that is filled with prices (using NVARCHAR due to data importing from multiple operating systems with odd characters).
At this point I have a t-sql command that can remove the leading/trailing spaces from static prices. However, when it comes to leveraging this same command to remove all prices, I'm stumped.
Here's the static script I used to remove a specific price:
UPDATE *tablename* set *columnname* = LTRIM(RTRIM(2.50)) WHERE cost = '2.50 ';
Here's what I've tried to remove all the trailing spaces:
UPDATE *tablename* set *columnname* LIKE LTRIM(RTRIM('[.]')) WHERE cost LIKE '[.] ';
I've also tried different varations of the % for random characters but at this point I'm spinning my wheels.
What I'm hoping to achieve is to run one simple command that takes off all the leading and trailing spaces in each cell of this column without modifying any of the actual column data.
To remove spaces from left/right, use LTRIM/RTRIM. What you had
UPDATE *tablename*
SET *columnname* = LTRIM(RTRIM(*columnname*));
would have worked on ALL the rows. To minimize updates if you don't need to update, the update code is unchanged, but the LIKE expression in the WHERE clause would have been
UPDATE [tablename]
SET [columnname] = LTRIM(RTRIM([columnname]))
WHERE 32 in (ASCII([columname]), ASCII(REVERSE([columname])));
Note: 32 is the ascii code for the space character.
To remove spaces... please use LTRIM/RTRIM
The String parameter that is passed to the functions can be a column name, a variable, a literal string or the output of a user defined function or scalar query.
SELECT LTRIM(' spaces at start')
SELECT RTRIM(FirstName) FROM Customers
Read more: http://rockingshani.blogspot.com/p/sq.html#ixzz33SrLQ4Wi
LTrim function and RTrim function :
The LTrim function to remove leading spaces and the RTrim
function to remove trailing spaces from a string variable.
It uses the Trim function to remove both types of spaces.
select LTRIM(RTRIM(' SQL Server '))
SQL Server
I understand this question is for sql server 2012, but if the same scenario for SQL Server 2017 or SQL Azure you can use Trim directly as below:
UPDATE *tablename*
SET *columnname* = trim(*columnname*);
SELECT RTRIM(' Author ') AS Name;
Output will be without any trailing spaces.
‘ Author’
The LTrim function to remove leading spaces and the RTrim function to remove trailing spaces from a string variable.
It uses the Trim function to remove both types of spaces and means before and after spaces of string.

How to escape quotes in strings in vertica (vsql)?

So I need to insert some values into a vertica database (via vsql), which may contain quotes and all sorts of special characters. But vertica does not seem to understand character escaping. For example:
rpt=> select "asdasda\"asdasdad" from some_table limit 1;
rpt"> ";
ERROR: syntax error at or near "" from some_table limit 1;
"" at character 26
LINE 1: select "asdasda\"asdasdad" from some_table limit 1;
This is not the insert statement, but you should get the idea.
Well, first off I should have used single quotes. Escape sequences used to work in earlier versions (before 4.0 I believe), but now they are off by default. If you do not want to tweak database config parameters you have two options.
Use E' syntax:
select E'somethin\' here' from v_catalog.dual_p;
Or double the quotes that need to be escaped:
select 'somethin'' here' from v_catalog.dual_p;
